
What makes a VIP memorable?

Avatar for JasonMckin

For any PLs who have had multiple VIPs, have you ever noticed that some dancers and VIPs really stand out as memorable while others seem to go fleeting by? It doesn’t mean that an unmemorable VIP wasn’t worth the money. It might have even been an attractive and friendly dancer. Maybe she even got you to LDK. But that isn’t always enough to burn a forever memory. On the other hand, there are certain dancers and certain VIPs, even without extras, that just seem to become more memorable.

A lot has been written about what makes a dancer a CF/ATF. Presumably you wouldn’t be returning to a dancer if there wasn’t something memorable about her or her performance. Let’s say that dancer quality largely comes down to looks and attitude. Looks are pretty easy, every guy has his own 0-10 scale for what he considers attractive. Some guys are into spinners, some are into big booties, to each his own. In my case, I certainly have had a thing for spinners but have noticed the memorable ones take it a step further. The memorable dancers are unusually athletic. I can remember a memorable VIP with a rock climber who didn’t have a shred of fat on her body. Other memorable dancers were often cheerleaders, dancers, gymnasts, and swimmers in school. The physical prowess is not only visually pleasant through the experience, but may also lead to special treatment in the VIP that a less athletic dancer couldn’t provide.

Looks don’t not always have be to limited to the dancer’s own body. Ironically, sometimes even dancer outfits play into the PL’s assessment of the dancer’s looks. For some guys, the raunchier the outfit, the more points, but for others, the more “girl next door” the outfit, the better. Some dancers find a way to mix raunch with reality, for example with a short skirt or a top that exposes a midriff. One of the most memorable dancers I remember would always wear these bright neon colored Taylor Swift friendship wrist bracelets. The hypnotic value of these small visual cues is that the bracelets would brush up against your face when she’d brush your hair outside of VIP and then become even more hypnotic once in the VIP and the neon bracelet was the only thing she was wearing. Some memorable dancers lock in this hypnotic value with other specific articles of clothing like black stockings, body jewelry, or tattoos. The point is that nobody has a CF/ATF or a memorable VIP with a dancer who isn’t at least an 8 in looks, however he defines it. Looks are an obvious reason why PLs even go to the club so it stands to reason that the most memorable VIPs are likely the ones with some of the most attractive dancers that you have ever seen.

So the other dimension of dancer quality is then attitude. Every PL has encountered a 0-10 scale in attitude from ROBs who are downright rude and lying to your face so the opposite where the dancer seems genuinely or disingenuously interested in you, smiles and laughs at your jokes, strokes your hair as she talks to you. As much as guys are not exactly known for conversation, there is an inexplicable element of verbal foreplay that only a dancer who is a 10 in attitude can deliver. Maybe it’s a bit of teasing, maybe it’s flirting, maybe it’s a bit of playful ribbing on each other. Maybe it’s ribbing on lamer dancers or lamer PLs in the club. Even when you know you’re not exclusively getting this treatment from that dancer, the fact that you are amongst the exclusive club is often enough to make the dancer stand out. Beyond playful verbal foreplay, sometimes it’s just the sheer intelligence of the dancer’s attitude that can be memorable. It’s not surprising to see dancers who were top of their high school class, have BS/MS degrees, care about politics and social causes, and can hold very sophisticated conversations that you can’t hold with an average civilian. Intellectual foreplay, when it’s particularly notable, can leave a lasting memory as well. So the conversation before, during, and after the VIP gets into our heads in a way that the average dancer never seems to get to. While guys rarely admit to it, maybe the attitudinal element of these conversations also leads to a particularly memorable experience.

The final and perhaps most obvious element of memorability is mileage. Now one might think that higher mileage leads to higher memorability. So the assumption is that it’s the extras clubs and extras dancers that would be the most memorable, but I don’t think so. I think the issue of memorability is around expectations. When you go to an extras clubs, you are expecting to get your weasel greased in some way. The thrill is when you don’t know what to expect in a non-extras but high mileage club. In those clubs, there is a mystery of how far you will be able to push the envelope, because there isn’t a consistent expectation.
I still believe in the 6 level system for describing mileage:
L1 – Low Mileage = Air or One-way
L2 – Medium Mileage = Basic Two-way up top with light grinding but no LDK
L3 – High Mileage = Extensive Two-way all over, with licking/sucking up top, heavy grinding to LDK
X1 – Very High Mileage = Disappearance of parts inside other parts, except for BJ/FS
X2 = Ultra High Mileage = Disappearance of parts inside other parts except for FS
X3 = Super High Mileage = No exceptions
It’s not that an X1-X3 experience can’t be memorable, but it was probably memorable because of looks and attitude, because you already kinda knew what to expect on mileage.

So surprisingly, some of the most unexpectedly memorable VIPs are L3 high mileage ones. Even if you are in a city and club where L3s are allowed, you have no guarantee of scoring one. It’s when you’re able to push the boundaries beyond what you had expected in a non-extras club when you sometimes have a memorable experience. And even then, the distinguishing factor for ATF/CFs is often how much they can add variety and mystery to their L3 high mileage experience to make it repeatedly memorable. Sometimes the same dancer who provides the exact same L3 high mileage experience becomes boring because you know what to expect. The gold star ATFs/CFs have a way of giving a totally different L3 high mileage experience every time you go, which is what makes it memorable and makes you want to come back for more.

So to summarize, memorability of VIP is not as obvious as one might think. Looks are obvious as a variable, though each PL has his own standards for measuring it. Attitude is obvious as a variable, but the combination of flirtatiousness and actual substance can also vary by PL. Finally, mileage likely comes into play, but more from the perspective of how well the dancer is able to surprise you by going above and beyond expectations rather than the naughtiness of the acts themselves. Are there any other reasons a VIP was memorable?


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Avatar for Jascoi

Her enthusiasm of pushing the envelope!

Avatar for oscarlomax

This made me think of the movie DANGEROUS BEAUTY about Veronica Franco, the 17th century poet and courtesan. In that society courtesan's could read and were highly educated as well as being sexually skilled. These women had the right to refuse service to men and many of the men's wives would pay these women to read written communications to them. The implication was that a wife was typically not as literate and these pros. I thought of this when you mentioned the part about a memorable experience could include a great conversationalist. My most memorable VIPs were always "super high mileage" with women I considered sexy. The one interesting fact is that I may go into a club expecting to get with a certain dancer and another one, whom I never even considered, approached and we clicked and ended up in VIP. Of course it was always a dancer I considered shapely.

Avatar for vajmon

Nice write up. Reads like it was written by a professional like a shrink or therapist. Very well done!
As for what made a Vip memorable for me, it was "X3+++ level" BBFS with two barely legal GND beauties that ended with a big dripping creampie in one girls pussy that the other ate out. That was definitely one for the books!

Avatar for WiseToo

What made the experience memorable for me was when I offered her a tip and she said, "No, I don't want your money." A stripper who didn't want my money. How could I ever forget that experience!

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Puddy Tat
"Disappearance of parts inside other parts," LOL!
Not an Article. Should be posted on Discussion Board

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