
"Dear Customer"Letters from SW

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Thursday, May 1, 2014 2:32 PM
It's been a while since I've ventured over to SW land – but came across this somewhat “interesting” SW thread – it's kinda long; but if you have some time to kill … [view link]


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Are there ever any positive posts on SW? Like, this is what I like or had a great day or that customer was hella cool? Even the garbage man has a good day.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Man, that is a brutal read. Why can't one of the letters express appreciation for the respectful generous customers. I swear I can recall ever reading anything but hatred for the customers on SW. They hate it when PL's ask them out for p4p. Guess what, we ask because often dancers are open to it. They hate it when the PL's ask to meet them for lunch or dinner. Guess what, I've met many dancers for lunch and dinner. Often they are ones suggesting the hook up. They hate in when PL's put there mouth on them. Hey, most of the time the nips are bounced against my mouth until I suckle. I swear the honey's are delusional.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    They are whores and they know it. Hence they protest loudly that they are not.
  • Chili Palmer
    10 years ago
    LW: You are absolutely correct. I've pointed this out numerous times on that site, particularly the public hypocrisy vs private actions. I've met with 30 SW dancers now, and of those 30, 29 gave me more to A LOT more mileage than they posted they did, and I've OTC'd with 13 of them. All of them joked about their posts and the posts of others about how ridiculous they were. My favorite example of their public delusions was a dancer (RW) who would constantly post how much she HATED male customers posting on the site, even wanting make SW a paysite only available to women. Yet, when one of the biggest male retard posters on that site (7,000 posts, all one line, nothing at all to add to a thread) PM's her to meet, not only did she meet him, but they had sex that night. Unprotected sex. And she had their baby 9 months later, though he was nowhere in the picture by then. Just take it with a grain of salt. Their are so few actual dancers left on that site it's not even funny. I think Camgirls outnumber actual dancers 10-1 now. CP
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Warning to lopaw: DON'T read the first one!!!
  • ime
    10 years ago
    oh and to the customer who let go one helluva putrid fart while sitting at my stage the other night, please stop doing that! if you have to let one go, go to the bathroom or at least away from where i'm dancing! you are making my paying custies scatter with that stench, and some no doubt thought it was me! ugh hahaha bitch must have that stank pussy
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Those bitches are bitter. It must be because they're not getting fucked enough.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    lol motorhead. It's ok....I am that 0.4% Tempest also wrote "Too bad that the good ones suffer because of cuntwads that are the overwhelming majority", and she's right. But I am slowly spreading the girlie sunshine, one lapdance at a time =)
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I didn't even bother to read it. I knew what it was going to say.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I lasted about 2 weeks at SW and got so disgusted with their sense of entitlement I even deleted my bookmark to it.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @lopaw “It's ok....I am that 0.4%” spoken like every other truly delusional PL. “i’m different”, “i treat them like people”, “she really does like me”, “we have something special”, blah, blah, blah. just like lapdanceking82 and alucard, when a stripper sees you coming in the door she takes a deep breath, decides how bad she wants that dollar in your purse and whether or not she is going to sell you little bit of her remaining self esteem. when she finally has none left to sell then no customer is too disgusting. at that point she’s completely cold and empty on the inside and nothing more than a cheap used up fuck doll on the outside. but you keep on telling yourself how different you are, just like everyone else. @tempest666 “"Axe" is a NOUN and not a verb. Therefore you cannot "axe" me for my number.” lol. i love you (in a strip club kind of way). never stop being you
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Lmao sorry DoctorPhool but if you had actually read what Tempest was saying regarding female customers you'd realize that in her example and context I really am in that 0.4%. But apparently you "read" and interpret in a way to suit your protagonist agenda.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    I crack up when SW strippers (and the male mods, who are as bad or worse) pat each other on the back about "well, customers come here to SW but can't take the truth, so they leave" Or, maybe, there's little on that site that resembles reality, it's mostly the girls either just venting or lying to each other about how much they get for how little, and how badly they treat their customers along the way. I would probably have given up strip clubbing years ago if the strippers I met at the club, acted the way SW strippers claim to act. I'm sure I can go to the most mercenary club on a saturday night after midnight, and find strippers who behave somewhat like SW strippers pretend to behave, but at the club and shifts I go to -- honestly, not a single stripper.
  • Fanky
    10 years ago
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    That was a good read, it makes me feel good that we don't tip dancers while dancing up here! Lol!
  • Fanky
    10 years ago
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