
Comments by oscarlomax (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    More raids
    Very interesting how some folk who support Trump ignore the fact the man is honest in his only concern being himself. He has no concern for others. On the other side, folk want him crushed. What I'm not seeing a lot of is the question---Why did he have those documents in the first place? If you're not the President, why would you have top secret government property in your personal abode? Trump himself, to my knowledge, or his team have really addressed this curious, but important question.
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    Oh, I'm lucky in that I don't have college debt. My father worked his ass off to make sure of it. I'm sure he incurred debt...all those years ago. But this issue is not about me, indivudally, it's about many in society who provide services that are vital.
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    Too many people getting upset and drinking the Kool-Aide. The massive debt that can never be paid off by many folk who went to college to improve their circumstances found themselves victims of this money scheme. On one hand people are fed this idea that college is the path for a better life and then they are put an ecconomic trick bag. Not everyone, but enough to make it a serious problem. So when someone tries to address the problem, not everyone is going to be happy. People want to blame this political party or that political party but it's an economic nightmare in which many have found themselves drowning. Many politicians now crying "foul" take government money from programs for their own personal use---Marjorie Taylor Mean, I mean Greene, Matt Gaetz etc., etc. So, if not a small starting point in loan forgiveness, what other solutions will really help as higher education costs get higher?
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    2 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Dancers using the term "extras"
    Usually, depending on the California Clubs I frequent, the ladies will either tell you flat out what they will do for you in the VIP or say something playfully naughty like..."You look cold. Let me warm you up...with my mouth!" or the less specific, "You wanna have some real fun?" If you are in a COI club, you know what that means.
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    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: R.I.P. Roger E. Mosley
    I remember Roger from the movies THE MACK (as Max Julien's revolutionary brother) and the lead in LEADBELLY, a bio-pic about the famous bluesman. I also went to school with another of his daughters, Reni, in San Diego. RIP R.M.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    An Okay Time...and then...HAZEL
    You're right Papi, I shouldn't have ignored what my 6th sense was telling me. I know we can be wrong sometimes but, in most cases, clues don't lie. I took the big "l" on this one and learned my lesson.
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    3 years ago
    Whoopi Goldberg is right
    It all depends on one's definition of race and/or the differences between race, ethnicity, and nationality. The Nazis declared Jewish people an "inferior race" that needed to be exterminated. This may be a different definition than a 65 year-old black woman in America might hold. These definitions and the times in which they occur and also the people giving out such labels has lots to do with how folks are reacting. Whoopie was right that the act of extermination was inhumane but the Nazis did not share her definition of race. Lines are blurred because "Jewish" can be a religious way of life, an ethnicity, and a nationality. After all, there are melinated folk who identify as Jewish. So it isn't as simple an issue as some may think.
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    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Failed High School History
    Oh, sorry, I meant to say "Schumer" rather than the president before the Nit-Picky Mob tries to come for me! But even if you do, you know what I meant!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Failed High School History
    You know what the man means. This nit-picky nonsense is just that...nonsense. Yes, Thurgood Marshall was on the Supreme Court. Also Clarence Thomas, who is definitely not my cup of tea, is a Justice. Yes, there have been women. But in the history of the Court it has largely been WHITE MEN. That is a fact and that is the salient point we all know the President was talking about. And yes there should be a brilliant black woman who isn't a HAND MAIDEN or Bed Wench on the court. The Court needs to move closer to being an actual place of impartial adjudication than a political appendage.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Fun On The Way Home
    Regular dances are $40 for two songs. Sometimes a 3-4-40 special. VIP Suites $180 for 20 minutes Various specials on various nights. Drinks are either $8 or $10 depending on what you want.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The black-dicap
    meant to say "...or women who are so skinny..." sorry about typos. We all think faster than we type.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The black-dicap
    There are a lot of factors and ethnicity is one of them and so is the location and style of club. I remember going to a Rhino Club in COI years ago. It was a mixed club but there were very few black dancers. I'm a black dude, and yes, I like curvy women with round butts. Not into really obese women are women who are so skinny it looks like the clothes are still on the hangers! I noticed one very attractive (to me) black women at the club who had that slim/thick build. She would never approach the black men who came in the club. She would go after older white guys and young white guys in groups. One day, I approached her and got into a conversation. She said she assumed that because this Rhino had a majority of women who weren't black that the black men who came in were not looking for her. Digging a little deeper, she admitted she moved from an all-black club because some guys there (her words) "treated her like shit." I just listened. From then on, every time I came in, she would seek me out to talk. Don't think I ever danced with her but we had a lot of conversations. We are all just the sum total of our experiences. And one size does not fit all.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    2nd Weekend in November
    Sorry. Prices are $20 for topless LD and $40 for fully nude. VIP is $120 plus whatever tip you negotiate with dancer
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    ITC / When did you discover Extras in a strip club ?
    I was in a club in LA County that had just installed back rooms. This curvy woman asks if I want a private dance. I said okay, thinking it was going to be just a sensual private dance. While walking to the room she said, "You can fuck me." I said, "Ok," thinking she was kidding. She was not kidding. During the first song she gives me head and expertly covers me via a condom with her mouth. Before I knew it, she hopped on bored and rode me like crazy. Like many, it was unexpected. I gave her a tip and she was cool and said, "I know you will cum back soon."
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Bella on the radar
    Don't really remember but it was either 2 bills or 180. Something in that neighborhood.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Abortion has been banned
    SKibum609, Not a fraud, a thinker! You can disagree with me. Doesn't change the facts or how I arrrived at them through my personal prism of experience. You cannot tell what I've seen up close for years isn't real.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Abortion has been banned
    It's crazy that folk (many of them men)want to legislate what a woman can do with her body. I teach and I've seen a lot of emotionally, unwanted children and it's not pretty. Some of that came from restrictive rules like this. If the folk touting the validity of this law would take it upon themselves to raise and emotionally support the results of the hypocritical extreme pro-life actions, then I would have more respect for them. But as is, it's more damaging than helpful. It will just drive medical care for these situations underground. Fortunately technology is better than it was in the past, so women may not face the same kind of mortality risk...if they can get to a place of assistance. And yeah, Abbot and DeSantis stand for an enact ideas I think are misguided and foolish. And I'm not afraid to be called a "Leftist" or whatever some folk want to yell. But I'm more of a person who thinks with common sense and is a fan of humanity rather than anger and useless hate.
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    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Gorgeous white girl ❤❤❤❤❤❤
    Everybody has their own taste. Personally, not into spinners with no ass. Bubble butt, petite ladies, with curves without being stick figures, I can handle. But for me, a pretty face, round, shapely booty, curvy (not fat) waist and hips...my head will turn for a 2nd look. Again, taste is an individual thing and there is always going to be something for everyone.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    stripper comebacks
    Years ago there was a popular dancer named "Frosty" whom I first met at the Jet Strip in Lennox and then later at Spearmint Rhino in COI. She was very cool and friendly. She said she was leaving the business to pursue a career in interrior design in Las Vegas. She actually did and then 2 or 3 years later I encountered her again in COI. We talked and she was pleasant but I could tell, she had had some financial problems and returned to the club to earn some money but her heart was not really in it. That image of her coughing a smoker's cough and not being able to catch her breath for a few moments still kind of haunts me. A really nice person who experienced some tough times as we all will.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    1st Time back since 2017
    Each girl is different. Depending on the girl it could be $$ for a certain type of experience and $$$ for something else
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    3 years ago
    Dancers ignoring customers
    The remedy is to always approach a dancer if she doesn't approach you. I've had situations where I wanted a dancer's attention and couldn't even make eye contact with her. So I just walked up to her and started a conversation. Other times I've just wanted to chill and drink while watching the "human zoo." This is when every dancer and her mama seem to approach. Or when you are about to connect with the girl you are interested in, every girl you are not interested in comes and sits on your lap, effectively cock-blocking.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    1st Time back since 2017
    LD's ---- $20 topless, $40 nudes, $120 for 3 songs in VIP Entrance fee: $15 Drinks (all non-alcoholic): $6 "did what she does"---c'mon, use your critical thinking skills! TL is well known for it"liberal" policies, if you are familiar with the LA area clubs you would probably know that but if you aren't then, my apologies. Now you know
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Chauvin juror may have lied during jury selection
    We're talking specifically about this case and the fact that racism against black folk and people of color exist. Don't deflect and try to conflate it with "where is the outcry when.." blah, blah, blah. That is part of the problem. Rather than deal with the issue of a system that was set up in the beginning to create a situation, some wish to move in another direction instead of dealing with the main problem. Real discussion, acknowlegement of the issue, and then probable course corrections are the only way for any kind of progress. Whenever I hear or see people aruge---"Well, what about this or that" then I know they aren't listening or really want to dig into the serious, age-old problem that continues the fester and harm people today. You don't correct one problem by hiding behind an excuse.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Chauvin juror may have lied during jury selection
    I was surprised that the personal relationship between Chauvin and Floyd was not really a part of the trial. It was still a racist act and had a personal element to it. Chauvin is clearly guilty of murder. The defense are going to try as hard as they can to get things over turned. That's their job. Yes, this is a racist country and people need to acknowledge that and deal with it. It's deep rooted an systemic. Individuals may claim, "I'm not racist" and maybe as individuals they aren't but the structure of this nation are. Unless you have really felt the brunt of these things, you don't fully comprehend. But you can learn if you actually listen and study history. But many aren't interested in that.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Wednesday night with a happy ending
    Sorry for the typos---"...from here she will either negotiate or shut it down."