
OT: Jack is back

Bauer, that is.

Set your DVR, dammit!



  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Chloe is so effin' hot.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Fuck yeah Mo-head. And the chick who plays her is frickin' funny too www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEIOlAKjv4s

    If only she liked to show tits and bush. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • steve229
    10 years ago

    Dammit Chloe, just do it!
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Another of steve229's pop culture references that flew over my head so I googled Jack Bauer........Canadian actor, Kiefer Sutherland, as some sort of kick ass government agent in a TV series.

    Now this piqued my interest a little. I know the name Sutherland but even more important in Kiefer's genealogy is his grandfather, Tommy Douglas. Tommy Douglas was the best Prime Minister that Canada never had. Douglas was a Baptist minister who became a left wing politician in both Ottawa and the province of Saskatchewan, He was also a tough bad ass little boxer, winning a 135lb. championship boxing match with a broken nose, lost teeth, and a damaged punching hand.

    Kiefer Sutherland as bad ass Jack Bauer couldn't carry his Grandpa's jock.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago

    You most certainly know his dad, Donald Sutherland? He was in some of the best movies of past 40 years.

    The Dirty Dozen
    Animal House
    Ordinary People

    and many others
  • farmerart
    10 years ago

    Yeah, I know of Donald Sutherland but not through his movies; I haven't seen a single one of his movies. I knew of Donald Sutherland only as Tommy Douglas' son-in-law.

    Tommy Douglas is one of my very few Canadian political heroes. He was a man of uncompromising principle - a formidable foe and a stalwart ally.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    “Tommy Douglas was the best Prime Minister that Canada never had. Douglas was a Baptist minister who became a left wing politician in both Ottawa and the province of Saskatchewan”

    wow! baptist minister, socialist, politician. who wouldn’t want their daughter to bring home such a catch. too bad he didn’t take over canada. maybe he could have spared the world of justin bieber:


    M.A. thesis on eugenics

    Douglas graduated from Brandon College in 1930, and completed his Master's degree (M.A.) in Sociology from McMaster University in 1933. His thesis entitled The Problems of the Subnormal Family endorsed eugenics. The thesis proposed a system that would have required couples seeking to marry to be certified as mentally and morally fit. Those deemed to be "subnormal" because of low intelligence, moral laxity or venereal disease would be sent to state farms or camps while those judged to be mentally defective or incurably diseased would be sterilized.

    Douglas rarely mentioned his thesis later in his life and his government never enacted eugenics policies even though two official reviews of Saskatchewan's mental health system recommended such a program when he became Premier and Minister of Health. By that time, many people questioned eugenics after Nazi Gemany had embraced it to create a "master race”. Instead, Douglas implemented vocational training for the mentally handicapped and therapy for those suffering from mental disorders.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I'm still on Game of Thrones.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @art - interesting, but of course irrelevant, since the only Canadian politician anyone in the States has heard of in the last 20 years is Rob Ford, the crack-smoking, Chris Farley look alike mayor of Toronto.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @steve229. Not fair. Some of us remember Trudeau as well. What with all the hangin' out at Studio 54 and dating Geraldo Rivera and such. Wait...that was the politician's wife. And she hooked up with Geraldo?!! EWWWW!!!

    Seriously though, I'd recommend Doctor Phil reflect on whether a father would prefer his daughter bring home an admirable and pricipled politician like Douglas or an old perv like him. Hell, through Rob Ford in there. And Juice. I think the ranking would be:

    Douglas > > Ford ~ Juice > Doctor Phil (the TV psychologist) > DoctorPhil (TUSCL poster)
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Stupid iPad autocorrect... "Hell, throw Rob Ford in there"
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I'm still on Game of Thrones."

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