
Comments by rockstar666 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I think it means our "president" is starting to lose it.
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    7 years ago
    You can't make this shit up
    Wow...you need to get your news from more sources than just FOX.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    Prostitutes deal with larger samples...lots of black men are "good" customers and some of them are not. Same with white men, so I wouldn't think any black PL is less inclined to pay or not be violent than any white PL. But women in the business have at least the perception that a larger % of black men will be difficult customers than the other races. Not being a prostitute myself I can't say, but I also have noticed significant amount of the "no black men" in the adds. Maybe their perception has a basis for reality? Another aspect that I didn't see mentioned is a LOT of white men are more attracted to a whore who won't fuck a black guy. It might be better for upscale old white men business to post that? I like all the races, and I assume lots of my partners have fucked men of all races...as long as I don't get an STD I really couldn't care less who they fucked in the past.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Kissing extras girls
    You guys are way too germ conscience/homophobic. I'm not big on group sex but only because I prefer one on one to a dog pile. But if my #1 g/f wanted a group, I'd be fine with it as far as that goes...germs not withstanding. If my dancer were giving me a BJ ITC (or OTC) the last thing on my mind would be if I were her first for the month, week or day. I'm going to enjoy the BJ!
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    7 years ago
    The school of Rick Dugan
    I didn't read this whole thread, but the fact she's not dancing concerns me...no active dancer will rob you at OTC unless she's quitting her job. That being said, I'd probably go to her house.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. That's a big air plane.
    You mean "Near Space Plane"....I'm amazed it's got a takeoff weight of 1,300,000 pounds! What did a loaded 747 weigh?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Missing TUSCL Posting History
    TUSCL is but a tiny fraction of my life, but if I'm on TUSCL and have an issue with functionality, it IS important to me. It it gets too fucked up I'll be here less often. I think asking about the site's features are or are not is not wasted bandwidth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Kissing extras girls
    I like my no extras club in that the number is zero.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    'OTC at Her Place' horror stories
    So, if a dancer robs you, she has to quit her job, right? And she better not just change clubs..she has to leave town if she wants to stay in the sex business. Of course, there are a lot of stupid dancers too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much to pay for OTC ? $200 to $300 fair enough ?
    Price varies depending on the relationship. I paid $100 to my ATF the first time; it was more of a tip than payment. The rest of the time it was free. My last OTC with a different dancer I paid $250 which seemed reasonable; she wasn't a 9 or 10 but had a decent body and pleasant face. I imagine some girls higher up on the food chain would charge $500+. Then there's the girls that will fuck for fried chicken...I stay away from those!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    'OTC at Her Place' horror stories
    The first time I did OTC at my ATF's I was amazed at what a pig sty she lived in. The place was completely trashed! Not just garbage and dirty laundry everywhere, but damage to walls, doors, etc. Her bed was a mattress on the floor. She had 3 roommates and I imagine they were the cause. She had been my neighbor but when her ex went to prison, she moved. Luckily she moved out of the sty and back to a nice apartment close to my neighborhood again when we did our second OTC. I was afraid I get lice or bedbugs in the old place! Plus, her roommate was one of my regulars which made for a cozy arrangement.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you discriminate against homosexual dancers?
    My ex-ATF had a live in g/f for a while. Since she was also one of my regulars, it proved we both had great taste in women. I would not think a true lesbian would make a great dancer, but if she was a good enough actress I suppose it doesn't matter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Let's all take a moment
    gamm is such a troll...sad how he feels compelled to do this.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    All Fucked Up
    How can someone spend the money to revamp the look and yet it's incompatible with a major browser (Explorer), has a sloppy look in general, and everything is too small? Like the login box...the click on boxes are fucking right next to each other! And still no edit feature....the old format was fine, and in fact it was much better. I hope Founder is a better monger than he is a website supervisor or he'll go broke.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Your Fav Vagina
    I'm not picky about the labia but I like a large clit. My AZ g/f has quite a large one and that my favorite pussy. But actually, they're all good as long as she's not too loose.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    RIP Sir Roger Moore (1927-2017)
    I'm surprised at the love for Dalton; he was my least favorite. He wasn't "Bond"....he was just some spy. Dalton had no class while "Bond" always dressed well and had breeding, at least up to that point. I do agree he was very close to Craig except Craig pulled it off; Dalton didn't. I liked On Her Majesty's SS a lot, Lazenby wasn't THAT bad. It was a terrific movie that transcended his rather forgettable performance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Ethics of getting high
    I did shrooms several times and it was my drug of choice. But I can't understand how they're not dangerous (outside of you can't OD on them). I had some pretty intense trips on them and it would be a lot more dangerous trying to drive on them than being high on pot. Of course, the same can be said of alcohol!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    RIP Sir Roger Moore (1927-2017)
    I liked Moore but the Bond series became very silly under his run. Connery and Brosnon did the best of making it at least SEEM like a serious job. I liked Craig because of the scripts...very much like John LeCarre's spies as oppoed to a cartoon spoof of Bond which was Moore turned in to. My fave was Live And Let Die for Moore; his first. Good plot, good evil bad guys and was very much a Connery type script.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Ethics of getting high
    Legalization is a good idea as smokers are not criminals (usually) except for having pot, but in my view it's a huge fraud. They tax it so much that the street price is way less. When I hear the prices people pay in CO I have to shake my head. IL only has medical pot; another fraud since no one can get a card unless you have terminal cancer. If we ever legalize recreational use, I'm likely still buying it from my usual source. I get top quality and it's not that expensive.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    For those who enjoy marijuana
    Our entire universe is fractals.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    "Tila In The House" by Midnight Leftovers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where Is The Strangest Place You've Ever Had Sex?
    I can't beat the funeral home, but when I met the trophy wife of some rich guy, she wanted to blow me in 'semi public' so we used the bathroom of a MERTA train in Chicago's Oglavie Station. They are quite large and clean, so we looked for a train that wouldn't depart for a while and she did the deed. The only other memorable incident was when I was fucking a Korean girl in my van on the corner of a very secluded, back street on Chicago's North Shore. Well, a school bus packed with little kids pulled up and they got an eye full. Needless to say I drove away as fast as I get my pants on. The girl thought it was funny...so did I after I fucked her a mile away...but I hope I didn't damage a kid for life! LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "Do you come here often?"
    I've often wondered the same thing...of course the regular dancers already know me but a newbie will ask that. I think in a tourist town club like Vegas they want the one off customer who will spend a lot on them, while in a neighborhood club they want regulars...maybe one of our resident dancers will chime in?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do strippers care about a LDK?
    My last CF was available for extras so I asked her about LDK's from her customers. She said about 1/3 of her customers did (which I though was a pretty high %). She was fine with it as long as she had warning and her clothes didn't get wet. The first time I took her to VIP the first thing she asked me was if I was going to cum. I said, "It's not likely" as I don't LDK as a rule. But she took matters into her own hands which was quite nice. Apparently she didn't mind cum on her hand as long as it didn't get on her clothes. I must say, she had a very sensible approach. Pity about the SS that eventually followed.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New look sucks on desktop
    I use Mozilla but I also have Explorer. The font on the posts is near microscopic.