Paul Pelosi

avatar for misterorange
Haha... sorry. Not that I take pleasure in the fact that an old man got his ass kicked... Actually, he seems like kind of a good ol' boy and would probably be fun to hang out with at a club. I wish it would have been his wife at home instead of him. Anyway, the irony is astounding.

And I'm just curious, how is it that the person 2nd in line to the Presidency does not have on-site security at her home? Is it only when she's on the premises? And you'd think they would have more secure windows and doors, given the high-profile position and the fact that their address is not a secret. Furthermore, they've had a series of less serious incidents before, such as vandalism and a dead pig's head thrown on their property.…


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I imagine they're gonna spin this and try to pin -it/blame Republicans for what happened
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
So you'll feign outrage when Trump got raided by the fbi. But wallow in the Pelosi home invasion.

So much for your tough on crime pretend positions
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^ Apples and oranges, Icee. That comment just shows the strict limits of your brain capacity.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
No. It shows your hypocrisy.
avatar for ime
2 years ago
Almost as if San Fransisco residents are suffering the consequences of their own actions. Hopefully the assailant was realeased immediately with cashless bail.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"... journalist Joe Eskenazi that stated: “My sources also name the suspect in this morning’s hammer attack on Paul Pelosi as David DePape, born 1980, of Berkeley. He would appear to be a former Castro nudist protester ... The article described him as a “hemp jewelry maker" ..."…
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
I had a day off today so when I heard about the attack I flipped on the news channels (which I very rarely do)

And this was shortly after the attack happened, all the facts weren’t in.

Wow, what a difference in coverage between which station you looked at. CNN used the words “threat to our democracy” multiple times, made veiled references to January 6 and all but directly called it a Republican MAGA attack

FOX News did not make it political what so ever. They focused on the huge mental health crisis and crime in California where one in four San Francisco residents report being attacked or robbed.

avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
A “hemp jewelry maker” from Berkeley.

Yep Don Lemon, that’s the profile of a typical MAGA supporter
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
CNN will next report the assailant was a white-supremacist that hates white-people - that's how far these MAGA white-supremacists can go!
avatar for ime
2 years ago
Don't forget he yelled "This is MAGA country".
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Looks like the guy is a Trump supporter and election denier. Truly sick.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Transcripts of police calls for the incident show

“RP ( Pelosi ) stated there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend."…

Just 2 guys hanging out in a house in San Francisco at 2:30am while Pelosi’s wife is away. Oh, and he is described as a “ nudist activist”, whatever that is.

Odds of him being a Trump supporter are pretty small.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
LOL - sounds like a late-night hookup gone wrong - maybe Pelosi didn't wanna pay-up for services.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
While this appeared to be random crime at first its now looking like some sort of government or leftist false flag operation.

Just before the election an October surprise to gain sympathy for Democrats and legitimize the carefully crafted media and government narrative that populist conservatives are "violent" and "extreme"

However, let's take a deeper look. The individual has formerly been a nudism activist, associated with radical left politics, as well as a religious fanatic.
Then his social media goes dark for 15 years and he re-emerges as possibly a populist conservative with strange social media posts in August of this year, then commits the attack days before the election.

Quite a convenient coincidence for the Democrats and the establishment. Just like other similar attacks before previous elections.…
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Again w4t is as wrong as humanely possible! Canadian communist, illegal alien, repeat felon, this guy is as liberal democrat as they get. Hell, w4t probably even blew him at one of their little democrat pep rallies!
avatar for oscarlomax
2 years ago
Because Nancy is a politician, naturally the thought is this was politically motivated. The bottom line is that an elderly man was attacked in his home and that's a serious matter.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
If I'm Paul, I'd tell Nancy she either steps down from the Speaker position or I'm out. 82 year old mega-millionaire just wants to enjoy the little time he's got left, get drunk on too much wine, etc. Doesn't need this shit.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
She probably doesn't let him have a gun because of the political optics.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Pro-Russia Dave_Anderson was waiting for his next moment to strike to divide Americans, and he thinks he has found it here. With a theory that even though Mr. Pelosi required life-saving surgery, it was just a leftist false flag operation. All with a link to the right wing conspiracy website INFOWARS ! LMAO

In fact, the attacker had posted online: "Trump you NEEEEEEEED to make Tulsi your VP in 2024." Only a Trump supporter would post something like that.…
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
It shouldn’t matter whether he is liberal or conservative since the actions of one don’t represent the group. We know there are some radical trumpsters, just like there are radical liberals. Both Trump and Biden have made comments in an effort to attract the extremist voters in their parties. Trump with his anti Moslem comments and defending the confederate flag, Biden with his pro BLM and pro antifa comments.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
@wld4assholes - Everyone here knows Dave Anderson is a nut-job like you. Only difference is he uses extreme right wing craziness to provoke reactions instead of your liberal retardation.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Depape supports the July 6 coup. Is an anti vaxxer. Election result denier. ....
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
I would urge misterorange to consider if the rhetoric from Trump and other anti-Pelosi right wingers may have influenced the attacker to act.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Hey I just wanna know how come there aren’t any hot female nudist activists running around?
avatar for ime
2 years ago
The whole thing is shady as hell and there is no way that dude snuck in past security guards, state police and cameras. Paul and that Berkely leftist weirdo were fucking each other.

Also weird how no one from the right has cheered his attack on. You know exactly like how his own cunt daughter publicly cheered on the attack on Rand Paul. This was left on left crime, you love to see it.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
If anyone doesn’t believe there’s far more to this story, then you’re delusional

Police were called at 2:20 AM, and the “attacker” was in his underwear. Mr Pelosi asked to use the restroom and that’s when he went in to call the police. What perp let’s you excuse yourself to use the bathroom lol

This was classified as a “wellness check”. Average police response time in SF for a low priority call is 79 minutes yet the police arrived in minutes. Why didn’t they send a mental health professional like the defund they police folks ask for. This situation screams that
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
What was the attack on rand paul? The one a couple years ago?

avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I’m sorry to hear Paul Pelosi was brutally attacked. It sounds like a very violent attack, as he was left with a skull fracture. I hope he makes a full recovery.

In terms of the details of the attack, that’s where things get murky. It seems that this wasn’t a break in. Something else was happening, and it’s unlikely the truth will come out in the short time left before the November elections.

I think Nancy and the Dems will try to spin this to make folks think it was a Maga inspired attack, and make villains out of the right. But, I think there is much more to this situation than we will learn, in the next two weeks.

The attacker seems to be a loon from the Bay Area. I don’t see him as a hard core right wing supporter at all. If anything, he’s not stable, and might be a guy who should not be on the streets. Sadly, those descriptions could be used to describe many folks who live on California streets.

I think Dems have avoided cleaning up their cities for the past few years (at least), and now the mess they have created is actually hitting them where they live. In my view, this attacker doesn’t appear to have the intelligence to mastermind a scheme to get past the Pelosi security and break in. He must have been let in by Mr Pelosi, for some unknown reason, and then things got odd.
avatar for how
2 years ago
Breaking into anyone's home is a horrible crime.
Attacking anyone with a hammer is a horrible crime.
These true facts have nothing to do with the character of the home-owners.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
This appears to be set-up to get some publicity for a party falling in the voter's eyes.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
It’s a criminal act, this isn’t a political issue. It’s a terrible thing to attack someone period.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
It’s sickening that CNN and MSNC are spinning this as a right wing, ultra MAGA attack.

Back in May when Mr Pelosi was arrested for a DUI in Napa County, allegedly he had a younger male passenger with him - although the MSM didn’t widely include that information

Yesterday, the police show up to a scene at 2:30 in the morning, both men in their underwear. The broken glass from the door is OUTSIDE

just too many weird facts. If Mr Pelosi wants to go both ways and have younger boy toys, that’s his right, but please, please for the love of God stop trying to make this political
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
The underwear report is not substantiated. Breitbart cited a source "according to KTVU" but the KTVU website has since published a correction:
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misstated what clothing the suspect was wearing when officers found him.

The underwear and gay sex theories also don't match up with the multiple reports that the attacker was yelling "Where's Nancy" when he entered the property. Even Fox News won't touch the most absurd theories out there, so unless you see Fox News running a story about Mr. Pelosi having gay sex, you'll know this is bullshit and a attempt by right wingers to deflect.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
1 Hour Ago
It’s a criminal act, this isn’t a political issue. It’s a terrible thing to attack someone period.

You keep threatening to attack me in Vegas next month
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Frenulum
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“attempt by right wingers to deflect”

OK, I’m willing to concede the gay sex thing maybe a bit of a stretch if the left wing will stop say this was an attempt to “subvert democracy”. That’s total BS too

The most likely theory is this dude was an overnight caregiver who was hired to help a feeble 82 year old while Nancy was away. And things went awry, as often can happen
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
20fag why do you threaten me?

avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I have a question - Kenneth what is the frequency?

Rather than the cyclists being killed, could this be SJG’s work - or his organization’s work?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Depape was inspired by the January 6 coup attempt
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Frenulum
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
…..and John Hinckley Jr. was inspired by Robert DeNiro one of Hollywood’s most despicable liberal POS. So, what’s your point?
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
"The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning."

I don't know if this is true or not, but it seems plausible to me.…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago…

Paul Pelosi’s Alleged Attacker Has Links to Far-Right Blog and Social Ties to 9/11 Denier…

Man Accused of Attacking Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Left Trail of Far-Right Hate
VICE News identified several blogs under the name of the suspect that espoused far-right conspiracy theories, racism, and sexism.
avatar for ime
2 years ago

Michael Shellenberger

Michael Shellenberger
3 hr ago

David DePape, the prime suspect in the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul. (Photo Credit,: Associated Press)
Leading politicians yesterday blamed the political Right for the brutal attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul. “This is despicable,” said President Biden. He noted that the alleged attacker, David DePape, 42, shouted the same line, “Where’s Nancy?” as the supporters of Donald Trump, who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. “And what makes us think that one party can talk about stolen elections?” said Biden. “COVID being a hoax? It’s all a bunch of lies.”

California political leaders agreed. “This heinous assault is yet another example of the dangerous consequences of the divisive and hateful rhetoric that is putting lives at risk and undermining our very democracy and Democratic institutions,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom. “This attack,” said San Francisco’s state Senator, Scott Weiner, “is terrifying and the direct result of toxic right-wing rhetoric.”

Journalists, en masse, agreed with their assessment. DePape “appears to have made racist and often rambling posts online,” noted AP, in a report this morning that encapsulated the media narrative, “including some that questioned the results of the 2020 election, defended former President Donald Trump and echoed QAnon conspiracy theories.”

But DePape’s politics have little rhyme or reason. In past years DePape shared a post about Stephen Colbert’s 2006 roast of President George W. Bush at the White House Correspondents dinner; linked to videos of Disney films altered to make it look like the characters were swearing; and claimed, “Jesus is the anti-Christ” — not exactly a litany of right-wing tropes.

The camper van parked in the driveway of the home belonging to David DePape’s ex-wife. The “Natural addiction treatment” that it’s advertising is of the psychedelic ibogaine, which neighbors say the DePape family has been bringing back to the United States from Mexico. The bumper stickers on the back of the camper are left-wing and conspiratorial.
And, as I discovered yesterday, DePape lived with a notorious local nudist in a Berkeley home, complete with a Black Lives Matter sign in the window and an LGBT rainbow flag, emblazoned with a marijuana symbol, hanging from a tree. A closer look reveals the characteristics of a homeless encampment, or what Europeans call “an open drug scene.” In the driveway, there is a broken-down camper van. On the street is a yellow school bus, which neighbors said DePape occasionally stayed in. Both are filled with garbage typical of such structures in homeless encampments. People come and go from the house and the vehicles, neighbors say, in part to partake in the use of a potent psychedelic drug, ibogaine.

Neighbors described DePape as a homeless addict with a politics that was, until recently, left-wing, but of secondary importance to his psychotic and paranoid behavior. “What I know about the family is that they’re very radical activists,” said one of DePape’s neighbors, a woman who only gave her first name, Trish. “They seem very left. They are all about the Black Lives Matter movement. Gay pride. But they’re very detached from reality. They have called the cops on several of the neighbors, including us, claiming that we are plotting against them. It’s really weird to see that they are willing to be so aggressive toward somebody else who is also a lefty.”

Not all of the news media missed DePape’s history of drug use, psychosis, and homelessness. CNN reported that a woman named Laura Hayes, who said she worked with DePape 10 years ago making hemp bracelets, said he had been living in a storage shed. “He talks to angels,” she said, and told her that “there will be a hard time coming.”

Another woman, Linda Schneider, told CNN and Bay Area NBC TV affiliate, KRON4, that she got to know DePape around 2014 and that he was still homeless, living in a storage unit, and using hard drugs. “He (was) likely a mindless follower of something he saw on social media because I don’t think he had the courage to be part of any political or terrorist group,” said Schneider. “His drug use began again and he went off his rocker.”

But much of the rest of the news media, particularly local journalists who could have interviewed DePape’s neighbors, were swept up in the narrative that DePape was more like John Wilkes Booth, the fanatical but sane assassin of Abraham Lincoln, than John Hinkley, Jr., the mentally ill man who shot Ronald Reagan. DePape is much more like one of the hundreds of psychotic homeless people I’ve interviewed in recent years than the fanatical climate ideologues who I’ve been writing about in recent weeks.

Wrapped up in their own obsession with Trump Republicans, most journalists have missed the real story. David DePape is not a microcosm of the political psychosis gripping America in general. Rather, he’s a microcosm of the drug-induced psychosis gripping the West Coast in particular.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
The actual security for those below VP is surprisingly low unless they are rich and have their own private detail.

Remember that softball game that got shot up a decade ago?
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
The only evidence to make this a political attach is the report that the assailant was yelling "where's Nancy?" But he could have just as easily broken in Maria Shriver's house yelling "where's Arnold?" or Tom Brady's yelling "where's Giselle?" Nancy Pelosi is very well known public figure.

Liberals want to gaslight us into believing that red-hot right-wing rhetoric caused this attack. The truth is that the most heated and violence-laden rhetoric and threats are coming from the left - all aspects of the left. From supposedly centrist Brandon to the far leftist fringes. The middle left, such as AOC and the squad, have been sending the most attacks at Nancy Pelosi. If this dude was motivated by fake news Facebook, the preponderence of vindictive would indicate fellow liberals.

As for the gay sex theories, honestly, if someone broke into my house at 2AM, I would be in my underwear, too. it would not be the first time I cleared my house in the middle of the night with only my boxers and my S&W Governor
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Events similar to this once again uncover the hypocrisy of the progressive left.

Nearly all residents of the affluent Pacific Heights neighborhood where the Pelosi’s live hire private security to patrol the area from 6 pm to 6 am.

Betting many of these residents are part of the BLM/Defund the Police crowd. They certainly don’t live by the principles they publicly preach
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
The news has already declared him a right wing conspiracy nut like Mark et al on here. Now you're all citing right wing conspiracy nuts saying he isn't one of y'all
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Who is Mark?
Theres many leftists and centrists on here. You’ve publicly promoted looting and attacking businesses politicians cops etc how can you then say its impossible for this guy to be leftist? He did the things youve asked people to do and admitted to doing yourself...
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Even if someone is a right wing conspiracy nut it doesnt have anything to do with “one of yall” real life isn’t about tribalism and gang warfare
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Ten days and counting until the end of the Democrat Party for at least a decade. Congress controls spending and the Republicans will use the power of the debt limit to reverse the insane spending of the last 4 years. No federal judges approved. Hearings on Hunter Biden and what Joe and Hunter did with the millions they got from China and Russia. The FBIs role in Russiagate and Jan 6 exposed.
avatar for nj_pete
2 years ago
I wish we did not have political discussions on this board, I know I don't have to open them and read, but still, would rather stick to naked woman as discussion points.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>OK, I’m willing to concede the gay sex thing maybe a bit of a stretch if the left wing will stop say this was an attempt to “subvert democracy”. That’s total BS too

@motorhead - good for you on the concession. Not sure what "this" you are referring to... I haven't seen anyone saying this attack was about subverting democracy. That was Trump when he lost the election, as evidenced by the findings of the January 6th committee.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
I can't stand Nancy Pelosi and I assume Paul Pelosi is a piece of shit since he has been willing to be with Nancy for so many decades. However, I don't want to see anyone assaulted with a hammer whether it be politically motivated, a personal relationship gone wrong, a celebrity stalking situation or whatever the reason.

While I would revel in seeing the Pelosi's forced into bankruptcy due to bad business deals or even jailed for insider trading, fraud, bribery or any other crime, I wouldn't have wished this on them.

To those saying this is the Dems trying to draw sympathy before the election, I think that would be a risky proposition. Sure it plays into the Dems claims of how dangerous the far right is, but it also puts a spotlight on the rise in crime which is one of the biggest Republican selling points heading into the elections.
avatar for Cookiesandcream
2 years ago
Some of this is sad to read. specifically some comments
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Couldn’t you have followed the stocks Paul was buying and get guaranteed profit? There was an article mentioning all tge stocks he was hoarding up
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Just to get the media story straight, a nudist hippie that was part of a pro BLM commune walked in only underwear from Berkeley to the ultrarich neighborhood in San Francisco, entered Paul Pelosi’s mansion while predator invisible cloaked to avoid security cameras…

…wrestled with Paul Pelosi while a mysterious 3rd man watched, Paul went to the bathroom, called 911, returned to wrestle the hippie nudist, the unnamed 3rd man let police in, and then the hippie hit Paul with a hammer, because he saw a Kevin McCarthy news conference a year ago

We don’t know the truth of what happened that night and, like Pelosi’s DUI ( where had he been, who was he with ?), we probably never will.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“The news has already declared him a right wing conspiracy nut like Mark et al on here. Now you're all citing right wing conspiracy nuts saying he isn't one of y'all”

He’s only dramatically changed his political views in the past year. Don’t pay attention to the National news. Local SF reporters have found past acquaintances and friends and he shared their views as a radical left wing progressive.

The truth is this guy is a nut job. A whacko. Or I guess we need to be PC and say “mentally ill”

This entire store has more than reinforced what most smart people know - the media is left leaning and distorts and slants stories.

Linking this to January 6 and election fraud and MAGA, among other things is grasping at straws

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Fuck all y’all. Diving into the conspiracy theories to try and distance what this means politically is disgusting. The extreme right is despicable. The extreme left is despicable. Trying to spin this as anything other than a nut job attacking an old man is despicable from both the extreme right and the extreme left.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^go fuck yourself you whiny little cunt. When a democrat shot a republican member of congress you didn't say shot you hypocritical fuckwad.Where was your whiny spin post then asshole? Don't pretend to be impartial you left wing fuck.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Just one example of abhorrent left wing journalism - and I wish I could go back and find the article to quote it exactly - but the article about the incident ended with - paraphrasing…

“75% of the politically motivated attacks over the past 10 years have been perpetrated by right wing extremists”

Wow. That’s jumping to conclusions. Let’s turn the tables - if FOX. News ended every story about a mentally ill black person assaulting someone, can you imagine the outcry if they concluded the story with “60% of violent crimes are committed by blacks and they are only 13% of the population”

This is just disgusting
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
@mark94 you are flushing your credibility down the toilet with continued statements about the attacker being in underwear. The site that originally posted that information quickly retracted it. You are clearly not following the story, or deliberately injecting false information into the discussion.…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Right wing extremism is the main source of political violence hate crimes and terrorism in the US
avatar for yahtzee74
2 years ago
the pelosi's don't have a home security system that would have alerted someone when the glass door was smashed?

how about some video already. pelosi's home security video? neighbors' security cams? police body cams?
avatar for how
2 years ago
Regarding "Where's Nancy?"
That does NOT indicate she was the target of violence. Paul Pelosi said Depape is his "friend." So, "where's Nancy" is a simple question among persons who know one another.
avatar for From978
2 years ago
What I gather from reading this discussion is that it's getting really hard to distinguish between Republicans and crazy people.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“What I gather from reading this discussion is that it's getting really hard to distinguish between Republicans and crazy people”

Lol, that’s funny 😄

It’s the Democrats who are making a leap the size of the Grand Canyon that was politically motivated

At this point, there are too many bizarre unanswered questions to really say what happened - but any rational person knows there more to the story

• Who was the 3rd person in the home that let the police in the front door?

• Why did a very left-leaning, Green Party Member go silent on social media for years but all of a sudden re-emerged with a total opposite view

• For the second time in 6 months, Paul Pelosi is caught in the company of a younger male while Nancy is out of town

• Pelosi admitted to the police dispatcher the “intruder” was a friend and his name was David

• The home had multiple alarms and security alarms and the affluent Pacific Heights neighbored is patrolled by private security yet a homeless guy has the ability to enter the residence undetected?
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ I don’t know where all the speculation is coming from, if an unknown 80 plus year old man was hit in the head with a hammer, you’d all be hollering about who’s soft on crime Seems to me this is a crime committed by a crazy and y’all are getting crazy cause you don’t like his wife’s politics.
This is a crazy thread, and if you don’t see it sorry, not sorry.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago

10000% agree this was committed by a crazy person. But it was the likes of CNN and MSNBC that immediately started with the political angle / January 6 threat to democracy on Friday

If they hadn’t went there right of the bat (or hammer if you will), you wouldn’t have seen the strong right wing response.

By the way, have you seen this? Even the Dems are saying it

“Nancy Pelosi's Democratic primary challenger says 'outrage towards Pelosi remains thoroughly appropriate'”
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^That s what’s going on in this country today the nutso wing of both parties are getting everything all twisted, at some point someone sane needs to take the bull by the horns and make this stop before it gets any more out of control than it already has.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago

You are so correct! Agree totally
avatar for Goodclubrep
2 years ago
Does anyone remember Paul? Ryan and his Republican Senatorial run? How disclosures about his being a swinger along with his actor wife Jerry Ryan screwed his probable election 3 weeks before the election? His Senatorial opponent was Barack Obama.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Jack Ryan. The disclosure came from sealed records that Barack, or one of his supporters, stole. It’s the Chicago way.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Speaking of Illinois, here’s a fun fact. The Illinois state government has 132,188 public employees and retirees who “earned” $100,000 or more. Every one of them is exceptional and essential, I’m sure.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Everybody can agree the guy was crazy.

But there are numerous reports of the attacker having recent views and opinions linked to right wing extremism. To suggest it was just a random attack, purely coincidental that the intended victim was a prominent Democratic politician who has been endlessly vilified by the right, and that the attacker was not influenced by right wing rhetoric, defies logic.

I can accept this can happen on the left too. Though I believe the rhetoric on the right is far more tinged with hate and suggestions of violence. Let's not pretend politics has nothing to do with these attacks on politicians.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
@wld, I can see how you want to monetize this attack a week before an unfavorable election. But you need to be very selective with what you see in order to link it to the right.

The attacker was also a hemp jewelry maker who lived with a nudist activist, longtime druggie with obvious psychiatric issues. In fact, it appears there wasn't a conspiracy theory that he didn't glom onto.

But it might backfire. This also highlights the crime problem in blue cities. After all, if the husband of the Speaker of the House isn't safe in a Dem-run, progressive prosecutor city, who is?
avatar for ime
2 years ago
Wld4 you and your premise are full of shit. The left threatens violence and intimidation openly and often. Schumer threatened supreme court judges and a man showed up armed with intention to kill Kavanaugh and his family. A democrat didn't like an 18 year old being a Republican and ran him down with his vehicle and killed them. Don't forget the rabid leftist who killed grannies and kids with his SUV during a Christmas parade. Left commits much more violence and destruction BLM/Antifa burned down cities. The left just has the benefit
avatar for ime
2 years ago
That 90% of Media and all of big tech do as much as possible to cover up leftist violence, censor and ban actual coverage of the political violence the Democrats have made a normal part of life.
avatar for Goodclubrep
2 years ago
Thanks @ mark94, I saw the story on some hour long history show.
avatar for ime
2 years ago
Shit have any actual Democrat Politicians been attacked, nothing seems political about Paul Pelos, weird yes but not political. Plus he isn't even a politician. We have been told if its not the actual politician it doesn't count, like all the shady and illegal influence peddling by Hunter. But, Hunter isn't president so doesn't matter right.

Shit, Lee Zeldin got attacked by a Democrat with a knife in broad daylight during the day in front of a crowd and cameras.

Dems cry about threats to Democracy, but they are currently freaking out because signs point them getting wrecked in midterms BY democracy.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Someone who uses "Fuck Joe Biden" in their online persona tagline, and hurls profanity at Dems, is not really in a great position to be telling anyone about civil conduct.

BTW1 the attacker was looking for Nancy Pelosi not her husband, which makes it political. Also BTW2 Schumer didn't threaten the Supreme Court Justices, but he acknowledged a poor choice of words. And BTW3 Dems would have had the same reaction to the attack on Pelosi whether there was an election coming up or not.
avatar for ime
2 years ago
I only hurl profanity at dishonest pieces of shit like you and your ilk that earned it. Democrats praise and justify acts of violence against Republicans. You shouldn't be suprised there isn't an outcry when it happens to them, they normalized it. This schizo nutcase who appears to have been let into the house along with some other unnamed person seems more like a jilted lover or drug deal gone bad , but you and every other leftist pray it was from the right no matter how spurious the conections you try to fabricate are.

Most people realize what time it is.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago…

Experts Are Seeing a Wave of QAnon-linked Crimes. The Attack on Pelosi’s Husband Might Be the Latest.…

Paul Pelosi’s Suspected Assailant Has Ties to QAnon
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I wish wild4assholes was an extremist. I wish he was at the far left lunatic fringe. He is not. He is a mainstream democrat party base.

He believes violence against Republicans, Christians, and Conservatives is always justified. He believes any opposition to Biden, Pelosi, and the democrat party's radical agenda is treason and should be punished as such. Any lie, any gaslighting, any fake news that advances his party's destructive, anti-American agenda is encouraged, as the end justifies the means.

Not a single utterance he has ever posted is borne out by the facts. He never lets the truth get in the way of his chosen narrative. Most hilarious of all, he actually thinks we do not see him for the fraud he is. He actually belives himself to be a credible conduit for the democrat party fake news and false data.

Wld4assholes is seriously deranged.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Democrats are still using this attack as a cudgel to stop Republicans from campaigning, period.

How does a Green Party member hippie with BLM and LGBT signs across his nudist commune residence in the Castro (i.e. the world's center of gay culture) who makes hemp jewelry become the avatar of the modern GOP?

I'm catching real Jussie Smollett vibes from the whole situation.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Not to even mention a Will Smith / Chris Rock type situation. Was it a case that the perp only meant to “slightly” injure Mr Pelosi and something went wrong and he actually fractured his skull

Faking an attack had been a plot device in many a movie.

Remember “Wild Things” ? OMG I still have wet dreams about Denise Richards

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
“… The only evidence to make this a political attach is the report that the assailant was yelling "where's Nancy?" …”

Is there evidence (video; audio; etc) that the perp was yelling this – o/w it’s probably part of the “let’s blame Republicans” BS – this was either a setup to smear the GOP right b/f the election when the Dems are in trouble; or it’s a cover-up for some shady biz going-on w/ Pauli P.

“… As for the gay sex theories, honestly, if someone broke into my house at 2AM, I would be in my underwear, too …”

Apparently the perp was in his underwear also – how many people break into a house then strip down to their underwear (other than wild4tatas).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
“… Ten days and counting until the end of the Democrat Party for at least a decade. Congress controls spending and the Republicans will use the power of the debt limit to reverse the insane spending of the last 4 years. No federal judges approved. Hearings on Hunter Biden and what Joe and Hunter did with the millions they got from China and Russia. The FBIs role in Russiagate and Jan 6 exposed …”

We’ll see – my feeling is the Dems will try ANYTHING to not lose the Congress – also; I’m not totally convinced that if the GOP takes power that they are willing to be as vicious at the Dems – not to mention the Rinos that may not cooperate or try to block things.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
That's right Papi. The thing I fear more than the Dems holding onto power, is Republicans taking control and then doing nothing with it. It's very possible they'll do little more than return DC to the comfortable swamp they love so much, wallowing around like pigs in mud.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
“… you and your premise are full of shit. The left threatens violence and intimidation openly and often …”

“… Police have made one arrest after a canvasser supporting the re-election campaign of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., was beaten down on the street in Hialeah, Florida.
Rubio tweeted Monday that the canvasser was attacked Sunday night by four people who supposedly told him Republicans were not allowed in their area.
"Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a [Florida Gov. Ron] Desantis [sic] hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida," Rubio posted. "He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery …”…

^ pic of the victim in a hospital-bed - imagine if that would have been a democrat canvasser - it'd be nonstop MAGA shit

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
“‘It Can Ruin Your Career’: Glenn Greenwald Explains Why Journalists Are Terrified To Question Paul Pelosi Narrative”

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Sunday that there was a very simple reason that members of his chosen profession seemed unwilling to question the narrative surrounding the alleged attack on Paul Pelosi — namely the possibility that asking questions could put their careers at risk.

Greenwald laid out his theory in a Twitter thread, saying that it didn’t even matter whether or not the prevailing narrative — that the person who was arrested at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) was a far-right conspiracy theorist and election denier — was true. The point, he said, was that it couldn’t be questioned.

“It’s very possible that the instantly formed media narrative — Paul Pelosi’s attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy — will be proven true. But right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this,” Greenwald began.

“It’s genuinely alarming how conditioned so much of the U.S. population is to equate skepticism toward the pronouncements of media corporations with mental illness: ‘If you don’t instantly accept what Wolf Blitzer and Andrea Mitchell claim, then you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist.'”

Greenwald went on to explain that even journalists who had questions about the prevailing narrative — on any topic — often felt as though they couldn’t say anything without risking their jobs or even their entire careers.

“It’s so crucial to understand the dynamic dominating journalism. Few journalists have career security,” Greenwald continued. “Imagine you’re a young journalist at a big media corporation. You know if you ask these questions, Twitter will explode and it can ruin your career.”

He then shared a tweet from Steve Krakauer that included just a few of the questions he thought media ought to be asking.

• “Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?”
• “Who was 3rd person who opened door for police?”
• “Why was Pelosi holding hammer and attack only happened after police arrived?”
• “Where is bodycam/security footage?”
• “Why isn’t the press asking these questions?”

“This happened during Russiagate,” Greenwald added, saying that he had gotten a number of messages from journalists who worked for larger media corporations — and they had expressed their thanks that he was willing to question the narrative because they couldn’t do it.

“One Twitter mob against them for questioning Dem narrative can be career-ending,” he said.

Greenwald said that he believed many journalists saw the “glaring questions and evidentiary holes” in the story that had been pushed so far regarding Pelosi, but especially in the last days before the midterm election, the narrative was even more important than usual. “Why stick their heads up, provoke a liberal Twitter mob, and be branded?” he asked. “That’s the climate.”

“Police investigating the Paul Pelosi attack continue to state they *do not know the motive.* Yet liberal “thought leaders” like @HillaryClinton and @jimmykimmel have decreed that not only is the motive known to them, but only insane or malicious people would question them,” Greenwald continued.
Greenwald went on to say that he wasn’t ready to ascribe any motives because he didn’t feel that he’d seen enough evidence to do so, adding, “The preferred narrative may end up right but most of it is based on massaged-by-CNN anonymous claims.”

He then listed the questions he’d like to see answered before claiming he understood exactly what went down in the Pelosi’s home:

• “How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm?”
• “How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this?”
• “Who is the ‘unknown’ person who opened the door for the police?”
• “Where is the video?”

Police have since clarified that there was not a third person in the home, an early claim that seems to be rooted in the police report stating that police saw Pelosi and DePape fighting over a hammer after the door was answered by a “unknown person.”…

^ BTW – Greenwald is a gay liberal *journalist*
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
^ likely the "PO-PO report" will say what the left wants it to say (shit rolls downhill)
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Depape is a q anon supporter inspired by the july 6 terror plot/coup attempt.

Basically he was no different from those of you spreading the conspiracy theories he believed in
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
JFC. The Washington Examiner of all places, hardly leftist, is reporting there was no third person and Pelosi and his attacker didn’t know each other. They are also reporting the attacker brought the hammer with him, as well as zip ties, tape and gloves, and they found more of that stuff in the place he was staying. The quoted source is the SFPD. Go ahead, say they are in on the conspiracy too and continue to make up whatever facts suit your conspiracy theories.

Crazy man who believed the election was stolen tries to attack Nancy Pelosi, breaks into her house and attacks her husband who called the cops, but couldn’t say on the phone that he was in danger for fear of being attacked, so police initiate a ‘wellness check’ because the 911 operator was perceptive enough to know something was wrong. There’s your story.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
^ It's always fun to watch Jimmy slam his head against the common sense wall.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I love ya, scrub, but seriously which sounds more like a reach? A liberal trying to attack the second most prominent democrat or a conservative? The guy was a fucking nut job who assaulted an 80 year old man with a hammer. Until there’s actual proof of something else, this all comes off as victim blaming.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“Depape is a q anon supporter inspired by the july 6 terror plot/coup attempt”

Icee, but only the last 6 months, correct?

Before that, dating back 15 or more years, he was a very left leaning member of the Green Party

Not that people don’t occasionally have minor shifts in their politics over time, but this was 180 degrees in a short time
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Please the guy is full blown nuts, there's no way to account for anything he does, it's really stretching shit with all of these stupid conspiracy stories. You fellas signing on to this should be ashamed. There is no there, here, let's start being rational.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
The guy may be a full blown nut job-

but this has been the most fun thread of the year
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ OK, I don't find this stuff so amusing, but I guess that's why Crayola sells the Jumbo 120 color box, something for everyone.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Sure, violent crime is hilarious so long as it's against someone you don't agree with or like. Or, in this case, against the spouse of someone you don't agree with or like.

Yeah, I guess I'm not getting it either.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Nope, you’re missing the point. The act itself is not funny - it’s deplorable - but some of the comments on here are.

C’mon, your both smart enough to know the difference
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
So if someone assaults Melania Trump, you'd find that funny too ? I know I wouldn't, regardless of the idiot remarks made by the peanut gallery.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
9/22/2022 an 18-year-old republican was murdered by an adult male Democrat. I don't recall anyone giving a shit about that, yet Paul Pelosi, a drunken crumb bum gets sympathy? I am sorry for the 18-year-old.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
RFK and JFK were assassinated. Attempted assassinations of Ford and Reagan. Why wasn't there a guard at her house? It's like how nobody wondered why someone would want to learn to fly a plane but not land one.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
George Wallace was shot. Steve Scalise was shot at softball in June 2017. Preston Brooks (Brooksville Fla) beat Senator Charles Sumner into unconsciousness on the senate floor.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>Democrats praise and justify acts of violence against Republicans. (ime)
>He believes violence against Republicans, Christians, and Conservatives is always justified. (gammanu95)

What a bunch of whiny horseshit. I am going to guess you guys saw a few stories on right wing media like Fox News where a Dem was condoning violence, and you extrapolated this to most/all Dems. But it's just not true. Most Americans whether Dem or Repub, myself included, do not support political violence.

The police report out today confirmed the attack was politically motivated. If Repubs were honest with themselves, they would admit they have an extremist element in their party known for violent and hateful rhetoric that may have been a factor in this attack. All the deflection and name calling only reinforces that some right wingers are part of the problem, not the solution.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
14 people were shot Monday night in a Chicago gang banger drive by. There won’t be one mention of this by the National media (or TUSCL leftists) - pushing the agenda the Pelosi attack was politically motivated takes priority

This was an attack perpetrated by an extremist nut case. Extreme to the right and to the left
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Can you call an act by such a complete and utter loon and act of political violence? You really cannot, it is simply not politically motivated. Lincoln's assassination was but Kennedy's was not, nor was Reagan's. The shooting of the Republican softball team was. The attack on the young man campaigning for Rubio was. The rioting and looting in Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, St. Louis, Atlanta, and Minneapolis were; the daily slaughter in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and LA are not.

Wld4assholes continues to delude himself into thinking that anyone other than him believes his horseshit. Everyone knows that the violent and hateful rhetoric exists more in the words, thoughts and actions of the left than right. Conservative, Republican governanace is very clearly the solution. Where is the violence and looting in Florida? Isolated pockets of liberal intolerance (this includes the pulse nightclub shooting). What about Texas? Primarily along the border where the liberal federal government refuses to enforce the rule of law.

We are a week away from a massive paradigm shift in Washington. The ship of congress is going to be righted in a long-overdue shift of power. The greatest threat to the rule of law and our opportunities for prosperity is going to be in the actions of the lame duck congress. Do not doubt that these liberals are going to lash out at every level to punish Americans for daring to vote against them and take away their power.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Gammanu is clearly living in a bubble and does not appear to have read the latest news about the attack.

Accused Pelosi attacker David DePape spread QAnon, other far-right, bigoted conspiracies…

Some of the highest levels of crime are in red states. Republicans may not appreciate that since Fox News seems to mainly profile blue cities in their stories.

The upcoming mid-terms are just the latest in the cycle of the governing party, especially when holding all branches of government, losing ground to the other side. We've seen the cycle over and over. Any branch Repubs win will eventually revert back to Dems. The Senate is still in play and gammanu is calling it a "massive paradigm shift" lol. And these comments about liberals lashing out to punish Americans are just demented.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ wld4
DePape is a hippie advocate for nudism and hallucinogenic drugs, who lives in a colorful painted bus with a BLM and a gay rainbow flag on it, in the middle of San Francisco. Yeah, that sounds like an extreme right winger to me.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The only people who talk about QAnon are on the far left. It’s a bogeyman created by the left. I’ve never encountered any reference to QAnon on any right leaning source.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
@wld, your comparing of "red states" to "blue cities" is disingenuous.

Highest homicide rate of any state - Mississippi at 20.5/100,000

But crime policies are set at the _city_ level, and blue cities are carrying the crime rate.

Let's look at some blue cities within red states

St. Louis at 88.1
New Orleans at 51
Detroit at 49.7
Memphis at 44.4
Cleveland at 42.2
Kansas City at 35.2
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Your only defense of him is that he wasn't a right wing nut job for too long...
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Cookies are good.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Apparently Mr. Pelosi's attacker was living in a converted garage for the last 3 years, and gradually shifting to extreme right wing views. He worked building decks for another guy. According to his boss, DePape would isolate himself playing violent videogames and watching right-wing media. “It was the whole thing – Hillary Clinton, Pizzagate, MAGA, the election was stolen – all of it.” The right wing influence was also confirmed by his neighbor.

Boss Recalls Pelosi Attack Suspect's Descent Into Extremism…
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Here's one for you scrub.

“We have nothing to suggest that these two men knew each other prior to this incident,” San Francisco’s district attorney, Brooke Jenkins, told reporters on Sunday. She said during a press conference Monday the attack appeared to be politically motivated.…
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I'm just going to leave this here:…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Lest we forget San Francisco *is* the gay capital of the U.S. - just sayin'
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
DePape is getting the book thrown at him - if he would have attacked an avg-Joe he would have been back at his bus-home the next day.

The guy in NY that attacked Zeldin (Republican governor candidate) was let out the same night.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
^ attacked him with a knife
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Per the article - the attacker DePape said "everything's good" when the police came, not Paul Pelosi. Now ask yourself - why would Mr. Pelosi call 911, and then pretend everything was good when the police show up? It doesn't add up. Don't be so stupid. Mr. Pelosi was trying to keep things calm because he knew he was in the presence of a nutjob.

This tabloid site used the word "mystery" in their story title to get clicks from conspiracy theorists, who will then also spread it. It's a form of clickbait and it works. Yes it's good to question everything you read, but at some point you have to rely on facts and common sense.
avatar for ime
2 years ago
Was Paul giver or receiver? Maybe that's what the whole spat was about.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
"You look like the kind of guy who'd fuck a man in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around!"

Don't blame Paul. Being married to Nancy, I'm sure he got fucked in the ass all the time.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
140 comments posted in this thread and o have yet to make one of them! Fomo my MO.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
scrub - look at 1:19 in your Twitter video, the reporter reads: "According to court documents: When the officer asked what was going on, Defendent smiled and said "everything's good"."

The reporter is reading directly from the court transcript, you can see it in the video. Here is the actual court document "People v. DePape" for you to see, look on page 6:…

Now are you willing to admit you are wrong?

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