The only celebrity I've been told that I look like is Tori Amos, which is not something Id say- since I'm asian..I've been told by people that my personality reminds them of Michelle Rodriguez.
They always tell me I look like a guy who was there last week. Even when I wasn't. Even when I insist I wasn't. Even when I go to different cities - guess that guy who looks like me and is there every week got there just before me.
In my younger days I got a lot of Larry Wilcox, the white cop who played opposite Erik Estrada in the '77-'83 CHiPS television series. And an occasional Darrell Winfield, who was the most famous of the Marlboro Man models used in their old ads. I could see Wilcox a bit, but being that Wilcox and Winfield bear no resemblance to each other, both are probably BS.
A few people, Ray Ramono from the show Everybody loves Raymond, the actor Ross from Friends, Jerry Seinfeld and Andy Pettitte (pitcher from the Yankees)
I had a dancer tell me I looked like the night valet the other day. She said it confused her the valet was asking what her name was because she'd already parked her car. This was an actual conversation, and even more spectacular to have seen it live. I called the bartender over to see what they thought. According to the bartender I didn't look anything like the valet. And just like that her prospects of an upstairs VIP were fading fast. I just laughed it off, but that dancer was more embarrassed than the one I saw do a faceplant into a chair this afternoon after she tripped over her own feet.
The one real person I've been told I look like is Abraham Lincoln. As for fictional characters, the reason I use a Shaggy avatar is numerous people, strippers and others alike, say I look like him, or at least did when I was younger. I had one stripper tell me I look like Luke Skywalker. I would love to know what she was on to say that.
last commentMikey, Tommy Lee Jones is one of my favourite actors. He was great in The Fugitive.
It kind of stings but I get over it.
GW is probably more accurate since I've become a real cheep ass since the ATF thing ended
Used to get Chandler from Friends a lot but since the hair started fleeing I havent herad that in a while.
Now I hear Woody Harrelson sometimes.
Escorts and strippers should be paying you for sex.
And I thought I had the swastika craved on my forehead covered with makeup.
I honestly can not see the resemblance whatsoever when I look in a mirror. Maybe because we both have “puppy dog” eyes?
I’ve been told I resemble Kevin McHale several times, and I’m pretty sure that’s not a compliment!
Between the two, probably closer to Aubrey.
Methinks TrollWarnBot just broke character and jumped the shark. But it's not wrong...