
Comments by oscarlomax

  • review comment
    4 days ago
    Rhino Rialto Club Visit
    Good review.
  • review comment
    21 days ago
    1st Saturday in November
    Octopus1234, probably. Saw her recently and she had lost weight due to some health issues. She says she's gaining it back.
  • discussion comment
    23 days ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many different women can you do in 1 year?
    I'm in the minority. I don't find her attractive but I can't fault her hustle for trying to grab that fleeting spotlight.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people..., and clearly he is having a very
    I could easily tell Kamala's objective. Wasn't sure of what his was. Being a show-biz guy like he is, I would have thought there was a target audience. Maybe there was and I missed it.
  • article comment
    a month ago
    I'd live this way again
    Basics: What Is R.O.B. aka A Rip Off Bitch?
    Sensible observations. A most crucial take away is to have a conversation or conversations first. Take a test run with a regular lap is good advice. Sometimes I've just gone on recon missions and done just regular laps and had conversations to get the vibe. Then when I return I have a better idea of whether a VIP might be fun. No truer sentiment----YMMV.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How hot are these Latinas? Would you pay $500+ for OTC with them
    The first one looks just like a dancer @SR Rialto.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    How do Strip Clubs stay relevant in the Modern Age
    I don't think it's just an ultra-liberal thing that publicly opposes whole appeasing men situation. It's a variety of things because many liberal guys and conservative guys love sexy, flirty, scantidly clad and nude, available women. A lot of it is commerce. If public sentiment turns in another direction that the profit mongers have to find another avenue. And women are big consumers and spend a lot of money so...you know... But on some level the sex game will survive. Even with OF and porn, there will always be live nude girls.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    If The Bunny Ranch Was A Strip Club
    Tiny is @ Synn.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    What would you rate this dancer?
    She looks attractive. It comes down to personal taste. For me, I'd chat with her to gauge her demeanor. And to see how her body feels. After that, what's "fun factor" that runs between us?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    I think she's a perfect 10
    I like a phat ass. Spinners do nothing for me. That God for Variety so we can all be satisfied.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    At what do you say: “It must be me?”
    Times change and so does the packaging on items that sell well. The majority of us really locked into our "tastes" during late teens and early adulthood. Some of us always were curious and accepting of "new" stuff and blended it with our own already locked in tastes. Some haven't. I like curvy (not obese) women with cute faces who don't take themselves or the world too seriously. The ink doesn't matter although I've joked with some about running out of room to display the next issue of the graphic novel that dominates their skin. If they laugh or smile, I know we can talk further. It all comes down to what you're willing to allow as entertainment and what bores you. I find the things I enjoyed in the past, I enjoy now regardless of the packaging.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    I know Sophia very well. She dyed her hair blonde. Her VIP dances are still on point and she's in remarkable shape. Used to work the night shift but she joked with me that she needs to be asleep in her own bed by 11pm these days! Back in the day she had a sister who worked there as well named Carolina.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Black Strip Clubs - Intentionally not listed?
    Maybe I have just missed it but where do I find the process for submitting new clubs? Snoop's wife just opened a new club in downtown LA. Last I checked it was closed for some re-modeling but it may be back open. Plan to check it out next month.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Without reservation
    This is more of a case of expectation because of someone's status. Serena is a nationally recognized figure and has worked hard to be an elite athlete. Many athletes of the same status would have the same expectations. I also understand if there really was no room because of prior reservations why the establishment would tell her there's no room. I wonder if the owner had a conversation with her or if because they didn't recognize her, just shined her on. "Who is this black woman demanding stuff at my restaurant" A real conversation in a calm manner might have avoided all the public outcry. Being a black person myself, I can understand Serena's instinct on that account. It's not just, "Those people always play the race card." There's actual experiences in one's life that point to that as a possibility. Non-melinated folk need to keep that in mind. The other side being a celebrity is also in play. We, the global public, have elevated the ego of our icons. So finger pointing is probably not the answer either. We created celebrity so we must accept some of the blame.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Any specific ideas on who is an UHM dancer at TL Upland?
    Things haven't changed that much.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Porn Star Feature Dance Calendar
    I remember years ago Rhino Clubs regularly had porn star feature dancers a few times a month. The CEO, John Gray, was married to Christy Canyon. I believe with the explosion of free porn sites and situations that evolved into Only Fans, the whole feature dance thing faded. But I live in California so maybe it's still a thing in other parts of the country.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    NIce spot, fun to be had here
    Last time I was here, girls were very open about the level of fun that can happen in VIP. Just have a simple conversation. If she is vague, then that tells you she's probably very tame. There's a lot of girls here and the ladies know you can always find someone to vibe with so if they are serious about entertaining they will let you know. Never be afraid to inquire or walk away if you don't like the terms.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Missing the old days and prices
    Who was the girl that you've known for awhile and suddenly raised her rates? Message me privately.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Career of a Dancer
    And let's not forget the ones who step away and then return at a later date. One dancer I met 20 yrs. ago greeted me recently. She's in her mid to late 40's, still has a strong body and obviously dyes her hair. She says she works days and is out by 11:00 to get her sleep! (her words)
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Still the best low mileage club
    Really? I've gotten UHM here many times. Extras have always been on the table.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Extras prices in SoCal
    Go to a COI club and watch the interaction and talk to some of dancers. Each COI club has a different atmosphere. As a general rule, it's good to have about 3 - 4 hundred with you not just for extras but for any drinks and admission. You may not need all of it but come prepared. The atmosphere can also be different depending on night or day shift. The important things are to have the above mentioned amount and then go in, observe, and talk to the entertainers. You will know fairly quickly what's going on.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Blazing Saddles is 50 years old.
    Madeliene Khan was Oscar nominated for this. Unusual at the time for a comedy like this. She might have even won. Can't remember. Loved "The Sherrif is near!" and "authentic western gibberish!"
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Is Ashley Madison any good?
    Thought the Feds busted them years ago.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Go Woke, Go Broke: Ms Universe Edition
    First of all, I hate the term, "woke." Originally it was meant to mean being aware of past injustices and moving forward with more equity. Then the term got hi-jacked by opportunistic hard right folk as an umbrella term to encompass everything, even unreasonably silly extremist ideas, the original term had nothing to do with. That being said, a traditional beauty contest like Miss Universe needs to adhere to the standards the title implies. Miss means female and unmarried. If folk want to have a contest that includes multiple definitions of "Miss, " that should be a separate contest with a different title.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Infamous V
    Always remember
    The only "rule of thumb" or poles that matter are in that particular spot at the moment.