How do you guys tip when a girl is sitting with you?

avatar for Kimi
At some clubs, dancers will sit on you and hands can roam quite a bit. If you want to keep that going and don't feel like going for a dance, I assume you have to tip her.

So. If you guys do that, how much? And how do you bring it up without ruining the vibe and without being awkward about it? It's natural when paying for a lap dance but not when just sitting.


I'll take her for a dance or two, give her a big tip, and ask her to come sit with me some more. If it's a slow night doing that just once can be good for hours. I don't normally tip for just sitting and talking.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I have to confess to being a monster PL in this regard on occasion. If a girl is very friendly, and spends alot of time talking and I actually find the conversation interesting and enjoyable, but maybe she is not the type I would buy dances from (e.g. not good looking enough, I get the sense she would not be up for anything naughty) than I may tip her $20-40. Just because I am a nice guy (PL) like that.
avatar for Kimi
11 years ago
Well I meant in a situation where she's on your lap and hands are roaming a bit, in addition to a good convo.

But how do you actually do it? Slip a $20 out of your wallet, hand it to her and say what??
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I won't let my hands roam unless I was interested in getting a dance from her. If she's attractive enough for the former she's attractive enough for the later.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"I don't normally tip for just sitting and talking."

Neither do I.
I don't pay them, but I buy them drinks.
avatar for gerner
New Mexico
11 years ago
If I am enjoying their company, I'll buy them a drink or go for a lap dance or both. Sometimes it is awkward when they jump into your lap and start with the roaming hands, but if they are not your type just let them know. They will appreciate that they can mark you off and move on to the next potential customer.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
I had a dancer come sit with me yesterday and we shot the shit for about 1.5 hours. The only reason she left me was to go onstage. She seemed happy just talking about everyday things and never asked for any compensation and I didn't offer any. Worked for me since it sabed me $$$ but it also clam jammed me too. Oh well.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
garner: "but if they are not your type just let them know. They will appreciate that they can mark you off and move on to the next potential customer."

Yeah, unless you are in Vegas and they latched onto you as soon you walked through the door. In that which case they will spend 20 minutes trying to get you to change you mind anyway. (aka the hard sell)
I believe the OP is not just talking about a dancer that comes up to you and starts blabbing. I believe he is stating he wants the dancer by his side keeping him company while he gets to grope her.

I never pay for convo unless in the rare occasion I am feeling in the Christmas spirit and thus extra generous. But I also don’t believe in wasting a dancer’s time – either I’ll tell her I’m not interested; or if I am interested and I am groping her it is w/ the intention of buying some dances.

If I am taking up a dancer’s time and I want her company; I think I should compensate her for it; especially if I am being handsy. I’ll either tip her for her time periodically; i.e. give her a $20 and say something like “thanks for your company” or “I appreciate your company/time” etc. Depends on how long she is w/ me on how much I’ll tip her and I’ll either do it periodically to keep her at my side or at the end.

There shouldn’t be any awkwardness in giving a dancer a tip; they often/always appreciate it and they will often/always appreciate the fact that you are cognizant about their time.

If a dancer sits w/ me b/c *she* wants to sit and talk; then I won’t tip – but if I want her to sit w/ me; then I’ll tip her for her time.

avatar for Sowhatt
11 years ago
To me the sitting and chatting/groping is part of her dance sales pitch. She's rewarded by dances, and if she wants me to buy more, she will come back and do more of the same. Periods between dances are rewarded with drinks.
avatar for bxbomber51
11 years ago
i'll buy her a drink at a minimum. the roaming hands is all part of the LD or VIP room sell. Take it why you can get it. It usually does end up with her staying with you even after you do get an LD or go VIP. IF it doesn't, then you know it was part of the act.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Bro it be like dis...I get girls to jack me off at the table and omg that Shits be sooo good...I don't pay shit i just treat her like shits !
avatar for Joker420
11 years ago
Looks like some one has only been ready the system with only 35% understandance ...rick in his system says this " If she is a pro, this will ususally prompt her to follow up with a question that leads to the right place. If she does not respond but stays sitting with you anyway for a while longer, nonchalantly give her something for her time (I usually use a $20) and feel free to take the initiative. When she says thank you I am ususally ready with something like " No problem - you have to make a living too"

What a faggot !
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
I personally don't have money for dances bagging Alturds groceries dont pay well enough....but I will go for roaming at the club like you say...just have fun and put $1 in her g-string and bra straps it what their with her and tease her with that HARD $1...she will stay and play I promise

I'm james and i club real fuckin HARD !
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ some exploiter of whores that pussy-faggot RickyBoy turned out to be!
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Tell us about it dougster...that rick is one big Dick cheese sucking faggot
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
It's like he's got this internal dilemma see both wants to be and wants be seen as a sly, shrewd near sociopathic exploiter of the poor and also as the legitimately successful but benevolent businessman. Talk about unresolved dualities.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^compounding the problem is that at the end of the day he is a complete pussy. Probably why he can't make up his mind about who is/wants to be seen as.
avatar for Joker420
11 years ago
Rick shops for " Many of them have kids to support" his own words...what a Dick for taking advantage of single poor moms
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Y rick must you b all like dis yo burtch !
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Doc_Holiday summarized it well when he called RickyBoy a "bottom feeder". Apparently, though, he is such a dipshit that with only a 35% success rate, he can't even do bottom feeding well.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Lol...poor Fucker
I usually reward her with a couple dances~ the stripper deserves is because she has preheated the oven
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Lopaw-Clamjam! Great expression.
@Lopaw,am I correct in assuming that clam jamming is the opposite of oyster moisture.
Any good looking dancer who talks to me and isn't obnoxious gets a buck from me. If I get some mileage I give $5. It's VERY rare I'll dance with a newbie though. It's usually a waste of money.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Aren't all that dance for you at one time a "newbie"? That agreed with, one has to get newbie dances, but of course they can be somewhat limited.

I know when my ATF danced, I got dances from no one else, but that was the exception.
How did I get sucked into this? ;)

But yes, I do tip for time on occasion, either to reward a girl for entertaining me or to give a prospect a taste to whet her appetite for more of the wad. For the most part I find that this works well for me, especially in places where the LDs suck anyway.

But it can also backfire. It is a much less common occurrence in the deep south, for example, than in other areas. I have come to believe that girls in some southern areas actually start to view a guy as an easy mark after he tips for nothing other than her time, which in turn leads some of them to try silly cons. I have largely stopped doing it in my new neck of the woods simply because it has done nothing but hinder my efforts.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
" it has done nothing but hinder my efforts"

Swinging lower than 35% rick ?

Damn sucks being you
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I don't because if they're "sitting" with me then that means we're just having an appetizer conversation before we get to lap dancing. I believe in hard work and just sitting isn't work. Never sat with a women in the strip just to "sit and conversate"
I don't believe there is a way to do this and keep getting the kind of treatment you want. Back when I was new to strip clubs, I tried it a few times when the pre-dance groping and makeout felt better to me than the routine of a lap dance. I'd slip the girl some money and ask if we could just keep it going instead of starting a dance. It never worked out like I wanted.

Money makes the dancer view it all as quid pro quo. She starts watching the clock and rationing what she'll do. And once she knows you're willing to pay, she keeps pressing for more money.

Tipping for her time also takes all the fun out of it for me. The intimacy feels more spontaneous and more real when I pay indirectly by getting dances later or buying her drinks, even though I realize it works out the same in the end. And then a lot of strippers are just natural freaks who can get so into it that they lose track of what they're supposed to be there for.
@Clubber: The funny thing is my current ATF was a dancer for 3 days when we first met, but she was EXACTLY my type physically and lucky for me (and her) she also had the other attributes that keeps me her regular 3 years later.

I should have been more specific: I rarely if ever get a dance from a girl that comes up to me, but if a new girl catches my eye when my 3 regulars aren't working, I make the first move. I'm still disappointed more often than not, but when I get a keeper, it's worth it! My problem is except for my 3 regulars, the others tend to move on to better clubs!
avatar for victor2
11 years ago
Please explain clam jam. Thanks
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Make more sense now.
I assume clam jam is a cock block for girls. Not the first time Lopaw has educated us with a new term. It would be when an unwanted dancer keeps the wanted dancers away.
avatar for MojoDojo
11 years ago
So in DC where there ain't no lappers allowed, and being the Prince of PL's, I will indeed tip a dancer who sits with me and gives me "access" while we're hanging out. As a general rule I do buy drinks and sometimes will pay for food (that's a dayshift thing) in addition to posting up some cash for the pleasure of their company.

The way I frame the tip is by saying something like..."Hey Summer here's a little tip for spending time with me this afternoon. I really enjoyed the conversation and it was fun hanging out with you. Perhaps we can do it again the next time I stop by." Which is usually followed up by a hug and a little kiss in appreciation of my generosity.

My rule of thumb is $20 an hour or part there of.

Before you flame me for my for my extreme PLness this is just in DC where the club scenario is a bit fucked up and the behavior I describe is by and large the norm. Additionally if done correctly it can (and has) resulted in OTC adventures from time to time.

Out in then real world my sentiments are pretty much in alignment with the I'll tip them by paying for dances and other "favors" crowd with some exceptions.
It depends. If she's just talking, trying to sell me on dances or more, nothing. If I'm groping her, then dollar bills where I can cop a feel.
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