1. Thou shalt have not other hobbies before strip clubs 2. Thou shalt not make any pornographic images of strippers--without their permission 3. Thou shalt not pound the pussy of thy ATF in vain 4. Remember the strip club and keep it funky 5. Honor thy stripper and thy lap dancer 6. Thou shalt not kill the buzz of thy fellow pussy hounds 7. Thou shalt commit adultery 8. Thou shalt not ROB 9. Thou shalt not bare false titties 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's stripper, nor his lap dance, nor his hand job, nor his blow job, nor his full service, nor anything that is thy neighbor's
last commentThou shalt never prepay.
1. Thou shalt have not other hobbies before strip clubs
2. Thou shalt not make any pornographic images of strippers--without their permission
3. Thou shalt not pound the pussy of thy ATF in vain
4. Remember the strip club and keep it funky
5. Honor thy stripper and thy lap dancer
6. Thou shalt not kill the buzz of thy fellow pussy hounds
7. Thou shalt commit adultery
8. Thou shalt not ROB
9. Thou shalt not bare false titties
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's stripper, nor his lap dance, nor his hand job, nor his blow job, nor his full service, nor anything that is thy neighbor's
Thou shalt ignore stripper calls to come to the club.
Thou shalt slit thine wrists before considering doing a stripper bareback.