The Trump Pardons of Jan 6 Prisoners

Given all the discussion about the first days of Trump’s second term, I’m surprised there’s been almost no mention here of the pardons he granted for the “January 6 hostages.”
I’m sure some of these prisoners deserve a break, but I’m upset that Trump did across-the-board pardons for all 1,500+ of them – including those who were convicted of attacking members of law enforcement. I’m not surprised he did it, I just think it was wrong not to consider granting pardons on a case-by-case basis.
Given that we have some TUSCLers who have expressed full support for Trump, I’d be curious to hear from any here who support the pardoning of the Jan 6 prisoners who committed violent crimes.
I’m not here to start a fight and won’t call out any thoughtful poster who thinks differently than I do about this. I’m just interested in knowing the reasons anyone thinks pardoning those convicted of violent crimes was a righteous move on the part of Donald Trump.
I only ask one thing: If you post a well-reasoned defense of Trump on this topic, please do so without referencing the pardons of ANY OTHER PRESIDENT, whether it’s Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. They all made pardons that were reprehensible to many people (including me), and I’m not interested in comments based on what-about-ism.
If you think Trump did the right thing, please post your reasons why.
Thanks in advance for keeping things civil (he said with fingers crossed).
last commentI'm pretty Republican (if I haven't made that clear elsewhere), I believe that most of the Jan 6 prisoners were imprisoned to flex the new regime's muscle, I think the term "insurrection" is nonsense...but if you attacked law enforcement, you attacked law enforcement.
I do not support that.
What I have read is that there were so many distortions made by the J6 Committee, so much false testimony given by alleged witnesses, and so much deleted and manipulated media that Trump became concerned that there could be oversights or other innocent citizens left to be punished for crimes they did not actually commit. His determination was that it would be better for a few guilty to go free rather than risk dozens of hundreds to be punished for crimes they were innocent of. You compare this to the Biden pardons, all 8,000 of them, and it becomes an insignificant number. Even worse, many of these people were victims of the weaponized justice system and charge-stacking, and were unable to mount a reasonable defense. Look at the pre-emptive pardons that Biden issued to the very people who are guilty of the worst abuses on J6- the committee itself and the liars they brought to testify. How would it be right that they go free while the people THEY attacked be left to suffer? Last, but not least, it was campaign promise. Another one that Trump kept to. It is what a majority of Americans voted for.
Remember the truth - not a single cop died on J6 nor as a result of anything that occurred on J6.
The only death was unarmed woman killed by Michael Byrd, a bad cop with long record of abuses and professional breaches.
AUTHOR: Benjamin Franklin (1706–90)
QUOTATION: That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.
ATTRIBUTION: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, letter to Benjamin Vaughan, March 14, 1785.—The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, ed. Albert H. Smyth, vol. 9, p. 293 (1906).
He was echoing Voltaire, “that generous Maxim, that ’tis much more Prudence to acquit two Persons, tho’ actually guilty, than to pass Sentence of Condemnation on one that is virtuous and innocent.—Zadig, chapter 6, p. 53 (1749, reprinted 1974).
Sir William Blackstone, in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, 9th ed., book 4, chapter 27, p. 358 (1783, reprinted 1978), says, “For the law holds, that it is better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer.”
Trump gave them pardons because they were his supporters. He did not care if they were guilty and was not trying to protect any potentially innocent people. Is anyone surprised.
Really, does it matter what we think? Turn the page.
Im just happy we have stopped pretending we back the blue, as a black man fuck them. I dont support donald, but him pardoning them sets the tone for what he thinks about the capital police and law enforcement in general
Gammy has a point. When someone is as lazy and senile as Trump, it would be unrealistic, perhaps even elder abuse, to expect him to make pardons on a case by case basis.
Biden's pardon of the cash-for-kids judge eliminated any clear edge in morality he had over Trump. But the J6 pardons are a bigger systemic threat. Why shouldn't we now expect that DC is open ground for paramilitary groups to organize, to prevent non-MAGA election winners from taking office? Sure, the "he doesn't really mean it crowd" will be happy to move their goal posts again. Any sensible person should now fear that MAGA governors in Texas and other states will use the pardon power to license such paramilitaries to organize in their states as well.
Plus all of them had already been in jail for 4 years. I don't know what the normal sentence is for assault of a police officer, but some of them were given 14 years. You see career criminals convicted for the 20th time who don't get that. In fact assaulting a cop while being arrested is irrelevant to those thugs because it will just be served concurrent with other stuff, so there's like no punishment at all for the assault. It's a freebie to hit a few cops if you're a gang banger, but a first time offender who got carried away up gets 14 years.
Very few of the people imprisoned would have ever been convicted if the trials were outside of DC. Many of them simply paraded or trespassed, and even so, the police were not stopping people from casually strolling into the building at some entrances. A lot of the men in the DC gulag were military veterans who have served this country. Democrats think they are so horrible because they prayed and sang the National Anthem every night in jail. The "pre-pardoning of the J6 committee" is all the evidence we need to understand the political motivations behind imprisoning over 1,500 politcal opponents. Will Nancy ever be held accountable for telling the national guard to stay away from the Capitol? No, she is too busy getting rich on insider trading. Will we ever be told how many FBI agents were embedded in the crowd and what their roles were? The FBI looked pretty bad after the facts came out in the "Whitmer kidnapping plot". Will anyone ever be held accountable for burning St. John's Episcopal Church during "peaceful protests" outside the White House?
A small positive is that, for 14 who were most clearly guilty of organizing premeditated political violence, they were given commutations not pardons.
Pelosi, like Trump and most politicians, should be held accountable for profiteering off of their positions. But not for slanderous lies made up by traitors to democracy.
The pardon for January 6th rioters is nothing compared to Biden commuting the sentence of a terrorist convicted of murdering two law enforcement officers (with democratsfavorite weapon an AR-15) and attempting to murder a third law enforcement officer.
Well, this another example of the left showing off their moral corruption and intellectual inferiority
Not a fan of Presidential pardons and the last two have been the worst.
To gammanu95: She should have complied.
The Peltier case is not so cut and dried:
If your assaulting police as some were defintely doing on that we don't do buisness like that in this country, you got a serve a reasonable sentence (not 20 years, good lord) A lot of folks were just THERE and went to jail, are we fucking out of our minds. Release them today.
In a lot our blue cities you got guys doing way worse shit than anybody did on January 6th. When you really dig into to places like Chicago, and see what some of these hardcore gangbangers get a way with, I mean you have murderers with ankle braclets on, they put them right back out there to kill, assault, rob, intimidate right again. These are guys with long rap sheets too. So those the two tier justice system is a thing. Look at Daniel Penny this is a very perverse that's going on.
As far biden commutes, I don't think he has any idea what he signs. But there are very sinister Soros backed folks in his administration who quite frankly want to destroy the country. No personal animus against Joe Biden, but you got to look at where the ball lands. And ultimately north of 12 million of who knows what coming in, inevitably some folks in there who want to do great harm to Americans, intentionally let in, there's just nothing Donald Trump has done that is anywhere close to as bad as that. There's just no argument there. He's gonna be spending the next 4 years just trying to unfuck all that.
@Muddy you're talking about the pardons as though they were commutations. He calls them hostages, not criminals. It's the usual crap, we're supposed to believe everybody but Trump himself about why Trump does what he does.
This was a mob that was trying to cancel the results of an election. You're really going to believe that some of them were just treason tourists, not traitors themselves? Their only defense is to plead stupidity, if they actually believed Trump's lies.
It was a political move. One criminal gets other criminals off. There's no justice at work here. It's not a left or right thing as much as it's a truth-telling moment of how the laws now mean nothing. It would have been at least somewhat credible to leave the violent offenders in jail. But that's not how the Criminal-In-Chief plays ball. And this is only the beginning of some major chaos to come.
Muddy supports police brutality against minorities and the death penalty but thinks sentences for insurrection are unreasonable 🤡 💩
Whether they got "normal" sentences, or whether they were singled out are two different issues. The way our system works, in practice, is if you take a plea, you get a much lighter sentence. If someone didn't take a plea, and they got a longer sentence as a result, that's not singling them out.
I'm not paying attention the pardons, he's within his rights. Pay attention instead to how many of these folks that get pardoned re-offend, I saw that one of the released folk has already been re-arrested in Florida.
25iq is not telling the whole story, and thus lying by ommission.
Daniel Ball did not re-offend. He was arrested on a federal gun charge of possession of a firearm by a felon, the gun being discovered during a raid executed on a J6 warrant. The guy was never actually even released from the prison. They filed the warrant for the gun charge and detained him while still in the prison.
Let's be clear. There was no insurrection. The January 6 Select Committee had no legitimacy. It was formed under false pretenses and filled with revenge minded partisans hand-selected by the odious Nancy Pelosi. January 6 can accurately be described as a protest which devolved into a riot. The only charges which should stem from such should be based on the individual actions of the person. Instead, the weaponized federal LE were used to attack civilian who was on the grounds that day- including innocent protestors. This was an egregious abuse of power. Not everyone arrested and convicted was innocent, but it's better to throw out the whole thing because it was based on partisan political persecution. Many of the 1500 freed were American political prisoners. That cannot be tolerated in a free country.
^ Here’s the story asswipe
Ball’s two previous convictions — for domestic violence battery by strangulation in June 2017 and battering and resisting law enforcement with violence in October 2021 — are detailed in the charging papers. He’s accused of possessing a firearm as a convicted felon, around May 2023.
Sounds like a real swell fella
skibum609, can you clarify the second part of your post “Not a fan of Presidential pardons and the last two have been the worst”?
What were you referring to when you said “the last two”?
– The pardons of the last two presidents?
– The last two pardons made by Biden (even though I wanted posters not to reference pardons made by any other president)?
– The last two pardons Trump made? (And if so, which ones were they at the time you wrote your comment?)
I’m not calling you out, just curious about what you had in mind when you wrote that.
Biden and Trumps pardons are a disgrace.
Thanks for the clarification, skibum609.
Not for the same reasons, just to be clear.
@gammy right they brought bear spray because Washington DC has a major bear attack problem.
25iq was a day late and a dollar short. The story of his life.
Why is Jan6 still being called an "Insurrection?"
How many were charged & prosecuted with Insurrection?
Why did the Jan6 House Committee destroy evidence they collected? All evidence from Hearings is supposed to be archived. No one was held responsible (yet). This was like Clinton smashing digital devices and using bleach-bit on her illegal server(s) managed by a small ISP with no clearance for even confidential data destroying over 35K emails that were subpoenaed by congress. The Dem Machine has learned it can get away with breaking laws and no repercussions.
Why wasn't Pelosi called to testify as Speaker of the House since it has oversight of the House Sergeant at Arms who has security responsibility of the U.S. Capitol Police Board? Drag Schumer's sorry ass in to as he was Senate Majority Leader and had oversight to the Senate Sergeant at Arms, and least we forget the Architect of the Capital. The was just a Soviet-style trial in so many ways. The only person killed was unarmed Ashley Babbitt by a Capital Cop with a record that should have got him fired many years ago especially when he left his 9 in a bathroom, if not fired, then a desk job with no weapon. And to add, now the MSM Radicals are saying 6 cops were killed. No, none. 1 had a heart condition who died later, and others died from suicide from Jan6 PTSD as is the claim.
During the hearings, no discussion of FBI agents in the crowd and their role. Why were they there and did nothing, and their role needs to explained.
Biden's Beach Blanket Bingo Pardons of Jan6 Committee and others have done a lot of damage to the Democrats and America. He said over and over the years he would never do it and he would never pardon Hunter, and then takes another step into the abyss 15 minutes before Trump is sworn in to pardon his whole crime family. So they can't be prosecuted however they can be brought in, all even Joey, to testify and can't claim the 5th. The WH and Garland's DOJ operated like "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him" used by Stalin's USSR Andrey Vyshinsky & KGP Lavrentiy Beria. The Bureaucracies act just like the USSR's Nomenklatura. I can point out so much Marxist dogma the Dem Machine worships.
Gamman95 clearly pointed out:
AUTHOR: Benjamin Franklin (1706–90)
QUOTATION: That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.
ATTRIBUTION: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, letter to Benjamin Vaughan, March 14, 1785.—The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, ed. Albert H. Smyth, vol. 9, p. 293 (1906).
There was so much to the Jan6 Kangaroo hearing that 1,500 pardons were justified. And, I'd include restitution of all fines paid, travel and legal fees incurred, and expunging their records. There are people who were violent and people who did no more than jay walking level misdemeanors.
When a democracy's justice system turns to lawfare and perversion to "find the case against them", it needs to be severely dealt with. This is a how a democracy needs to work, otherwise as SCJ Scalia said to Congress "The US Constitution is just a piece of parchment."
durr durr INsuRreCtIoN!!!!!!1
Selfie sticks, grandmas in wheelchairs, douchebags in Viking helmets, staying within the purple ropes. Nothing like that to say "threat to democracy"!
Dems exaggerated to make this sound like 9/11 + Pearl Harbor because they had so laughably little to run on that they had to make it into the new Holocaust.
You assaulted a cop, you assaulted a cop, and I have no sympathy. But no policeman died that day, and deMOcrAcY was never in danger. Imprisoning most of them was a flex to show "we're in charge and won't tolerate any shit."
The problem with blanket pardons is that historically Presidents have had each case researched individually and when the pardon is announced they said why. The idea that pardons are given as part of promises made during a political campaign is about as American as schnitzel
According to all sides Factcheck was previously a neutral source which began leaning left in 2023. So while I do not agree that all records were destroyed, because its untrue and a Trump lie, the simple fact is not all records were preserved. Bennie Thompson, the committee chair wrote a letter about how many records were archived, but apparently realized he was going to be sorry without some context, so he added footnote about all the records not retained, such as "temporary records that were not elevated by the committee's actions, such as use in hearings or official publications, or those which DID NOT FURTHER ITS INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITIES. As a lawyer who loves using words like this, I will tell you that it means they saved everything that backed up their preconceived beliefs and goals and threw away anything that countered what they had already decided before they investigated.
Saying all records were destroyed is untrue. Saying the January 6th committee was a fraud, a kangaroo court and about as unamerican as possible would be true. Those fuckheads remind me of the Department of Children and Families here as they always come to a conclusion and then search for "evidence" to back it up. They're liberal too.
@PT what you're really pointing out is the Hamas-like tactics of Trump's "hostages". More than 90% of the Trump supporters at the Capitol protested well within their legal rights. I could believe it that even some of the people who entered the Capitol building were unaware of the prior violence, before the police withdrew from their outer perimeter. The golf course lurker who wanted to kill Trump is still a would-be political assassin, even though he's an idiot. Those who sought to nullify an election with violence or threats of violence are insurrectionists. The fact that they proved pathetic against the police they outnumbered is irrelevant to that. It makes them worse, not better, that they used legit protesters and a relatively smaller number of goofy vandals as human shields.
@ski the Federal government has a lot of rules about discarding significant documents. So let's see if anyone is convicted of something here. If you're asking me to assume that the committee found contradictory evidence, that NOBODY else can find, and suppressed it, well, I'm highly skeptical. Trump should really be grateful to Merrick Garland and the Democrat-controlled House. If Garland had authorized a Special Prosecutor to work towards indictments immediately, instead of agreeing to a preceding House investigation, we might have a body of evidence that political independents could have more faith in.
^ Merrick Garland is the reason I think the greatest American of this century is Mitch McConnell. Imagine if that ignorant, lying, cheating scum was on Scotus.
IBB reread the quote. The chairman admitted they discarded things and in a 50/50 political world, where the law is now being used as a weapon by both sides, I will not believe any conclusion without everything being preserved, The wording gurantees important evidence was thrown out.
I cannot see any circumstances occurring before I die that would compel me to even consider voting for a Democrat. I vote for me 65% of the time and a Republican 35% I won't even vote for a Democratic frat brother where I live.
^ Merrick Garland is a nebbish and a pussy who does exactly what the shadow party says.
When Garland appointed an attorney from the Trump DOJ to be special counsel in Biden's classified document case, I doubt Biden loved that. That didn't seem very nebbish/pussy. It's an example of why Obama thought Garland would be a palatable choice for Senate Republicans.
^ Yet another controlled demolition of charges against a Democrat.
So Obama thought Garland would be a good choice based on soemthing occurring 5 years after he picked Garland for Scotus?
@ski if Garland did the bipartisan thing in 2023, that (obviously) supports the assertion that he was bipartisan in 2016. Can you be more desperate to find excuses to slander people?
^ That sailed way over your head.
I'll put not being hit in the forehead by bullshit in the win column.
^ Too stupid to know you've lost.
Liberal tears are sweeter than honey.
4 more years of it!
God damn!
This is an amazing example of conservative tardism!
Amazing displays of retarded defense! If you've taken the MBE.
Of course nobody did anything wrong, just an assertion of god given rights!
Nobody in law enforcement died! C'mon.
You guys are like that extra concentrated, bright yellow piss from 40 years ago when you didn't drink enough water for the binge. You stare at it and wonder if everything is ok.
But that's ok, you hit the lever.....and it disappears.
Cons cope squad in the HIZZZOUSE!!!!!
^ LOL. Liberal tears are better than sex.
ICE raids happening. Jan 6 put in the past. The rESistANce broken. Abortion clinic protesters pardoned. Remain in Mexico. DEI dismantled.
And we're only 3 days in!
4 more years of watching you all rage-jack your tiny penises to everything Trump does.
Cry more.
^” liberal tears are better than sex”
Well the guy has priorities and he ain’t afraid
To let them show.^
C'mon, you know you cracked a smile at my bright yellow piss part! I thought it was decent.
^^^^when I saw that comment I thought to myself TUSCL has jumped the shark
PT probably jacks off to Fox News stories about Trump the way normal guys jack off to porn.
^ What an original, creative insult!
Feed me those tears, give 'em to the Puddy Tat!
has anyone been keeping score of how many "political discourse" threads end in the same people throwing the same insults at each other? Why do we this to ourselves?
BTW, even though I think some may be wrong on most or every issue, I will give credit to Puddy Tat, Skibum, mogul, Rick, and wld for more or less discussing things before hurling meaningless insults. There are a few others who try to participate, but are just not smart enough to keep up - like drew and ilb. Then you have the useless turds like 25iq and mate.
However you slice it, we spend too much time changing no one's mind.
Gayman you moron, that wasn't an insult, more of a funny zinger, grow up you hate filled little weirdo.
^says the useless turd
Jeez gammy do you want to treated like a child instead of an adult? If you say ridiculous stuff, like Trump can't possibly give pardons on a case by case bases, not being sarcastic about it would be treating you like a child.
^It's non sequitur drivel like that which proves you need to quiet down and let others argue the leftist view. You make AOC look like an educated and well-reasoned statesman.
Meanwhile your beloved sleaze boy continues to ooze:
^^ ilbbaicnl
Easy for her to say. She did 60 days and was free. Would like to see her reaction if she had been jailed since Jan 6 and still facing more time. If you take a group of 1,500 people there's bound to be a few looney-birds in the bunch.
So, if you got a long sentence, that's proof of lawfare. And if you got a short sentence, that's proof you're not telling the truth. When you think people become untrustworthy the minute they contradict your beliefs, that's when you know your beliefs are not evidence based. Do any of the actual "hostages" claim they didn't do what the prosecution said they did? Or do they just claim it was justified, no matter if it was violent?
Apparently Jay Johnston of Bob's Burgers and Mr Show fame was among those pardoned.
Biden clemency arrested
^ Weirdo is the thread patrol police now
Thank you for the additional wins. You have no life but following me online. Lonely, frightened, bitter old man with a chip on his shoulder. Your life has no meaning without me and TUSCL.
^ weirdo
You’re a keyboard phony talking tough on the internet yet you’re still a little pathetic child
Whether fbi agents were “embedded in the crowd” means nothing, each person is still responsible for their own actions.
This excuse was used with BLM protests where supposedly a random white guy smashed some windows, and people on twitter were arguing that because he did it first, it made other people think it was okay to break things too, and he “incited a riot”. Basically they try to pin the blame on the one original guy instead of all tbe other people who also broke things. They even made up nonsense about the guy being a cop embedded in the crowd and inciting a riot