
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 22)

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    9 years ago
    Jackson, MI Strip Clubs 18+? , Any Female Strippers Looking For Friend?
    so you HAVEN’T built your tree house. just as i thought. you fucking parasite on humanity
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    9 years ago
    Jackson, MI Strip Clubs 18+? , Any Female Strippers Looking For Friend?
    hey san_jose_guy i’ve been thinking that maybe i was too quick to dismiss your new world order. i mean just because you are a 60ish year old loser going on 12 doesn’t necessarily mean that you WON’T become the newest incarnation of a progressive socialist Hitler in the silicone valley now does it… i mean sure you’ve always been a loser and odds are you will die as one but it is possible isn’t it? so i tell ya what. if you can convince me that you have already built your tree house and not just “planned” it and if you can assure me that @poledancer and @phoenix have agreed to service our every sexual need morning noon and night like you promised (i didn’t ask about @ninabambina because i’m sure she has already signed up) and now this is the MOST important part, if you can assure me that you will name your new world order organization “OUR GANG” then i will consider joining. and don’t forget you sick psycho fuck that there is a cell waiting for you in Vacaville so take your anti-psychotics like every doctor your parents ever took you to prescribed
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    9 years ago
    Jackson, MI Strip Clubs 18+? , Any Female Strippers Looking For Friend?
    @CookieMoney please to meet you and allow me to introduce to you @san_jose_guy - creepy socio-path, rapist and most definitely an unwelcome squatter on TUSCL
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    9 years ago
    san_jose-guy threatens to kill motorhead
    don't presume familiarity you brainless punk. you don’t know me well enough to call me Phil. and you can stop with your tired bullshit lie about putting someone in San Quentin. San Quentin and Folsom are California’s MAXIMUM SECURITY prisons. i’ve never been in SQ but i was briefly in Folsom before my re-classification hearing and transfer to Soledad. you see you uneducated lying asshole everyone who gets remanded into the custody of the California Department of Corrections is classified by the CDC which determines where they will serve their time. plain run of the mill child molesters are not sent to SQ which has limited space and is reserved for those deemed as the most serious threats. there is a waiting list to get in and it doesn’t include pentecostal child molesters that is how i know you have been lying the entire time you dumbass loser. your yarn is so ridiculous when held up against real world reality that it makes you sound like the pretender you are. just like your pretend experiences with strip clubs. during your back and forth with @subraman it was crystal clear you have never been to a San Francisco strip club in your entire miserable life. how old are you anyway? late 50’s? early 60’s? and in all the time you’ve been on here you could never once –NOT EVEN ONE FUCKING TIME – taken a $99 round trip flight to San Diego for a weekend in TJ. what a fucking loser and now your threats to kill motorhead and bring serious harm to not only ATACdawg but also to his brother who isn’t even on TUSCL, are a clear step across the line into criminal terroristic threats by a lunatic. time for you to go you stupid toothless barking dog, so FUCK OFF LIAR
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    9 years ago
    san_jose-guy threatens to kill motorhead
    there can be no place for san_jose_guy’s terroristic threats on TUSCL. BAN THIS INSANE FUCKTARDED ASSHOLE!
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    9 years ago
    Hate Crime
    oh and @Nina. that you are seemingly blind to the fact that the fascist hate-mongering leftist lawyer received a pass for threatening to kill people (a crime) to prevent them from voting (a federal offense) because he hates their choice of political candidate and his ideas (a hate crime) has any relevance to the thread topic speaks volumes about your prospects and suitability of becoming an attorney. btw, reading some of your past posts i’ve been meaning to ask, what’s up with this “drop mic” shit you use as your rebuttal of choice. what are you, in the fourth grade? that’s right up there with “BOOM SIPPY CUP WINS AGAIN”. i can just picture how you are going to run circles around all the other lawyers: Nina: “…so ladies and disgusting pigs of the jury, in conclusion ipso-factoid, la-di-da, don’t you love my cute new outfit with matching handbag and shoes, AND e pluribus urethra for all – drop mic” Judge: “uhhh, okay then, umm does the defense rest?” Nina: “well duh! i SAID drop mic. sheeesh how did you get to be a judge anyway?” Judge: “first day out of law school isn’t it? well congratulations on your bulldog like determination but i hope you kept your stripper shoes though i doubt there is much demand for a 72 year old stripper.”
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    9 years ago
    Hate Crime
    hard to argue with Reverend Al on this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhhYQBmWOL4
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    9 years ago
    Hate Crime
    ^^^^^^wow! you really are brain cell challenged. where in the fuck did you get the idea that i would ever support that Clinton front man and all around idiot Trump? he is nothing but another WHITE SUPEMACIST LIBERAL along with the Clintons, Bernie and the ACLU #BlackLivesMatter
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    9 years ago
    Hate Crime
    “But since there are even some here who would vote for the nutcase Trump…” yeah, you all should be shot you damn haters. btw there is an opening for a right (i mean a “LEFT”) thinking attorney in Colorado. an energetic go getter is a plus. a good aim is a necessity http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/aclu-leader-resigns-shoot-trump-voters-article-1.2463677 Colorado ACLU leader resigns after Facebook rant aimed at Trump supporters: 'I will have to shoot you' before Election Day ******************************************************************************************** i wonder when the hate crime trial will be
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    9 years ago
    dead cat bounce
    @gawker. good for you...your stories have always been entertaining... “Failure is dying with more than $50 dollars in your bank account.” - Forrest Fenn
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    9 years ago
    dead cat bounce
    @minnow well i hadn’t thought about defining it beyond more than they could reasonably spend but to be more precise than just “a lot” how about we use the TUSCL standard buy in and leave the Motorhead/GordonGecko level wealthy people off the table for the moment. say $350k per year of “disposable” money sourced either from tangible assets owned free and clear, deferred compensation or other completely passive income balanced against life expectancy determined by actuarial tables. so someone 87 years old with a day to live could qualify with as little as $1000, someone with a year to live - $350k, while a twenty year old would need more than “a lot” and probably even way more than a “butt load”. in other words without trying to be too convoluted, it would be someone who if they chose not to would not have to ever go to work for the rest of their life while having more than an adequate amount of “disposable” money (say $1000 a day, every day, for life). (*to keep it simple - adjustment for inflation is assumed as are medical/dental/long-term care) that bar doesn’t seem too high for many TUSCLers
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    @Clackport “Hey Confucious you moron, I'm not DoctorPhil.” oh yes you are when you’ve been sussed, you’ve been sussed. deal with it
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    now find some other way to whore for attention. i mean what would that psycho rapist san_jose_guy do without you if you actually went away
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    @JohnSmith69 “Thanks for the comments from the normal people on the board... you’re quite welcome
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Observations on the differences between experienced OTC strippers and those who
    "... lower mileage pussy..." lmfao. you a funny guy john smith
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    “I hate those disappearing attention whoring trolls the most.”
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=39030#comment462905 @JohnSmith69 “He's just fucking with all of us. Disappearing is his new strategy to get attention, which is what trolls do.”
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=38628#comment448976 @RichardF “John is at that delicate age between manhood and dotage, which makes him an endless source of amusement.”
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    9 years ago
    I need to take a break
    @JohnSmith69 “I stick the flashlight up the pussy of the DS for a more intimate visual experience.” hey John, while you are rooting around in there you’re going to find an empty pony keg. sorry about that but me and some of the bros left it behind. don’t worry i don’t want it back or anything but a little bird told me that lately you’ve been looking for loose change under the couch cushions. hey, nothing shameful about that. we’ve all been there dude. not really but that is the kind of thing we all say to break those uncomfortable silences when running into someone who is, let’s just call it “down on their luck”. but about the pony keg, you can take it in and collect the deposit. it’s all yours dude. seriously. just take it to “Joe's 2AM Liquors, Night Law School for Aging Strippers With No Future and 24 Hour Gravy Emporium”. your hooker, uh i mean your dick sucker, er DS or whatever you call her can show you where it is. her pimp, uh i mean her “BOYFRIEND” lives upstairs in the back. hey you should totally meet him. he’s supposedly a big wig with BlackLivesMatters. he has this awesome bumper sticker on his Caddy. it reads “Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are just two more WHITE SUPREMACIST LIBERALS. btw, back to your hooker’s, uh your DS’s pussy, i know it was pretty trashed but that wasn’t us. it was like that when we got there. no doubt it was those guys from the Buccaneers front line. they were really going to town on your hooker, uh your whatever. hey good look with the search for loose change
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    @Rech “I hate those disappearing attention whoring trolls the most.” lmfao
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers throughout the years on TUSCL
    @MrDeuce of course you don’t ;) @Clackport well i never said anything about holding her own or not - which stiletto25 did - well that is right up until she realized that true to his claim, Dougster had indeed been her IRL customer...then she just disappeared forever
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    9 years ago
    Dancers throughout the years on TUSCL
    oh, it’s not difficult for a dancer to go toe to toe with Dougster the difficult part is to do it and not make herself look like a maroon fetish_dancer was the only dancer to do so lol
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Retirement part dos (Annuities) ?
    @twentyfive don't waste your breathe on san_jose_guy. he has literally proved himself to be the stupidest person on the face of the earth over and over again and now the post-middle age broke ass psycho moron who (and this is serious here) aspires to buying a van and living in a Denny's parking lot (i shit you not that is what his aspiration is) dares to give financial and retirement advice. yeah, he is definitely the stupidest person in the world bar none
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    maybe because we are still stuck in the doldrums of the worst economic recovery in the entire history of the nation, Dougster’s NYC employer finally got fed up with the endless “there’s an economic BOOM a’comin” talk that never showed even a hint of being true and Dougster got a pink slip in his holiday bonus envelope so now he is hitch hiking back to Seattle in search of a non-existent $15/hr (would you like fries with that?) job in that communist clown town or could be he is just on vacation