Percent of Time You Think about Sex?

Detroit strip clubs
Yesterday I was sitting in the club with my new fav and 2 of her friends, drinking and chatting. My fav caught me looking a young attractive blonde stripper on stage, and said, "I bet you're thinking about sex." I admitted I was, but in my defense I said I thought about sex 95% of the time. The 3 strippers were incredulous. So I asked them how much they thought about sex. Their range was 5% to 20%. I asked what the hell they thought about most of the time, and they said "family", "bills", and "weight." I'd rather think about sex.
So what percent of the time do you think about sex?
last commentDefinitely not 95%. That us ridiculous. Maybe 40%. But if you include time I think abou making money to procure sex, including job related maybe 75%. (And yes about another 20% is thinking of ways to flame the alutard or the RickyBoyDugan.) ;-)
Tough question to answer, jack; very hard for me to quantify. I think that the time I spend thinking about business is really just sublimated sexual thought. Even so, I would put my percentage much lower than what you claim for yourself - maybe 50%?
In the club...98% of the time. Overall during my waking hours...15-20% of the time. While dreaming...90% of the time.
Is this a trick question...
Huh? What? I'm sorry, I didn't see your post cause I was thinking about sex...
I read of a study years ago which found that the average 30 year old male thinks about sex every 7 minutes while with females it was far less often. I know I'm not average and at age 68 I'd say maybe 1/2 the time. Then when you factor in 7 hours of sleep (where its reported that males have 11 erections per night, and then figure on how much we think about earning money to have sex, Juice has it just about right.
I think that I'm probably around the 20-30% range. Work and family take up the rest.
Impossible to accurately quantify. It varies too much.
When your job is to have guys throw dick at you, you'd only think about sex 5 to 20% of the time too.
Before I burned out in March, 50-60%. Now, probably 30%.
It's 80% of the time for me. I love me some sex.
I'd estimate somewhere between 50 - 70% for myself. Yeah I equate strippers with gynecologists in that after looking at sex parts all day long even the most avid sex junkie would get burned out after awhile.
I'm not sure. I keep thinking about food because I just got hungry.
I seem to spend more time thinking about aliens, galaxies, and other dimensions rather than sex. If I have trouble going to sleep, I visualize a girl or girls giving me a bj and I fall asleep right away. A couple of times I fell asleep like that and the girl wouldn't stop sucking. It was a crash landing and there was no food around except of course whatever semen she could get. Darn article I read said semen had all the nutrients a girl needed and when I went to sleep, it seemed like non stop sex. I met some hot alien girls in my dreams too. It wasn't even a beer commercial.
The other night I fell asleep and discovered I was the only guy in a fallout bunker with a lot of girls who didn't bring any sex toys. They told me I couldn't leave. Too much worry about radiation. After I had a ton of kids we all left the bunker. Just my luck, we found two other bunkers but no guys. The leaders of the other two bunkers wanted to have a private meeting with me. All my kids were happier when we finally found a bunker with a lot of kids not related to me. Kind of like dreaming about a world after nuclear war.
A couple of times I had a matrix type thought. What if you were tied up to test tubes like feeding tubes like in the matrix movie? Then an alien wondered what it would be like to hook up one of the females so that she was sucking your dick instead of a feeding tube? Would you even know that in real life instead of this matrix that some girl was happily sucking away? Hopefully she would still have at least one feeding tube still active.
hmm, There don't seem to be very many sexual sci fi writers. I might have missed an opportunity. I thought that was the problem with porn movies. They get boring real quick if you want to use your imagination.
I'm probably at the 50 - 60% range. I suspect that is very high for a woman. I thought that my sex drive would slow down as I get older, but so far it is still the same and maybe even a tad higher than it was a few years ago. Thank goodness for loose women willing to indulge me.
I think during the day while awake I find things boring and many girls don't always look that great. When I go to sleep, I visit other planets, aliens, and creatures in other dimensions on occasion. A number of aliens are hot looking females. Not always though. One time a reptilian like scientist type alien about 37,000 light years away wanted to talk in my dream. I was thinking abou electrical circuits and technology needed to build a sub space communicator. That was too much work. Told him to go contact someone else with more electrical experience. I mean what did he think I was? Some kind of human server subconsciously working as part of some alien telepathy network?
Trying to say while awake I do not believe I think about sex that much. while asleep a lot more.