OT: Gov Desantis smeared by reporter (again)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Desantis goes back at her while the crowd boos the reporter and cheers DeSantis - time to stop playing nice w/ these f'ing leftists:



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avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
In a few years, we will be talking about President Desantis.
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
^It's certainly possible. You'd have to think DeSantis would curbstomp Kamala.

But he needs the GOP nomination first, and no one gets that as long as Trump is around because I just can't see Trump ever passing up the chance to run for the GOP nomination as long as he's alive.

It's too bad. DeSantis has the intellectual capacity and actually wants to stop wokeism and Marxism, which if unchecked will continue to destroy America.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
I don't understand the appeal of DeSantis. I have a feeling we'll be hearing from Paul Ryan next presidential election. His kids are nearly college age now which I think was a factor in his reluctance to run
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ I think Paul Ryan did not like Trump and it appears most Republican voters are not gonna support an anti-Trumper
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
We may or may not hear from Paul Ryan. But Paul Ryan will not be the GOP nominee.

As for DeSantis and his appeal, if one has been following critical race theory and how it's being forced into schools and the garbage hate that children are being taught at this very minute, then one will understand the appeal of DeSantis. He was the first Governor to come out and say "not in my house" with that racist Marxist tripe.

He also was the first Governor to say, back in mid-2020, that his state "will never do lockdowns again" because businesses and people have a right to liberty and individual decisions.

For those two reasons alone, it is no surprise he has risen to prominence and is the clear second-choice among GOP voters to Trump when it comes to presidential preference.

For those that believe Kamala must be stopped at all costs, DeSantis is the choice imo. He will appeal to moderates, suburban women and independents in a way that Trump simply cannot do. That is not necessarily a view held by everyone, but if one wants to be honest about what it takes to win a general election and stop the Marxists, then one should be looking to DeSantis over Trump. But it will be a moot point if Trump decides to run b/c DeSantis is smart enough to know it would be impossible to defeat an actively running Trump in a GOP primary.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
You guys haven’t won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections and none of the last 4 if you keep pushing these kind of candidates there’s no longer going to be a Republican Party the majority of the country doesn’t want this divisiveness and y’all can keep on doing the same thing and expecting different results or someone with a little sanity needs to be nominated
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
I used to think Trump's pathological narcissism would eventually fatigue the GOP. He would say or do something so bat shit crazy that it would open the door for a Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, or Ben Sasse. I now see Trump was correct when he said "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?".

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Winning the popular vote in national elections is meaningless. Look at which party controls the most Governorships.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
I would love to have 4-8 more years of Trump policies, without 4 more years of Trump presidency. That is what DeSantis will bring to DC. However, I truly hope (and believe) that he will seek and win a second term as FL gov. This will give Trump the rematch against Biden, IF Trump can win another nomination. I do not consider those odds better than 50/50, which are still better than Ryan's odds. Most republicans and conservatives cannot stand Ryan, but it is hard to imagine anyone but the worst RINO running againat Trump.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
BtW, if you do not understand the importance of the Electoral College and how it protects the nation from the tyranny of the majority, then you do not understand America and should just shut the hell up and let the educated voters talk.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
If you really believe winning the popular vote is meaningless than tell us why it’s ok for the governors that you tout to make national policies,
Nah it’s not meaningless it’s the reason there’s so much divisiveness in this country, a President or any other official elected with less than a full mandate will generally be a failure and Trump is full proof of that.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
You who tell anyone else to shut the hell up are the person that has no understanding of America, I understand the electoral college a lot better than you this tyranny of the majority crap is pure unadulterated nonsense.
What is actually happening now is tyranny by the minority and is just plain nonsense, our democracy is in trouble because it is being overrun by liars and grifters and there's a large group of morons being led around by these con men and their false promises.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Dear AOC Jr., your response says it all. You have utterly no clue about this topic, no clue how the Constitution was carefully crafted to protect individual liberties, and willfully believe every lie spoon fed to you by Psaki, Pelosi, and Schumer. You gobble down propaganda cum and lick Biden's shaft clean like a good little prison bitch. It's a waste of time to argue and debate with you because you have no moral compass, no backbone, and no brain. You are completely fucking demented. I pity you.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
I didn't vote for Trump, but his most effective line is "they're going after you (usually referring to rank and file Republicans), I'm just in the way."

Team Blue savaged Every Democrat's Favorite Republicans (McCain and Romney) in 2008 and 2012. They'll go after DeSantis the same way. Trump's foibles are incidental.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Then shut the fuck up and people might forget what a bigoted moron you really are.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Intended for that 12 year old Gammanu
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "I understand the electoral college a lot better than you this tyranny of the majority crap is pure unadulterated nonsense."

Clearly you either don't understand the electoral college as well as you think you do or you're just too dense to process the underlying rationale for it.

The reason for it is as valid today as it ever was, maybe even more so with how polarized the country has become. Back then Southern states were worried about losing their voices to, and having their values run over by, more populous Northern states. So the Founding Fathers established a system designed to balance the will of the overall population with the rights of individual states. Today it is a collection of large and small states worried about NY and CA driving policy for everyone in perpetuity.

The electoral college has historically forced candidates to a certain degree of moderation and compromise by requiring them to appeal to a variety of different constituencies. In its absence, we'd be living in some version of the Hunger Games, with a handful of capital cities dictating policies for all of the outlying Districts. Maybe we could consider FL or TX as District 13, lol.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
But back to DeSantis, he is quite popular in FL and for good reason. Overall the people of FL are very happy with his rational response to COVID, especially when it came to keeping children in school. Then there are his school choice and scholarship programs, which are giving the teacher's unions fits but are making parents very happy. And you had better believe that a vast majority of parents with girls are happy about his answer to boys saying that they are girls and then competing against real girls in sporting events - not in Florida.

Better yet, unlike that whack job Trump, DeSantis handles the press in a very straightforward and calm manner. He frequently holds press conferences and takes all questions, including from snarky ankle biters writing for Miami and Tampa left leaning rags. He is hard to rattle and is always ready with the data underlying his chosen action(s).

Net-net I think he would be a great candidate for President. I'm only sorry that we will lose him as Governor of FL as he has been doing a fantastic job.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
If he is as successful in his second term as he has been in his first term, DeSantis will be nearly unbeatable in 2028. Like I wrote, I hope he remains Governor for another term. The only thing that could derail his chances are if all the blue losers moving in from failed blue states bring their stupid blue voting habits with them. A dem-controlled state legislature fucking up Florida would be used by the criminally corrupt democrat media to attack DeSantis.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Pay no attention to the poor, pathetic, demented old man from West Palm. He just needs a sippy cup, a diaper change, and his mid-morning nap.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ it shakes you up too much, this poor demented old man, isn't from West Palm and consistently kicks your ass from here to Tampa. you are a particularly one dimensional bigot with no friends and no life, at your age spending all of your time on a website like this you are pathetic
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Bernie vs Trump in the next election.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Campaigning on life support 🤣
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
^ In which case, that job opening in Switzerland sounds mighty fine.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
In typical cranky old geezer fashion, you think you run this site and get to call the shots on some bullshit seniority ranking. You are wrong as always. This is a meritocracy! You are as impotent here as your are offline. Impotent, weak, and frail. Your bullying is as toothless as the rest of you.

I will never, ever, change my handle here. I will never, ever stop posting here. I will always be around to oppose your radical politics, highlight your already evident ignorance, and call you on your bullshit.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Sure thing skippy
You follow me around attacking me at every turn you sent me threatening pms you have a history of posting the most inappropriate bigoted things you trash every thread yo enter, you pathetic little twat, to have posted on my reviews lies that I don’t even bother to respond to even founder told you to put up or shut up I guess you can’t help yourself I own you and I really don’t want to be bothered by you but you are the biggest loser on this website
Leave me alone I will put you back on ignore, if you continue to harass me I will send those bigoted pms you sent to me to founder and see if he has something to say you have to be aware of the words you have used and you have called me a kike a porch monkey and more
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
25 you accuse everyone of following you and attacking you when you're the one doing it and join in on attacking anyone you disagree with in between playing victim
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Fuck you icee you to are a little cunt your another liar and have been a liar since the first day you came on this site with your pimp persona you’re pretty stupid too
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
I was so occupied with analyzing the next few election cycle and standing up to our resident bully, I almost forgot to watch the video. Yeah, DeSantis was brilliant.

I wasn't too excited about him or his Trumpism in 2018, but I did vote for him. Like Trump, I have been pleasantly surprised by his actions and policies in office. If that other lib out of Tallahassee had won that very tight election, Florida could have been as bad or worse than Michigan or New York.

The press will continue to believe that they can damage DeSantis by tying him to Trump, but that actually raises his stock in FL (Trump won this state in every contest); and in any event, DeSantis's track record will prove his leadership skills and qualify him for POTUS when he is ready.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
and 25iq keeps on lying. Whatever. You're a bully who attacks anyone who disagrees with you. In true commie fashion, you do not allow dissenting thought. Put me on ignore, I'll keep you on blast. Your bullshit and bullying will not stand unchallenged.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ What a gerbil
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
"that other lib out of Tallahassee "

Hard to believe it was a close race with a bisexual found inebriated in a hotel room with a gay male escort that had o.d.'ed on crystal meth. Y'all dodge a bullet on that one.
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) ran narrowly ahead of former President Trump in a straw poll of potential 2024 candidates in a survey conducted over the weekend at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

Of attendees who responded to the survey, 74.12 percent said they would approve of DeSantis for president in three years, compared with 71.43 percent who said the same of Trump. DeSantis won 275 votes, while Trump got 265.

The duo had wide leads over the rest of the sprawling field, with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) coming in third at 42.86 percent approval.

Source: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/55…

Interesting, but I still can't see Trump standing down for 2024. Too bad, DeSantis is better equipped intellectually to combat wokeism, not to mention far younger, more likely to get the voters needed to win a general election, etc.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
As I said before, DeSantis is our best opportunity to get four more years of Trump policies, without four more years of Trump presidency; but I would still like him to helm FL for a second term.

However, this idiot Biden admin and a hopelessly incompetent democrat-held congress is going to give the Republicans a landslide in 2024. Expect both houses to swing solidly Republican in the midterms.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ the Dems are not stupid enough to think their agendas are popular with the majority of Americans - to me they're counting on future rigged-elections to keep them in power bc they know their radical-agendas alone won't fly; o/w they wouldn't be going so radical - thus I'm not as confident w.r.t. the midterm "results"
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
^Looks like voter ID is coming into force now in some states however (despite previous Dem opposition).

That disgusting Jabba-The-Hut-looking romance writer Stacey Abrams even caved in on it.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
If you mark your vote based on who likes or dislikes Trump that's dumb. I wasn't saying DeSantis is horrible or anything. Just thought Ryan was way more qualified and appealed to Republican ideals and it didn't make sense to me why he isn't a shoe in for the GOP nomination.
I guess over the top theatrics is what people want these days.
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
Trump's rally in Ohio yesterday proves he's gunning/planning for the 2024 GOP nomination.

And if he wants it, I don't see how anyone stops him.

It's bad news for the country. Now the Republican party will simply remain all about his personal antics instead of offering a winning and consensus alternative to the radical left agenda. DeSantis could have provided that.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Next week is going to be interesting the Southern District of the U S , DOJ is expected to bring charges against the Trump Organization, we shal see if DJT is still interested in running a campaign for the Presidency
avatar for LapHunt
4 years ago
Does the DOJ case have a realistic chance to actually result in Trump being put in jail? I feel like all these cases end up getting drawn out by appeals and various legal delays which last years, usually resulting in dropped charges or some kind of settlement.

A while back, the media made it look like the Georgia case where Trump asked the sec. of state to find him 11,780 votes would be the smoking gun that surely took him down, but he just keeps on keeping on.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Seems most conservatives see DeSantis as the best-choice – in the last Conservative gathering DeSantis won the straw-poll over Trump for the first time (likely a function of Trump being mostly out of the limelight since he left office).

For me as a Conservative I def see DeSantis as the best choice but would love to see Trump in office again as an America-sized middle-finger to the fucking-left – problem is Trump brings too-many negatives but then again he had the balls to do a lot of things in his 4-years that likely no other politician would have had the balls to do (moving the U.S. Israeli embassy to Jerusalem; taking on China; renegotiating trade-deals; making the EU pay their fair-share; getting peace-treaties in the middle-east; etc) – but then again Trump brings a lot problems on himself and made a lot of enemies including on the Republican side – and he puts his foot in his mouth too-much for a politician – Trump needs to do as Teddy Roosevelt did (“Speak softly and carry a big stick”).

So I feel Trump w/ his bombastic don’t give a f*** style can get more done but also cause a lot of drama – DeSantis is a good choice as someone willing to take on the tough issues and not back down but also knows how to play the political game and knows the political game better than Trump.

Trump would be 78 ys/o in 2024 – IDK if he’d want to go to war again – perhaps he can see himself being more effective out of office, or focus on rebuilding his business empire which looks like it took a big hit in his time in office – I would not be surprised if ran and would not be surprised if he didn’t; either b/c he sees other pursuits more worthwhile or perhaps the GOP may convince him to stay out and support DeSantis; or perhaps run w/ DeSantis as a VP but IDK if DeSantis would be up for that?
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Make America Florida ! 🤣 Not a dig on Desantis, just thought the campaign slogan is amusing.

(Tho I guess not as amusing as the 2016 “Feel the Johnson” from the libertarian party)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
w.r.t. the DOJ - the Dems have seized on the levers of power to go after their political adversaries - everything from Obama using the IRS to go after conservative groups in the 2000s; to siccing the FBI on Trump even b/f he took office to secretly investigate him; to going after anyone in his inner-circle and trying to destroy them; to bogus impeachments and collusion charges; to the NY AG running for office solely on going after Trump even b/f any crime had been identified; to now the DOJ recently announcing the GA election-law is you guessed it ... "racist" - the left sees it can't win on the merits/their-agenda and is hell-bent not on defeating the other side but destroying them by any means necessary.
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