Dancers using the term "extras"

Saturday, August 6, 2022 9:29 PM
I experienced this for the first time today. A dancer walked up to me, grabbed my junk and said we should go to VIP "because I do Extras. All of them." Unfortunately she was not my type. When I declined she walked away. The next guy she accosted took her to VIP. Is it common for a dancer to use the term "extras"?


I don't recall ever hearing it. Mostly they ask if I want to do VIP and I have to ask what's on the menu.
2 years ago
Front Room Make Out Session before you even consider taking her into the backroom. SJG Figueroa St. Jane - School of Rock VANILLA FUDGE_You Keep Me Hanging On_BB Kings_6-22-13 "LADY" - Beck, Bogert & Appice The Yardbirds (feat. Jimmy Page) - I' A Man & Outro (1967) THE JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE LIVE STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, 1969 (very good)
2 years ago
Ive heard it a few times. But most just call the girls who do it hoes.
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Yeah, once in the last 10 years, in Cheetahs vegas (now the library). I don’t like to move that fast, mainly because I’m looking to be bamboozled and pretend she really wants it, which takes time for me. Like, at least 30 seconds.😎
2 years ago
The first time I ever heard a dancer use the term was at Partner's Tavern in Erie PA. Probably 6 or 7 years ago. Fast forward to now, while not ubiquitous, it seems more common.
2 years ago
Don't think I've ever heard a girl use that term. They'll say the specific acts they'll do back there like "I'll do handjobs and blowjobs" but don't collectively call them "extras."
2 years ago
Not all that common, but I've had a number of dancers use the term over the years. Though, if I use the word extra, there never seems to be any doubt in their mind as to the meaning.
2 years ago
I auditioned and got contracted at one club in 2017, and while the manager was walking me around with the standard tour of the club, he mentioned that “extras” were not allowed in the cabanas. Figured it was a term that was understood well enough. Not that I’d let the customers on I’m super familiar to the term. (Especially because a lot of them assume that I’m like 20 years and I don’t know anything (not what I tell them, just what they think) 🤷🏻‍♀️
2 years ago
reddit rob celebration over already? u look 40 bitch. get over yourself.
2 years ago
Nicespice, I have read some of the rule sheets that dancers have to sign, and dances on this board have talked about hearing stuff like what you see from club managers. Very often it is all just plausible deniability by the club management. And same thing for the cameras, often fake or not connected, or feeds never looked at. Myself though I would never talk to a girl about "extras", no reason to. SJG Figueroa St. Jane - School of Rock VANILLA FUDGE_You Keep Me Hanging On_BB Kings_6-22-13 "LADY" - Beck, Bogert & Appice The Yardbirds (feat. Jimmy Page) - I' A Man & Outro (1967) THE JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE LIVE STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, 1969 (very good) BLACK SABBATH - Live in Paris (1970 considered one of the best rock performances of all time) Drive My Car - MonaLisa Twins (The Beatles Cover) Janis Joplin - Down On Me - School of Rock All-Stars Team 2
2 years ago
I've only heard it once in the years I've clubbed.
2 years ago
i hear it occasionally and ask 'what do u mean' just to keep them on a sexual topic. or i innocently ask them if they've ever heard of 'extras girls' for the same reason.
2 years ago
I've heard it from time to time. But I've never seen a dancer proactively offer me "extras" before I even hinted about what I was looking for.
2 years ago
I have had dancers refer to extras in clubs like the metro Detroit clubs. They have said things like lets do a VIP and I will do extras. Of course, that term is vague and there should be some specific discussions with regard to expected acts and compensation.
2 years ago
Yes, often, but mostly in the sentence "I don't do extras". Otherwise, it's something of a bait and switch. They're only willing to do a hand or foot job. But they just vaguely say extras, I assume because they want you to agree to an expensive VIP session, hoping for BJ/FS. But, full disclosure, I'm extras-impaired. I've always just figured it's best to see an escort for more than two-way contact. Been offered, unsolicited, extras from strippers I wasn't attracted to, or in a way that made me strongly suspect a scam.
2 years ago
It would get my attention. If on the fence, I'd get off!
2 years ago
If you heard term extras in a club means something not permitted by guidelines. Be a wise guy and avoid that.
2 years ago
Yeah I do hear it but your right it is kind of rare
2 years ago
I’ve not heard dancers use that term. Specific acts are described, and prices discussed, but I’ve not been approached by a dancer who opens with that type of offer.
2 years ago
I have never herd that. Even when I was working security in a sc.
2 years ago
My first time at V-Jah's in Franklin, NY, about 10 years ago, a very pretty dancer came over, sat down and said: "let's face it, no one comes here for the dances, they come for the extras, how's your night going"?
2 years ago
I have never heard a stripper use the term "extras" with me, either. But the term is used extensively on every stripper forum, everyone in the industry knows it. The girls just don't use it with us when they're hustling. Years ago a stripper I knew moved from MBOT (an extras club) to Centerfolds (which used to go through swings of extras and non-extras, depending on the manager) during one of its non-extras periods, and she told me the other Centerfolds strippers were ostracizing her because she came from MBOT so obviously did extras.
2 years ago
I think it's regional, and depends on how plugged in dancers are to how customers talk about the hobby. I've heard dancers talking about it pretty commonly where I've been clubbing lately.
2 years ago
I started hearing it just before COVID. Interestingly up until that time I always heard dancers say "takeout" and only recently they started to say "OTC" on some occasions. Point being I think social media is definitely having an impact on the lingo. I suspect the more sedantary life after March of 2020 led the dancers to pay more attention to what WE had to say by reading online stuff out of sheer boredom. Or else more of us starting using that language and they just picked it up.
2 years ago
It was inevitable: I think it's now rather common for strippers to read online strip club forums like this one and S_Web. Since the term is commonly used online, it's going to show up in the club. I remember a time when PL's would NEVER risk mentioning the existence of sites like this, or in the Los Angeles are a certain Z-site with bones. If a stripper found out you were reading and posting online, she'd be pissed. Now, I see strippers just ask me if I've seen their reviews. I've gotten pretty good at feigning complete ignorance.
2 years ago
Yeah I've never heard the term extras in a SC - could be that as mentioned above that the more popular dancer-forums become that perhaps it may start becoming more part of the ITC SC lingo - but one wonders if more and more PLs will also go online and thus be aware of this lingo; over-the-years it seems that the percent of SC-custies that participated on online SC-forums seemed low/the-exception; and perhaps why dancers may continue to keep-it-simple and just say "VIP" etc
2 years ago
The term is pretty vague. In the club I frequent most HJ are common so does “extras” by a dancer mean more than that? Extra compared to what others get offered?
2 years ago
we gotta give champ an inter-extra-vention. lulz.
2 years ago
I would still clarify if a dancer mentioned extras - as her definition of extras could be different from your expectations.
2 years ago
'gross dude. i was offering you gum.'
2 years ago
623-ape, “extras” simply means havin’ a lil’ more fun than your ape laws will allow. Sort of like those “Duke Boys” in the fun documentaries about that county in Georgia where all rivers and ditches have nice ramps for some reason. The song that opens those documentaries always say that they’re havin’ a lil’ more fun than the law will allow. BTW, have any of you been to that part of Georgia? Looks really fun. I want to get all drunk see if I can jump a river with my Tesla and that seems like a good place to try since the natives appear to do it all of the time. Plus the sexy female hairless apes wear really short shorts. A+ in this rick’s book. ROAR!!!
2 years ago
whaaa? Was she ugly or something?
2 years ago
I was in El Paso years ago, trying to get a dancer to come back to my hotel room. She kept giving excuses. When she got called on stage, she asked me to wait for her and absolutely warned me against talking to a specific dancer because she was an "extras girl' - her words. Well, WTF have I been asking of you all night?! Why not tell the fox to stay away from the henhouse at night because there were no light, doors, or alarms? So the extras girl and I hit it off quite well.
2 years ago
It's a common term but must be regional. Some clubs have it a lot, others won't allow it. You can tell how serious some clubs forbid extras because you can take a step to the side of the front desk and see the security camera feeds at work for every VIP room. The clubs that encourage extras, have no cams. For example in COI they can look in the window if they have to, but nobody cares. The women walk around naked in the common areas after fucking once it's past midnight. Nobody cares, and you see all the people who just fucked walking out.
2 years ago
Usually, depending on the California Clubs I frequent, the ladies will either tell you flat out what they will do for you in the VIP or say something playfully naughty like..."You look cold. Let me warm you up...with my mouth!" or the less specific, "You wanna have some real fun?" If you are in a COI club, you know what that means.
2 years ago
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