
Comments by oscarlomax (page 4)

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Wednesday night with a happy ending
    You're right about choosing the cheaper option to check a girl out, Papi. I've had really good experiences using this as a barometer as to whether we go to the VIP suites or not. I talk to the dancer after our initial dance (without buying her a drink)and ask her discretely what type of tip she's looking for in VIP and if she has protection. From here you she will either negotiate with you and shut it down. Of course the conversation is frank, but with a sense of humor and fun so no one is uncomfortable. I've been doing this long enough where I'm right more often than not about if the woman's level of adventurousness. Of course some women will just lay it all out in the beginning. You, like me, Papi, would be able to discern who is who in terms of a good time.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Prices from other reveiws make them well known but dances are $20 apiece unless a special of 3 for 40 is announced. $120 for a main dance room 20 min. dance and $!80 for 30 min. dance in a private suite. On Thursdays a private suite $160 and on Mondays it's $150. Drinks are $6. Satisfied? Some folks just have to say something. Whatever.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Sunday night better than most
    I've been here many weekends over the last couple of months and this review seems very close to what I've experienced. I know who the so-called Asian dancer with the outrageous surgical enhancements is. This club used to be predominately LM but because of the current situation, there are dancers who are very up-front about the extras and others who are willing after some conversation. I'm curious to see if the trend will change when COI and other clubs re-open. I will mention names of some dancers in my reviews but hesitant about mentioning those who go the "extra"mile. Purely selfish on my part. Never know who reads these boards.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Go on a Thursday!
    This is an old review. Berlin hasn't been at the club for 3 months.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've now been banned from Facefart
    So, Trump is not an actual racist? Hmm. The Central Park Exonerated (AKA The Central Park 5), The Birther Movement, calling certain nations Shithole coutries...hmmm. Nah, not rascist. LOL.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Friday 13 @ RIO
    Wasabi and I did a $120 for 15 min VIP.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Friday 13 @ RIO
    Don't remember all dance prices but I do know VIP's were $120 for 15 min and there was a 3 for $40 dollar dance in the booths similar to the ones at Paradise. There was also a half-hour VIP but I forgot the price. The first dancers I saw walking around were chunky but the two that approached me, seemingly, at first were on the thin side. So three were thin and 7 were fuller-figured. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Congrats to the Winners
    The results of the elections really only changed things...so far..on a very small scale. Many of the down ballot votes didn't bring in the big change everyone was talking about. The Senate has a run-off coming up. Some Republicans picked up seats in the House and many state-wide initiatives were status quo. Party philosophies didn't really gain or lose any ground. The only thing that happened was that No.45 was defeated and won't accept it. He go 70 million votes. His opponent got 75 million. That's not a big change in thinking. Whether we like it or not, the Framers of The System designed the operation to be Centric instead of "Left" or "Right." An extreme personality on the top doesn't enable the system to function properly. So that personality had to be excised. This country is very traditional-leaning in a lot of ways. But in order for those values to benefit folk, humanity has to take a front seat. We have to learn to fight fair and realize, in the end, nobody gets everything they want. Until that simple notion is realized, substantial progress won't happen. Like it or not, good politicians have to be good negotiators.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Holiday Gathering Mandates in CA
    Everybody views this from their particular zone of interest. I was born and raised in San Diego, a very conservative enclave overall being that it's a military town. Going away to the east coast for school and even traveling around before that enlightened me that different parts of the country operate in different ways and California sometimes is seen by others as very liberal. On one hand, we must take measures to protect the public health. If business remain open but many are sick, that's a problem. I get that people need to make a living and many don't like to be told what to do. There are no easy answers. The question is always what do you need to do to keep yourself safe and not infringe on another's choice by your actions. I think this question actually transcends political concerns even though some use it to gain political capital. Never been one to drink the public Kool-Aid on these matters. I do think decisions must be made out of real concern for human life and the future and at the same time, economic concerns have to be addressed. I don't envy any public servant who exhibits a humane outlook. Whichever side of things you attempt to champion there are going to be those who are upset. Last thing: whatever's really going on, people are getting sick and too many are dying. So the last thing we need is someone lying about the situation and pretending "we've turned a corner."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    CNN "cancels" Ice Cube
    Here's what Cube actually said: (paraphrasing) "I'm not a supporter of Trump or Biden. I'm a support of a black agenda that allows black people to move forward. " I agree with him on that point. Cube put out feelers to both Biden and Trump's people to have a conversation about this document he's put together with the assistance of some really intelligent people to articulate a very specific agenda. Biden's folks told him they would address it after the election. Kushner, from Trump's camp, met with Cube and vowed to make to some changes in their "Platinum Plan." (which I've read and think is a cosmetic joke) Cube's rationale is that he needs to have access to whomever is in power. He didn't endorse anyone. He simply laid his plan on the table. I do subscribe to the idea of having no permanent party loyalties but having loyalties to issues that help me. But character counts also. So does honesty and one's personal history and intelligence. I've been called "arrogant" by some (I own that because rampant stupidity offends me!) and "uppity" by others. (I own that shit too! Proudly.) My politics are closer to Killer Mike, Dr. Greg Carr, Francis Cress Welsing, Harry Belafonte, Angela Davis, Dr. Claud Anderson, and Roland Martin. Not about party. About social and economic truths that affect my life.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    CNN "cancels" Ice Cube
    I am a Black American, so here's the truth from my perspective. Many news outlets didn't delve into what Cube actually said and did. One of the key rules of journalism is to verify information from at least 2 sources. The obvious first source is Cube, himself. Roland Martin actually interviewed Cube to get his perspective and have an intelligent conversation about what Cube actually said and did and his rationale behind it. I appreciated the conversation because it gave context and reason rather than conjecture and hype. We, the public, need to explore multiple perspectives of a situation before drawing a conclusion. You might end up the way you felt at the beginning but at least you checked out other opinions. The only way to get to the bottom of something, is really go in, even if you have misgivings. Do the work and don't just by the first piece of hype because you might miss valuable information.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    VP debate thread
    At least on the surface it was more civil and you could actually hear them weigh in on the issues from their particular perspective. I doubt this event really swayed anyone in either direction. Personally, I'm not in the Trump-Pence camp. Their ideas don't work for me. Kamla Harris is a polished, forceful entity, and while, I have difference with some of her past actions, more of her overall ideas align with where I'm coming from. Too bad, Killer Mike isn't on the ballot! (Tongue-in-Cheek but still he's closer to my perspective.)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is a tip walk?
    I've only experienced this once in a club in Anahiem, CA. After the girl did a stage show where some did tip her, she walked around soliciting tips. This was the only time I've experienced this first hand. This wasn't an LA Club, this was "Behind The Orange Curtain" (Orange County) where things can be done a bit differently. This particular girl was not appealing to me so I didn't tip as I wasn't really paying too much attention to the stage show.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Need advice
    Before you do anything, observe what's going on and who's going to the back and how long they stay there. By watching you can narrow down the field of possibilities. It isn't foolproof because that hot girl that just emerged from the dressing room is an unknown quantity. But observation is the place to start. Then have a friendly chat. Most ladies who are there for "business" get to it pretty quickly in my experience. Then, as others have said, be clar about what you want. The woman will let you know if she's agreeable and if she's open to negotiation by laying out an offer. If she's vague or you get bad vibes, move on to the next. A lot of women may initiate physical contact and that usually let's you know that it's time to deal. I've had women to just come and grab "The General" before uttering any words. I've also had ladies say things like, "What are you trying to do tonight?" or "What are you looking for?" The most explicit was when a women asked if I wanted a dance and I politely declined. She came back a few moments later and said, "You know I'm FS." Depending on where you go, it can be this stark. There are particular clubs here in California that when you walk in, everybody knows what's up. In those places, it's the rare girl that just "dances." The stage is nothing but a commercial for the VIP.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Name the Best Movie You've Seen That Nobody Else Have
    "Chameleon Street" was a fascinating film based on a true story, "Kansass (sp) City" by Robert Altman. Harry Belafonte was brilliant, and Ang Lee's "THE ICE STORM."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Atlanta's strip club dancers get out the vote with 'Get Your Booty to the Polls'
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Ginsberg's Dying Wish . . .
    It seems the framers constructed the Constitution with the idea that the spirit of vigorous debate would lead to solutions that those on opposing sides of an issues could agree to. When our political system descended into power politics rather than governing politics we seem to have lost sight of the initial goal. I know power has always been in play but it's difficult to tell who's really in it for the good of the people. The overt power mongers are obvious to all. What kind of revolution will have to occur to bring us back to a place of vigorous debate but even stronger humanity? Is this even possible?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jacksonville strip clubs fight to lower dancer age to 18
    Someone alluded to the ABC laws which have to do with alcohol liscensing (sp) in California strip clubs. In nude clubs alcohol cannot be served and the dancers can be 18. In a topless club, alcohol can be served and the dancers have to be 21. It's interesting the way state laws differ and what kind of pressure can be put on the legal system to adjust these laws for the sake of profit.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Ginsberg's Dying Wish . . .
    Some frame it as baby killing, other's frame it as a woman's right to choose. The reality is that it takes two to create a child. Sometimes the circumstance is brutal---like rape. Even if it isn't, it's not a man's place or anyone other than the woman who is pregnant's right to tell her what to do. The other thing that always has me baffled is that these folk who yell about pro-life aren't stepping up to take these children and raise them if the pregnant woman doesn't or can't care for the child. This hypocrisy has always bothered me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Your Taste In Girls As A Kid vs Now.
    I used to be into athletic, gymnastic type women. From Misty Copeland to Flo-Jo. I played ice hockey, studied dance (jazz, tap, ballet), wrote plays, wrote music and played and sang in bands. Loved standing behind those incredible, shapely women in dance class. Guess I was always into big butts sculpted and maintained through hard work. It was also wonderful being one of the few "straight" guys in the mix. I was and still am attracted to the way certain women move through the world. Chest up, gently swaying from side to side, leading with her pelvis. Sexy.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Women that you think are 10's...
    I always thought the model Rashumba Williams and Monica Belucci were physically extraordinary looking women. I also thought Lisa Nicole Carson, back in the day, was sexy. She had the face, lips, eyes, tits and ass. There's also a reason they call Meagan a Stallion.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Rate her
    I think the woman is attractive. I like curvy (not fat)women. Her ass is not as round as I would like but I think her face is cute. I live in LA and she looks like a lot of Latinas I encounter. Would never hate on her. I'm not really into super thin "spinner" types which is different from petite, curvy girls with round asses. There's beauty in variety and who knows, maybe one day I'll encounter a spinner who I think is sexy but so far...no. But they need love & cash too! But this Latina is not fat to me or sloppy. The video doesn't show off her body.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I was wrong, BLM is really a peaceful organization
    Cheers, Winex. Be careful not to bump your head on the ceiling of that box you live in.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I was wrong, BLM is really a peaceful organization
    Papi---enter key/exit key. You know what I'm saying. Don't sweat the small stuff. I'd first need to be quite wealthy to be a racist since racism is actually a tool of those in possession of great resources. Now an argument could be made that I have a bias against certain situations and individuals that have no concept of what's like live my situation. Not looking for pity because I have no problems fighting when necessary. It's just the absurdity that folk want to dismiss someone when they are telling their truth. You don't have to like it. But you probably should check it out if you consider yourself to have any kind of humanity or intelligence. (Conclusion here) So bias, no doubt. Everyone has a bias of some sort. Racist? Maybe in a few years when I have the resources to influence a power structure, and I do so with "extreme prejudice," then we can revisit that notion.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Affirmative action comes to the Oscars
    Everything has an agenda and we've been living under a fucked-up one for too long. So I have no sympathy for those crying about silly shit like "reverse racism." A made up construct because the nature of the term deals with a tool used to gain and maintain power through economics via using the dismissal of melinated folks. So now there appears to be extremists who tilt things the other way. That in no way redresses the vile shit that's been done but...it's kind of interesting to watch.