Keep Calm

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Heads will explode, but only ones that have no brains in them to splatter on you.


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
avatar for oscarlomax
a month ago
Tongue-in-cheek but there's truth to this image.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
It's a funny picture, but I don't see how Musk really has any leverage with Trump. Biden was subsidizing the efforts of legacy US auto makers to produce electric vehicles, so Musk wanted him and Harris gone. Musk has to think of new ways to give Trump a hard-on for him, or he'll soon be dumped like Ivana and Marla were.
avatar for 623
a month ago
“ dumped like Ivana and Marla were “

And a thousand other suck ups.
avatar for rickthelion
a month ago
Thanks to Libby-ape (or whatever the fuck his name is) for posting this in the politics room.

But Imma target this response to my fellow felid. Seriously, you seem like a nice guy. I get that you like Trump and think he’ll do a good job. But I don’t get the liberal tears thing.

You’re not like Skifredo and Gamma. Both of those weirdos can’t stop posting about politics in the front room. They take apolitical shit and somehow turn it into political shit and derail conversations.

Skifredo actually posts apolitical threads sometimes and seems like a semi-reasonable (albeit demented) guy in them. I can’t remember the last fully apolitical thread Gamma posted. Gamma is just a douche. If he believed that eating a shit sandwich would own the libs he’d devour a 1/2 lb shitburger and wash it down with a diarrhea shake.

All this lion is sayin’ is that if you’re right the economy will substantially improve and most people will say “okay, I guess Trump 2.0 was a good idea”. And, if that doesn’t happen, we’ll try again in 4 years.

Libby (and just under half of the voting population) voted the other way. Some of them are a bit frustrated. Either My lion-y philosophy after elections is always “let’s see how things turn out.”

Frankly, I’m expecting the next 4 years to be a lot of angry posts on Truth social and little actual change in anything that makes a difference to average folks (or felids). But that gives me something pretty profound - room to be “rong” and pleasantly surprised!

Maybe replace the liberal tears with “y’all are going to be pleasantly surprised”. Just sayin’. ROAR!!!
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@my much larger fellow kitty - Gamma and Skibum can do whatever they please. And yes, I think Trump will be better for the country than Harris would be (all relative as I would have preferred most other Republicans to Trump). And I've argued enough politics not to take shit personally.

But this statement gets to the heart of it.

"Libby (and just under half of the voting population) voted the other way. Some of them are a bit frustrated."

And watching them post this low effort impotent whining just to feel like they're not COMPLETELY helpless against Trump is like biotechnologically-engineered catnip to the Puddy Tat.

Yes, like a game of cat and mouse, it is fun to rub the faces of butthurt libs like OP, dustyj (Trump <200 EVs? Our $10,000 bet that strip clubs and porn won't be made illegal?), jaybud999 (I own you for 4 years!) and countless others in my litter box.

Yes, they're crying, and this election their tears are sweeter than tuna sashimi because they've been so roundly rejected. If you think it's bad here, you should see some of the react videos and generally progressives competing to see who can be more aggrieved and nonfunctional. Being a little bitch is a mark of value, never thought in all my 9 lives that I could ever see the day.

Yes, we'll see how the presidency shakes out. Either way, I predict I'll be predicting I'll be enjoying the company of some alleycats soon.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@PT so you perceive a 1.5 percentage point margin of victory as roundly rejecting? That's probably similar to your perception of your penis size versus the reality.

Trump's slanders against transexuals are comparably nasty, batshit and threatening as the slanders against us. Specifically, the slander that we are human traffickers because we are the customers of sex workers. That's not a wait and see thing, it's already happened.

Trump's inaction on 1/6/21 proves to the non-stupid that he would like to see an end to the democratic rights provided by the Constitution. Electing him, and people who support him, is analogous to driving a car at night with non-working headlights. We have Constitutional limits on Presidential power as our seat belts and air bags. But we'd be foolish to not think we're in serious danger.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@ilb - no need to think about my penis; I don't swing that way. This is roundly rejecting--WH, House, Senate. That's the nature of a closely divided country. And yes, I will keep dunking on the dildos here who predicted a blue wave. I notice a lot of them have crawled back in their hidey-holes, but I don't blame them.

PLs aren't irreversibly wrecking children's bodies with hormone modulators and surgery. World of difference. And unlike a lot of guys here, I'd deport every illegal stripper if it saved one American life. I identify as a lot of things more than a PL. I have weird priorities like that.

If Dems _really_ thought democracy were in danger, and that the SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity was what they said it was, they would have assassinated Trump and every member of his family down to his dog. It says that libs are once again full of shit. And if you thought you were in serious danger, you'd have gotten ghost on November 6.

But here's why the Trumpophobia fails--Trump had 4 years to become a dictator and didn't take it.

Time to nut up and do some introspection--hint: we Republicans _want_ you to:
* Run Harris again
* Go from abortion as "safe, legal, and rare" to "on demand, taxpayer funded, and without apology" (that's about as popular as banning abortion only in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother)
* Call transsexual rights "the civil rights issue of the day" and host lavish Pride celebrations on the WH lawn
* Listen to the priorities of AWFLs (affluent white progressive females) and the Squad
* Fixate on race and gender, particularly while running cucks like Walz, telling women they're oppressed and might get beaten if they vote for Harris
* Listen to twats like Joy Reid who think Harris ran a "perfect campaign" because she was endorsed by Beyonce, Queen Latifah, _and_ Taylor Swift
* Generally treat working-class white men like bigoted tards who don't know what's best for them

In short, be a dear and please reprise 2024 again, could ya?
avatar for JamesSD
a month ago
That's a handsome dog
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@PT you can't help it if it's too short to swing, no shame.

You: and yes I will keep dunking on <people not me>

You think the MAGA-inspired hysteria of you and other weak minds should override the private decisions of parents and competent medical professionals. Textbook Fascism. And let's not forget the hystterical, slanderous demonization of trans people who simple want to play a sport or use public bathrooms.

One cannot uphold principles by not following them. Assassination to change an election outcome is counter to proper democratic, legal, and moral principles. Not everyone thinks running away should be the automatic response to a serious threat.

Suppose a 35 year old guy tries to rob a bank, but the bank guards stop him. His defense is, he went for 34 years without trying to rob a bank, and he didn't manage to rob it anyways, so it's all good. A jury of Puddy Tats would acquit.

As to your big list, I'll call bullshit on #7 unless you have direct quotes, and then I'll not that orange sociopathy is still not a rational response. Treating bigoted tards who happen to be working-class white men as bigoted tards is just dealing with reality. Try it sometime. Walz told women they'd be beaten if they voted for Harris??? Everyone should be listened to. Forcing poor women to stay pregnant when they don't want to be will result, in the aggregate, in a large net cost to taxpayers. (Parenthetically, helping poor women who don't want to get an abortion might provide us with the next Einstein.) The main civil rights issue is that civil rights are for everyone. Since current fascist strategy is to go after reproductive and Trans civil rights first, it is the fascists who have made those civil rights the most visibly controversial ones. Whether Harris or some other mediocre well-known Democrat is the nominee in 2028 is of little importance. The solution to Democrat mediocrity is not an unnaturally orange sociopath we can't vote out.

A potential 2025 Trumpocalypse would have one or more of these causes:
o A trade war and/or government shutdown leading to a vicious cycle of layoffs and price increases.
o Deployment of National Guard from red states in blue states, leading to firefights between Guard troopers.
o Mass replacement of senior military officers with fascists. But the threat of this is much reduced, since enough Senate Republicans showed enough spine to stop the Gaetz nomination.

A more slowly developing threat may be a growing plainclothes, KKK-like movement in red states, that both Federal and state LE will turn a blind eye to. It would start with assassinations and church bombings, like those seen in The South before 1970.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
“@PT you can't help it if it's too short to swing, no shame.”

Again thinking about my penis. Does your ATF know you’re bi? A lot of STDs get passed from gay men to straight women that way.

“You think the MAGA-inspired hysteria of you and other weak minds should override the private decisions of parents and competent medical professionals. Textbook Fascism. And let's not forget the hystterical, slanderous demonization of trans people who simple want to play a sport or use public bathrooms.”

Child abuse is not a “private decision of parents,” society takes an interest in the protection of children. Kids can’t get tattoos, shit, they can’t even decide what they eat for dinner, yet they think they’re the opposite sex and we have to indulge them? Off-label, untested treatments that are shown _not_ to work (see the Cass study) are not “competent medical professionals,” it’s cruel.

Oh and speaking of “textbook fascism,” Dr. Mengele experimented on children. Self-awareness isn’t your strong suit, isn’t it?

“Assassination to change an election outcome is counter to proper democratic, legal, and moral principles.”

Didn’t stop two people from trying, did it?

“Not everyone thinks running away should be the automatic response to a serious threat.”

If you thought your life was under threat, it is. If American democracy is under threat as the left always claims, they wouldn’t be trying to ensure an “orderly transition.” All your conduct beclowns you.

“Suppose a 35 year old guy tries to rob a bank, but the bank guards stop him. His defense is, he went for 34 years without trying to rob a bank, and he didn't manage to rob it anyways, so it's all good. A jury of Puddy Tats would acquit.”

I hope that made sense in your head, because it didn’t on the page. You libs have these catastrophic fever dreams about Trump, and judge him as if they already happened. How do you know Trump won’t unleash a golden age of economic growth and prosperity? Looking at the pre-COVID growth in his first term, despite raising interest rates, that looks a lot more likely.

If you want to continue your butt-for-brains analogy, you can look at the 35-year-old’s record, if he has a history of theft, burglary, and robbery, or if he was an Eagle Scout who volunteers at his church.

“As to your big list, I'll call bullshit on #7 unless you have direct quotes, and then I'll not that orange sociopathy is still not a rational response”

Second paragraph. You may resume licking my asshole at your leisure, sugar tits 😉

Nothing that was true yesterday about how flawlessly this campaign was run, is not true now. I mean, this really was a historic flawlessly run campaign. Queen Latifah never endorses anyone. She came out and endorsed her. She had every prominent celebrity voice. She had the Taylor Swift -- the Swifties, she had the B-hive. You could not have run a better campaign in that short period of time. I still think that's true.…

“Treating bigoted tards who happen to be working-class white men as bigoted tards is just dealing with reality.”

Yes, YES! Just like that! Why don’t those poors know that we know what’s best for them!!??!? What are your credentials that you know better than anyone else? Do you have some direct expertise that we should know about, or are you just the bigot here?

“Walz told women they'd be beaten if they voted for Harris???”

Julia Roberts implied it in that commercial.

“Forcing poor women to stay pregnant when they don't want to be will result, in the aggregate, in a large net cost to taxpayers.”

Abortion is in its proper constitutional place, in the states. You should have passed a LAW when Obama had 60 Senators. Why didn’t you?

“The main civil rights issue is that civil rights are for everyone.”

You don’t seem to know the definition of the term.

“Since current fascist strategy is to go after reproductive and Trans civil rights first, it is the fascists who have made those civil rights the most visibly controversial ones”

Progressives seem a mite confused on the definition of “civil rights,” creating them when they aren’t there and ignoring the black-letter rights enshrined in the United States Constitution. There is no right to abortion. There is no right to force others to see you a certain way. There is no right to mutilate children. BTW congratulations on making the word “fascist” as meaningless as the word “racist.”

“Whether Harris or some other mediocre well-known Democrat is the nominee in 2028 is of little importance.”

Yes it is, because a reasonably competent Democrat could have beaten Trump. Instead, you were so fixated on her skin color and genitalia that you chose someone who came in 5th in her home state primary and has the charisma of a paper clip. Then, she went and chose a pathological liar dumb shit beta male governor, instead of a competent Jew that could have won you the ultimate swing state, Pennsylvania. If you can spend billions of dollars and still lose, and complain that you got swamped by right wing media with a fraction of the reach, you don’t deserve to be elected to the school board, let alone the presidency.

“The solution to Democrat mediocrity is not an unnaturally orange sociopath we can't vote out.”

Believe it or not, I want a robust Democratic party; it keeps Republicans from indulging their worst excesses. Instead you’ve doubled down on your worst impulses and are proving remarkably resistant to learning from your mistakes.

“A potential 2025 Trumpocalypse would have one or more of these causes”

Again, indulging fever dream scenarios. At least the first one has a ghost of a chance of happening. Firefights between guard troopers?—what in blazes makes you think this is going to happen? Mass replacement of military officers with fascists?—name one fascist, I mean a real one, not anyone to the right of AOC, who is likely to be named. The last administration replaced a lot of stalwarts with loyalists that are more focused on drag shows on base rather than fighting wars. These unaccountable bureaucrats need to be cleaned out.

“A more slowly developing threat may be a growing plainclothes, KKK-like movement in red states, that both Federal and state LE will turn a blind eye to”

Again, has this happened? Is there any reason to believe it will? The current KKK membership is 1/1,000th of what it was at peak. It couldn’t fill a WNBA arena. It seems like most white supremacist hate crimes are false flags by race pimps who are frustrated with the lack of REAL white supremacy. The fact that the left has gone from REAL crimes to “microaggressions” says they’re trying to chum the waters for something increasingly rare.

You used to seem like a reasonable guy, but frankly, in the last few weeks, you’ve lost the fucking plot. You emblematize the pompous, arrogant, shrill, self-awareness-lacking, emotionally incontinent left, that can’t figure out why they just got spanked. But by all means, keep posting self-owning memes; Trump courting Musk shows he knows how to surround himself with competent people.

Even better yet, post a good election react video on YouTube. The rest of us are jerking off to Democrat tears ;)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@PT don't you think it's hard enough being the parent of a kid with gender dysphoria? Without shitbag slanderers like you calling them child abusers? When you accuse people of horrible things without giving them the benefit of the doubt, you are a shitbag slanderer. There is no lifelong harm in making someone wait till they are 18 to get a tattoo. There is lifelong harm in prohibiting puberty blockers for minors who need them. The Cass Study does not conclude that puberty blockers should be banned.

Trump helped organize a demonstration. When it turned into an insurrection, he ignored his duty to insure a response came as quickly as possible. So, fine, Trump didn't rob the bank. He worked as a guard at the bank. He convinced some very dim-witted friends that bank robbery had become legal. When his friends robbed the bank, he could have done something to help stop the robbery, but he didn't. Presumably you see no problem with that.

Hitler improved the German economy with a major fiscal stimulus program. Government policy can certainly do harm to the economy. But it can't guarantee a good economy. The most inflationary recent government policy was the stimulus checks, issued by both Trump and Biden.

The 9th Amendment says that there are guaranteed rights that are NOT in the Constitution. Part of the reason that no bill of rights was originally in the Constitution was the fear of exactly what you are doing. Trying to use the Constitution to take away rights, rather than protect them.

You wouldn't call Michael Flynn a fascist?…

By "KKK-like", I mean the ilk of violent demonstrators on 1/6/21. If they are all pardoned, what message does that send? The dynamics of it would likely be similar to those of an urban street gang. If LE doesn't clamp down on them, they will recruit older boys and younger men in predominantly white working class areas. That can quickly reach a tipping point where recruits see their choice as being victims or joining the victimizers.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
“@PT don't you think it's hard enough being the parent of a kid with gender dysphoria?”

Why would it be harder than being the parent of a child with any other mental illness? In fact, the two often go together. Concomitant rates of major depressive disorder, autism, ADHD, bipolar, and even schizophrenia are off the charts.

“Without shitbag slanderers like you calling them child abusers? When you accuse people of horrible things without giving them the benefit of the doubt, you are a shitbag slanderer.”

Benefit of the doubt? What, they’re not still parents? Encouraging your kid to make irreversible decisions with lifetime consequences _isn’t_ abuse? It’s like giving an anorexic a gastric bypass—it’s “affirming,” the kid may want it, but it’s straight-up dangerous and possibly lethal. Part of being a parent is saying “no” when your kid wants to harm themselves. I don’t care what names you have for me; you are a moral and ethical pervert.

“There is lifelong harm in prohibiting puberty blockers for minors who need them. The Cass Study does not conclude that puberty blockers should be banned.”

Look up the product label for Lupron, among others. Then look up the label for various estrogens. Then tell me there’s some LiFeLoNg HaRm in prohibiting kids from taking them. We don’t even know the effects of giving a kid these drugs throughout adolescence; for precocious puberty, they’re given until the kid reaches natural puberty than STOPPED. But it’s well known that you can’t pause puberty indefinitely.

The Cass report played into the NHS’ decision to restrict puberty blockers to kids.

“Trump helped organize a demonstration. When it turned into an insurrection, he ignored his duty to insure a response came as quickly as possible.”

He told them to go home.

“Presumably you see no problem with that.”

I see a horribly tortured, bizarre analogy. Must burn you that only hardcore Democrat partisans still care.

“But it can't guarantee a good economy.”

Right, anything good during Trump’s term wasn’t his doing, and anything bad that happened was.

“The most inflationary recent government policy was the stimulus checks, issued by both Trump and Biden.”

Spending during a sharp deflationary shock like COVID is not equivalent to spending _on top_ of Trump’s checks, during a supply chain crisis? Even the left admits it was an excuse to spend on green garbage. Libs would give a trillion to the Taliban if they said they were using it to fight climate change. Hey, how’s that billion for 7 EV charging stations going?

“The 9th Amendment says that there are guaranteed rights that are NOT in the Constitution. Part of the reason that no bill of rights was originally in the Constitution was the fear of exactly what you are doing. Trying to use the Constitution to take away rights, rather than protect them.”

So because “there are guaranteed rights not in the Constitution,” abortion is necessarily one of them? Even RBG said Roe v Wade was a horrible decision. Pretty hilarious to see anyone on the left talking about the Bill of Rights when their last ticket believes the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to “mis/mal/dis-information” or “hate speech” (as they define it). Come to think of it, half the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply when it gets in the way of “getting Trump.”

“You wouldn't call Michael Flynn a fascist?…

Anti-Semite perhaps, but not fascist. Another label you’ve flogged to the point of meaninglessness. The left has called every Republican candidate since WW2 a fAsCiSt; the word means nothing.

“By "KKK-like", I mean the ilk of violent demonstrators on 1/6/21.”

Would that all violent demonstrators were so tame, unlike the “mostly peaceful” BLM ones.

“If they are all pardoned, what message does that send?”

Nonviolent demonstrators only.

“The dynamics of it would likely be similar to those of an urban street gang. If LE doesn't clamp down on them, they will recruit older boys and younger men in predominantly white working class areas. That can quickly reach a tipping point where recruits see their choice as being victims or joining the victimizers.”

Another if, if, if, if, if fever dream. Trump’s such a racist that he got more of the black/Latino vote than any Republican in years. You’ve imbibed so much lefty propaganda that you stopped critically thinking a long time ago.

Looking forward to your inauguration day react video. It might sound something like this.…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago

"Why would it be harder than being the parent of a child with any other mental illness?"

Yes, I've seen families in that situation. I've seen young teenagers on strong medications, that leave them spacey and sadly indifferent. But I don't jump to the conclusion that it's child abuse. I assume that the parents are going to make a better choice between bad alternatives than I would.

"Encouraging your kid to make irreversible decisions with lifetime"

Encouraging? What is your evidence for that? What is wrong with you, that you have to pull slanderous assumptions out of your ass, in order to have an excuse to hate people?

"Look up the product label for Lupron, among others."

It's not unique to gender disphoria that there is no easy road. There are major risks with all the options. Better to leave the decisions to individual, loving parents than a herd of hysterical, hateful neurotics.

"The Cass report played into the NHS’ decision to restrict puberty blockers to kids."

Paused until more clinical trials can be conducted. The Cass report did not declare parents who agreed to the use of the drugs to be child abusers.

"He told them to go home."

After waiting to see if they could stop the certification of the electoral vote.

"horribly tortured, bizarre analogy"

But sadly an accurate one.

"Must burn you that only hardcore Democrat partisans still care."

Correct, except it's democrat with a small d.

"Right, anything good during Trump’s term wasn’t his doing, and anything bad that happened was."

When did I say that? I guess you have to argue with yourself since your penis is too tiny to find it and jerk off.

"Spending during a sharp deflationary shock like COVID is not equivalent to spending _on top_ of Trump’s checks"

The Federal budget decreased in 2022 and again in 2023.

Abortion was legal when the 9th Amendment was passed. No new reason has arisen to ban it, that would stand up to the principle of subjective due process.

"Pretty hilarious to see anyone on the left talking about the Bill of Rights when their last ticket believes the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to “mis/mal/dis-information” or “hate speech” (as they define it). Come to think of it, half the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply when it gets in the way of “getting Trump.”

Again, sorry you're unable to jerk off the more satisfying way.

"Anti-Semite perhaps, but not fascist."

I'll agree to disagree about whether it's fair to call someone who want a baseless revote supervised by the military a fascist.

"Would that all violent demonstrators were so tame, unlike the “mostly peaceful” BLM ones."

Agree to disagree that Jan 6 was tame. There is no comparable case, where police were under mass attack, and another politician did not move to send assistance. Decisions were made to accept property damage to avoid casualties. They were questionable, since property owners defending their property were put at risk of being casualties.

"Nonviolent demonstrators only."

That's a wishful, not a straight-forward, interpretation of what Trump has said.

"Another if, if, if, if, if fever dream. Trump’s such a racist that he got more of the black/Latino vote than any Republican in years."

Agree to disagree it's wrong to anticipate and avoid possible bad scenarios.

Non-white people know they have to endure racism, voting it away isn't an option for them. Even people who see Biden as marginally less racist, might have been fooled by Trump's promise of major price drops, and thus a better standard of living.

The video is amusing, would have been better as a short IMO.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
“Yes, I've seen families in that situation. I've seen young teenagers on strong medications, that leave them spacey and sadly indifferent. But I don't jump to the conclusion that it's child abuse. I assume that the parents are going to make a better choice between bad alternatives than I would.”

Are parents pushing those kids to get a frontal lobotomy? The “parents make the best choice” argument is garbage. Parents abuse their kids and put them in bad situations all the damn time.

“Encouraging? What is your evidence for that? What is wrong with you, that you have to pull slanderous assumptions out of your ass, in order to have an excuse to hate people?”

Whoa, someone’s triggered as fuck here. Do you have some personal experience here? Or who lit the fuse on your tampon? You have to be blind not to see social contagions at work, or do you think it’s a coincidence that, for example, all 3 of Megan Fox’s sons are trans? It’s the new liberal parent accessory, the trans child.

If you want to see encouragement, there’s that, and the myriad “gender dysphoria clinics” who say to the parent right in front of the kid, “would you rather have a live girl or a dead boy?” Telling kids they’ll be suicidal if they don’t transition is horribly, horribly fucked.

Now I don’t know where this “hate people” comes from. I don’t hate anyone. I have two adult trans friends (one each way) and said, you know, whatever floats your boat. It’s when it comes to mutilating children, saying “you might be trans” if a boy likes a doll or a girl likes a truck, that I have a problem. I’ll die on that hill.

“It's not unique to gender disphoria that there is no easy road. There are major risks with all the options.”

Throwaway statement. Yeah, everything has risks. The risks of these drugs have been studied for decades; the use of puberty blockers long term has not.

My analogy holds—giving an anorexic child a gastric bypass surgery. It’s “affirming” but it’s cruel…seems like most parents want to be their kid’s buddy rather than their parent these days.

“Paused until more clinical trials can be conducted. The Cass report did not declare parents who agreed to the use of the drugs to be child abusers.”

Thanks for admitting this is an untested medical intervention fraught with risks.

“Correct, except it's democrat with a small d.”

You ran on that line and it didn’t fly. Only big D Democrats care, yet suddenly they stopped when they couldn’t use it against Trump, just like trying all these cases they’re coordinating with the white house.

“I guess you have to argue with yourself since your penis is too tiny to find it and jerk off.”

The Puddy Tat likes WOMEN, sugar tits. You don’t get to play with it.

“The Federal budget decreased in 2022 and again in 2023.”

Compared to a baseline of what? Again, you’re ignoring timing. You want to keep aggregate demand high during a deflationary shock; you want to pull back when inflation hits. Trump did this, Biden did not. Comparing to an artificial baseline is just dishonest.

“Abortion was legal when the 9th Amendment was passed. No new reason has arisen to ban it, that would stand up to the principle of subjective due process.”

You don’t seem to understand how common law works. Reason to ban it? Dobbs, evidently. Jurisprudence doesn’t happen all at once, and just because something is “precedent” doesn’t mean it’s absolute. Dred Scott and Plessy were precedent longer than Roe. (Oh, and I’m pro-choice up to the limits of those misogynist European countries like France, Germany, Sweden, and Finland, so don’t even go there.)

“Again, sorry you're unable to jerk off the more satisfying way.”

When you can’t logically address my points on the Bill of Rights that the left scoffs at, especially freedom of speech—which is enough to make me a one issue voter—just deflect and talk about my penis again. Does your ATF know you suck dick?

“Agree to disagree that Jan 6 was tame. There is no comparable case, where police were under mass attack, and another politician did not move to send assistance.”

Amount of property damage, amount of morbidity and mortality says it all. Wonder what they would have needed to protect more podiums against grandmas in wheelchairs. Again, this is a Dem partisan talking point. Most people just don’t care. Jan 6 doesn’t put food on tables or close the border.

“That's a wishful, not a straight-forward, interpretation of what Trump has said.”


“Agree to disagree it's wrong to anticipate and avoid possible bad scenarios.”

Find bad scenarios that are actually likely, rather than requiring five unlikely scenarios that will come to pass, and aren’t just Democratic wet dreams that society hasn’t changed in 60 years.

If anything, all the rage is on the left these days. I would caution you, after the Penny and Rittenhouse rulings, self-defense is acceptable again, even if you’re attacked by someone shouting the right slogans. Do try not to get “mostly peaceful,” lest bad things happen to you.

“Non-white people know they have to endure racism, voting it away isn't an option for them.”

LOL, liberal logic at its “finest.” They would vote for the more racist person just because they might as well? Guess white, you’re going to keep bleeding minorities unless you unfuck yourselves. Older black people remember the sixties and some literally still think, like Biden said, they want to put them back in chains. As they die off, younger people who realize what a bill of goods Dems sold them are wising up. They see what decades of Democratic rule left places like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, Minneapolis, and Cleveland.

“Non-white people know they have to endure racism, voting it away isn't an option for them.”

“Even people who see Biden as marginally less racist, might have been fooled by Trump's promise of major price drops, and thus a better standard of living.”

Might have, in other words, your speculation without evidence. Assume Republicans are racist, and conclude Republicans are racist. Very postmodern of you.

Now, it’s time for the Puddy Tat to jerk off in anticipation of Jan 20 react videos. I’m popping wood the size of the Washington Monument already. God bless America!!!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Oh God PT Megan Fox's don't dress in clothes or play with toys that are traditional for their gender. That's not being transgender. We just don't live in the same reality, so this conversation can never accomplish anything.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Substantive due process not subjective due process.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Yes, child abuse is still child abuse in my world. Stay mad.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Trust parents to make correct choices for their kids? What a little sissy view of the world. I make a great living because the average parent isn't capable of raising a geranium, let alone a child.
Progressives managed to lose to the biggest asshole on earth and yet, their sheer arrogance and idiocy doesn't permit them to even contemplate that Trump winning was America's way of telling progressives to fuck off and die.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Still wouldn't change your vote?…
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ I'm sure she looked decent in her younger days. Willie would agree.
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