Thee are literally 8 Million job openings in America right now. Many good paying jobs in health care, construction, and modern factories are begging for someone to fill jobs paying $40,000-$60,000.
You say you want to overcome poverty ? Here’s an idea so wild, it might just work. Go get a fucking job.
"We need a national rent strike." Isn't that basically what the eviction moratorium has basically been?
I'm just waiting to see the fallout when the moratorium ends and all the people who haven't paid their rent in a year get a bill for all the missed payments.
The first rule of economics is you get more of what you subsidize. We are rewarding people who sit on their asses and complain about people who pay taxes and keep the wheels of life spinning. These slugs sit in their government provided housing eating government provided food using government provided phones to complain that nobody ever gives them a break.
"Basic human needs shouldn't be exploited for profit"
If you truly feel you should not have to pay for food, lodging, or health insurance, might I respectfully suggest prison. Your dream come true. The Government pays for everything on the backs of the hard working tax payers. Take CJKent with you. You could spend all your days talking philosophy.
Or we could guarantee access to work food shelter Healthcare as basic needs and ensure them as first world countries do. Sustainable development beats the hell we have now.
You can have profit without exploitation.
Prostitution isn't really about sex. Its about delusions
^ Funny, even other "first world countries" have businesses making profits off basic needs. From my field (pharma), look at Roche, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, and Bayer.
Besides, it's the bandwagon fallacy to say just because they do it, we can, or should. If we didn't maintain shipping lanes for trade, or foot Europe's defense bill, we could pay for a lot more goodies here.
You need to learn some economics. AOC's Twitter feed and Sanders speeches don't count, as they've never run a thing in their lives except their mouths.
@ICEE, you're the one who needs to stop calling anyone you disagree with a "bigot" or "extremist," and educate yourself on the definition of the term. You'll see I don't fit any of them.
That you don't go after my points or logic says that you have none of your own. You only regurgitate leftist talking points, squawk opinions as if repeating them makes them right, or conflate policy proposals with abstract concepts. Look up motte-and-bailey fallacy.
The basic needs are already provided for. We have SNAP/food stamps, section 8 housing, and Medicaid. In some areas cell phones and internet are also provided for free by the working tax payers. We also have vocational training programs and guaranteed student loans. Now I won't dismiss the challenges faced by addicts, the mentally ill, or those with intellectual disabilities, but most impoverished Americans could achieve middle class status if they put in the effort.
You're a fucking retard Icee. How about this: No work; no eat. Just a Jew hating Nazi Icee; you little, useless bitch. national rent strike just means the democratic base sells their children.
Conservatives believe the role of government is to provide safety and order. Beyond that, most people can mostly take care of themselves most of the time. When they can’t, private charity should step in. Freedom of speech is essential to this view of the world.
Socialists believe nearly everyone is incapable of taking care of themselves. It is only with the guidance and control of a small number of leaders at the top that anyone can survive. Anyone who questions this view of the world must be cancelled.
I’d be willing to bet you , icee, that I have done more good for more people, as a landlord , business owner and contributing member of society, than you have done with your twisted logic and communist sympathies
^ to folks on the leftist fringe, I guess we all look alike but I consider myself to be a true centrist you son on the other hand want everything handed to you on a silver platter, you’re a communist son I guess from where you sit I look like a right winger, but I’ll make you a bet the real world is very difficult for people who think like you
I guess these people are trying to escape poverty…,,,
“The flagship commemoration event to mark the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre was scrapped after three survivors demanded $1 million each to appear.”
You think anyone who does not buy into the far left is the far right. Most people are in the middle. This includes people who run businesses as a way to support themselves. A byproduct of that is they provide jobs for others.
Some people support themselves by buying property and renting it to people who can't afford to buy property themselves. You want the fruits of what these people do for a living for free? How about this? As an employer, I want your labor for free. It is my basic human right to support myself through my business. Having to pay for labor interferes with that. I think the government should provide businesses with free labor. Sounds just as reasonable, right?
Here’s a specific example of how the left’s claim to help people is really just a scam to accumulate power.
Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill is aimed at filling the pockets of his political supporters, not helping all Americans.
“Biden has proposed a policy that, by some estimates, would allocate $165 billion for public transit (including urban rail — subways, light rail, and commuter rail) against only $115 billion to fix and modernize roads and bridges. Transit, which accounts for about 1 percent of overall urban and rural ground transportation, would receive nearly 60 percent of the money.”
His urban base ( and the donors who build and benefit from transit ) get the money.
NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio was born Warren Wilhelm. He changed his name from his German father’s name to his Italian mother’s maiden name because he thought it would be more attractive to Italian and Jewish voters.
There's a Facebook group where people bitch and moan about landlords. It's hilarious. For all those landlord haters out there, why don't they become one and let their tenants live for 5 bucks a month?
last commentYou don’t get it, maybe one day you will...
“Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.
It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.
While poverty persists, there is no true freedom.”
“We must work together to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth, opportunity, and power in our society.”
~ Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
You say you want to overcome poverty ? Here’s an idea so wild, it might just work. Go get a fucking job.
You demand free housing. Remind me again who the parasites are.
I'm just waiting to see the fallout when the moratorium ends and all the people who haven't paid their rent in a year get a bill for all the missed payments.
What do you think we have those suckers who work their asses off and pay taxes? Just take the money from them.
If no one makes a profit--by which they feed their own families--no one provides basic needs.
Pick up an economics textbook and stop talking out your ass.
If you truly feel you should not have to pay for food, lodging, or health insurance, might I respectfully suggest prison. Your dream come true. The Government pays for everything on the backs of the hard working tax payers. Take CJKent with you. You could spend all your days talking philosophy.
You can have profit without exploitation.
Prostitution isn't really about sex. Its about delusions
Besides, it's the bandwagon fallacy to say just because they do it, we can, or should. If we didn't maintain shipping lanes for trade, or foot Europe's defense bill, we could pay for a lot more goodies here.
You need to learn some economics. AOC's Twitter feed and Sanders speeches don't count, as they've never run a thing in their lives except their mouths.
That you don't go after my points or logic says that you have none of your own. You only regurgitate leftist talking points, squawk opinions as if repeating them makes them right, or conflate policy proposals with abstract concepts. Look up motte-and-bailey fallacy.
Do better. If you can.
Socialists believe nearly everyone is incapable of taking care of themselves. It is only with the guidance and control of a small number of leaders at the top that anyone can survive. Anyone who questions this view of the world must be cancelled.
Speaking of personal attacks you son came on this thread with this statement
“People need to rise up. Landlords are human garbage”
I just copied and pasted what you wrote up above
“The flagship commemoration event to mark the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre was scrapped after three survivors demanded $1 million each to appear.”
Some people support themselves by buying property and renting it to people who can't afford to buy property themselves. You want the fruits of what these people do for a living for free? How about this? As an employer, I want your labor for free. It is my basic human right to support myself through my business. Having to pay for labor interferes with that. I think the government should provide businesses with free labor. Sounds just as reasonable, right?
Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill is aimed at filling the pockets of his political supporters, not helping all Americans.
“Biden has proposed a policy that, by some estimates, would allocate $165 billion for public transit (including urban rail — subways, light rail, and commuter rail) against only $115 billion to fix and modernize roads and bridges. Transit, which accounts for about 1 percent of overall urban and rural ground transportation, would receive nearly 60 percent of the money.”
His urban base ( and the donors who build and benefit from transit ) get the money.
NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio was born Warren Wilhelm. He changed his name from his German father’s name to his Italian mother’s maiden name because he thought it would be more attractive to Italian and Jewish voters.
Tells you a lot about the guy.