Racist? Bull shit? Scary?
Atlanta suburb
Last week a black dancer that I have known for years told me that a white dancer that I have also know for years just came back to work after being treated for genital Herpes and that she keeps getting STD's because she keeps fucking black guys bare back.
They're the most likely to say black guys rip them off, lowball them, etc. And while I've never used an escort, I've looked through ads, and I see more black women than any other race say "no AA," "no AA under 40," or equivalent.
Could be bullshit just to keep you buying dancers from her instead of the white dancer.
Could be scary if the girl has had multiple STDs while doing FS ITC.
Completely racist to say that the reason she has gotten multiple STDs is because she fucks black guys bare back. The fact that she is fucking multiple customers bare back can lead to STDs but not because of the race of the customers.
Obviously the bit about "she keeps getting STD's from fucking black guys bareback" is a bit racist. Statistics do show statistically significant higher rates among the younger demographic but it's still a but much to put it that way. A mentioned, black SW'ers to tend to have lower opinion of black guys than most people. Or at least they're the most prone to speaking openly about it. Maybe they feel like it's not racist because they're black, IDK. It was words out of the mouth of a stripper aimed at a customer, so its automatically liable to be bullshit. It would make said customer less likely to patronize another dancer, so the odds increase. And in general, I feel like STD rumors are significantly more rampant than confirmed cases. They have been since I was a teenager. Scary, yeah, that too. But it shouldn't be new scary. The STD risk is a part of having sex. It increases with multiple partners, especially when both parties have multiple partners.
Black dancers will often badmouth black men to white customers thinking it's what they want to hear. Think it makes them less scared of them to think they're white washed.
The part about the girl could be true. But more than anything uts a way for you to not get dances from her.
It's bc they've had the worst experiences with them - black men way overrepresent violence statistics and black people and black women way overrepresent their victims - but of course in this day-and-age everything is racist including facts/statistics - it def sucks for the black guys that are not violent bc they can often be "guilty by association" but the numbers are the numbers and experiences are experiences and thus you have a certain # of black sex workers that don't want to deal with black customers usually based on prior bad experiences.
Also I never spoke bad about a blk man to a customer, I’m no bedwench and men of all races get on my nerves equally.
I hate when my people tap dance for others cause all it does is make conversation as this one.
Also a lot of yt escorts will not deal with blk men as well. They definitely vocalize this on Reddit a lot.
I think it’s the crimes blk men have an infinity to like pimping and robbing. I also think it makes sense if am escort does not want to see them. I’ve never had a problem.
As far as who is the nastiest or perverse all men all the same
BHarlem, it is very understandable that all male hairless apes irritate you equally. You need to experience other species. You can PM me with info on where you work. I will let you know when I’m arriving and you can experience some anticipation, waiting for this rick to arrive.
You’ll be able to recognize me because I’ll be wearing a stylin’ suit. Also, I’m a frickin’ lion. ROAR!!!
Simon: "Are you Alliance?"
Jubal: "Am I a lion? I don't think of myself as I lion. I do have a mighty roar."
SWs need formalized anti-racism training. This is not who we are as a society.
Sorry but face facts. That’s why rich ppl have disdain for poor and poor dislike rich ppl. Men and women don’t see eye to eye and don’t get me started on young vs old distrust.
I've met a couple of dancers who do not want their FS customers to wear rubbers because, frankly, it is much less fun. I wouldn't fuck those girls with your dick, but they do exist.
Just my opinion, the real issue here is that she is doing it bare, not the race of the person she is doing it with.
Please wtf r u talking about blk women r jealous?
I’ve walked with a yt man and gotten the same energy from black men. You keep coming on here with that narrative.
At the club this blk man wouldn’t tip me because he thought I only like yt men. The irony is that time the yt man questioned if I only like blk men because I didn’t approach him
I learned that night most of what we perceive is bullshit. Often times people project.
This is what I’m talking about when I say when blk people get in front of others they tear their own down. Same as that stripper talking about blk men. SMH
Do better 🚫
I've dated a ton of black women, and there's a big difference between the ones from America, Africa, and the Caribbean. And between black men from each about interracial dating (their own or others).
Non-American ones seem to have a lot less baggage about it, and often look down on black Americans whom they say don't appreciate the opportunities that America provides. My last girlfriend (a black woman from East Africa) said she thought black Americans just wanted to get money and shopping trips from guys.
Strippers just want whomever they think pays. Some races that have a reputation for being cheap, overly gropey, or scammy, have their guard up for them.
And like Bharlem says, a lot of guys get inappropriately offended about "their" women dancing for other races. They need to get over themselves.
I haven’t got time to hate anyone, there are however some folks I prefer to spend my time with and some folks I’d prefer weren’t in the same vicinity with myself.
One girl had a black boyfriend that tried to force her to carry his baby. When she refused to get pregnant, he set her apartment on fire. Another got beaten by her black boyfriend and ended up for days in the hospital. She has scars on her arm and back from where he cut her with a steak knife. It is not the skin color. It is the nigga culture. Lots of escorts won't see black men. Too many AA men think they don't have to pay or are extremely violent or want to become the hooker's pimp.
Black dancers say shit like that to disarm white men.
Yes there are plenty of terrible black people, shitty white people, lousy latinos, asshole asians, idiots indians (feather and dot types). This is why ALL LIVES MATTER.
And don't be an internet tough guy. Just don't.
If no one has ever looked at escort sites, you’d be utterly shocked how many ads are clearly marked “no AA men”
Where’s the outrage from the liberal left? Seriously, can you imagine if Burger King or Target or Home Depot had signs that said “No African Americans Allowed inside”
Do all of these women have racist grandparents who witnessed the “colored only” drinking fountains?
It just is what it is. Go ahead and try to find a source that proves me wrong.
Obviously it’s trashy as hell to say “she keeps getting STD's because she keeps fucking black guys bare back” but that comes with the territory of strippers talking shit.
That's why I laugh at "land acknowledgements." Native Americans were killing and raping and enslaving one another long before whitey got there. Africans sold one another, and Arabs sold them, to white slavers.
I laugh extra hard at "colonizer." People use that language to make excuses for their own failures and inferiority complexes.
I've dated a lot of black women from sub-Saharan Africa, anywhere from Ghana to Zimbabwe. They're the most caring and sweetest women on the planet. And they hate wokes more than any MAGA WASP.
booty_lover - you are occupying this same land and by your own definition you are a colonizer. HYPOCRIT!
By my definition, and the definition of the law of the land I occupy, it does belong to me. I own it. I paid good money for it. I have complete and legally binding documentation that said land does belong to me. It cannot be taken from me except by equivalent legal jurisdiction.
So, booty_lover, the law is against you. The facts are against you. All you can do is jump up and down and call me names. "Colonizer", LOL. Yeah, it's good to own land.
Pretending like you don't know what colonization or occupation is makes you look retarded. Feigning ignorance or semantic games don't change sociohistoric facts
"We are being asked to account for offenses we did not give, to people who were not alive at the time to be offended."
So, yeah, it was 155 years ago. The British Empire fought to end the Slave Trade by Africans. The United States fought to end slavery in the Confederacy. Get over it.
So Iceefag shut the fuck up you’re a boring person and a loser.
So clearly you don't have to fuck black people bareback to get it. It's almost normal.
"HSV-2 infection is more common among women than among men; the percentages of those infected during 2015-2016 were 15.9% versus 8.2% respectively, among 14 to 49 year olds. 2 This is possibly because genital infection is more easily transmitted from men to women than from women to men during penile-vaginal sex. 5 HSV-2 infection is more common among non-Hispanic blacks (34.6%) than among non-Hispanic whites (8.1%). 2 A previous analysis found that these disparities, exist even among persons with similar numbers of lifetime sexual partners. Most infected persons may be unaware of their infection; in the United States, an estimated 87.4% of 14 to 49 year olds infected with HSV-2 have never received a clinical diagnosis. "