
Did anybody know about this?

Avatar for ilbbaicnl


Seems like you hear a lot about extras in Rhode Island clubs, but it seems, once upon a time, things were even better there.


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Avatar for skibum609

Extras are more prevalent now. For most of the life of the law, no one knew what it said so it really made no difference. Once it became known there was a brief period of time where it was more open and then liquor license attacks, an underage hooker at Cheaters and public knowledge ended it. Providence has always had wild strip clubs, regardless of the law. Its Italian, not Irish like Boston. Providence had a mayor who was re-elected after a criminal conviction and later made a comeback and was elected while in jail. To be fair Boston also elected a mayor while he was in jail.

Avatar for Meshuggah

Around 2002. A PL who knew me from message boards, told me about a dancer who got fired from CF. She was selling VIP/CR dances, but didn't charge for s&x act. Guys were lined up for her. The club lost it's liquor license for a week. Shew as fired. She was a nympho. We exchanged pics, she drove 90 from RI to NH for lunch then we hooked up. Did it one more time, She ended up dating someone on the Howard Stern show and getting on Howard TV a few times. So if it was legal in 2002 why did she get fired?

Avatar for skibum609

^Drinking alcohol is legal. Try drinking too much at work and you get fired. Liquor licenses in New England have "morality" clauses.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

@Mesh the article said nobody realized indoor P4P had been legalized until one defense attorney referred to the new law in court. I think pulling a liquor license is considered a civil action, so it may not matter what's considered criminal.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if P4P decriminalization appreared as a ballot initiative somewhere.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

I think the most interesting aspect of that article is the implication that sex work may drive down rape rates. This is only possible if the dominant feminist narrative which says that rape is exclusively about power and violence is false.

It makes sense to me… how many men drunkenly trying to close on a one night pickup end up being accused rightfully or wrongfully of rape? If your goal for the night is “get pussy”, then a sex worker is a lot more convenient option than competing in the bars and trying to run the short con. That element of any Friday night’s men is just out of the running.

Avatar for stripperlover777

👽 It's Just Somethin' Ta' Watch Out For, But I Feel It's Exaggerated, & It's Unecessary Exploited. The Adult Industry Needs Support, Without Being Pushed Out Coz Of Select Views & Situations With The Cities.
You Can Implement & Regulate Safety Measures Without Taking Away The Spirit & Support Of What People Like.
LOL --- SC'S, Brothels, Escorts, Etc.....

However, As Far As Just Any Open Sex Work Anywhere & In Da' Streets Just Anywhere Needs Ta' Be Looked At Carefully.
Some Places Isn't As Safe As Others.
Also, Some Places Are Patrolled Regularly, So Maybey It Would Only Be Necessary To Implement Curfews.

Avatar for oscarlomax

I always look at who is objecting to decriminalizing sex work. That's very telling. In many places, though the trade is illegal, LE doesn't go out of it's way to enforce the law for whatever reasons. I think the act of enforcement against the oldest profession is futile because it's not going away. The focus should be on protecting folks from violence and coercisn especially violations against underaged girls.

Avatar for Studme53

Yes -I remember hearing “indoor prostitution” was legal in RI. Good rule.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Even if prostitution laws were rescinded, that's not by itself going to stop cops from ignoring rape or assault reports by sex workers. It would be easier to get a law passed that said, if you are giving statements/testimony about a violent crime, it can't be used to charge you with a misdemeanor. In North Carolina, the police ignored a woman who reported being raped by a UNC football player. So she went before a magistrate, who ordered the arrest of the accused. That safeguard needs to exist everywhere, not just for the protection of sex workers.

Avatar for wallanon

The article was actually pretty good. In the heyday of "the loophole" I had business trips close enough to Providence where I could go check out the clubs. It was everything the legends said it was. If the RI clubs are anywhere close to that again I'd be willing to make a detour if I'm ever back out that way again.

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