
Comments by oscarlomax (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Ohio has voted in favor of abortion rights and legalized recreational marijuana.
    It's interesting that many folks identify with one party or the other but when it comes to specific issues, party affiliation doesn't really matter. That's why when I vote I always ask, "How does this or that stance free me?" Then I decide. Aside from politics making many of us apathetic, specific concerns are what matters to the majority of people. So maybe there is hope after all.
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    a year ago
    Did you ever think you'd see the day when you'd see even American politicians be
    There's a complicated history behind what's happening. The loser in all this is humanity. It feels like the people, many of them original natives to the area, just want to live their lives. The regular people are caught between rebels on one side who want to decimate everyone on the other. The big problem is that innocent folk are used as shields and killed at a higher rate than any of the warring factions. Terrorism is evil and so is the colonialism that spawned the extreme response. We can't go back and correct what has happened so there has to be a better way than cowardly wholesale killing that is so intractable.
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    a year ago
    Girls suddenly comfortable with kissing
    I never initiated kissing but some women have taken the opportunity to lay it on me. But these were women I had extended conversations and danced with prior so it wasn't weird but just kind of surprising. Guess I always believed that part of the sexworker's code was not to kiss because it was deemed to "intimate or familiar." That thinking always made no sense to me because kissing is just the warm-up and if you're already doing stuff beyond that....but, hey, my logic is not necessarily their logic.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Last Visit for me for a while
    Wow. Was thinking of going there but your review has me re-considering.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is History Actually Taught Anymore or Just DEI?
    I'm a teacher and I don't feel the schools in my area are indoctrination camps. In fact, my colleagues and I strive to lay out facts and invite students to use critical thinking examine how the facts affects their lives. I stress everyone's unique lived experience gives them a lens in which to interpret the effects the facts have on how they are living and what might lay ahead. As a teacher it's my job to encourage critical analysis and common sense. I also make it clear, facts are real. There are no "alternative" facts but there can be more information uncovered that will add to one's critical analysis. We must all live our own lives.
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    a year ago
    @s1utmuffin on IG! Long Island, NY
    tip for VIP room and CBJ
    You sound like an east coast dancer maybe NYC or Conn. I'm a SoCal clubber so those rates sound higher than the market I usually frequent. That said, during pre-negotiation while you're "vibing" with the customer, get a feel for what they like and throw out a mid-range number as an off-hand comment and gauge the response then adjust rate as necessary.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Probably overpaid but fun time
    Cake considers herself top tier and charges those prices. For me, there are better options here. I admire her hustle but I will never pay that asking price. I'm always willing to move onto the next if I'm not satisfied with the offer of one. No need to be rude, just stand firm in your convictions. As with any merchandise, you may have to dig a little before you get what you want.
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    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Is it racist to like big butts?
    Clearly a title to get clicks and people to read the book. Using current "buzz" words is the go-to media attention getter.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    2nd Thursday in March
    Basically all clubs in this group do the 3 for $40 thing. Sometimes they only do it when announced, other times it's just the normal course of business. VIP's on Thursday are $80 for 15 min. On other nights it's $120 for 15 min and $180 for 30 mins. Or so I've been told. Tips are whatever you and the dancer negotiate.
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    2 years ago
    White Guys
    Everyone's experience is different. I didn't think the "racial" observations were necessarily across the board facts. Those statements were from one guy's POV. The only "liberal" and "conservative" issues relevant inside a strip club, "obviously in my own opinion bourne out of my experiences," is what the dancer is offering in terms of entertainment value. Of course we all have preferences in terms of dancers and that, along with the region, laws, and other factors, influence one's level of enjoyment. I'm a black man and my first thought when I enter a club is neither statistical or political. As the night wears on, I may be confronted with those issues but I do my best just to have a good time but I won't back away from anything that threatens my good time.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is it racist...
    There's the weird misconception floating around that implies that any discussion about race is racist. The discussion itself isn't racist. One could argue certain personal views can be seen as racist but folks are bound to disagree because we have different lived experiences. Racism is actually based on economics and the use of those economics to gain control of resources over folk of another persuasion. The information itself is not racist. The problem is that the point about disparity in economics is legitimate but when we conflate things and push ideas to extremes is when it becomes ridiculous. Open, honest conversation will expose informed and uninformed thinking and that is necessary. Classifications are a way of imparting information and if the act of imparting that information causes economic harm maybe it should be addressed but, I've said it before, the real important color in all this is green. Everybody, no matter, who you are, loves the green. Round about way of saying, if the classification of a place or system disturbs you, find a different place to get your data.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Always talked to Sabrina and did a few couches with her but never pulled the trigger on VIP.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Risk A---Sabrina is down for the same type of action comparable to TL @ TJ's?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Craziest thing you've seen at the Strip Club
    Years ago I saw a dancer @ DejaVu COI (been closed for years) do a very elaborate stage show that concluded with her putting a lightbulb in her pussy, snapping her fingers, and the light came on! She was hanging upside down on the pole as she did this. Everyone applauded and dollars rained on the stage from multiple directions.
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    2 years ago
    Craziest thing you've seen at the Strip Club
    A dancer was once sitting on my lap. She spied a certain other dancer walking out of the dressing room. The dancer got up from my lap and politely excused herself. She walked up to the other girl and clocked her in the face like she was in a barroom brawl. The other dancer fell back on the ground, out cold. Bouncers revived the fallen dancer and ushered both into the manager's office. A few moments later the fallen dancer got her things and left. My dancer casually walked back to me and sat on my lap and continued our conversation. I asked her what that was all about. She said, "That bitch is a thief and stole money from me so I had to handle my business." I asked why they let her stay. My dancer replied, "I make more money for the club than she does."
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip club etiquette for strippers
    The list is wonderful tongue-in-cheek and as with all satire, there is real truth underneath. Always discuss price and what's on the menu before going into VIP. If it's vague, that's a red flag. At a club I go to in California, there are a lot of new girls. On a regular (topless or fully nude) lap dance, the more experienced girls ask for payment after the dance. The newbies, generally, ask for payment before the dance. To avoid any miscommunication, I always bring up price and payment, even for a regular lap, to a newbie b4 even deciding to get a dance. Always in a conversational way, of course. Most dancers I've encountered just don't plop down. They ask if they can join me or if I'm waiting on someone. Always exceptions to the rules.
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    2 years ago
    Deep state mastermind of the anti-Trump conspiracy exposed
    I agree that Trump is a con man. Never understood why real Republicans hailed him as a hero. He's neither Democrat, Republican, Independent or any other political party person. He's a criminal that used politics to house his hustles. And they have caught up to him. I think he will make an attempt to flee the U.S. if L.E. is dispatched to slap on the iron bracelets.
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    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    I'm concerned about the House being able to function properly in terms of day-to-day government--like the debt ceiling etc. Will the need for perceived revenge for wrongs they feel they've endured obstruct basic governing?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Best Club in COI area
    PARADISE is like the bald-headed step-child of Synn but the prices are a bit cheaper and the women have less of an attitude. SRI is like the Beverly Hills of clubs in the area. A lot of pretty girls who know they are pretty and charge accordingly.
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    2 years ago
    OT: Elon and Twitter
    Never been a big Twitter user but I understand it's usefulness in business/advertising. I'm not a right wing fanatic or a big left wing extremist. My question as a black man is always, "How does this situation get me closer to freedom?" Just context to my thoughts. Elon Musk reminds us that Twitter is a privately owned forum that the public has taken for granted to some degree, so they get upset. Remember, it's all about financial gain for the owner in the end. Don't get caught up in the Oke-Doke.
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    2 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Paul Pelosi
    Because Nancy is a politician, naturally the thought is this was politically motivated. The bottom line is that an elderly man was attacked in his home and that's a serious matter.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racist? Bull shit? Scary?
    It's interesting that some white dudes who've slept with a number of black women make certain statements. There's a difference between the perceptions of the two. Bill Maher, liberal that he is, sometimes feels a little to entitled because of this very thing. Strip club culture has a lot of underworld elements about it so a lot of folk that indulge, of all persuasions, might have certain unsavory tendencies. The women that have encountered problems with men from this world are not always dealing with "upstanding" citizens in any regard. Notice I didn't say "all." There's a greater chance of jeopardy in this environment. People make choices. And yes, racial dynamics is a part of everything because it's tied to economics. I'm constantly learning and adjusting my perceptions so I can continue to have fun.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great and fun place to hangout for a night!
    Prices of extras depend on the time of day and the girl.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racist? Bull shit? Scary?
    Being a black man, I've had conversations with different dancers about this very topic. Some of the dancers have said that in many cases they think the black man is a pimp trying to recruit them so they stay away. I've also heard this from some white dancers. I think it's about one's lived experiences and maybe those experiences were so traumatic, they couldn't get over it. And sometimes it's just silly racist non-sense bourne out of ignorance. In the end, money is green, and that is the deciding factor with many dancers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Los Angeles area lap dances?
    When you say LA clubs, do you just mean the clubs inside city limits or are you including OC and COI clubs and the like also? I haven't been to LA clubs inside the city limits in years. The Vu in NH and the Rhino in the same area used to be pretty good about regular lap dances without extras. But maybe I'm just thinking about the days gone by because I haven't been to either of those clubs since the Pandemic. Most clubs, even the ones known for extras, are not hard to get a dance without extras. You just talk to the dancer and settle on what you want. Where you might have a bit of an issue is with pricing and how appealing she is but the attractive part varies anyway according to taste. In many LA clubs there used to be a wide variety of body types. Not so sure these days. But the guys are right about 4-Play not being a place known for extras and lot of eye candy at one point in time.