
Whoopi Goldberg is right

Whoopi Goldberg pointed out the obvious (" the [world War II era] Holocaust was about man's inhumanity to man" not about any specific race.

This is so obviously true, the narrative controllers at the ADL had to spring into action and demand not just the usual apologies and payoffs but formal "suspension."

Seriously? So I guess I would be suspended for having the same view? Worse yet I extend this to slavery and all other authorities in history as well. The only way we come together as a species is by acknowledging that all human groups have done bad to each other and all human groups have had bad things done to them. This is a core principle of mine.

Apparently the ADL won't allow this to even be discussed. This is "cancel" culture on amphetamines. It needs to stop.

Whoopie is absolutely right.



  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Atrocities not authorities. Auto correct sucks.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Watch the Republicans and "conservatives" say nothing to defend Whoopie or even pile on the attacks. "Cancel culture" is wrong no matter who is being attacked.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Fuck off you bigoted moron
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Dave, your dick, a woman's mouth. Make it happen.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    This very conservative republican thinks the only dumber cunt than Whoopie is DAVEC ANDERSON and that both of them are nazis at heart. Nazis considered Jews an inferior race and to pretend otherwise makes one a fucking nazi cocksucker. Dave you are a piece of shit and hopefully one day you will say shit like this in public and get your skinny gay ass beaten. In the end Dave go fuck yourself to cock sucking faggot. Defenda whoopie i'd like to set her on fire ...with you boy.
  • VanessaM
    3 years ago
    Are Jews a race 👀
    I assumed they were casualties of war and so that the Germans could get away with trying to eliminate the opponent, they brainwashed their people into the dumb ass thinking that Jews were inferior.
    But I don’t think this thought came before the act, I think it was a cover up for the act.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The Holocaust was about race but other things too. Gypsies Slavs were targeted. And religious groups like Jews and Jehovas witnesses. Communists. The disabled. Basically anyone they saw as not fitting in with their political agenda was targeted for death. That's eugenics in action.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    I’m not a fan or hater of Whoopi but her comments and the suspension were pretty quickly going to spur visceral reactions from both the right and left. I did a quick google and based on this 2016 article I think her opinion is going to be more complicated than what can be covered in sound bites and forum posts:

    "I just know I am Jewish. I practise nothing. I don't go to temple, but I do remember the holidays. Religion is a lot of work, it's exhausting. So I keep it simple, I have a pretty good relationship with God. We talk.'"

    Goldberg is not her original last name. She doesn’t actively practice as a Jew, but obviously had strong feelings in their favor previously. I’m not explaining what she said, but it’s possible what she was getting at was that aspects of the Holocaust were bigger than, not lesser, than race. I could see her thinking that way as a black woman who (trigger word) identifies with the Jews.


  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The Nazi attacks on Jews leading to their attempt at extermination preceded WW2 by more than a decade. The Nazis considered Jews an inferior race, according to contemporaneous writings that needed to be eradicated. It was all about Jews as a race, 100%. Nazis do not consider Jews white and if you look at Israel's Jewish population, they are at least 40% right. Whoopi's problem is that american blacks will do anything to retain their stranglehold on being the uber victim. No different than when the CBC declined to sanction Jew hating nazi/muslim Ilhan Omer for bigoted comments. The attacks on Jews in NYC aren't being done by Trump supporters.......
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Go away, Cacaplop.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    You can go very deep into the woods and split hairs between race and ethnicity. But it's not a good idea to get into on TV
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    There's no splitting hairs here; the holocaust was based on race according to the writings of those who committed the crime.
  • aleccorbett
    3 years ago
    Just going to say that ski bum. Also Ben Shapiro and the daily wire called for whoopis cancellation
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    The truth is not always as obvious as some uninformed folks like to believe. The horrific acts attributed to Nazi Germany took years of planning and they required a massive brainwashing campaign as well.

    It’s sad how folks in 2022 have lost the historical perspective of the holocaust. Nowadays folks scream racism as soon as they perceive some minuscule offense. The numbers of folks who survived the holocaust are declining significantly, and we must remember and understand the true evil that took place during that time.

    The Nazis were able to convince the German people that Jews were a different (and inferior) race. They demonized the Jews and made them appear to basically be less than human. They worked at this campaign for years, and they were very effective. This was well before any Information Age, so there wasn’t social media, or any simple method of reaching the masses. It was done at a true grass roots level. Loud speakers in town centers, and pamphlets, and word of mouth.

    This makes the Nazi campaign even more awful, as they had to use every means possible. This wasn’t an ill informed television personality spouting off, it was a coordinated campaign of true evil. The effective demonization of a race. This is just their disinformation campaign.

    Once they began treating Jews in the manner they had conditioned their people to be appropriate, things were already in place. The herding of humans on cattle cars, burning humans alive in ovens, gassing them, and more horrific acts than we will ever know.

    This was the most awful act of racism ever perpetrated. Don’t let self serving current organizations tell you it’s not racism. This was a coordinated campaign to exterminate a race from the planet. Whether someone has the same skin color or not, is not the underlying tenet of racism. Don’t let others fool you. There is no good to come from any person who looks at another and thinks they are inherently superior. Remember this when you read certain teachings, as there are undercurrents in some curriculums indicating certain races are evil and bad. If we don’t learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Let's not forget American concentration camps for the Japanese. Today's concentration camps for undocumented americans.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    This bullshit was predicted by many don’t forget Eisenhower’s admonition to those present during the liberation of the Nazi death camps, take plenty of pictures, because future generations will not believe the scale of this horror, and it’s coming true son of a bitches like Dave are trying to erase history
    Dave why don’t you eat ground glass, you piece if shit
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Ok Nazi fuck Icey. 6 million jews being exterminated is the same as putting illegals in a camp? I would love to meet you and discuss this in person you fucked up cancer on humanity. Progressives suck muslims ass because progressives nazis and muslims all think about Jews the same.

    Be nice of the media showed us the true colors of some communities; like in New jersey where blacks intentionally murdered Jews in a delicatessen, and which was ignored by democrats nationwide.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The Holocaust isn't just about Jews. Jehovas witnesses slavs gypsies communists the disabled homosexuals were all being systemically exterminated by the nazis
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Yeah, they were systematically murdered. Not the nearly the same thing as being contained in camps.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Listen up sleaze the Jewish population of Europe has never recovered from the Nazi perpetuated Holocaust ( The Shoach) and the fact is there were numerous texts written in German about the “Final Soloution to the Jewish Problem” sure many others were killed but the Jews were the target, and you can deny whatever you like, it just shows everyone who’s decent what a lousy excuse for a human being you are.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You're not Jewish 20fag.

    Jews were just one of the groups being exterminated. Like the native Americans were jn the US.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    what difference does that make for the purpose of this conversation Iceefag

    For the record I am, and you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about as usual !
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Let’s be very clear here Iceefag every exchange we ever have, boils down to you finding some way to comment on my religion and my ethnicity, you are an anti semite and a lowlife POS same as Dave Anderson, go fuck your bigoted self.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    This is one of those threads where I choose/hope to believe that Dave is some sort of troll performance artist whose posts here are used in a fringe live art exhibit being shown in an obscure art gallery at the southernmost tip of Chile.

    ... but I know I'm likely wrong about that...

    Goldberg's statements might be only a sliver of a larger, more complex set of beliefs that she holds, but to try to showcase them on a short-segment entertainment talk show was, at best, tone deaf. On the face of it, though, she's wrong.

    The Holocaust was absolutely about race. And while targets of the Holocaust included several non-Jewish groups, the group put primarily in the cross-hairs was ethnic Jews. And the result was over 6 million ethnic Jews murdered, accounting for 1/3 of the world's Jewish population at the time.

    A complicating factor for *today* is the reality that Judaism can function both as a faith and as an ethnicity. But this was far less of a factor in the 1930s and 1940s when conversion to Judaism was relatively rare. At that time, anti-Semitism was absolutely a function of race. So, while it might be true that the Nazi Holocaust was not *exclusively* about Jews, it's absolutely true that ethnic Jews were an outsized, primary focus of the Holocaust.

    If you believe that an attempt to gas off an entire ethnicity isn't racism, then you're tragically stupid and bad at the basics of being human.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Is it still ok to watch sister act 2?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    20fag you pretend to be Jewish to feign offense and call people antisemitic. I'm more Jewish than you based on my DNA results. So fuck off.

    The first concentration camps were built for communists. The first ethnicities targeted were Basques and catalans sent there when Hitler gave military support to Franco during the Spanish Civil War.

    Also let's please not forget the genocide of native Americans and concentration camps for the Japanese americans
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    My hope is for icey and Dave to have serious strokes, in the hope their intellect improves.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Iceefag you are Anti-Semitic and stupid, that is an unquestionable fact.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    You are correct. Hitler did many bad things to many people. But enslaving and then gassing off 1/3 of all the Jews on Earth is easily the largest piece of pie on the pie chart of Nazi horrors.

    The Nazi Holocaust was a function of racism.

    And you are, again, just saying whatever you think will create the most turmoil.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    @CMI, Dave posts as many self-owns as some of our more active punching bags here.

    He embodies the worst tendencies of the anti-intellectual, paranoiac right. He passes off blatant falsehoods (Nazism not about a specific race, are you fucking kidding me????) as hot takes. Even when his posts get more mainstream, he comes off really bitchy.

    I can't tell if he's a troll or not because he embodies Poe's Law (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_la… ), that extreme views and parodies thereof look very much alike. He has the trollish, small-penis tendency of liking his own posts, putting him in with undesirables like Cacaplop.

    But he's got balls. It takes balls to admit they get "the truth" from Alex Jones.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    It's astounding that Whoopi Goldberg didn't know the holocaust was about race. Aryan racial purity was one of the things the Nazi's were famous for. I wonder how common it is for other black people to have the same view of the holocaust as Goldberg?
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^^ Go away, Cacaplop.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Reminder, there's a saying about the holocaust that goes "Never Forget and Never Again."

    While we do remember the holocaust we mostly turn a blind eye to atrocities in China and let things happen again. Boycott China.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    20fag. You're not Jewish and I'm not antisemitic. The worst genocide in history is that of native Americans.

    You're butt hurt by history. Holocaust museums have exhibits for all the people who died not just jews.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Total Indian casualties in battles of the Indian Wars from 1850-1890 is estimated at around 15,000. While they were rounded up, they were not slaughtered.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    No Iceefag you're a little bitch. you've never been to any Holocaust Museum, so stop pretending you know anything about the Holocaust, it's clear from your statements that you know nothing, and are a jealous little troll bitch. Go play in traffic, if you disappeared you wouldn't be missed,
    I am Jewish and you are an Anti-Semetic son of a bitch, you wouldn't ever talk like this in person you gutless coward.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You're not....

    And everyone talks about all the victims of the Holocaust. That's not anti semitic.

    How do you honor the victims of the native American genocide or the Japanese American concentration camp survivors?

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    What atrocities associated with the Native Americans and Japanese Americans during WWII were exactly that ... atrocities.

    But you're only bringing them up in this thread because you feel like stirring shit for your own entertainment, which isn't remotely new.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Whoopi put her for in her mouth. She isn’t all that bright or well informed. She’s an uneducated actress. Which begs the question, why is she on a show giving her hot takes on complex political and social issues?

    As to her suspension- it’s window dressing. The leftists realize how hypocritical they would look if they didn’t give one of their own the lightest possible dose of “cancel culture”.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Concentration camps for Japanese Americans during ww2 weren't an atrocity?
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ You are sick in the head, come out from your hole and say these things in public,
    you are an anti-semetic stupid son of a bitch.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Studme the same reason dumb tricks keep thinking spreading right wing shit on a stripper hoe forum means something
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Iceefag are you on meth ?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Icee said: "Concentration camps for Japanese Americans during ww2 weren't an atrocity?"

    Typo. 'What' should have been 'The'.

    My bad typing aside, you're still just picking fights for your own entertainment.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    No . I'm showing how those of your ilk are hypocritical mental midgets

    Neurodivergent muthafuckaz
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Icee said "The worst genocide in history is that of native Americans."

    No, it wasn't. Although it was horrific. I don't know definitively what is the "worst genocide in history," but a more likely contender is any of the multiple genocides committed by Genghis Khan. There are multiple Asian and Middle Eastern cultures that are only known because other historical accounts from the time note that Khan obliterated them systematically. Historians who are considered "Khan apologists" state that his reign resulted in the deaths of 10 to 15 million people. Other less forgiving historians think that somewhere between 40 to 60 million people died as a result of his reign. Considering the population density during the early 13th century, even 10 to 15 million is a pretty shocking number.

    yahtzee74 said: "While they [Native Americans] were rounded up, they were not slaughtered."

    Yes they were. I mean, not with the same clockwork efficiency of the Nazis, but Native Americans were absolutely slaughtered outside of formal battlefield settings. And the deaths of Native Americans is much higher than 15,000 when you take into account the numerous different "schemes" put in place to solve the "Indian problem," including eugenics and the intentional spreading of disease to Native American tribes. The early reservations were essentially places where the U.S. government hoped that Native Americans would die off over time.

    Then again, this thing where we're trying to figure out which genocide "weighs more" is really just Icee trying to stir shit for no other reason than it entertains him.

    Also, the Nazi Holocaust was a function of racism. Dave can go fuck himself.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I am not telling anyone how to do anything. I’m simply offering a suggestion.

    Icee is here to stir the pot. His goal is to provide opposing views, to try and get the members agitated. There is no use in engaging him.

    I understand we likely all have strong views regarding the holocaust, and the opposing views he pushes are offensive and uninformed, but he is simply trying to get us worked up. Providing a reply is what encourages him, and providing an angry reply is even more satisfying to him.

    If we just ignore him, he will go away. He needs the interaction.

    Just my two cents.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Genghis khan killed people but it wasn't mass extermination based on religion ethnicity beliefs etc. It wasn't genocide.

    The native Americans we're slaughtered much the way nazi genocide victims were. In fact Hitler admired it and copied it. The use of small pox to kill native Americans. The trail of tears. All precursors to what was to come.

    And then planned parenthood was modeled on nazi eugenics and aimed at keeping minority and poor birth rates low. Then the use of forced sterilization in the US.... plus the amnesty for nazis jn west Germany and filling their gov with them thanks to the US coz they were the only viable anti communists there. The Cia recruiting nazi collaborators from Eastern Europe to set up radio free Europe
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Cashman what opposing views? I'm saying the Holocaust was worse than made out to be. And looking at other genocides. Guess you don't like American history
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Icey - to quote Hayes Carll, “I can’t believe you’re not on The View.”
  • dallas702
    3 years ago
    Just to be clear, the murder of over 6,000,000 JEWS by the National Socialist regime under Adolph Hitler was entirely and specifically racist. Hitler himself repeatedly and directly defined European Jews as a race. NAZI scientists devised multiple tests to identify Jews by their race. Hitler and Himmler worked together to devise a system to isolate and concentrate everyone with "Jewish blood" so that the "subhuman" Jews could be eliminated. Between 1933 and the spring of 1945 German national radio broadcasts described the RACE of Jews as subhuman and declared them to be the cause of Germany's problems - every day - every single day.

    To imply, suggest, claim, assert, or even hint that the Murder of more than 6,000,000 European Jews by the National Socialists led by Adolph Hitler was anything less than the most overt and horrific act of Racist genocide in modern history - is to demonstrate an extreme level of ignorance or stupidity (perhaps both).
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The holocaust was overblown. Black Americans think jews should get over the murder of almost half the jews on earth, which happened 75 years ago and bleat on about 2500 blacks lynched over a 150-year period as worse. Jews died for Black civil rights and now blacks want the Muslims to kill them. Too bad you're alive icey.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Icey’s wrote “…the Holocaust was worse than made out to be”.

    I’m not sure what Icey means.

    Does he think it was even worse than the despicable mass genocide that is historically documented and reported?


    Does he mean it wasn’t as bad as history portrays it?

  • Tiburon
    3 years ago
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Studme. Work on your language comprehension skills.or if you think feigning idiocy makes you sound smart you're wrong. You know what I said.

    The Holocaust was worse than what is said.
  • CostaTheCrazyGreek
    3 years ago
    Here's the best part, these "victims" and make no mistake, the Jews were & to some extent still are victims. The problem is now the Jews are doing the victimizing
  • CostaTheCrazyGreek
    3 years ago
    When you've been declared an apartheid state, that's not a good look. They are going to catch more heat and the best part is they get to play the anti-Semitic card like they're justified.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The situation in Israel has deteriorated coz 9f population dynamics. The religious nuts vastly outbreed secular Israelis.
  • oscarlomax
    3 years ago
    It all depends on one's definition of race and/or the differences between race, ethnicity, and nationality. The Nazis declared Jewish people an "inferior race" that needed to be exterminated. This may be a different definition than a 65 year-old black woman in America might hold. These definitions and the times in which they occur and also the people giving out such labels has lots to do with how folks are reacting. Whoopie was right that the act of extermination was inhumane but the Nazis did not share her definition of race. Lines are blurred because "Jewish" can be a religious way of life, an ethnicity, and a nationality. After all, there are melinated folk who identify as Jewish. So it isn't as simple an issue as some may think.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    A rabbi discussing it

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