
New look sucks on desktop

Avatar for nemesisk7

title says it all ... . .


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Avatar for JuiceBox69

I mainly use my phone for tuscl but this has got me curious...I will report back in a few hours with my finding

I love tuscl more than ever with my phone

Avatar for Jascoi

founder... larger sized avatars and restoring a list of comments would be nice. thank you.

Avatar for founder

Nemesisk, your title does NOT say it all.

Give me specific things that suck for you

Avatar for lotsoffun201

I think it's a little "busy" for the phone. I'd like to see a "discreet" option with just text. That way when someone is peeking over your shoulder the site looks fairly benign.

Avatar for ravens_dude

Is it just me or is it now taking more clicks to get to reviews of specific clubs? I used to be able to drill down to a specific club in my area and see the reviews rather quickly. But now it seems cumbersome to get to the same area.

Avatar for TheeOSU


Yes it's more clicks and navigating to find and post reviews. I just posted some Akron reviews and it was more time and navigating to go back to post a review of another Akron club after posting a previous review.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Founder is trying to improve his website and no matter what he does he won't please everyone here. Plus there will be glitches until he fine tunes things. I'm not happy with the change but hopefully in the long run things will get better and eventually we will all adapt.

Avatar for founder

Ravensdude and TheeOSU... here's a tip: You can click on most city and state names and that will take you directly to that city or state. For instance, if you see a club on any list (favorites, nearby, etc), just click on that club's city name and you go right to the city.

Avatar for Dougster

I thought the old look was too spaced out, meaning too little information on one page. That seems to have been dealt with now. Overall it's definitely an improvement: even on desktop.

Avatar for founder


Are you using a Desktop or mobile device?

Is the font too small? Or just not readable?

Comments are coming back... as comments, not props or flags

Avatar for Dougster

I'd like to see "Most ignored posters" or find some cute euphemism as one of the top 40 lists. Horse race between me, Juice, and SJG I bet you.

Avatar for twentyfive

@founder I am getting more used to the new layout I give you props for your hard work I especially like the message list makes it way easier to carry on a private convo while browsing.

Avatar for Subraman

Founder: much appreciation for your efforts to improve the site. REgardless of any complaints, I appreciate the work and thought that goes into it, and subsequent flak

On the desktop, on the top-level Discussion page, the thing that keeps jumping out at me is:

Old format: I could look at the discussion page and the title of the threads somehow, effortlessly, jumped out at me. I could nearly instantly see which threads I wanted to read and comment on.

New format: a jumble of bolded and non-bolded and bigger and smaller and italicized and non-italicized black. It takes a lot more effort to pick out thread titles. In fact, over the past few days, more than a few times I've loaded the Discussion page, looked at it for a second, and then simply moved on. Which some people might be cheering about :)

I'm not exactly sure what the right answer is. Maybe slightly bigger, blue thread titles would be enough to have the titles pop? If the forum software supports it, perhaps you can offer multiple formats settable in the profile; I have a feeling I would definitely choose "big blue thread titles" over "black-on-white default" format, but really have to see it first.

Avatar for Subraman

LOVE IT. Huge improvement for me, on the desktop

Avatar for Subraman

I think the exact same treatment (maybe without increasing font size quite so much) would be an improvement on my phone, too.

Also, I notice that on the desktop, I'd complained about the page being so small on my huge monitor, and now the page is wider: that's a huge improvement I hadn't noticed right away, but really liking it.

Thanks for both!

Avatar for Jascoi

founder... thanks for the blue titles!

(now please... if the comment list of ours could be on our profiles...) thank you!

Avatar for twentyfive

@founder You need to make in the reviews section the part where it asks for value and all of those drop down boxes another field that allows you to check none of the above if you read my latest review of Emporers you will see what I am talking about.

Avatar for founder

Adding comments to reviews is now available.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

No problem with my phone or laptop

I love it

I'm starting to think the complaints are old people that need large print everything LMFAO

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Along the lines of what Subra mentioned; IMHO the title is the most important part of the thread and if possible it should appear first in the OP rather that the poster's name (but this perhaps may be due to me being used to seeing it the other way around w/ the previous layout)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

When opening a thread, the OP's profile data shows instead of it being hidden by default (all other posters' profiles in the thread are hidden) - IDK if this was done on purpose based on other PLs' feedback

Avatar for Subraman

For the desktop, right now I things are great, and I"d resist the temptation to do too much more tuning. The bigger blue font on titles totally pops, it's a completely different experience now.

Maybe the one last niggle I have: sometime today you changed the response process from a pre-existing box at the bottom of the page, to a chicklet I have to press and subsequently a response window pops up. I think the original method is far, far better UI design, and it's not even close. #1, now I have to do an extra click, when I didn't have to before. #2, we often quote each other, and where previously I could just scroll up and cut & paste, now it is no longer possible. The previous method is more simple & elegant.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Had not kept up w/ the reviews since last Fr so was catching up - posted a few comments on Friday's reviews and it's working A-ok on my laptop - like very much the fact the review comments are now posted in the right order (last one at the bottom instead of at the top so one can more easily follow review comments) - i.e. b/f one would read the answer/reply to a review comment then read the question if one was reading n the normal top-to-bottom order).

Avatar for rockstar666

This new format is really bad. The type is too small and it's too hard to find anything WTF Founder??? You didn't add an edit feature, you can't post pics...a big step backward IMHO. Just restore the old format PLEASE!

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I decided to give the new format some time before I commented but I now agree that I don't like it. It would be nice to see everything in this more concise format so I get the point of the new design. The problem is that the print is too small for old men on their phones to read it easily, and hat demographic is a big percentage of the people on tuscl.

Avatar for founder

Rockstar and johnsmith ... What technology are you using? Mobile or desktop? Where is the font too small? What browsers are you using?

Avatar for rockstar666

I'm on my desktop 99% of the time when I'm in TUSCL.

Avatar for rockstar666

I use Mozilla but I also have Explorer. The font on the posts is near microscopic.

Avatar for twentyfive

You old men need to admit your age and get a pair of glasses I'm talking to you rock &JS69. ;>)

Avatar for shadowcat

Rock - I'm 20/20 but do use reading glasses when the font is too small. I'm using Chrome but just checked IE and I can read both fine without my glasses. Maybe you need to adjust your font.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I think it's been mentioned b/f - on my Android ph w/ Chrome I keep getting logged-off periodically while viewing TUSCL

Avatar for shadowcat

I just noticed too that I am getting logged off after a very short period of use.

Avatar for founder

I know about the log off issue and am working on it.

As for the font being too small, use the ctrl and + keys at the same time to increase the zoom in your browser (this is for google chrome, but I imagine firefox has a similar feature)

DON'T EVEN BOTHER USING internet explorer. They do not support standards that I am using (only 3% of our visitors use IE btw)

Avatar for EastCoaster

Founder, I love this site and rely heavily upon it for entertainment and advice. I appreciate all the work you've put into it and your willingness to solicit feedback. As I said in a previous comment, I generally like the new format and am happy to take the time to get used to it. Got a question, though.

I check the site twice a day, every day -- mornings for reviews and evenings for discussions. My preference is to check all of yesterday's reviews first thing in the morning (about 6:00 a.m. on the east coast), since submission of yesterday's reviews are then "closed" and I know I'm not missing any for that date. I pretty much read them all, as I travel a fair amount and love to visit new clubs. I also enjoy well-written reviews of clubs I know I'll never visit. There are some really good writers here!

However, now in the morning when I click on "New Reviews" or "Strip Club Reviews," the screen says there are no reviews. Later in the day I can see the current day's reviews, at which time I can scroll down, click on yesterday's date, and then I can see all of those. It appears that I can't see any past reviews (by date) until at least one new review for the current day is published. Is that right? If so, I'm wondering if that could be changed. (And, yes, I know I can get to reviews by clicking through a whole bunch of things elsewhere on the site, but that's a whole lot less convenient than just scrolling down and reading as I scroll.) FYI, I access the site via laptop (mornings) and desktop (evenings, or, furtively, at work).

Avatar for STL2

I'm not a fan of the new lay-out.

There are new things like messages that are better and well thought out, but I'm always afraid someone will be looking over my shoulder and it won't just be text.

The new format is too "busy"and needs to be simplified. I find myself less engaged in the site.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Thanks for clarifying not to use IE - I saw you make a comment earlier about the new layout not working well on IE v7 but I did not take that as not to use IE - I got a new laptop a while back thst came with IE & had not bothered to install a different browser.

Avatar for founder

East coaster: The review publishing has been a little sporadic while I fix some issues on the back end. It will be back to normal soon.

STL2: desktop or mobile? What specifically is "too busy"?

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