Deep state mastermind of the anti-Trump conspiracy exposed

avatar for Dave_Anderson
Norm Eisen is the lynch pin in the past 7 years of coordinated efforts to discredit and politically neuter Donald Trump through misuse of the legal system and various black ops.

Here are the exposes on the establishment conspiracy against Trump, the REAL "attack on our democracy." Please take the time to read, and keep an open mind. Thank you...…


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Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

This is why we need the Dems out of power - the Dems have colluded w/ big-business; big-media; and social-media; to do w/e the fuck they want legal or not - the FBI and CIA are doing shit they were trained for decades to do to hostile regimes overseas and have turned those techniques domestically to those they don’t agree with.

We need DeSantis in power – I liked Trump’s America First policy and like all he accomplished in 4-years; but he was a political-outsider and was subsequently checkmated by the swamp including many in his own party – they’ve tried to do the same to DeSantis but he’s more able and skillful at being a politician than Trump and more experienceed w/ the inner-workings of politics.
I don't think we'll ever find out the depths of "Orange Man Bad" shit the establishment has done - we are likely only seeing the tip-of-the-corrupt-iceberg
It is not secret and it is UNDENIABLE that Trump

Likes to grab women by their pussy.
Had a long time association with Epstein
Didn’t pay taxes

And also is UNDENIABLE that

Donald Trump is a RA_IST.
a) P
b) C
d) All of the above

Trump will soon be in prison. The January 6 Committee exposed his plot to overthrow our democracy and referred him to the Justice Department for prosecution. Meanwhile, Trump was caught stealing top secret and classified documents in violation of the Espionage Act and Presidential Records Act. Was he planning to sell the documents to Putin or was he just going to give them to his Russian master?
Dave you don't need to keep posting, you've already won the Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs Trophy, it's not even a contest, you won by at least 20X over the next craziest poster, just show up at the awards banquet and claim your trophy.
avatar for emilio42
New York
2 years ago
Papi: I truly respect your opinions about strip clubs, But on politics you are mistaken. The fact is Trump is and has always been a con man. He lies constantly and he takes advantage of anyone around him. He is the ultimate hypocrite. Just one thing alone proves this. When Obama was president Trump would criticize Obama for playing too much golf and stated that if he were president he wouldn’t have time to play any golf. He is then elected and in 4 years plays more golf than Obama, Bush, and Clinton combined in 24 years, and every weekend that he’d play golf at his private club he would bill and the US government would have to pay exorbitant fees of over $1 million per weekend for him and his secret service to stay at his own club. So yes, orange man is bad.
avatar for emilio42
New York
2 years ago
Papi one more thing you mentioned his accomplishments and I struggle to comprehend what they were. From what I recall, in four years Trump only ever signed one piece of actual legislation which was the tax bill which although it did benefit any person who earns over $259k per year it also eliminated the state tax deduction above $10k so the vast majority of middle class homeowners actually wound up paying more at the end of the year. The fact is that for 98% of the population that earns less than $259k per year, Trump fucked us. He said he’d lower our taxes and I thought he had when I saw my paycheck and I had an extra $100 every 2 weeks, but then April comes around and my taxes actually increased by $9,000. We must be stupid to keep supporting these assholes that keep screwing us every way they can.
^Lmao. The economy was better under Trump; gas was cheaper; Ukraine wasn't being attacked; North Korea wasn't launching ICBMs; Iran wasn't attacking our Navy without repercussions and on and on. Biden is worse than Trump and you ignorant dopes fell for it. Look at how many, filthy, dirty, thieving illegals have flooded in ..and voted.
By the way the state income tax deduction that Trump rightfully got rid of benefitted no one other than left wing douche bags living on the coast. Its only the scum in NY, Cal., Jersey, etc. bitching about paying their fair share.
If by "Norm Eisen" you mean "Donald Trump", then you are correct. Because Trump was, is, and will forever be his own worst enemy.

Also, I don't believe that he'll ever go to jail. Whether or not he deserves to is another debate, But, ultimately, he won't.
Dave's nuttier than squirrel shit, but the Twitter files coming out show an active, concerted effort to suppress Trump and Republicans.

It worked, because Trump can't help but take any bait and punch down (and when you're president, you're punching down at anyone).

However, Dems will play any card they've got to railroad whomever the top Republican may be; they've played the fascist card on every Republican in my lifetime, including their now-darlings McCain and Romney.
I agree that Trump is a con man. Never understood why real Republicans hailed him as a hero. He's neither Democrat, Republican, Independent or any other political party person. He's a criminal that used politics to house his hustles. And they have caught up to him. I think he will make an attempt to flee the U.S. if L.E. is dispatched to slap on the iron bracelets.
People flocked to Trump because the alternative is the garbage known as Biden; AOC; Schumer and on and on. Trump, like other stupid people, had it all, but was too stupid to understand it, so he killed himself. I may hate Trump, but the harm he inflicted is zero, whereas this country is never going to recover from what the Democrats have done, starting with the biggest piece of shit on earth Barrack, the fucking muslim scum, Obama.
The reaction from the Trump fans is not unexpected, no one like to admit that they’ve been conned by a grifter.
^ Lmao. So full of shit. No one was conned. The alternative (Democrats) are an anal wart on humanity.
Try to address the comment not the commenter
Love him or hate him, he’s clearly the most divisive man ever to be President.
@londonguy, actually, divisiveness in the Trump era has only increased under Biden.

The Democratic identity politics agenda is fundamentally about setting Americans against one another.
^ So it’s uniquely Democratic tactic,
^ Moral equivalence sucks.
Who’s making a moral equivalency you’re saying that only democrats divide and conquer it ain’t true and you know it.
^ Even Mitch McConnell said you should refrain from putting weirdos up for election y’all went along with Donald Trump and you lost an election that should have been a gimme
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
Most of the tweets the FBI was flagging for possible deletion contradicted Democrat policy positions so it's obvious the FBI was being used for political purposes. There really is a deep state and it hated Trump, so it sided with the Democrat establishment against him. There is a Republican establishment also connected to the deep state represented by the likes of McConnell, Romney, Cheney and Kinzinger.

The FBI was even spending time flagging joke tweets for possible deletion like a woman who said: "I'm a ballot counter in my state. If you're not wearing a mask, I'm not counting your vote." Who would have guessed the FBI doesn't have a sense of humor?
avatar for dha
South Florida
2 years ago
Simple fact.... Losers hate Winner.

The economy was roaring with Trump.

Biden and Cammie are single handedly destroying our economy and country.

Only the brain dead can not see and understand this even though it is in their faces, clear as day.
avatar for dha
South Florida
2 years ago
Joe has been hiting Hunter's crack pipe too often. What a disaster.
Who stands to gain from the fall of Trump?

Ron Deepstate Desantis.

I guarantee he and other RINOs have been working together to discredit Trump.
The economy was fan-fuckingtastic with Trump. He might have a case of the verbal diarrhea but he knew how to make money go round
No one has ever had to work at all to discredit Trump. He's been a loudmouth, a bully, a fraud and a liar since the day he was born. Sorry, not sorry, to be so upfront, but if you truly supported him and you still do, you are so fucking stupid you belong in jail ...with the fucking piece of shit. He's just another piece of shit New Yorker and around here that is how he has been viewed for 40 years. By the way stupid assholes: he's a loser, not a winner. His Father was a winner and the gene pool evaporated.
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