How do you guys tip when a girl is sitting with you?

At some clubs, dancers will sit on you and hands can roam quite a bit. If you want to keep that going and don't feel like going for a dance, I assume you have to tip her.
So. If you guys do that, how much? And how do you bring it up without ruining the vibe and without being awkward about it? It's natural when paying for a lap dance but not when just sitting.
So. If you guys do that, how much? And how do you bring it up without ruining the vibe and without being awkward about it? It's natural when paying for a lap dance but not when just sitting.
But how do you actually do it? Slip a $20 out of your wallet, hand it to her and say what??
Neither do I.
Yeah, unless you are in Vegas and they latched onto you as soon you walked through the door. In that which case they will spend 20 minutes trying to get you to change you mind anyway. (aka the hard sell)
I never pay for convo unless in the rare occasion I am feeling in the Christmas spirit and thus extra generous. But I also don’t believe in wasting a dancer’s time – either I’ll tell her I’m not interested; or if I am interested and I am groping her it is w/ the intention of buying some dances.
If I am taking up a dancer’s time and I want her company; I think I should compensate her for it; especially if I am being handsy. I’ll either tip her for her time periodically; i.e. give her a $20 and say something like “thanks for your company†or “I appreciate your company/time†etc. Depends on how long she is w/ me on how much I’ll tip her and I’ll either do it periodically to keep her at my side or at the end.
There shouldn’t be any awkwardness in giving a dancer a tip; they often/always appreciate it and they will often/always appreciate the fact that you are cognizant about their time.
If a dancer sits w/ me b/c *she* wants to sit and talk; then I won’t tip – but if I want her to sit w/ me; then I’ll tip her for her time.
What a faggot !
I'm james and i club real fuckin HARD !
Aren't all that dance for you at one time a "newbie"? That agreed with, one has to get newbie dances, but of course they can be somewhat limited.
I know when my ATF danced, I got dances from no one else, but that was the exception.
But yes, I do tip for time on occasion, either to reward a girl for entertaining me or to give a prospect a taste to whet her appetite for more of the wad. For the most part I find that this works well for me, especially in places where the LDs suck anyway.
But it can also backfire. It is a much less common occurrence in the deep south, for example, than in other areas. I have come to believe that girls in some southern areas actually start to view a guy as an easy mark after he tips for nothing other than her time, which in turn leads some of them to try silly cons. I have largely stopped doing it in my new neck of the woods simply because it has done nothing but hinder my efforts.
Swinging lower than 35% rick ?
Damn sucks being you
Money makes the dancer view it all as quid pro quo. She starts watching the clock and rationing what she'll do. And once she knows you're willing to pay, she keeps pressing for more money.
Tipping for her time also takes all the fun out of it for me. The intimacy feels more spontaneous and more real when I pay indirectly by getting dances later or buying her drinks, even though I realize it works out the same in the end. And then a lot of strippers are just natural freaks who can get so into it that they lose track of what they're supposed to be there for.
I should have been more specific: I rarely if ever get a dance from a girl that comes up to me, but if a new girl catches my eye when my 3 regulars aren't working, I make the first move. I'm still disappointed more often than not, but when I get a keeper, it's worth it! My problem is except for my 3 regulars, the others tend to move on to better clubs!
Make more sense now.
The way I frame the tip is by saying something like..."Hey Summer here's a little tip for spending time with me this afternoon. I really enjoyed the conversation and it was fun hanging out with you. Perhaps we can do it again the next time I stop by." Which is usually followed up by a hug and a little kiss in appreciation of my generosity.
My rule of thumb is $20 an hour or part there of.
Before you flame me for my for my extreme PLness this is just in DC where the club scenario is a bit fucked up and the behavior I describe is by and large the norm. Additionally if done correctly it can (and has) resulted in OTC adventures from time to time.
Out in then real world my sentiments are pretty much in alignment with the I'll tip them by paying for dances and other "favors" crowd with some exceptions.