
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 45)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    TUSCL discussion things that make you go hmmm...
    @steve229 “I'm the innocent bystander” i don’t even have a garage. you can call home and ask my wife lol...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    TUSCL discussion things that make you go hmmm...
    @lopaw “Lol - that Henry_R1234 is a pretty funny guy!” if you think “that” is funny then you must think sippycup is side-splitting hysterical BOOM! SIPPYCUP WINS AGAIN! BOOM! SIPPYCUP WINS AGAIN! BOOM! SIPPYCUP WINS AGAIN! BOOM! SIPPYCUP WINS AGAIN! BOOM! SIPPYCUP WINS AGAIN! BOOM! SIPPYCUP WINS AGAIN! BOOM! SIPPYCUP WINS AGAIN!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    TUSCL discussion things that make you go hmmm...
    @lopaw “I don't remember who posted it, but I'm convinced that "cflock" really is a delusional, retarded 8 year old girl.” oh come on. sure you do and it was your little pet sclvr5005 talking to himself as Henry_R1234 and just for the record it was a retarded 12 year old girl stalker: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=29605#comment319259 “Thanks sclvr5005. I've been lurking here for awhile and yeah there seems to be some good stuff here. Except for the retarded 12 year old girl stalker, of course. I took your advice and put her on ignore. What do you suppose her problem is? Just started her period maybe?”
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    @lopaw. so by not answering are you trying to say your motivations regarding sclvr5005/Henry_R1234 are altruistic and you are just too modest to take credit? that's it isn't it? you want to pay it forward so to speak helping sclr5005/Henry_R1234 on his journey out of the closet. i think that’s great because the tough love approach – “you’re a faggot, you’ve always been a faggot, you’ll never be anything but a faggot, so deal with it” – would be too much for a homophobe as tightly wound up denying his own homosexuality like sclvr5005/Henry_R1234. i’d like to suggest that you look around for a guy that even if you have to squint real hard can pass for a straight male. i know, i know - you live in L.A. but i’m sure you can find someone. introduce him to sclvr5005/Henry_R1234 and then maybe send them together (as buddies of course) to a cake decorating class. i’ll bet they are watching Carol Channing musicals and having naked pillow fights in no time at all. OTOH if you are intending to keep sclr5005/Henry_R1234 for yourself and the two of you are planning a gender reassignment surgery for him then i have to advise against it. but if you are dead set on going ahead at least go to Belgium for the surgery so if you don’t like the results you have a humane recourse: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/belgian-transsexual-dies-euthanasia-botched-sex-change-article-1.1473875
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    @lopaw. so you’re not ignoring me then? hmmmm, then i have a question about the man-hating lesbian subculture that you may be abble to me with. @sclvr5005 obviously has a deep seated fear that the feelings he is having means that he is “turning” into a homosexual and that they won’t be able to “fix” it. classic homophobia. for reference regarding @sclvr5005’s understanding of homosexuality: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=28823#comment309706 sclvr5005 “Is that what made you turn gay too?” https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=28823#comment310212 sclvr5005 “Hey you'd best get into therapy asap to address your latent homosexual issues. They won't fix themselves” professionally i’m curious about why you keep a homophobe as a pet. is it some lesbian version of a hollyweird Paris Hilton/ Chihuahua fashion accessory? or perhaps like a guy who buys a puppy to take to the park to meet girls, you put sclvr5005’s choke collar on and take him down to the construction site hoping to meet the lesbians who will all come up wanting to kick him in the balls? thanks in advance for your insights.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    “after seeing Dougster's post I took you off ignore” but how can that be? you’ve stated many, many, many, many times that you keep @Dougster on ignore. come on admit it. you read everything @Dougster posts. it is as transparent as your homophobe pet @sickliver5005 creating his very own @Henry_R1234 character just to have someone agree with him.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    @sclvr5005 “Lopaw - what is SM/SB mean?” sugar mama/sugar baby
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Porn Sucks
    ^^^^^^^ now that’s the Henry_R1234 that we all know and laugh at
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Porn Sucks
    ^^^^^^ is that what Henry_R1234 thinks too? LOL
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I don't want a lap dance
    @sclvr5005 “Steve229 = cflock It all makes sense now.” are you this retarded in real life? that was a rhetorical question you homophobe. i await your witty reply because we all know that you really are this retarded in real life. maybe you should call me a fag or something
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Drug detox
    “Scorsese? This is material for Benny Hill (yeah, I know he's dead) or the National Lampoon Vacation Series!”” or for my close personal friend - oprah “the truth is boring” winfrey
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper provides jail guards with X rated show.
    @SlickSpic “If you cleaned her up, she could look presentable.” you are mistaking the picture of Edvard Munch’s The Scream to the left of the article for Miss Johnson. Miss Johnson is the ugly ho in the photo on the right side of the article.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: Real Estate Investment Trusts
    sheesh is fucking right. just another TUSCL internet poser pretending to have some experience with private equity, hedge funds, and big money but who among us didn’t already know that? to quote a learned scholar- fucking clownshoes. https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=29216#comment314630 @Caprisun69. i like you really i do but @ime already sussed lmn www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=29006#comment312354 @ime “people that have money don't talk about it.” and we have a winner. give this man a Gauloise.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    LMN- full of lies?!?! Think about it
    @Caprisun69. i like you really i do but @ime already sussed lmn https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=29006#comment312354 @ime “people that have money don't talk about it.” and we have a winner. give this man a Gauloise.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Most Commonly Spoken Language in Each State Besides English and Spanish
    “So many Huns all over the USA. My old man didn't kill enough of the bastards in WW II.” seems he didn’t kill enough swedes either. the only good socialist is a …well you know the rest. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/murky-truth-of-how-a-neutral-sweden-covered-up-its-collaboration-with-nazis-727261.html …Swedes have long enjoyed the illusion of innocence, of freedom from Nazi-related guilt, but now, amid a welter of revelations, the country is slowly coming to terms with an historical truth that is more complicated than the idealistic neutrality thought to have been maintained throughout the Second World War. Some Swedes were in fact engaged in close collaboration with Nazi Germany and their government deliberately chose to draw a thick veil over their activities when the war ended. What has particularly shocked and disgusted many people in the run-up to the Stockholm conference on the Holocaust is a television documentary exposing how several hundred Swedish soldiers volunteered to fight on the German side during the war. Some worked as guards at Treblinka, the concentration camp where 900,000 Jews were murdered. The Swedish authorities, it has now emerged, never attempted to investigate the deeds of these soldiers when the true horror of Nazi Germany came to light. ...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Non-Intimate Dates with Escorts/Strippers
    “Oh, I dang sure wouldn't get the honey's from BP. Too many skanks. I would go for something much more higher quality.” like say from the truck stop out on the interstate?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't try this at home kids.
    the “Yes We Can Social Club” you can’t make this shit up
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    These Hoes Ain't Loyal
    elephantiasis is a grotesque and painful condition. it's very likely the disease started when this girl’s veins were obstructed, and blood flowed to the lymphatic vessels, thus leading to swelling in her ass. this poor girl has a severe case causing her ass to swell nearly four times the normal size. most people stare and children either laugh or scream in horror but the cruelest sorts post her image on the internet for public ridicule. surgery will help this young lady but the cruelty of man toward their fellow man cannot be so easily cured.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper dress code for otc
    @lmn “dressing like a Parisian street walker” got a lot of experience with Parisian streetwalkers there sunshine? @lmn “She looked like a hooker.” uhh, hello. newsflash: she is a hooker
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    An Asian Stripper in Detroit
    oh boy. DWA comes to the motor city. it’s official, detroit is now the most dangerous place in the world
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Jack is back
    “Tommy Douglas was the best Prime Minister that Canada never had. Douglas was a Baptist minister who became a left wing politician in both Ottawa and the province of Saskatchewan” wow! baptist minister, socialist, politician. who wouldn’t want their daughter to bring home such a catch. too bad he didn’t take over canada. maybe he could have spared the world of justin bieber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Douglas_%28minister%29 M.A. thesis on eugenics Douglas graduated from Brandon College in 1930, and completed his Master's degree (M.A.) in Sociology from McMaster University in 1933. His thesis entitled The Problems of the Subnormal Family endorsed eugenics. The thesis proposed a system that would have required couples seeking to marry to be certified as mentally and morally fit. Those deemed to be "subnormal" because of low intelligence, moral laxity or venereal disease would be sent to state farms or camps while those judged to be mentally defective or incurably diseased would be sterilized. Douglas rarely mentioned his thesis later in his life and his government never enacted eugenics policies even though two official reviews of Saskatchewan's mental health system recommended such a program when he became Premier and Minister of Health. By that time, many people questioned eugenics after Nazi Gemany had embraced it to create a "master race”. Instead, Douglas implemented vocational training for the mentally handicapped and therapy for those suffering from mental disorders.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the weekend has begun
    @ime “people that have money don't talk about it.” and we have a winner. give this man a Gauloise.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Made it rain last night
    ^^^^ racist. at least that’s what ilbbaicnl said
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What are you doing for Cinco de Mayo?
    el presidente “cinco de cuatro” obama and all the make believe “chicanos” he hung out with are coming over for fish tacos.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    "Dear Customer"Letters from SW
    @lopaw “It's ok....I am that 0.4%” spoken like every other truly delusional PL. “i’m different”, “i treat them like people”, “she really does like me”, “we have something special”, blah, blah, blah. just like lapdanceking82 and alucard, when a stripper sees you coming in the door she takes a deep breath, decides how bad she wants that dollar in your purse and whether or not she is going to sell you little bit of her remaining self esteem. when she finally has none left to sell then no customer is too disgusting. at that point she’s completely cold and empty on the inside and nothing more than a cheap used up fuck doll on the outside. but you keep on telling yourself how different you are, just like everyone else. @tempest666 “"Axe" is a NOUN and not a verb. Therefore you cannot "axe" me for my number.” lol. i love you (in a strip club kind of way). never stop being you