Not in Kansas anymore
Comments by datinman (page 29)
discussion comment
4 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
March 17, 2020 through June 3, 2021 will forevermore be known as the golden age of TUSCL forums.
discussion comment
4 years ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
It is becoming like so many other things in life that are largely disliked, but mostly tolerated. I applaud those that turn around and walk away. If everyone did this, the invasive ID scans wouldn't last even one shift.
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4 years ago
I don't remember hearing Strokin' by Clarence Carter in the clubs I went to in the 1980's, but The Stroke by Billy Squire was in heavy rotation.
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4 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
"that other lib out of Tallahassee "
Hard to believe it was a close race with a bisexual found inebriated in a hotel room with a gay male escort that had o.d.'ed on crystal meth. Y'all dodge a bullet on that one.
discussion comment
4 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
20 is too young to dance and yet "In Texas, 17-year-olds who are arrested are automatically sent to the adult justice system. Texas is one of only four states left to treat these teens as adults for criminal justice purposes."
I am not interested in dancers still in their teens, but recognize the hypocrisy in TX.
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4 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I used to think Trump's pathological narcissism would eventually fatigue the GOP. He would say or do something so bat shit crazy that it would open the door for a Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, or Ben Sasse. I now see Trump was correct when he said "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?".
discussion comment
4 years ago
Keepin' it đź’Ż
Blue Moon during the daytime. Stepping out of the Phoenix sun into to this club was like walking onto the abyss. Couldn't see shit for 5 minutes.
discussion comment
4 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
I am very happy with my life and wouldn't want to change much for fear of the "butterfly effect". OTH, I wouldn't mind going back to 2009 and mining 50,000 Bitcoin with a desktop PC.
discussion comment
4 years ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
The basic needs are already provided for. We have SNAP/food stamps, section 8 housing, and Medicaid. In some areas cell phones and internet are also provided for free by the working tax payers. We also have vocational training programs and guaranteed student loans. Now I won't dismiss the challenges faced by addicts, the mentally ill, or those with intellectual disabilities, but most impoverished Americans could achieve middle class status if they put in the effort.
discussion comment
4 years ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
"Basic human needs shouldn't be exploited for profit"
If you truly feel you should not have to pay for food, lodging, or health insurance, might I respectfully suggest prison. Your dream come true. The Government pays for everything on the backs of the hard working tax payers. Take CJKent with you. You could spend all your days talking philosophy.
discussion comment
4 years ago
Utah. Yeah, they may wear temple garments on stage, but they are wild in the VIP.
Orlando. Be sure to wear your Mickey Mouse Club ears hat to let the dancers know you're down for a good time.
Nashville. It's not just the chicken that's Nashville Hot.
You know, pretty much any club in America is an extras club if you wear a white polyester leisure suit and tell the girls you are a chemical engineer.
discussion comment
4 years ago
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that.. um.. sex burns like 500 calories in 15 minutes. And .. um... think that goes up to... um.. like 1500 calories for a girl in reverse cowgirl position. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. Don't listen to that lying fitbit.
discussion comment
4 years ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
I am all in favor of equitable distribution of opportunity. Wealth and power, however, should be dependent on what the individual does with said opportunities.
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4 years ago
Dave, you better stock up on aspirin. 80% of U.S. physicians are vaccinated. It is going to be an interesting world in two years when most of the educated people die off.
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4 years ago
The cause of global decreased fertility... one word.
discussion comment
4 years ago
@latinalover69, You are wise to avoid strip clubs. Since being fully vaccinated, I have been "shedding" on strippers every chance I get.
discussion comment
4 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
We as a society invent new words all the time. (cheugy? really?) I just wish we could create a new set of pronouns that meant gender neutral. Using plural pronouns they/them for an individual seems clunky and grammatically incorrect. If I refer to an individual as they, do they refer to themselves as we? We also need to come up with a new honorific title for gender neutral individuals. Can't very well start a letter to they/them with Dear Mr. or Mrs..
discussion comment
4 years ago
I just heard Hillary Clinton hired a private audit firm out of Hollywood CA to audit the three blue wall states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin she lost to Trump in 2016! Apparently, if the ballots are exposed to oat milk and free range carbon neutral goat dung it reveals fibers made only in Russia. I can't wait for the outcome of this totally unbiased audit!
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4 years ago
STL is St Louis.
Here is a link to an article about Tennessee, so it may be a chain wide policy.
discussion comment
4 years ago
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
When it comes to Covid 19, there are two groups of people: Those with first hand knowledge and those with internet informed opinions. The fact you ended your sentence with "lol" tells me all I need to know. Watch a 17 year old high school girl, a track team member, die from a pulmonary embolism, you wouldn't fucking "lol".
discussion comment
4 years ago
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
"They report that 94.3% of all those whose deaths were attributed to COVID actually died of an average of 4 other "comorbidities.""
I am so tired of hearing this nonsense. If the SARS-COV 2 virus caused the blood clot that caused the heart attack or stroke, if it destroyed the alveoli and caused the pneumonia that put the patient on a ventilator, if it caused the kidney and multiple organ failure that lead to death, then Covid killed that patient. It doesn't matter that the ME listed Covid, pneumonia, and MI on the death cert. It doesn't matter if the patient had DM2 or afib as comorbidity prior to exposure. Patients live for decades with well managed "comorbidities".
A simple analogy: Dude gets hit by a truck going 45 mph. Coroner lists skull fracture, cerebral laceration, and laceration of the aorta as cause of death. NewsMax reports truck collisions don't kill pedestrians because the death certs listed three "comorbidities" and Ford Raptor wasn't even on the list.
discussion comment
4 years ago
I just read Waffle's response to Muddy's Detroit inquiry. Great insight and info. Why on earth would you give a bunch of shit to and try to chase off a member like that? I really don't get the guys that target the women on this board. smh
discussion comment
4 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
They better add a "preferred pronouns" section to all of our phones contacts because there is no way I am going to remember individual preferences otherwise.
This thread reminded me of the old SNL sketch "Pat" where no one knew which pronouns to use.