
Craziest thing you've seen at the Strip Club

Avatar for TippingDollars

The past month I've seen three crazy things I've never seen before at the strip club. First thing I saw was a guy bring in a service dog. He didn't leave the bar area but I thought it would be odd if he got a dance and had to bring the dog with him. Second thing I saw was a stripper 9 months pregnant looking to give dances for the fetish part of it. Yes I did get a dance with her. The final weird thing I saw was a guy proposed to his girlfriend on stage at the strip club. The girl is a waitress at the club. Curious what other people have seen that is odd at the club?


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Avatar for twentyfive

I hope the service dog got a happy ending

Avatar for Muddy

Unfortunately the craziest things I’ve seen at the strip club I’ve put my dick in

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

I guess Cubans fighting back. At a tuscl famous latina strip club jn vegas. Cuvan girls boyfriends attacked the managers like 5 times over the last 3 months after girls started complaining they don't want to be management's "special" girls

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Saw a very pregnant dancer's water break on stage.

Avatar for mike710

I had forgotten about seeing a dude proposing to a dancer on stage until the OP spoke of seeing this. She was pissed and didn't say yes.

Avatar for skibum609

Lets see, I saw a stripper pull a pistol out of her bag, point it at the bartender who shut her off, pull the trigger as the patron next to her jammed her arm up in the area, but only felt the plaster from the ceiling fall on me as the bullet embedded. The bartender grabbed the gun, a customer threw her into the street and we went back to drinking.

Avatar for wallanon

I've never seen someone propose at the club. The other two in the OP I've seen. I'm guessing the dancer who tried to shoot the bartender was piss drunk at the time, but that is definitely up there on the batshit meter.

One of my favs complained to me about a customer she had to fire who'd fallen hard and tried to put a ring on it. She was laying in my bed so it wasn't the greatest pillow talk, but I don't pick the topics lol.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Don't really see it, how going into the couch room with a seeing-eye dog would be a problem.

A DJ at Deja Vu in Springfield, IL use to remind the crowd about the beginning or end of Daylight Savings Time.

Heard a DJ at Kappa in IL announce that it was so-and-so's last warning about taking his pants off.

Avatar for HannibalSmith
  1. Pregnant stripper sitting at the bar having a drink and smoking a cigarette.

  2. There used to be an Indian doctor who would frequent the 8 mile clubs in detroit, and he would have a bit and reins and would pay girls to ride him like a horse around the stage, bar etc.

This is more of a laugh than strange but

  1. A naked girl run out of the VIP area at flight club, yell at the top of her voice to the bartender “we had an accident and I need some napkins”. Five minutes later a dude runs out of the VIP and makes a B-line for the exit as fast as possible.
Avatar for ATACdawg

@25: I'm sure he did. Probably did it doggie style... Honk, honk😂

Avatar for mike710

Memories coming back. One time I was getting a dance in an open couch area and bouncers had to wrestle with a guy right in front of me and the dancer. The culprit had his back to me and was wrestling 2 bouncers almost right on top of me. Rather than move away or have the dude fall on me, I got up and pulled the culprit's legs out from underneath him so the bouncers could get him under control.

Avatar for Big_sarge

Craziest things I have seen:

Was at a club in Colorado Springs and there was a couple in the audience. They were in the part of the club that was not that crowded and he ended up getting FS when she was sitting on his lap and they were watching dancers on stage. I know some will ask how I know it was FS....you basically couldn't not know. Eventually a bouncer came back and told them to tone it down.

Was at a club in Baltimore with a two story pole. The dancer shimmied her way to the top of the pole and then slipped and fell to the floor. I don't think she broke anything, and certainly not her neck. Her face was all bloody and they took her away on a stretcher once the ambulance got there.

Was at a club in Syracuse in the dead of winter. The dressing room was in the basement and the club on the main floor. Well I started noticing some smoke or fog coming from a vent...and very quickly determined it was smoke and noted out of there about 15 seconds before everyone else realized it was smoke and got the hell out of the club. It was probably 5 degrees outside and was kind of humorous watching all of the girls come out in various states of undress. The fire department eventually came to put out the fire and happily handed out blankets to all of the girls.

Finally, I didn't see it, but a story I have heard many time is that a customer had a heart attack and died in a club that is now closed that was a little outside of Baltimore.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Although not as crazy as some of the things here I've also seen a late term preggo dancer on stage. Didn't see her with a gun but I saw a dancer threaten to shoot another dancer and she followed that up by throwing a stripper heel and a beer bottle at her head, she missed with both but that beer bottle came within 3 feet of hitting me.

Didn't see it actually happen but a dancer od'd in the dressing room but I did see the follow up, paramedics showed up to revive her and cart her off. I saw another junkie dancer nodding off at the bar slowly reawaken then nod off again while she was speaking to some guy that had a shocked look on his face.

The craziest thing is going back 10-15 years ago I'd actually see fit attractive dancers in some of the dives I frequent instead of the fat, old, worn out hags that populate them now.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Saw bouncers beat the shit out of a customer for falling asleep

An old man fell asleep and shit and peed himself

Dancers got in a fight on stage and a weave landed on me. Management told me to keep it as a souvenir

Avatar for oscarlomax

A dancer was once sitting on my lap. She spied a certain other dancer walking out of the dressing room. The dancer got up from my lap and politely excused herself. She walked up to the other girl and clocked her in the face like she was in a barroom brawl. The other dancer fell back on the ground, out cold. Bouncers revived the fallen dancer and ushered both into the manager's office. A few moments later the fallen dancer got her things and left. My dancer casually walked back to me and sat on my lap and continued our conversation. I asked her what that was all about. She said, "That bitch is a thief and stole money from me so I had to handle my business." I asked why they let her stay. My dancer replied, "I make more money for the club than she does."

Avatar for TheeOSU

I just recalled something else. I was in a now closed dive standing at the end of the bar talking to the bartender and two dancers. There were also a couple customers there.

Just 6 feet away sitting at a table an old guy wearing sweat pants had his hand in his pants and was obviously jacking off. I looked directly in his eyes and he just stared back and continued to jack off like it was a normal thing for him to do in public.

I rolled my eyes, shook my head and looked at the people standing there with me. Nothing was said but my impression was that the employees had seen it before and basically didn't care or didn't want to get involved and just ignored him.

Something crazy that people might have seen that involved me. I was sitting at a table with a dancer and we were groping each other. She reached into my shorts, pulled out my cock, and started sucking it with people sitting at a couple tables on both sides of us. I looked around and didn't notice anyone looking so I don't know if anyone saw it happening. It seemed like a long time in slow motion but she probably only sucked it for 10 seconds when I told her let's go to a more private area and finish it up.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Icee why would bouncers beat someone up for falling asleep? And this person did nothing, no cops? Can bouncers really just beat up whoever they want?

Avatar for docsavage

This more involves the craziest regular I ever had. This all involves one girl. One of my regulars was sitting in the strip club eating a piece of pizza. One of the other strippers told her she was getting fat. My regular threw the piece of pizza at the other girl and hit her in the face with it. This got her suspended from the club for a week. Another time my regular walked over and pushed another stripper off a stool she was sitting on. Another time my regular got in a fight with and was punched in the face by a Mexican stripper after the Mexican stripper accused her of stealing personal possessions in the club. Another time my regular drank too much and passed out during a lap dance and had to be carried out to her car and driven home. Another time my regular invited another stripper in the club to come over to her house and watch her while she shot up on heroin. Another time my regular crashed her car while drunk, abandoned it, and then told her insurance company it was stolen. Another time my regular crashed her car and broke her collarbone. Another time my regular had bruises all over her and told me she fell down the stairs at home while drunk. Another time she fell off the stage while drunk. Another time while on stage she got in a shouting match with a customer by the stage and had to be sent home. Another time my regular told me she had a crush on another stripper in the club. I later saw them kissing in the club. Another time my regular bought a pit bull and then tried to give me her cat because the cat was afraid of the pit bull. Another time my regular told me she had been fired by five different strip clubs. Another time my regular told me she ate too many psychedelic mushrooms and all the houses on her street had giant eyes staring at her. Another time my regular was in the hospital and demanded more pain medication. When they refused, my regular got up out of her hospital bed and angrily walked out the door.

Avatar for hepguy

As I wrote in a review several years ago, at Chez Joey on the Baltimore Block a newbie stripper had a seizure, possibly induced by the strobe lights.

Avatar for Cowboy12

The "boob squirting milk" happened to me once. I probably had a stupid, surprised look on my face, lol.

Avatar for elvis2

Some 30 years ago was in 'MONS VENUS", Tampa, one afternoon in summer. Was sitting there, 2 masked men walked in , dressed all in black. No place to run, no windows to get out of, I figured best thing to do was try and get a good description of them so if I lived, could tell authorities. I have a LEO background of sorts, so my training was kicking in. Men appeared white, both about 5'10'', etc. First man was wearing etc etc, with shiny shoes . Hmmmmm, wearing a black jacket ( in summer ), did not add up.

Woman hostess walked up to them , said " WHAT DO YOU WANT, BILLY ? ". Seemed strange , but then it dawned on me, these were police , we were being raided. Or so I thought . Billy told the hostess they were looking for Sally Smith, ( a dancer ). Hostess had recognized the cop, even with a mask on, and said the girl no longer worked there. They looked around , told hostess good-by and left. Seems dancer had warrant as a a murder suspect. Turned out comical, but for a minute thought I was going to die in a strip club, but at least it was The Mons.

Avatar for Specialj

I saw a guy go down on a stripper on stage from the tip rail.

Avatar for wallanon

There should be a thread about Top 10 strip clubs you wouldn't mind dying in. The Mons in the 90's sounded like the place to be.

And wasn't Elvis an honorary deputy of the Shelby County Sheriff's Department?

Avatar for Cashman1234

I once watched the club manager curse out the cops when they stopped by for their monthly PBA donation. He got so mad and red faced - he was ready to push them out the door. I think he had major anger issues - and mental health troubles. He calmed down after a bit, but he was a miserable old fucker. He ran a filthy extras place that got rough at night.

I watched a buddy pick up a dancers dress and put it on his head - as a joke. The odd part happened when I got between my buddy and the bounce (who didn’t see the joke), and I stopped the situation from escalating, and nobody got booted.

Avatar for rickdugan

I am so desensitized to the weird shit that happens in clubs that some of the shit I would have once considered crazy just seems normal now. I'm really racking my brain to come up with something that I would actually consider "crazy" but I can't.

I've seen/heard/experienced (as applicable)...

= Cat fights

= Dudes carried out head first

= Guys sitting around in a small open room each getting serviced at the same time

= Endless gimmicky shit in my younger years like shower shows, shaving cream wrestling and stripper boxing

= Stripper overdosing

= Strippers passing out drunk or stoned

= Girls point guys out and tell me their CR fetishes

= A girl squirt breast milk in my mouth (when I learned that a girl with implants can still nurse lol)

That's just what I can think of off the top of my head. But none of it feels crazy to me anymore, not in a strip club. It really makes me wonder if my perceptions of the world are becoming permanently altered by spending too much time in them.

Avatar for whodey

There have been lots of odd stuff over the past couple of decades.

The weirdest was about 10-15 years ago in the vip room of a now closed dive bar called the Green Light in Louisville. Their vip room was a shared room with a bunch of high backed couch/beds each turned to face away from each other to give just enough of a sense of privacy for the extras that happened there. One evening as I was just finishing up my time back there I heard a girl start throwing up and the guy started screaming. As he jumped up you with his pants around his ankles you could see that he was covered in the strippers vomit from his chest down to his knees. Turns out she had way too much to drink and got sick while giving him a blow job. As the manager and bouncer came back to see what all the screaming was about the guy, with his pants still around his ankles, starts yelling at them asking how he was supposed to explain to his wife why he was covered in vomit. The manager just calmly said "why wouldn't you just tell her the truth?" and everyone in the room except the irate guy busted out laughing.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Is the boob milk considered crazy or weird? I have requested it and paid for vip specifically for it.

I don’t understand why bouncers would beat someone up just for falling asleep, and how they get away with it? Some people claim cops can get away with abuse, but it sounds like strip club bouncers can do anything they want if Icee is telling the truth

Avatar for twentyfive

^ If iceefag is telling the truth

That hasn’t happened yet I doubt it ever will

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Anyone who clubbed in Los Angeles in the mid 1990s might reply, "I saw some guy beat the shit out of Pauly Shore in the Hollywood Tropicana before they both got thrown out on the road."

I was the "some guy" in that story...

Avatar for Cashman1234

Ishmael - that sounds like it must be a great story!

I expected that Pauly Shore spent time trolling LA strip clubs. I also expect that his annoying TV persona was even more annoying in person.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Yeah among people who would benefit from an ass whipping pauly shore would be high on the list, lol

Avatar for wallanon

"...the guy, with his pants still around his ankles, starts yelling at them asking how he was supposed to explain to his wife why he was covered in vomit."

Reason 1,001 why guys who need to be discrete have spare clothes or just buy a disposable outfit if they're gonna roll that hard.

Avatar for CJKent_band


Who in the 1990’s didn’t see some guy beat Pauly Shore at the Hollywood Tropicana?

Pauly is only 5’7” and at the time was an obnoxious skinny weakling surfer dude of low intelligence and a heavy alcohol and drugs user.

“Most people who can’t appreciate me are bitter and jealous people.”

~ Pauly Shore aka The Weasel

In any case Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


Avatar for DeclineToState

Saw a bouncer with hand around dude's neck leading him into a VIP room and manager was right behind him with roll of paper towels and bottle of cleaning solution. Asked the bouncer later what happened and he reported the dude was super drunk dude and took a piss in the room while in there with girl, girl reported it, and they made him clean it up. I made sure to never go in that room again when hitting VIP.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Can’t say I’ve seen anything too-wild that I can remember – I guess some things that come to mind:

  • Follies (Atl) circa-2016 (dayshift) – saw a bouncer carrying an unconscious young (spinner-ish) white-dancer in his arms from the main-floor to the dressing-room/back-offices – IDK if she passed-out due to alcohol/drugs, or had some kinda medical-issue

  • The Body Club (small Miami black-dive) circa-2017 – there is a small-space/hallway in b/w the main-room and the club’s dressing-room/offices in the far-back-corner of club – there was a wall there w/ an opening about 2-doors-width – one couldn’t really see into that area from the main-room unless one was standing near that area (back-corner of the club) which is where I happened to be standing – I felt something going-on in that area so I took a peek and I see two black-guys going at it (fighting) UFC-style – I kinda freak-out a bit and walk-over to the opposite-corner of the club where the club-entrance was and the doorman/bouncer was and tell him what was going-on – to my surprise he dismissed-it – I-guess-it-was/looked-like 2 club-employees having some kinda “disagreement”

  • Club Climaxxx (at the time it went by Club Rolexxx; another black-dive in Miami) – this was circa 2003(?) – I was living in Dallas at the time and back-home in Miami for Christmas-vacation – it was Christmas-Day (Dec 25th) and by late-afternoon/early-eve I had done all my Christmas stuff (visits to family-members’ homes etc) – I was on vacation and wanted to take advantage of being back in Miami so decided to hit Rolexxx at night on Dec 25th (Rolexxx has a decent-dayshift but to be expected it was closed during the day on the 25th but the club opened around 8pm on that day – decided to hit Rolexxx around 10pm and it was a pretty-good-vibe w/ a pretty-good # of dancers – was having a pretty-good-time but by midnight (25th going into the 26th) seems half-of-Miami also wanted to blow-off some steam from the holidays – past-midnight the club started getting PACKED and by 12:30am or so there wasn’t even a place where one could stand – I started to get concerned at the massive-crowds (in addition to being the only white-person in the entire-club that also happened to be in a black-part-of-town) – I had already had some-fun prior to the crowds and felt it was a good-time to leave (although I probably wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t that overcrowded) – I had a hard-time making it to the door fighting my way thru-the-sea of hood-people – finally made-it to the door and there was a crowd of about 75-more hood-people that looked like a moshpit all trying to get into the club which I couldn’t see how they would be able to fiy inside since there wasn’t even standing-room (Rolexxx is on the small-side like most black-dives I’ve been to over-the-years) – once I made it to the door I had an even harder-time getting thru the hood-moshpit of 50 to 75 crowding the door trying to get inside – I almost couldn’t make it thru the hood-moshpit and no-one would make room for me to get-thru – halfway thru the moshpit some hood blackguy started to punch me in my lower-back as I was stuck halfway trying to get thru the hood-moshpit (he was punching-me in the lower-back for no good-reason; I guess he just saw an opportunity to be hood) – what after seemed like a WWE-struggle to get thru the hood-moshpit I finally made it out of the moshpit halfway out-of-breath – it was still-early and I was on vacation so decided to take a cruise around South-Beach – headed home about an hour or two later but decided to roll-by Rolexxx on my way home to see what was going-on after I had left and saw there were like 10-police-cars w/ their lights-on at Rolexxx (I assume club-staff ended-up calling-police b/c the crowds were getting out-of-control size-wise and it was an unsafe-situation) – went home after rolling-by the club and seeing all the cop-cars)

Avatar for grand1511

Don't know if this is "wild" but it is the most unusual thing I've seen. It was a Sunday night, usually slow in the club. I enter and there's a crowd of 7-8 guys. I get closer and see in the middle of that pack is an old guy lying in an adjustable hospital bed and hooked up to IV drip bags. The bed had the controler to raise up the top half to different positions. Dancers were taking turns climbing on to the bed with the old guy to give him lap dances. The younger guys were making it rain most of the time. Everybody in the place had a smile on their face, especially the old guy in the bed. I never got the full story on what was happening, but figured the old-timer was chronically ill but was bound and determined to get one more fun night in the club!

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Unfortunately, wasted dancers passing out or falling of their heels is all too common.

Avatar for jaggerish

Ilbbaicnl's comment got me to thinking. Maybe not the "craziest thing" but memorable. In a popular club in South Jersey (now demolished) a dancer passed out on my lap and slumped to the floor. As I tried to raise her dead weight the first person to her aid wasn't a club employee but none other than porn star/Playboy model Teri Weigel! She was that night's featured attraction but since she hadn't performed yet she wasn't allowed to solicit tips or really interact with the patrons. As I recall, she was still in street clothes and making her way to the dressing room. "Johnny on the spot" you might say. The dancers later told me that under the bright lights of the dressing room she was absolutely beautiful and very nice.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Wow. Teri Weigela was one of my favs from that era.

She was a flight attendant during her pre-Playboy days.

Avatar for ATACdawg

My apologies. I was thinking of Terri Welles (December 1980) rather than Teri Weigela. Sorry for the confusion.

Avatar for loper

My experiences can't match gun play, but I have had breast milk squirted in my mouth, totally without warning

I lost my phone in the cushion after a lap dance. Pulling up the cushion I found dozens of spent needles.

A girl at the now defunct Macs II did her stage set on roller skates.

Without warning a girl pulled my dick out from my shorts leg and stuck it in her vagina (testing ensued).

A dancer at Boardroom Cabaret did her stage sets with a butt plug.

Somebody plowed into my car in the parking lot while I was inside a club. The bouncer got the plate number.

Avatar for leekenny

Saw a guy eat his Sushi lunch and when manager escorted him out, he told him that he shouldn't have to go to the back room to get that flavor....true story

Avatar for NJBalla

walked into a club daytime shift and saw a late sixties or early seventies guy in a baggy shirt and jeans giving free back massages to all the dancers. It was so wierd I still remember the big brown bottle of intensive care vaseline he used as lotion. He was feverishly going at it, giving this twenty year old a back massage while she played with her phone. I asked my fav at the time what his deal was. She said he never asked for dances or money, just showed up to give the girls free massages. Most were fine with it, but he skeeved her out. Kind of like this guy.


Avatar for Htxx

Watching Bob Probert take “partying like a rockstar” to a whole new level at the Landing Strip in Romulus Mi.

Avatar for RandomName111

I walked into a club once and had two dancers stabbing each other tumble onto me the second I walked in, followed by basically every other staff member in the club and half the customers. Huge fight broke out, movie style, and I ended up stuck inside the club. Ended up going VIP with a scared looking dancer so we had walls in between us and the general room in case shots starting going off (VIP was near the emergency exit). We ended up having a lot of fun together and nobody came to check on us at all till the shouting and chaos calmed down and then we finally snuck out of VIP. I think it was the only time I willingly went bare with a dancer (I’ve been stealthed a couple of times and had it break a few over the years). Not intentionally (good way to get something) but we were both so shaken we just screwed up. Yes, I gave her an extra tip for Plan B. Hope to god she used it. When I made it to the parking lot there were at least 30 cops there and probably 15 people on the ground in cuffs. Apparently multiple people were taken away in ambulances, some fled from the police, it was a whole production. BB aside, that was the smartest VIP money I’ve ever spent, to avoid being involved in that nonsense.

Avatar for jaggerish

Again, not a "crazy" story just a little slapstick I guess. At the club I mentioned above, the guy who timed the couch dances was an easy going dude who I believe could serve as a backup bouncer although I never saw any trouble of that sort at the club. He was more of a mediator kind of guy rather than muscle. Everyone, dancers and customers, liked him. He was probably the most popular guy in the house. I was there on a busy Friday night when the girls were celebrating his birthday. They brought him up on stage, gave him a cake, sang "Happy Birthday", and he blew out the candles after making a wish. The store bought cake was on a round, waxed piece of cardboard to prevent sticking. You can guess what happened next. As he slowly turned to walk off stage, the cake slipped off the slippery base, flew up in the air, flipped upside down, and landed icing side down on the stage. The dancers cleaned up the mess and fortunately no one fell on it that night. Feeling bad for him, I went to the grocery store and bought him another one.

Avatar for Jasdoit

I saw a dancer put a lollipop in her pussy, take it out and stick it in the mouth of an old man sitting in the front row.

Saw a dancer in the shared VIP eating out the wife while the husband watch and tipped on.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Seeing my Flight Club CF laying stretched out on the bar counter top drunk bare ass naked.

Avatar for oscarlomax

Years ago I saw a dancer @ DejaVu COI (been closed for years) do a very elaborate stage show that concluded with her putting a lightbulb in her pussy, snapping her fingers, and the light came on! She was hanging upside down on the pole as she did this. Everyone applauded and dollars rained on the stage from multiple directions.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

I have seen a few things over the decades. Yeah, breast milk. But most memorable.

Saw a girl lose her diarrhea on stage.

Saw a bouncer pull a guy out of VIP and an argument ensued. A dancer came from behind and grabbed his wallet, took ALL the cash and stormed off. The bouncers then threw him out (with his empty wallet).

I once saw a completely functional men's room.

Saw a floorman tell two guys he needed their table. They objected, so he LITERALLY picked up their table. their drinks went all over them. He carried the table across the room and put some chairs with it.

Saw a girl squat on a guy's longneck beer bottle and lift it up a bit before it fell out.

But the best: I had taken a girl to VIP and she was just about the unzip me when the curtain opens wide. I see a cop, two bouncers and some unknown dancer. She says "No, that's not him". They closed the curtain and left. Never found out who they were looking for or why.

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