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Comments by MojoDojo

So in DC where there ain't no lappers allowed, and being the Prince of PL's, I will indeed tip a dancer who sits with me and gives me "access" while we're hanging out. As a general rule I do buy drinks and sometimes will pay for food (that's a dayshift thing) in addition to posting up some cash for the pleasure of their company.

The way I frame the tip is by saying something like..."Hey Summer here's a little tip for spending time with me this afternoon. I really enjoyed the conversation and it was fun hanging out with you. Perhaps we can do it again the next time I stop by." Which is usually followed up by a hug and a little kiss in appreciation of my generosity.

My rule of thumb is $20 an hour or part there of.

Before you flame me for my for my extreme PLness this is just in DC where the club scenario is a bit fucked up and the behavior I describe is by and large the norm. Additionally if done correctly it can (and has) resulted in OTC adventures from time to time.

Out in then real world my sentiments are pretty much in alignment with the I'll tip them by paying for dances and other "favors" crowd with some exceptions.

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What is your number?
11 years ago
I guess if we're whipping em out to compare size I'll play along too 8-)

Total Different Clubs: 40ish
Total Club Experiences: 250+ (and counting)
Different States: 19
Different Countries: 5
Favorite State: GA
Home State: VA
Favorite City for Clubbing: Dallas

Like others have said, I don't even want to calculate my financial outlay over the years but all said and done I gotta admit it's a helluva fun hobby.
Q: What was John Wayne Bobbitt's excuse for going ape shit when he saw his injury?

A: He lost his head.

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I'm done being a PL.
12 years ago
Unfortunately @dalex being a PL is more of a state of mind than participation in any specific avocation. I think we all know civi's who are pathetic looser's out there who are not "paying" for pussy outright but paying through the nose nonetheless. So IMO if you change your state of mind about acquiring pussy through financial transactions you can still hit the clubs and have fun doing it.

Just a thought...
12 years ago
Good story. I heard a Bond-esk sound track playing in my head the whole time.
My hair stylist (I just realized that there is NO way to make that sound manly) was best friends with her and worked at the same salon in Northern Virginia. I met her on several occasions and thought that she was cute of course I happen to dig slender Latinas. Anyway my girl used to tell me that she felt bad for Lorena because she was frequently abused by her brutish husband. Then of course we all know what happened next.

My friend says that Lorena is still styling hair in Northern Virginia to this very day.

They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and the devil himself would blanch at the fury of a Latina!
^ Good point Slick. Performers like the Wallenda's were/are known for their elaborate costumes but he was wearing jeans and a teeshirt. Evil Knievel was my favorite daredevil growing up and his red white and blue costumes were the best.
No contest...BBFS with a stripper hands down. (glory to God above)

But did you see his wife? (thank you Lord)

He's a bit of a dumpling (me calling kettle black) and she is a hottie MILF so he's at least getting his bowling ball sized nuts off with a looker. (Praise Jesus)

(inside joke)
12 years ago
I believe that the answer is relative to each of us based on our unique situation and it is clear that for some the clinical term "addiction" applies while for others it's merely a hobby or pastime.

But to quote the bard of beach wisdom, Jimmy Buffett "Id rather die while Im living than live while Im dead" and if nothing else clubbing is living.

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Men and Haircolor
12 years ago
No specific bearing on my decision to go VIP or not. Body type and attitude on the other hand weigh heavily.

As an aside I kinda dig the whole mermaid thang. I hope you'll post some pics of the hair color update once you get hooked up.
12 years ago
While I agree that some ink can be attractive and even be considered art the fact of the matter is tats are by and large whimsy and their long range impact is virtualy never considered. I think that there should be a 1 week cooling off period between contracting for a tat and the actual inking. Furthermore it should be illegal for a tat artist to ink someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, yeah and while we're at it anyone who is determined to get a tattoo should have to sit through a 1 hour video showing the adverse and horrifying effects of injecting colorful liquids into their epidermis and they should be hooked up to electrodes and given a test on the content of the video and shocked every time they get an answer wrong.

or not...

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12 years ago
Nope you are all wrong...

It's China hacking TUSCL to get to all of our IP so they can replicate it in China except much much cheeper 8-)
12 years ago

Thanks! I needed that it's been one of those days...

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Customers not to approach
12 years ago
"The idiot wearing the T-shirt that says 'Make it rain'" That wouldn't be MR. Cat wearing the T-shirt would it??? Cause ya know that he surly gets it on in clubs.

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12 years ago
Behold the wonder of OTC and have faith that the almighty power of $$$ can convert any dancer into a provider if thou have enough $$$ on hand.

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12 years ago
Honor thy waitress and thy bartender for verily they will strengthen thine drink if tipped well.

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12 years ago
Thou shalt not get so stinking drunk that thou looseth track of lap dances or surly thou shall suffer the denigration of being robbed.

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12 years ago
Thou shall negotiate the cost of lap dances up front.
12 years ago
I love her man and I know that she feels the same way about me!
12 years ago
I had an extra $500 laying around.
12 years ago
I'm scouting for contestants for a new reality TV show.
12 years ago
I'm researching characters for a book I'm writing.
12 years ago
Strip Club? What Strip Club? I'm here for the food.
12 years ago
Huh? What? I'm sorry, I didn't see your post cause I was thinking about sex...


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12 years ago
^For some it would count as an occupation I'm afraid...