Norm Eisen is the lynch pin in the past 7 years of coordinated efforts to discredit and politically neuter Donald Trump through misuse of the legal system and various black ops.
Here are the exposes on the establishment conspiracy against Trump, the REAL "attack on our democracy." Please take the time to read, and keep an open mind. Thank you...…
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We need DeSantis in power – I liked Trump’s America First policy and like all he accomplished in 4-years; but he was a political-outsider and was subsequently checkmated by the swamp including many in his own party – they’ve tried to do the same to DeSantis but he’s more able and skillful at being a politician than Trump and more experienceed w/ the inner-workings of politics.
Likes to grab women by their pussy.
Had a long time association with Epstein
Didn’t pay taxes
And also is UNDENIABLE that
Donald Trump is a RA_IST.
a) P
b) C
d) All of the above
Also, I don't believe that he'll ever go to jail. Whether or not he deserves to is another debate, But, ultimately, he won't.
It worked, because Trump can't help but take any bait and punch down (and when you're president, you're punching down at anyone).
However, Dems will play any card they've got to railroad whomever the top Republican may be; they've played the fascist card on every Republican in my lifetime, including their now-darlings McCain and Romney.
Try to address the comment not the commenter
The Democratic identity politics agenda is fundamentally about setting Americans against one another.
The FBI was even spending time flagging joke tweets for possible deletion like a woman who said: "I'm a ballot counter in my state. If you're not wearing a mask, I'm not counting your vote." Who would have guessed the FBI doesn't have a sense of humor?
The economy was roaring with Trump.
Biden and Cammie are single handedly destroying our economy and country.
Only the brain dead can not see and understand this even though it is in their faces, clear as day.
Ron Deepstate Desantis.
I guarantee he and other RINOs have been working together to discredit Trump.