
What's going to happen

North Carolina
So what do you think will happen now that the Republican's have control of the U.S. House of Representatives


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Their majority is razor thin. So, aside from a lot of histrionics and 2024 campaigning from both parties, I don't think a lot is actually going to get accomplished.
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    Less spending and more investigating. In particular, we’ll learn about the tens of millions the extended Biden family got from corrupt regimes.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    If they're too obstructionist it'll hurt Republicans in the elections. Most Americans want bipartisan cooperation.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^Wtf would an asshole like you know about Americans.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Whole lotta nothing, and that isn't a bad thing.

    Republicans going to pass bills promoting border security and American energy, and say "give us the Senate and WH in 24, and these will become law."
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    They only have a 12-seat majority, and there are about 30 or 40 true moderate Republicans incoming.

    So a low IQ Trump Cuck like McCarthy won't be able to get much of an extremist agenda done like he thinks. The moderates in the GOP will keep him reigned in and on a very short leash, thank God. Because if we hand our government over to a Q-Kook like Horseface Margie or Bobble-Head Bobert, then you'll see a true civil war and the Democrats will be OUT FOR BLOOD.

    They'll try to drag Hunter Biden into a bullshit hearing but Mighty Joe will just laugh and nix that real quick!
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "aside from a lot of histrionics and 2024 campaigning from both parties, I don't think a lot is actually going to get accomplished"

    The Repukes literally can't get any of their legislation passed if a Democrat Senate and President are standing in their way.

    The only power they have is investigation but even that is toothless. We've all seen that ignoring Congressional subpoenas is easy to do, and having Merrick Garland in charge of DOJ means that not a single Democrat will ever face contempt charges for ignoring a partisan witch hunt by the Repukes.

    On the contrary, McCarthy will be committing party suicide with a bunch of fake inquiries because the Mighty Dems can use that against him in attack ads in 2024 to great advantage and lock up a Dem majority in the House and Senate for 2024 to 2026 and likely 2028 as well.
  • SanchoRG
    2 years ago
    Lots of fundraising and campaigning. Maybe a few power grabs with their dem accomplices like Patriot Act or Citizens United. American middle class continues to decline. They're building the pods and cooking up the bug bars as we speak
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    Gridlock and the news focusing on 2024.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Republicans will be having a food fight, it's going to get messy. The markets will cheer increased gridlock, and the extremes will continue to dominate the conversation.
  • TheSingularity
    2 years ago
    They'll get to the bottom of the Hunter Biden situation, that's for sure
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Just remember.5 inches is a Democratic party regular.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ Trucidos aka dems_rule aka VH_Kicks aka Yabba-Jabba aka Jonathan999 aka caesarsghost is a serial militple banned troll who only needs one response "Yinz need get fucked, jagoff!"

    22 was a great senate map for Dems. Dems going nowhere in 24 with 10 seats to defend in red/purple states. America just isn't a progressive country-- everyone but them realizes it.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ "22 was a great senate map for Dems. Dems going nowhere in 24 with 10 seats to defend in red/purple states. America just isn't a progressive country-- everyone but them realizes it."

    If you ask anyone objective they'll all tell you the advantage was to the Republicans in this years elections, but they squandered it away, with their denialism and ham handed attempts to enforce a national abortion ban, they actually chased away the soccer moms they managed to win over with the original emphasis on anti-crime, policies, the majority of you are forgetting that those soccer moms have daughters too, and they are aware of their own actions when they were young, and boy crazy.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @25, The GOP had the advantage of a highly-unpopular incumbent, but they defended 20 seats vs. the Democrats defending 14.

    2024 the Dems defend 23 to the Republicans 10. And 10 of those seats come in states won by Trump outright (MT, OH, WV) or are pretty purple (AZ, WI, PA, NV, MI).
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ You just don't seem to realize what happened, sure Joe Biden was unpopular, but Trump was also on the ballot and he was even more unpopular than Joe, if the Republicans want to win elections, they need to dump Trump, he's not won the popular vote in any of the elections he's been involved with, but because of his diehard fans, he manages to keep sucking up all the oxygen available to Republicans, if the party doesn't learn the party is finished, at least until Trump disappears.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @25, you're missing the point. I'm saying the _map_ was a favorable one for Democrats.

    I agree with you that Trump is an albatross among the GOP's neck. Abortion hurt, but plenty of non-Trump anti-abortion Republicans won like in Ohio, Florida, and Oklahoma. Isolate the variable here.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    The Republicans did better this last election with suburbanites worried about crime and inflation and it helped them to flip House seats in places like New York. This group should be a focus for the Republicans in 2024. Many suburbanites tend to be socially moderate. They don't want abortion to be completely banned in case their teenage daughter gets pregnant by her boyfriend and they don't want strict drug laws in case their son in college gets caught with marijuana. If Republicans go too far in trying to please social conservatives, they are likely to lose these suburban voters.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I didn’t miss the point the explanation I gave you is the reason that this mid election was the anomaly in many decades of mid elections , it’s extremely significant and very rare that the party in the White House doesn’t lose, telling you simply y’all are fucking up and your message is tone deaf
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "10 of those seats come in states won by Trump outright (MT, OH, WV) or are pretty purple (AZ, WI, PA, NV, MI)"

    ALL of Trump's goons except Vance lost bigly in 2022 and will do so again in 2024.

    The fear and anxiety is palpable in your post, Tetra-Fagg. You know white conservatism is dying, and white males over 55 are the fastest shrinking voter demographic in the country, and even more pronounced in the purple states where suburban women and voters under 30 are breaking HARD for the Mighty Dems.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ An anomaly in which Democrats are getting awfully cocky for a party that just lost the House, and whose leader has announced that they will double down on their course of action.

    I know we need to get rid of Trump. But Dems are taking this as a broad-based endorsement of their agenda of American decline.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "telling you simply y’all are fucking up and your message is tone deaf"

    These fear-mongering losers like Tetra-Fagg just don't get it do they, 25?

    The 2022 midterms are historic because they are the fewest seats gained by the opposition party since 1986, and the first time since 1934 that the opposition has lost BOTH Senate seats and Governor seats!

    Keep on crying, Trumpers --- the Mighty Dems are WIPING YOU OUT and we LOVE IT.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    "The fear and anxiety is palpable in your post, Tetra-Fagg."

    The facts aren't palpable in yours.
    How's your pathetic attempt to offload student debt onto the American people going?
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    "The 2022 midterms are historic because they are the fewest seats gained by the opposition party since 1986"

    Forgetting 1996 and 2002, jagoff? Or do those not count because they don't fit your narrative?
    Must be the Democratic math that explains why our public schools are the laughingstock of the developed world.
    For a "wipeout," it's you that just lost the House.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "Republicans go too far in trying to please social conservatives, they are likely to lose these suburban voters"

    You just explained why Little DeSatan will lose so badly in 2024. He just can't unhitch his Fascist Nazi Wagon from the Trump Train and talk like a normal conservative, which he has never been. He will be caught on video bragging CPAC how badly he wants to charge women with felonies for even attempting to leave a red state to get an abortion, and the Low IQ MAGA-Tards will squeal with delight like coked up chimps!

    The Repukes ONLY chance of winning 2024 is to nominate a true moderate like Kasich or Kinzinger, but they will never do that because the white nationalist MAGA cancer is rooted too deep in their ranks to even consider being a moderate party anymore. They're just to DUMB to see that their racist hate is killing their party.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I'm not cocky and I'm not a democrat, I am a centrist (non affiliated BTW) just like the majority of the people in this country are, I lean right on fiscal issues and left on social issues and only idiots would consider my positions liberal. This country is a democratic republic, the way it works, is nobody gets everything they want, but the Maga wing of your party is trying to override that. There is going to be a food fight and Kevin McCarthy is not going to be capable of containing the blowback.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @25, I was talking to the recurrent troll, not you. You seem pretty center to me.

    Over the weekend, I met a sitting Democratic congressman (won't say who other than he's from California). Knew McCarthy from their state legislature days. Says the man has no principles whatsoever, just a careerist, was on the left edge of the caucus in Cali just for self advancement. He said he'd prefer Steve Scalise, who's a dyed in the wool conservative but a nice and principled guy.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "nobody gets everything they want, but the MAGA wing of your party is trying to override that"

    You seriously have to wonder how the Repukes got so retarded to think far-right stances would appeal to a country where moderates have always reigned supreme.

    Shanghai Donnie was too STUPID to realize he barely won 2016 because of 74,000 votes in MI, PA, and WI. If he had any political smarts, he would've moved to the center and likely secured those same 74,000 votes for 2020. But like a coked up racist chimp, he listened to all the wrong choices in his pea brain and went further right and sealed his DOOM. That's why you don't see a seasoned statesman like Mighty Joe making the same mistake for 2024.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    "That's why you don't see a seasoned statesman like Mighty Joe making the same mistake for 2024."

    Who just said he'd taking the same approach despite being more than 12 points underwater?

    Obama said it best, never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.

    You'll be gone long before then, Trucidos. Just like your 8 other aliases.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Tetraplop why are you so obsessed with censoring normal views on here
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ this post is why you’re completely disliked here, instead of joining a discussion and positing an opinion the first thing that you post is an attack with name calling but absolutely no substance. You’ll probably reply to me in a negative manner but I don’t think you know haw to actually get along with anyone who’s not batshit nutso Sad
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @25, you got it.

    What the pimping, pandering, woman beating, woman manipulating, lying, thieving piece of shit who needs to smoke weed to forget what a scumbag he is, doesn't realize, is that no one takes him seriously, if they ignore him it's not because they disagree it's because they don't feel he's worth the trouble in that moment.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Not because they agree*
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag you only post to troll. When you're not trying to sound like other trolls on here you just sound like a whiny senile bitch. Which is your mo here and why no one likes you.

    Tetraplop go wipe cacaplops ass. He's your new bestie the 2 of you united to fight for right wing bigots
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You're not ignoring me you're trolling me. So guess I'm worth your time
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Icee, you're just my scratching post. Trust me, you take very little thought to respond to.

    25 and I don't always agree but I know he can voice his thoughts like a grownup.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Iceefag you had every chance to prove me wrong, I even called an audible you could have acted normal, but you reverted to form mainly because you’re not capable of actually participating in a conversation sadly you’ll never be any more than you already are, a pathetic loser with no principles and a confirmed liar.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Conservatives should follow the Constitution. The Constitution lists what the federal government should do. Anything not on that list, according to the tenth amendment, should be left to the states. That would include abortion. Any attempt by the Republicans to ban it nationally in Congress, as Lindsey Graham has advocated, is unconstitutional. The same applies for anything else that involves deciding whether something should be classified as a crime. That is a state issue that should be decided by the voters in each state. The amendment process can be used to codify that certain things, like slavery, can't be legal anywhere in the U.S.

    The Founders of this country did not want an all-powerful central government because they were afraid it might lead to tyranny. They wanted some decentralization. As a last resort, people could always vote with their feet to get away from an oppressive state government.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "Conservatives should follow the Constitution"

    Right-wing assholes don't believe in the Constitution or otherwise January 6th never woulda happened. These are the same scumbags who want red state legislators to choose their own slate of Electors every four years and subvert free and fair elections by the people.

    The worst thing any Democrat or independent can do in 2022 and beyond is assume a right winger actually respects the Constitution or the principles of what America stands for. They are violent fascists who think domestic terrorism is a viable method of seizing power against anything they falsely label "tyranny".
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Slavery isn’t outlawed, its just only government can use slave labor from prisoners. And citizens can use slaves as long as they aren’t located in the US, hence all the companies.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    I'll point our incumbency is a huge advantage in the Senate in purple states.

    Also the founders of the constitution wanted it to be amendable to adapt to the times, although obviously there were different factions and the final document is a compromise.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    The Constitution is not only modifiable, but if a Constitutional Convention were ever called it could be disposed of, or radically altered. Who besides the whiniest most useless leeches in the world ever mentions January 6 lol. Its like the Progressives bleating about saving democracy while every law they pass disposes of democracy. I would like to see the monkeys that raised Icee.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    🥶 🐵
  • etsutwigg222
    2 years ago
    Nothing as usual for the DC Crooks. We will hear posturing, committee investigations that go no where & the Middle Class continue to get screwed !!! I say in 2024, if they are an incumbent to vote them out....ALL OF THEM !!!
  • oscarlomax
    2 years ago
    I'm concerned about the House being able to function properly in terms of day-to-day government--like the debt ceiling etc. Will the need for perceived revenge for wrongs they feel they've endured obstruct basic governing?
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
    Nothing besides making triggering sound bites asking liberals if men can get pregnant during congressional hearings.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "I'm concerned about the House being able to function properly in terms of day-to-day government--like the debt ceiling"

    With right-wing sycophant crooks like McCarthy, Gaetz, and HorseFace Margie in charge of the House, I'm afraid the most we can hope for is that Merrick Garland hangs obstruction cases on all of them for trying to stymie the independent counsel's office that will charge China Donnie with serious crimes.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "Who besides the whiniest most useless leeches in the world ever mentions January 6"

    Meanwhile, Fox Fake News spent 25,000 hours in 2022 talking about Hunter's laptop LOL

    Ski-Fagg is crying hard after the midterms, folks. Kick a conservative piece of shit like him when he's down :-)
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^ lol. Ski-Fagg pretty good one ...if you were three. Oy vey, such a tough little mensch....
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