So now that Trump's won the election.... what to expect?

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

I am asking this question seeking an objective answer. What does a 2nd term of Trump mean. I have a few assumptions.

  1. Trump will seek retribution for anyone that he "perceived" as wronging him in the past four years.

  2. Trump will shut down all DOJ investigations against him. He can't stop any state convictions.

  3. End of the Ukraine Russian War.

  4. Escalation of the Israeli Hamas conflict. Since this is a terrorist group and not a standard military, I'm not sure how he will handle it. Bombing them probably won't work since this is an enemy that will just fade back into civilians.

  5. Higher prices on goods due to Tariffs. In fairness, this wasn't going to change much under either candidate.

  6. Project 2025. This alone is what has me depressed. Plan 47 is just a watered down version of this. I can't stand religion being forced down my throat.

So much more. but it's a lot to unpack. What I can't understand is why people think everything is magically going to be fixed with either party. We still have to pay higher prices for the better part of 2 years before any economy plan will be used. We still will have the same day jobs we always had, with the same bonuses we get every year ( a few of you are exceptions, but for your standard worker getting 3 to 5% increase is average).


last comment
avatar for gammanu95
4 mos ago

The OP is seeking an objective answer while opening with false assumptions spoon fed him by a biased news media and failed presidential campaign.

avatar for Hungryhunnypot
4 mos ago

Our democracy is over. Our Republic is over. It’s no longer what we had. All for this stupid fat fuck.

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

His antics will lead to a Democrat congress after midterm elections. Rendering him a lame duck president. Congressional obstructionism will be the best damage control. Even now Democrats…

avatar for gammanu95
4 mos ago

I am too amped up. I haven't slept. I'm eyeballing that last bottle of Dom, but will save it for the weekend. 2 1/2 bottles…

avatar for motorhead
4 mos ago

You dumb fuck liberals nominated Hillary in 2016. Probably the only person on the planet that couldn’t defeat Trump.

But you didn’t learn anything. So what…

avatar for Studme53
4 mos ago

I’m investing in Kleenex. I expect a tidal wave of liberal tears.

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

The OP makes up a bunch of falsehoods and then bemoans the election results. Not insightful enough to understand that his progressive attitude, right fucking there, is why…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

@OP - tissue?

avatar for twentyfive
4 mos ago

Not much of anything to change, for now.

avatar for drewcareypnw
4 mos ago

Motörhead is right.

We run candidates that can’t beat felon pussy grabber inject bleach Donald trump. 8 years ago bc the Clintons get what they want…

avatar for drewcareypnw
4 mos ago

^spot on

avatar for rickdugan
4 mos ago

What melodramatic nonsense, lol.

For starters, all of the cases are done. Finished. Trump will shut down the federal cases and, under the Supremacy Clause of the…

avatar for Muddy
4 mos ago

It's really just horrible policy. I mean basically what this administration was try demographically change Texas with illegal immigration to make the state blue. Fully intentional. The border…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

@drew - we're on opposite sides but I largely agree. Dems are going to have to become the party of Bill Clinton, to be America First (even if…

avatar for wallanon
4 mos ago

The answer is no one really knows how it's going to go, including the person who won the presidential election and is on the way back into a…

avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
4 mos ago

Donald Trump is a 70s or 80s moderate Democrat. If he changed none of his positions/policies and went back in time, he would easily be welcomed into the…

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
4 mos ago

@ Gammanu95, skibum

I am just worried about Project 2025. I don't really want to express how I feel about on here because I want to follow the…

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

Rember that the "conservatives" on hear are mostly geriatric white men with tin foil hats who profess conservative values while being whoremongers. Take them with a grain of…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

"What I don't like is being controlled by Evangelicals."

Won't happen. Project 2025 is a Democratic scare tactic, not a Trump administration plan.

avatar for rickdugan
4 mos ago

More melodrama, lol. Were we "controlled by Evangelicals" during Trump's first term? Frankly I don't think he gives a shit about most social policies, including the…

avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
4 mos ago


Evangelicals don't control the news media, Hollywood, the music industry, the arts, sports, the school systems, etc. Leftists control all of those things with overwhelming majorities. Do…

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

Vance is an evangelical weirdo

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

^America spoke fuck head; you lost.

avatar for GroovyMan
4 mos ago

do any of you guys worry that they might start coming down on mongering?

avatar for motorhead
4 mos ago

As soon as they declare Trump the winner in Nevada and Arizona (I’m not sure why it hasn’t been called - he has big leads with the majority…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

"do any of you guys worry that they might start coming down on mongering?"

Did that happen in his first term? Not worried at all.

avatar for motorhead
4 mos ago

^^ I don’t know why people are expecting this. But I was watching some CNN this morning and they were spreading all kinds of fear mongering nonsense. Not…

avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
4 mos ago

GroovyMan. Regulation of strip clubs happens on the state and local levels, not the federal. That's why strip clubs in some areas are good, and in other areas…

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

My 90-year-old Mom, sweet little old lady, union teacher, parent of four, God mother of five more said to me today: "My only regret is that the…

avatar for motorhead
4 mos ago

Do evangelicals really want to ban strip clubs? There’s a Chattanooga, Tennessee lawyer Scott Berghthold who has made a niche practice of writing city ordinances to try…

avatar for ATACdawg
4 mos ago

What to expect? Nothing good.🫤

avatar for drewcareypnw
4 mos ago

Evangelicals don't care about strip clubs. They happily back the sleaziest president since bill clinton. They're worried about money and abortion. With trump they get…

avatar for gammanu95
4 mos ago

What to expect?

Lower taxes. Lower inflation. Lower cost of living. Better economy. More jobs. More wage growth. Less free speech repression. Smaller, more accountable government. Fewer illegal immigrants and related crime/welfare costs. Fewer drugs and…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

@gamma - Hear hear! Can't wait to see what a generational talent like Elon Musk can do to right-size government.

I'm loving watching the liberal finger pointing. Mostly acting…

avatar for rawhide2
4 mos ago

20-25 years from now, when this wave of immigrants go to retire, do you really believe they will be denied FULL social security benefits?

No politician will deny the…

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
4 mos ago

I have read a lot of your comments and I am going to make one more political discussion thread (it will be the last one for awhile) discussing…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

@Owl - This discussion has come up elsewhere but it's hard to correlate a state's political leanings with the quality of strip clubs. Red Texas and Florida vs. Red…

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
4 mos ago


No Supreme Court packing. More states' rights.

The supreme Court will get packed by more Trump Yes men. The one big flaw the founders made was creating life time positions…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

"The supreme Court will get packed by more Trump Yes men."

Disingenuous. Court packing is a specific term to mean adding more justices to alter the ideological balance of…

avatar for snowtime
4 mos ago

Motörhead and Drewcareypnw are 100% spot on . The Democrats in 2016 and yesterday quite possibly ran the ONLY two candidates who might not defeat Trump. How stupid…

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
4 mos ago

@ Puddy Tat, Fair enough. I will be brutally honest in that I think the Supreme Court needs to have an amendment to change it both ideological and…

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

@Owl - Never said you were a bad guy or I didn't want you to freely live your life. Only that your concerns about such things are overblown.


avatar for motorhead
4 mos ago

Someone on Reddit posted the question “how did a record number of Millennials and Gen-Z’s voters turnout and Trump gained votes from 2020”

For those old enough to be…

avatar for JimGassagain
4 mos ago

More pigs in the White House.

Bippitty, boppitty, bacon!!

avatar for JimGassagain
4 mos ago

Kamala was in the hospital on Election Day.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 mos ago

Evangelicals care a lot more about abortion than they do about strip clubs. If they couldn't pressure Trump into endorsing a federal ban on abortion, it seems…

avatar for Estafador
4 mos ago

expect the same as his last run. if you not rich, you will not benefit. you think you will but you overall will not. hope he doesn't let…

avatar for rickdugan
4 mos ago

Estafador, everyone benefitted the last time. Real wages were rising and inflation was low. In fact, his economy was so strong pre-pandemic that it was the…

avatar for rickdugan
4 mos ago

@Ilb: Not only non-MAGA Senators, but also Tea Party members of the House that want spending cuts. He is going to have to negotiate on a number…

avatar for oscarlomax
4 mos ago

All I can say is...wait and see.

avatar for drewcareypnw
4 mos ago

I am curious how the whole “ Except for day one” thing will work out.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 mos ago

^ It's called executive orders. You know, like when Biden opened the border. No need for the fake outrage.

avatar for mogul1985
4 mos ago

OP: did you get an MSNBC enema? What are you talking about? You were just being silly.

All this depends on Congress too.


  • get another 4…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 mos ago

If Republicans in Congress from purple states/districts talk him down (as in his first term), the economy will probably be good for four years. The reckoning due…

avatar for drewcareypnw
4 mos ago

@puddy I’m not outraged or being fake. He didn’t say “I will use an executive order in day one”. He was asked “will you be a…

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
4 mos ago

@ Motorhead, I was so focused on everyone else that I forgot about you. Technically, there is no real existential threat to strip clubs. Abortion and LGBTQ rights…

avatar for gammanu95
4 mos ago

You cannot say "I want to live my life free from government interference" and vote democrat at the same time. These are mutually exclusive. I am…

avatar for twentyfive
4 mos ago

^ tell that to a woman that needs to get an abortion

avatar for chiefwiggum
4 mos ago

Dictator on day one comment was in reference to closing the border.

avatar for gammanu95
4 mos ago

^^okay. Point her out. Abortion are not banned in most states, and banning abortion is not part of the Republican platform.

^ Dictator on day one refers to…

avatar for rickdugan
4 mos ago

@25: In the case of abortion, there is a competing interest involving the life of the child. And "need" is a strong term to apply to abortions.…

avatar for misterorange
4 mos ago

Susie Wiles appointed Trump's Chief of Staff. First woman in American government to ever have that position. Damn, Trump is such a misogynist.

avatar for TheeOSU
4 mos ago


And she's a matronly looking 67 yr old so he didn't hire her based on looks or age.

avatar for misterorange
4 mos ago

^ Hey man, he hired Sarah Huckabee. Pretty sure that was for brains, not looks. Lol

avatar for misterorange
4 mos ago

But then he replaced her with Kayleigh Mcenany. Nice turnaround.

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