Going Back In Time

avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
If you could go back and relive a specific time in your life - what age would you be and why?

I like the idea of going back jr high with all the knowledge I have now. Kidding I would not want to relive an average drama filled day of any teenager.

I’d have to go with 30. I was established in my career, making enough money that I didn’t have to worry about money, my wife always got asked if she was in college, I could still party like I did in college and not have the after effects the next morning, I was still young enough that strippers thought I was hot, I could actually get out of bed the next morning from playing basketball all night and I actually got excited about vacations and trips.

Today over a decade later, none of the statements I made above are true now.


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avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Great question. I choose my two years of business school.

I was 28 when I started, surrounded by smart, motivated, magnetic, and yes, good-looking people.
Unlike most classmates, I had enough money to burn for tuition payments and still travel the world in style.
I would down 10 vodka sodas in a night, and bench press 315 for reps the next morning. What was this "hang-ohh-vurr" that everyone else got?
I had been a late bloomer with women so I made up for lost time. Older, younger, black, white, Asian, Indian, Latina, you name it.
And of course, I strip clubbed my ass off.

That said, I love my life now. Less partying and booze, but more meaning and more money.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
I wouldn't. I've seen those movies ... it never ends well.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
This is not really a brag. It's the truth. Over the past 3 years, I have scored more 20-something year old pussy than any other 3 year time period in my life. Am I paying for that pussy? Yes I am. So !
avatar for reverendhornibastard
4 years ago
My 40s were my best years, hands down.

When I was 39, just a couple of months shy of my 40th birthday, a very chatty barber told me that I was not yet getting old and that, some day, I would look back on my 40s as my “golden era.”

His logic was this: During their 40s most men hit their sweet spot: they have experience, sophistication, money and, although they may not be quite the hunk they were in their 20s, if they’ve taken good care of themselves, they still haven’t started to fall apart.

I was skeptical. I really thought he was just blowing sunshine up my ass.

But he was right as rain.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I'd go back to middle school with all my knowledge and break the best potential hoes and be ahead of the game
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Go back to sometime between 0-2 years just after high school and better recognize intent in general but more specifically severe depression. Idk if that alone could have prevented a suicide (do I have time to look up the specific date xyz happens?) but since this is all hypothetical anyways sure it’s worth a shot.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Well either that or make some fantastic prodigy investing moves as a 4 year old 👀
avatar for RandomMember
4 years ago
"Over the past 3 years, I have scored more 20-something year old pussy than any other 3 year time period in my life. "

@Warrior, it's bad usage to say you "scored" a prostitute. Instead, you're paying to compensate for the 40-year age difference. Lol, only on TUSCL...

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Tusclers pay 20somethings for sex to feel like a stud. RandomMember pays 20somethings for sex to feel ~⭐️classy⭐️~
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I’m probably in the golden years right now and the last few years. There’s definitely room for improvement but I’ve just slept with some of the hottest girls all over America the last 4 years and I wasn’t doing that high school that’s for sure.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Eh ... it's semantics, really, whether you want "scored" to be nuanced one way or another. Given the context of a website where 98% of the focus activities are leveraged by cash paid or received, I don't think that anyone thought that Warrior15 is the only TUSCL user who spends zero money on sexy fun time and comes here for the politics alone.

Anyway, I still don't think I'd go back and relive any time in my life, but there are some past decisions where I'd love to stage a quick intervention with myself. Something along the lines of "Hey, man. Don't date that girl. She's got nice tits, but she's also crazy like a bicycle made out of baby parts."

Though the chances of me listening to myself are an optimistic 40%, if I'm being honest.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I’d go back to my late high school days - and I wouldn’t be a fool. I was accepted to the University of Chicago on a scholarship - and I decided to go to somewhere else. You sometimes don’t know how good you have it - until years later.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I had a football scholarship i refused coz my mom thought it was too dangerous. I'd change that. I was really good
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
I'm hardly young and certainly had some great times in the past. However, I am more successful with women, paid or not, than I have ever been in my life right now. Maybe it's because I'm finally old enough to not give a fuck and maybe not. Bottom line, I enjoy my life today.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
I go back to 18 and chase every girl I could... and never get married.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
Any time before you existed.
avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
College. I would study way less and have way more fun. I feel like I’d be in same place in my life now had I done that.
avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
I think that as I approach 70, I'll be happy right where I am. A wife who, for whatever reason, loves me, two beautiful daughters, two great sons-in-law, and four grandchildren.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
I am very happy with my life and wouldn't want to change much for fear of the "butterfly effect". OTH, I wouldn't mind going back to 2009 and mining 50,000 Bitcoin with a desktop PC.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I'd go back to when I was 25, and instead of declining on Sunday and showing up in Court to try a case on Monday, I'd accept on Sunday and show up in Newport at naval justice school.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
If you could go back . . ??

I think this is called reminiscing. Tough call.

In our late 40s, 50s, Wife and I had this thing about hiking to some remote stream or mountain lake, fondle, foreplay or fornicate, and then diving into the cool/cold water. That was fun.

So was the mountain biking in the decade before that.

Age 25,26 was awesome. Getting laid (more or less) daily - for the 1st time in my life - with someone I was liking more and more, while white water rafting dozens of great rivers in OR and Cal. That was great.

But I'd be tempted to say age 20, and to bring some more skill/knowledge to the losing my virginity event. Though I thanked her and later told her it was my 1st time (securing her a place in permanent memory), I wish I'd brought more than just drunken willingness.
avatar for loper
4 years ago
If I could carry back some knowledge of life and/or women I would like to go back to my early 20s and take advantage of that knowledge. At that age I was quite the innocent nerd. I can't count the number of times that some woman made it clear I should make a move, but, of course, I didn't.

If I could go back to my late 30s and not be married I would choose that. I was as physically fit as I've ever been and the most intellectually and socially vibrant.

I'm fairly pleased with my current situation in my early 60s, but I'm not liking the physical deterioration.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
Mid 20s. I had no back or knee pain. I could fuck random cute 21 year olds I met online after buying them a meal.

Honestly I would love to physically be 25 in today's hook up culture. Today's girls really are so slutty compared to even 20 years ago.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
College. Stuff was still mostly new, including strip clubs and getting trashed. Well, I'd been getting trashed for years but it was better liquor once I could build a stash. I'd only done strip clubs a couple of times in high school. And just about everything was future, future, future. Consequences are a bitch, but there's probably only one thing I'd choose differently so it's not all bad.
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