
World renowned virologist: vaccine recipients will die within two years

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

A world renowned virologist who helped lead the team which identified the AIDS virus in the 1980's has stated that everyone who has received one of the Covid 19 vaccines will "die within two years."

The Nobel Laureate and renowned disease expert, Luc Montagnier, stated that "there is no hope" and "all who have taken any of the vaccines will die." He added that the only thing left to do is "start preparing mass crematoriums to dispose of the dead."

While many in the general public have not heard about the potential risks of the Covid gene therapy vaccines, which had less clinical trials than normal prior to their wide release, the possibility of mass death has been widely discussed in alternative media. Montagnier's statements will surely give additional credence to the concerns.



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Avatar for NinaBambina

I do believe that everyone who got the vaccine will die some day.

Avatar for shailynn

Have you ever spoken to a women without hauling to give her your credit card number first?

Avatar for twentyfive

I agree with Nina that everyone who gets the vaccine will die one day.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Dave, you are amazingly consistent. Keep trying to grab those clouds, buddy. 👍🏼

Avatar for jackslash

Don't worry if you've been vaccinated. The effects can be reversed by drinking bleach, according to world renowned scientist Donald Trump.

Avatar for booji boy
booji boy

Lol... Trump is not a brain genius -- that title was STOLEN from him in the last election.

Avatar for datinman

Dave, you better stock up on aspirin. 80% of U.S. physicians are vaccinated. It is going to be an interesting world in two years when most of the educated people die off.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Alright! I'll just have to start spending my money on strippers at a rate that will leave nothing on the table when I croak!

It will be a great time!!!😉

Avatar for Huntsman

Sure. I’ll take advice on an anonymous fuck board based on a discredited French dude I’ve never previously heard of, rather than my family doc, whom I’ve known for decades.

Avatar for Dougsterr

Delusional Dave continues to be that special kind of stupid. Keep it up bud....they really are out to get you!


Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Again, some of you jerk off to really boring porn.

Avatar for gSteph

Well, I hope you're happy Dave, clearly you've ruined the mood for the day.

Might as well go walk the dogs 🐕

Don't suppose you could take care of them when we're gone?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I better stop putting off my maiden trip to TJ

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

At the end of the day this is a novel vaccine that has been given to millions of people in a short period-of-time so only time will tell how it will shake out

Avatar for shailynn

I just I don’t turn into a zombie.

Avatar for shailynn


I just hope


Avatar for bkkruined

I've just never understood what these assholes get out of peddling this bullshit.

The Nigerian royalty that continually request my assistance with the retrieval or lottery winnings has a pretty clear and understandable profit motive involved.

But this crap? Why do people take the time to make this shit up? Is it really just for attention, do they really crave it that badly?

Kinda fucking sick really...

Avatar for RandomMember

"Why do people take the time to make this shit up?"

I've never heard of Luc Montagnier, but after a little poking around it turns out he did win a Nobel Prize in medicine and he played a major role in the discovery of HIV. He's also known for using his platform as a Nobel Prize winner to spread batshit-crazy nonsense that angers other scientists. For example, he accused the Wuhan lab of creating Covid-19. It's no wonder Montagnier attracts the mentally unstable, like @DaveAnderson. Fact-checkers online are stating that Montagnier never made the two-year survival comment.

Fringe science turns up in many areas from climate-science denial to epidemiology (e.g. "The Great Barrington Declaration").

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Facebook whistleblowers share Facebook's internal-policy of only allowing one side of the vaccine-story to be told - it's concerning how many on the left are suppressing any counter-view even if factional or merely just raising/asking questions:


Avatar for whodey

Sounds like Luc Montagnier is going senile in his old age. Maybe he just figures he will be 91 in 2 years so he will probably be dead before his prediction is shown to be false.

Just because he had a Nobel winning mind 35 years ago doesn't mean he knows what he is talking about today.

Avatar for Tetradon

Dave's hat is on a little too tight today.

Avatar for bang69

All of us are going to die. The question is when where and how. So play hard while you can

Avatar for Cashman1234

If anyone believes this guy - then the economy should begin to move at a pace rarely seen before. Spending should be over the top!

It’s a very good humanitarian thing we are doing in not sending our vaccines to developing areas!

Avatar for Bdon18

Idiotic post. Montagnier didnt say it, or anything like it. Literally fake news. At least do an internet search after you read something that sounds ridiculous. Due Diligence!

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Bdon18 ... Diligent research is the enemy of confirmation bias.

Avatar for JamesSD

Sounds like his interview was badly twisted.

He was making the legitimate point a vaccine against some variants of a virus can end up selecting for variants that resist the vaccine. But in the case of covid it seems like the vaccines are working.

The 2 year death thing was a made up lie.

Avatar for Jascoi

i’ll be pissed if I die in two years.

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

Hey Shaylyn, trying to belittle the messenger doesn't do anything to negate the message. BTW, I've known some very hardcore females who know the truth about the New World Order. More hardcore than me. Kindly buzz off.

Avatar for Liwet

Is it possible to keep getting the vaccine? Can we shorten this 2-year timeline?

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

The vaccines were rushed for political reasons and testing centers turned into vaccination centers to give us a bigger false sense of safety than masks. So we can return to mass consumerism....

Avatar for skibum609

Who cares either way and Random, why is Biden looking into Wuhan now? Oh, thats because the vermin called the Chinese created this virus.

Avatar for RandomMember

^^yes, mainstream scientists want to explore whether Covid leaked from the Wuhan lab. It's no longer a crackpot theory.

Avatar for Studme53

Funny. We we’re in the actual and very serious Cold War with the USSR when McCarthy was on his crusade. Communist influence and infiltration of American institutions like the military, media and the influential entertainment industry were not imagined bogeymen - they were real and a real threat.

Socialist and Communist revisionist history have painted McCarthy as a paranoid. He was a zealot but not paranoid - the threat was real.

So, your right in the sense McCarthy and those excited about the destructiveness today have a lot in common.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

The threat of social justice and a society not based on appeasing the greed of the rich

Avatar for nicespice

Hopefully lil_baller bumps this thread two years from now. 😁

Avatar for skibum609

Icee thinks only rich people hate the leeches he supports. Social justice is nothing more than stealing by those who contribute nothing and take a lot.

Avatar for skibum609

Fuck the chinese. They are our enemy. Not icee's tho, the dirty fuck.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"social justice" is blaming others for your shortcomings and believing your bad lot in life is due to the success of others (it's not me and my choices it's successful people keeping me down)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"social justice" is bringing anyone better off than you down since you're unable or unwilling to move up in society (if you can't beat'm take them down)

"social justice" is just a fancy word for communism - the left is very good at using words that don't mean what they claim to mean

Avatar for Tetradon

^ And trying through repetition to make things mean other things. They love to append "justice" onto anything to mean something else. How could one be against "climate justice," "reproductive justice," or "healthcare justice"?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ and append white supremacy to everything to cover their ineptitude

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ and cover for their racism

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Today's left are the 21st-century segregationists (CRT and more)

Avatar for Salty.Nutz

People should be pissed of how the government held off the vaccine roll out because trump was still in office. how many people died due to politics and could have been saved if they started to vaccinate ASAP

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

They made the announcement the very next day after the election (if I recall correctly) - as if to make the (woke) point they were deliberately holding it back to affect Trump's reelection and thus be woke-heroes

Avatar for Studme53

2 years to live? Thanks for the info Dave!

2 years to spend the nest egg

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Was just watching a segment where the heads of the CDC, FDA, and NIH, were testifying b/f Congress.

A congressman asked each one approximately how many of their employees had gotten vaccinated - incredibly enough about half of their employees had opted to not get the vaccine - that should raise some eyebrows to-say-the-least.

Now they are pushing hard for kids to get the vaccine; meanwhile it was recently reported that a half-a-dozen big-pharma individuals have become billionaires.

Avatar for wallanon

"Oh, thats because the vermin called the Chinese created this virus."

So does it make US citizens vermin because their political leaders and some government workers/contractors are doing things that people might not like? Or could harm others? Does that make 300 million or so people vermin?

Avatar for DeclineToState

I suspect Dave also has very specific conspiratorial beliefs about airplane chemtrails.

Avatar for skibum609

This guy is so fucking stupid he must be a progressive.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

‘This post aged poorly...’

Nah. It was pretty stupid at the outset.

Avatar for wallanon

"This post aged poorly..."

Don't be fooled. It's only been a year.

Avatar for docsavage

People were wrong on both sides. Fauci, Biden and Walensky all predicted the vaccine would stop transmission of the disease. The assumption also was made by many that the virus would continue to be dangerous and not mutate into a milder variant. This is in spite of the fact that this type of virus often does that. See 1918 Spanish flu, 1957 Asian flu, and 1968 Hong Kong flu. It should have just been left up to each individual person to do their own cost-benefit analysis on whether or not to get vaccinated. The politicians in power receiving big pharma political donations didn't want that, though.

Avatar for orionsmith

I believe a majority of the vaccine naturally gets removed from the body after a few months which makes logical sense or you would not need booster shots mere months later. I don't know why some people keep believing in fake nonsense but I guess some get conned and fall for scams everyday.

Avatar for Tetradon

Calling the vaccine "gene therapy" is inflammatory and stupid.

Humans have laughably little of the enzyme that integrates RNA into human tissues, and a lot of RNase that degrades mRNA extremely quickly. It makes a few viral proteins in our body (which stimulate immunity) then get chewed the fuck up.

Anyone (and Dave_Anderson is one of the worst offenders here) can Google "Pfizer vaccine deaths" and link the first site that supports them. One could look up the rate of vax patients who have gotten blood clots--and the higher rate of COVID patients who have gotten blood clots--and make an informed decision.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

@savage, yes, the virus mutated into the milder variants, but some of the causation for that was the vaccines as well as the people who got covid and developed their own antibodies. When a vaccine and antibodies prevent the spread of some variants, it allows other vaccine/antibody resistant strains to become dominant. I’m no doctor, but the onset of omicron came almost immediately after a large number of the population was vaccinated. I have no proof but it seems the two events were likely related.

That said, we’ve handled the virus poorly. Great victories for our country and great challenges or disasters should be events that cause us to put aside differences and fight or celebrate together. Instead, we’ve allowed the last few years to drive us further apart. It’s sad.

Avatar for Tetradon

@Jimmy, viruses mutate in response to "selection pressure" whether that's natural immunity or vaccines.

Some viruses mutate better than others. The flu virus is one of the best; strains mutate and recombine left and right, and that means we need a new flu shot every year. COVID hasn't acquired all those tricks--coronaviruses replicate relatively faithfully (they have enzymes that can correct some errors)--so I think we'll all pick up a degree of immunity before too long.

If were a mad scientist developing a bio-weapon to wipe out billions, I'd create some kind of super-flu, just virulent enough to spread without killing people right away, and let it go to work.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

We're not in the clear yet. The pandemic is being ignored for political and economic reasons. We're just being told we have to live with it because of private sector pressure. Profits before people.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

I don’t think a whole lot of people think we’re in the clear. We’ve just managed to bumble and stumble our way into where we are. We’ll continue to develop treatments and modify the vaccines. There are enough options that people can figure out for themselves how they want to deal with it. This wasn’t true in early 2020 and government interaction was necessary. Could it have been better? Yeah, in some cases they fucked up a lot. But now? Different story. I choose to get vaccinated and boosted. As long as people are still suffering bad symptoms and long running effects from covid but not from the vaccines, I’ll continue to opt for a shot.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

I think government interaction is still necessary. Help for those with long haul covid. More efficient aid to those who were evicted and or list their jobs. The private sector should be forced to take greater precautions when it comes to worker safety. And we're seeing new strains evade the vaccines. Those pose a very real threat.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

There shouldn’t be any kind of aid going to landlords nor tenants, and especially not people who were evicted. That’s like giving a landlord assistance because nobody wants to rent his house or apartment. Evicted people are usually criminals, otherwise why would they get evicted? Even racist or sexist landlords would likely be fine with renting out to a race or sex they disliked.

And giving aid to people who got fired, also depends what they got fired for. If it was for robbing the cash register they obviously don’t deserve governmental assistance or unemployment. Finessing and hustling might work out fine in the strip club but it doesn’t really work well or last long in other jobs.

Avatar for docsavage

"Great victories for our country and great challenges or disasters should be events that cause us to put aside differences and fight or celebrate together."

People should not have supported moving Covid decisions from the individual decision realm into the political realm and then complained about the politicization of the disease and the resulting polarization. One naturally follows the other. Once the vaccine was available, anyone could have gotten it and been largely protected from serious illness. After that point all the vaccine mandates, mask mandates and lockdowns were not needed. This is a highly transmissible disease that almost everyone is going to eventually get so hiding behind a mask or in your house isn't going to work forever.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Most evicted people are poor people forced out by greedy landlords raising rents

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Savage, that’s your opinion. It’s not necessarily wrong, but it ignores or at least minimizes the passage of time. In early 2020, we didn’t know what we know now about the disease or when the vaccines and treatments would become available. Critique of the decisions made back then should be made in the context of what we knew then. Not 2020 hindsight.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

The so called vaccine did not stop transmission of the virus, and in the other industrialized countries where the unredacted data can be scrutinized, the so called vaccine correlates with a higher rate of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. In places which had less vaccine dosages, the "pandemic" ended much sooner. When there we lots of dosages and a high rite of jabs, the "pendemic" went on much longer.

Getting a new vaccine approved takes 12 years or more. People were getting needled with this in 14 months because of Emergency Use Authorization, and this is why they had to discredit the available and now proved effective treatment drugs.

Medical mistakes can happen, but this was and still is a deliberate campaign of deception. The FDA has still not complied with the Freedom of Information Act. The responsible parties must be prosecuted.


Emily Williams-I Say a Little Prayer For You


21st Century Schizoid Man, School of Rock


Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

^ Ah. So this is the downside of reviving this thread.

Avatar for Tetradon

"Getting a new vaccine approved takes 12 years or more. People were getting needled with this in 14 months because of Emergency Use Authorization, and this is why they had to discredit the available and now proved effective treatment drugs."

Say you know fuckall about drug development without actually saying it...

Avatar for san_jose_guy

We were duped from several directions simultaneously.

Looking at this new kind of a "vaccine" was not wrong, but they had to have done it openly and honestly. They did exactly the opposite.

And they perpetuated irrational precautions to make people believe that they had to be saved by the "vaccine". The feds offered no help with treatment drugs, even though a long list of drugs, proven safe as they have long been used for other illnesses, has been shown to be extremely effective and extremely helpful and could probably have eliminated all hospitalizations. They did this to be able to use Emergency Use Authorization and to make people believe that they had to have the "vaccine".


School of Rock, more edgy


Avatar for docsavage

Jimmy, lockdowns were justifiable early on when we didn't know much about the disease. Remember "two weeks to flatten the curve"? In some cases, though, two weeks turned into two years. Schools are an example. Children were always at little risk. More children die yearly from the flu than Covid but we never shut down the schools or forced kids to wear masks and stay six feet part to avoid the flu. It soon became obvious hospitals were not going to be overwhelmed. Early on field hospitals were set up but this was not done later because many of those field hospitals were little used. In the case of New York, because of an excessive fear of overcrowded hospitals, patients were moved out of hospitals into nursing homes with devastating results as the disease then spread among the old people in the nursing homes. From the beginning, the focus should have been on protecting high risk elderly people.

In the case of the vaccines, the country to first get most of its population vaccinated was Israel. News soon started coming out of that country that the vaccines had limited effectiveness in preventing transmission and created more negative side effects than expected. This should not be surprising. In the past it usually took several years to test and approve a vaccine. This was not done here. There was a mainstream media blackout on this. Alex Berenson reported on this on Twitter and government officials went to Twitter and brought up the subject of banning him. Science is people discussing opposing ideas and theories, not banning your opponents. Berenson recently was reinstated on Twitter because a lot of what he was saying back then turned out to be true.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Its almost been two years since many people got vaccines. Death in two years doesnt seem likely.

It’s possible there coild be other issues. Generalized inflammation. Joint inflammation.

Avatar for Jascoi

i feel fine. la la la la…

oh shit… what’s going on?

dang. i feel woozy.

i feel cold and distant now… like in a tunnel…



Avatar for Tetradon

"The feds offered no help with treatment drugs, even though a long list of drugs, proven safe as they have long been used for other illnesses, has been shown to be extremely effective and extremely helpful and could probably have eliminated all hospitalizations."

No, large trials of HCQ and ivermectin were shown not to have benefits. The other drugs are serious immunosuppressants not to be given lightly.

Just because it kept you out of the library doesn't make it evil.

Avatar for Huntsman

Biden, Trump, Harris, Pence, DeSantis, Newsom. All apparently have only a few months to live. AOC, HRC, Cruz, Rubio, Abbott…Bernie, Warren, Haley…by MLK day they’ll be gone. Kristi Noem has until April. The 2024 presidential field is looking a bit thinner if Dave is correct. Seems there is little point in continuing the political threads until unvaccinated politicians replace all the above vaxxed ones who will begin dying any moment now.

Avatar for 48-Cowboy

This is good news. After the boomer removed takes full effect then Elvis Presley will be president and Michael Jackson will be vice president. Elvis and Michael will be fine because neither one of them was vaxed.

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