Did anybody know about this?
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Seems like you hear a lot about extras in Rhode Island clubs, but it seems, once upon a time, things were even better there.
Seems like you hear a lot about extras in Rhode Island clubs, but it seems, once upon a time, things were even better there.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if P4P decriminalization appreared as a ballot initiative somewhere.
It makes sense to me… how many men drunkenly trying to close on a one night pickup end up being accused rightfully or wrongfully of rape? If your goal for the night is “get pussy”, then a sex worker is a lot more convenient option than competing in the bars and trying to run the short con. That element of any Friday night’s men is just out of the running.
You Can Implement & Regulate Safety Measures Without Taking Away The Spirit & Support Of What People Like.
LOL --- SC'S, Brothels, Escorts, Etc.....
However, As Far As Just Any Open Sex Work Anywhere & In Da' Streets Just Anywhere Needs Ta' Be Looked At Carefully.
Some Places Isn't As Safe As Others.
Also, Some Places Are Patrolled Regularly, So Maybey It Would Only Be Necessary To Implement Curfews.