Movie Endings

avatar for skibum609
Its simple, you list your 3 favorite movie endings of all time. Not 16, not 7, 3.

3. The Mechanic.

2. Gran Torino.

1. Planet of the Apes, the original.


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avatar for Rod8432
a month ago
Of course, I can't just follow directions. Gotta add my favorite quote from each...

3. Planet of the Apes (Original) - “Get your stinkin’ paws off me, you damn dirty ape!”

2. 2001: A Space Odyssey - "Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal."

1. Body Heat - "You don't want to lick it?"
avatar for whodey
a month ago
It's hard to give just three, but here's mine.

3. Primal Fear
2. The Usual Suspects
1. Seven

avatar for TheeOSU
a month ago
The first one that comes to mind is the 'tears in rain' speech at the end of Blade Runner.

Trying to choose among many others is arbitrary so tears in rain 3 times suits me fine.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^^Seven is a great choice and ended up #4 on my list in a super close battle. Somehow Charles Bronson reaching out from the grave to get Jan Michael Vincent in the most creative was possible always amazes me no matter how many times I see it. After Jan Michael Vincent poisons Charles Bronson he takes over his life. Wears his clothes, lives in his house, drinks his wine, goes to drive his car and sees a note on the mirror- Paraphrase - If you are reading this it means I didn't make it back with you. It also means that you didn't notice the 10 second filament you broke when you opened the car door: bang you're dead; as the car blows up in a fireball.
avatar for motorhead
a month ago
Are we considering the actual final shot or the last 10 minutes or do.

I think Planet of the Apes easily wins for final scene. But Shawshank and Sixth Sense have good endings
avatar for mogul1985
a month ago
1) "Caddyshack":
Rodney Dangerfield: "Hey, everybody! We're all going to get laid!"

2) "John Carpenter's The Thing":
MacReady: If we've got any surprises for each other, I don't think we're in
much shape to do anything about it.
Childs: Well, what do we do?
MacReady: Why don't we just wait here for a little while?
See what happens.

3) Woody Allen's "Love and Death":
Sonja: Boris, what happened?
Boris: I got screwed.
Sonja: How?
Boris: I don't know. Some vision said I was going to get pardoned,
and they shot me.
Sonja: You were my one great love.
Boris: Thank you very much. I appreciate that.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm dead.
Sonja: What's it like?
Boris: What's it like? You know the chicken at Tresky's restaurant?

4) Woody Allen's "Annie Hall":
Alvy: I thought of that old joke, you know, this guy goes to a
psychiatrist and says, "Doc, uh, my brother's crazy. He thinks
he's a chicken." Doctor says, "Well, why don't you turn him in?"
And the guy says, "I would, but I need the eggs."
Well, I guess that's pretty much how I feel about relationships.
You know, they're totally irrational and crazy and absurd.
I guess we keep going through it because most of us need the eggs.
avatar for mogul1985
a month ago
@Ski: Excellent choices.
avatar for rattdog
a month ago
clockwork orange-"i was cured all right."

avatar for Studme53
a month ago
The Sixth Sense.
Even though all other M. Knight Shamalamama movies suck.

Fun fact: In China the title of the movie was “He’s a Ghost” lol
avatar for Muddy
a month ago
You know what it's hard for me to remember these endings sometimes. I remember the movie but how does it end again. Sixth Sense that was a big one. How about ET with bycle moon thing. Steven Speilberg was a genius. And then Thelma and Louise terrible movie but they drove off the cliff at the end. And yes Blade Runner was a masterpiece.
avatar for Studme53
a month ago
^ Agree with Bladerunner. Visionary and great.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off (the) shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
avatar for oscarlomax
a month ago
2. The Sixth Sense
3. Georgia, Georgia (1971 starring Diana Sands) That ending really disturbed me. Saw it in college.
avatar for crosscheck
a month ago
In no particular order:

The Usual Suspects


The Verdict
avatar for misterorange
a month ago
ANIMAL HOUSE - The whole end scene where they bust up the Homecoming Parade.

DEATH WISH II - Paul's friend invites him to a dinner party.
Bronson: I'll be there.
Friend: Are you sure you're free?
Bronson: What else would I be doing?

Original FRIDAY THE 13TH - Alice is resting peacefully in the canoe when the rotting corpse of the child Jason springs up out of the water and drags her under.

I agree with whodey - The Usual Suspects where it's revealed that Verbal is Keyser Söze and his slow limp gradually turns into a brisk walk. One of the biggest surprise endings ever.
avatar for rickthelion
a month ago
This rick has to agree with Skifredo regarding the original Planet of the Apes.

But they should have followed up with a movie called Planet of the Lions where Heston’s character sees the Statue of Liberty, gives his “you maniacs” speech, and then makes his way to Africa. In Africa, he meets a suit-wearing lion that likes to drink whiskey and party with sexy females. He could join said lion’s posse and have all sorts of adventures. I mean really, Heston is a damn dirty ape so he wouldn’t be the lion’s right hand creature. That’s gonna be a wisecracking meerkat. But I’m sure Heston can contribute.

That “Planet of the Lions” 🦁 movie has Oscar written all over it. ROAR!!!
avatar for snowtime
a month ago
1. I consider the last 10 minutes or so of "A Few Good Men" to be the finish 10 minutes of American cinema. This is where Jack Nicholson famously says to Tom Cruise "You can't handle the truth". Nicholson and Cruise are at their best.
2. E.T. Elliot and the boys with ET in basket reuniting with the spaceship. Very poignant message from Spielberg on how we treat people/anything we don't understand. Very similar message to "Day the Earth Stood Still" for those old enough to remember that Classic.
3. The Graduate . Dustin Hoffman placing cross in church doors to keep people inside while he races with Elaine to the bus. Again, might be too old for many on this site, but a classic finish.
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