
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Civilian women
    spoiler alert. in this story older than time and lived by countless of PLs before, John has now moved to the next chapter of this well worn tale. he is trying to convince himself how happy he is, how he doesn’t need real human companionship, how he is a rock, an island. the next scene will find him sitting alone clad only in his socks and BVDs in a dank room lit only by the infomercials on late night TV as he eats cold chili straight out of the can… meanwhile in a dank basement room lit only by the infomercials on late night TV in San Jose….. stay tuned
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers throughout the years on TUSCL
    @lopaw “…but my #1 dancer who I would have liked to have met was fetish_dancer. There was just something about her that really intrigued me.” je ne sais quoi for sure. she was the only dancer that ever went toe to toe with Dougster who didn’t end up making herself look like a moron
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    They are takeing over
    they ARE taking over but it's much worse than you imagine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6U6_IC_GKQ
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Ricky and John at a bar
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Time to vote for PL of the year
    an oversight i am sure but the wild card candidate makes the rest of the list look like normal well adjusted and upright citizens. so my vote goes to a truly PATHETIC LOSER, the too humble to name himself: @JohnSmith69 ***of course @san_jose_guy is ineligible due to the restriction of no mentally ill entrants
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    9 years ago
    RickDugan is a Complete Faggot!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your ideal number of lovers?
    @san_jose_guy. i take your response as “avoidance” to admit that you have taken up cross dressing. you should know that there is nothing inherently wrong with cross dressing but it is my professional responsibility to advise you that with your severely fucked up id, you are likely to completely lose it. now i don’t much care if you decide to go start working the street on Alvarado (which you will) but in spite of the astronomical odds against it, i do fear that your first “John” will be @JohnSmith69. i needn’t tell you that as soon as he ass rapes you, you are both going to find that you like anal so much there will never be anything else. on the positive side he won’t be running the risk of further procreation and YOU won’t be raping some innocent young girl after you slip in her bedroom through an open window. on the negative side, i do not believe the TUSCL discussion board can survive with both of you incessantly posting about your non-stop anal escapades. and stop sending your psycho PMs moron
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    9 years ago
    What's your ideal number of lovers?
    @san_jose_guy still experimenting i see. so what’s the answer to my question? when you post as @coldnshallow do you cross dress as a female or do you put on the white lab coat you stole when you walked away from the asylum to conduct your little "experiment"?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Some true poetry
    @Confucious "then yes, Nina will marry you." @Missionary. there's your answer and through an intermediator no less. that my friend is old world romantic. now about the timing of the wedding, i know most girls want to go the traditional route and have a June wedding but i have to be honest with you here - dude she is going to not only be showing but she'll be so ready to pop that you should just get hitched now and not take the chance of a maternity ward reception. and trust me i know what i’m talking about as far as strippers and maternity wards go. anyway get back to me when you decide and i will try to make it to the church on time. congrats
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I've had an epiphany.
    did i ever mention that this guy really gets it: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=38628#comment448976 @RichardF “John is at that delicate age between manhood and dotage, which makes him an endless source of amusement.”
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Some true poetry
    aaawwwww, ain’t love grand. it must be the season or something cause you touched this sadistic fuck’s stone cold heart and made me get all teary eyed. so what do you say nina? ya know you could do a lot worse than missionary and you aren’t getting any younger. just sayin’
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Name That Stripper
    i see the problem here. you aren’t getting enough input because you didn’t post a pic. okay TUSCLers here is JohnSmith69’s latest conquest http://littlefun.org/uploads/521bea11c856111636000006_736.jpg now let’s all try real hard to name her for him
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Two of my favorite quotes the first I happen to strongly agree with the second i
    “white supremacist liberals” – Black Lives Matter
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    OT: Music
    this song has too many covers to count and most of them should never have been done as i find the original artist much better. that said i do like the cover below the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrLk4vdY28Q the cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zEqWw4IQWA
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another Bucket of Chackin
    @just_the_nuts “U like my john smith parody” your post is totally fucking retarded. congratulations, you have captured his style perfectly without over doing it. any more retarded and it would have crossed the line into insanity which of course would be a perfect parody of that psycho rapist nut job san_jose_guy
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Would you Rather see belly dancing or twerking?
    @san_jose_guy. i thought you said you were going to bed. please take your "experiment" with you
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your ideal number of lovers?
    @san_jose_guy for fuck sake go buy a parrot if you need to have a "discussion" but stop with the online back and forth between yourself and your imagined female alter ego. enough with the "experiment" already dumbass
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your ideal number of lovers?
    @san_jose_guy for fuck sake go buy a parrot if you need to have a "discussion" but stop with the online back and forth between yourself and your imagined female alter ego. enough with the "experiment" already dumbass
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strippers and BYOB
    sorry @ime. you seem to have jumped between me and my comments to the ass clown or as @lopaw so accurately described him, the "creepy sociopath".
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strippers and BYOB
    ^^^^^^ my gawd! there really is no limit to your stupidity is there! look you fucking moron there is no super, double secret membership swinger’s club business model for underground BYOB strip clubs or Mexican hat dancing circuits. that asinine idea is nothing more than the product of the cacophony of all the insane voices in your drug addled head. now shut the fuck up you uneducated imbecile because i have no intention of going through all the alcohol regulations state by state trying to convince you that the floating watermelon above your head isn’t real. and you can also stop with the psycho PMs you fucking tard
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strippers and BYOB
    now shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about and if you have any doubts that means shut the fuck up about EVERYTHING
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    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strippers and BYOB
    and before you start in with some diatribe about Texas being some sort of right-wing aberration, how about this from left-wing Pennsylvania. again note the “pa(dot)gov” website you stupid asswipe http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/cons/groups/system_internet/documents/webasset/000835.pdf BRING YOUR OWN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE (“BYOB”) There is nothing in the Liquor Code or the Board’s Regulations that prohibits an individual from bringing his or her own alcohol into any establishment, as long the alcohol is legally procured, whether or not the establishment possesses a license issued by the Board. An establishment is, therefore, free to allow or disallow patrons from bringing their own alcohol onto its premises
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strippers and BYOB
    @san_jose_guy. just shut the fuck up. you are an IDIOT. you’ve proven that you are the stupidest person on the planet over and over again so you can stop beating your imbecile drum. please take note the below link is from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. not only is it crystal clear that BYOB is legal in Texas but about the only place it is NOT legal is in a private membership club you fucking retarded fuck. (and btw, it literally took my search engine less than half a second to find this you dumbass) http://www.tabc.state.tx.us/faq/general.asp BRING-YOUR-OWN-BEVERAGE (BYOB) 1. Can our guests bring their own alcoholic beverages into our establishment, or to our event, if we don't hold a TABC permit? - There are no statewide bring-your-own-beverage (BYOB) laws in Texas. (Check with your city or county for relevant local ordinances.) There is a state law that says it's illegal to bring alcoholic beverages onto the premises of the holder of a mixed beverage permit or private club permit. Otherwise, nothing in state law prohibits a guest from bringing their own alcoholic beverages onto the premises of a bar or restaurant or other establishment that is licensed to sell wine or beer, or into an establishment that is not licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. 2. Can our guests bring their own alcoholic beverages into our establishment while we are applying for a TABC permit? - You may allow customers to bring their own alcoholic beverages onto your premises while you are in the process of applying for a TABC permit. If you are obtaining a Wine and Beer Retailer's Permit, you can continue to allow customers to bring their own alcoholic beverages, even after you obtain a TABC permit. Some establishments that sell only wine and beer allow customers to bring in distilled spirits and sell "set-ups." This would not be legal with a Private Club or Mixed Beverage Permit. It is important to avoid any legal violations taking place on the premises before and after obtaining a TABC permit. If the applicant becomes known for illegal activity on the premises, it will interfere with the permitting process with TABC. 3. What alcohol-related state laws apply to a Bring-Your-Own-Beverage or BYOB location or event? o Minors Possessing or Consuming Alcohol - The punishment for making alcoholic beverages available to a minor is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail for up to a year, or both. Additionally, the violator will have his or her driver's license automatically suspended for 180 days upon conviction. Persons 21 or older (other than the parent or guardian) can be held liable for damages caused by intoxication of a minor under 18 if the adult knowingly provided alcoholic beverages to a minor or knowingly allowed the minor to be served or provided alcoholic beverages on the premises owned or leased by the adult. o Legal Hours of Public Consumption - The legal hours of public consumption of alcoholic beverages still apply to BYOB establishments or special events held in a public place. Even if the location does not hold a TABC permit, the guests can't drink alcoholic beverages on the premises all night long. Legal hours of public consumption begin a 7am Monday through Saturday, and begin at noon on Sunday. Legal hours of public consumption end at 2:15am if the area is legal for extended hours. Otherwise, legal hours of public consumption end at 12:15am Sunday night through Friday night, and 1:15am Saturday night. o Public Intoxication - Chapter 49.02 of the Texas Penal Code states: "A person commits an offense if the person appears in a public place while intoxicated to the degree that the person may endanger the person or another." 4. What is the definition of a Public Place? Chapter 1.07(40) of the Penal Code defines a public place as "any place to which the public or a substantial group of the public has access and includes, but is not limited to, streets, highways, and the common areas of schools, hospitals, apartment houses, office buildings, transport facilities and shops." More to the point, Chapter 47.01(8) specifically excludes restaurants, taverns, and nightclubs from being private places.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your ideal number of lovers?
    @san_jose_guy i have a question. when you post as @Coldnshallow do you cross dress as a female or do you put on the white lab coat you stole when you walked away from the asylum to conduct your little "experiment"?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    funny ways to tell she a stripper
    “you cant compliment a stripper on our personalities or any other civi girls bs. tell us we have nice tits and we'll love ya for ever.” whaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? but san_jose_guy said….oh wait a sec, what the fuck am i sayin’ lol