
Comments by gawker

  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Navigating Strip Clubs ... Things that Work for Me
    Good article - well written with common sense advice. On the OTC topic I was probably stupid, but I saw a new dancer whose appearance mesmerized me. I did a few lap dances with her and offered VIP. She said I’ll tell you up front: nothing’s happening up there that can’t happen here. So I kept doing lap dances@$20 making it 10 dances. I gave her $200 & a $50 tip. I asked her schedule and every week I’d come in and do 10 lap dances. After 7 or 8 weeks I’d really gotten to know her and she knew me. I had her phone number, knew where her apartment was, knew she had no license or car and she asked me for details on what I had in mind for OTC. I told her I wanted a blow job, vaginal sex and to hold her body against mine for a long time. I wanted to know her in a way that was impossible in the club and that I’d like to have a relationship of sorts ( I was more than double her age). I told her that I HAD to have her and if it was no then I’d accept that and leave her alone. She then told me a ridiculously high price and for that we would go to her apartment with a king sized bed and she would be my sex slave for 24 hours. She finally agreed to four 6 hour trysts which were heavenly. We continued seeing each other at her apartment and I did stay overnight a couple of times. I ended up furnishing her apartment and she consistently beat me at chess. Her last night at the club she got in a terrible screaming match with the woman overseeing the dressing room from which she emerged crying & asking me to take her to VIP - no charge. She was crying and we had wild sex for which I was unprepared and ended up nutting in her bareback (I should have had your wallet). Then she just disappeared. We connected a few times later and she and her BF (who I met several times) have 2 kids and we lost track during the pandemic. Proof that OTC can work no matter what the first answer may be.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who are the hottest dancers?
    For many years I’ve known some exceptionally hot dancers who work afternoons but one or sometimes two nights per week when they are not on the schedule to work will arrive and go right to VIP with a regular customer and stay there for 2 or even 3 hours. Whether management charges full rate no one seems to know, not the bouncers, bartender, or other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Your current porn favorite?
    In the past 18 months I’ve been seeing a woman whose ex made a ton of videos ( well done with good lighting, good camera, etc.). He has posted 30 or so on a “B” level site as well as Only Fans and social media sites. She (using my money) paid 40% of production costs for a 35 minute porn on an “A” list studio and will be paid 40% of residuals. She spent a good week scripting and rehearsing with the male star (10” but great girth). A month later she made another with the same male star for $5000. Neither one is being released due to a non-compete clause in her contract and her ex won’t take down his revenge porn. She and one of her fellow actresses really feel they’re a step above strippers in the heirachy of sex workers. We’ve had very limited time together but it’s been tons of fun when we have. She has repeatedly told me not to be jealous because “it’s only acting”. I asked if she’d find out how he “just acts” an erection. Just asking for a friend.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Your Best Night Ever In A Strip Club
    My ATF was in Florida for a couple of months and I had developed a “working relationship” with a very sexy Latina. We had met at her apartment several times and knew each other intimately. I stopped at the club with no expectation other than a drink with a good view. When she came on stage I was surprised because she had not been scheduled to work. I topped her well and she said she’d be out to see me. Shortly after she got off stage I could hear two women yelling at each other in the dressing room. I recognized my friend as one of the screamers and it was getting very heated when one of the bouncers went in and my friend came running out. She came right to me and pleaded for me to take her to VIP saying to pay the house fee for an hour and I didn’t need to pay her. We went upstairs and she breathlessly told me that the ducking house mother was going through her personal stuff in her locker and it got “a little physical” and she didn’t want to get fired so wanted to hide with me. Within 5 minutes she was nude and I had no pants or underwear on and we must have tried 10 positions in that hour. When the waitress shouted ( more minutes she straddled means started pumping me and I nutted. She exclaimed that she felt me cum inside her, but that’s ok. We got dressed and as we got downstairs the manager was waiting and fired her. She asked me to drive her home which I did and she kissed me good night, squeezed my privates and said she’d call me. Two days later I hadn’t heard from her, her apartment was empty and k didn’t hear from her again for about 6 weeks when she called to tell me she was pregnant. Being about 70 years old I knew I must be shooting blanks and I paused until she started laughing, saying she a nd her BF were expecting.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    There was a dancer who’d been sucking my dick weekly for several months. One time we had just gotten into VIP and for some strange reason I took her face in my hands and started to lean in to kiss her and she yanked her head away. I asked what was wrong and she said, “Don’t kiss me. It’s too intimate.” Oh, thought I. Cock sucking’s not at all intimate.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How often do you use algebra?
    Algebra also helps teenagers think more logically and promotes critical thinking skills. When I studied calculus in high school there were no calculators and I found slide rules to be very difficult. I’m 1969 my wife and I were at a closing, buying property. The lawyer had a calculated on his desk. It was about 3/4 of an inch in thickness and he proudly demonstrated that it could do all 4 functions. And he proclaimed it only cost $325. About 50 years later I told his daughter that story and she started laughing. Apparently he made such a big deal about it his family had it encased in a block of lucite.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Dating a porn actress.
    Muddy, whatever makes you think I have standards? Shadowcat - you’re 100% correct. However this gal does not drink or use drugs. I’m of the belief that she wants an American husband so that she eventually can get a green card. (She’s Russian).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What kinds of lies do you tell strippers?
    Wow! You are the most beautiful woman in this club!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Tell us something about yourself...........
    I haven’t seen my ATF in 10 months and don’t miss her. I have a 23 year old model from Chime moving in with me tomorrow
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Happy Friday
    I’ve known Alex for at least 12 years. She’s gorgeous, no extras, hard working, intelligent ( BA from BU) and a very good dntdrtainer. We’ll worth the money.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Climaxing during a lap dance?
    I’ve talked with several dancers about this and most get a kick out of it. A couple said they really don’t want your cum on them or their clothes. Shadowcat: My urologist put me on Tamulosin and he told me about cumming with nothing cumming out. He said, “They’ll think you’re faking an orgasm, just like they’ve been doing for years.”
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    The Local Haunt
    Alex called me last week wondering if I was coming in. She said she only works days and tries for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but occasionally her schedule mandates a change.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Older than dirt
    PGA Championship
    E-man : Starting in the mid 1980’s, I was in a group who traveled to Myrtle Beach every spring for a golf vacation. There’d usually be 12 to 16 of us for 5 or 6 days. It was an environment set up for us, or so it seemed. There were many strip clubs, with varying levels of customer engagement.” Masters” was the largest and had a parade of very attractive women and clubs in North Myrtle Beach welcomed many groups of golfers in town to play on 99 different golf courses. In the early 2000’s a decision was made by the town fathers to de-emphasize the “golf group” mentality and to work toward becoming a more family oriented vacation destination. During the 15 years I reference the telephone book “yellow pages” had literally dozens of pages of ads for escort services and that level of competition drove prices down to very reasonable levels. I wasn’t aware of too much OTC being negotiated in the clubs and mileage varied greatly in the clubs, but all were full nude with full alcohol licenses. A good time was had by all.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Casual sex
    As Paul Harvey used to say, “Here’s the REST of the story”. I’ve actually already had contact with this very attractive woman and she’s as good looking in person as she is in her pictures. She’s peripherally involved with some type of fraud and she tempted me with being a party to her attempts to get money not earned. I think with all of the Stimulus money out there, anyone with fraudulent intention is either collecting unemployment or developing a shell company to get Payroll Protection money or 20 schemes I never would think of. Payment “for her time” is being paid in Bitcoin. Last time I checked a Bitcoin was over $50k. My new friend says she’s convinced it’s on its way to $100k. Given the accuracy of hindsight, it would have been a great investment 10 years ago. She showed me an online company acting as a brokerage house for more than 50 virtual currencies. She’s very clear that escorting is disgusting and she’s attempting to establish another source of income. So I was surprised ( and very pleased) that she saw fit to contact me again. I used to take pause when my age was double my partner’s. Now I’m looking at triple.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Casual sex
    The last time I heard her voice she was asking me to accept the charges for a call from the jail where she was staying. I did not. I did let her most recent BF know she was incarcerated and he knew. He said she was being held on a misdemeanor trespass charge and needed $500 bail. I feel badly, but I’ve still got turd dropping from my shoulders from her shitting on me. Ye reap what you sow.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    There’s no stats for leadership and every team needs to be led. Both Belichek & Ariens have pointed out that Brady motivates his teammates and is “coaching” all the time. With a few exceptions, every team is composed of players who have been in the sport’s elite throughout high school and college. Those that consistently win are those who have motivated players who make each other “look good” by complementing each other’s skills and abilities . Has Brady done this for two decades? Certainly.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Ass Play
    Years ago, whilst trying to complete my sexual bucket list I paid a lusty young wench to “let me fuck her ass.” She did, I did, and I wasn’t impressed. Another time while spending the night together I was asked to “fuck her ass.” I tried, could find no lube and she passed out. No great loss. Lately, two of my favorite dancers ( currently unemployed and awaiting back unemployment compensation) have asked about anal sex and I’ve said I wa#nt interested. They both seemed as if I’d insulted them. One of them spent an inordinate amount of time in my nether regions, licking under my balls and fingering my ass. I didn’t complain. My point; or 8 should say, my observation, is that there’s far more emphasis being placed on stimulation and penetration of one’s arse, than was the case 10 years ago. In quest of answers I explored (for scientific purposes only) several internet porn sites ( Pornhub, x-videos, xnxx) and found far more offerings dealing with heterosexual anal sex.than would have been offered in years past. Best guess, Rocky, she wanted some part of you, caressing and penetrating her butt.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A Voyeur’s Delight
    Grand1511, you are not wrong. I get horny; she gets broke - it’s a match made in hell.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you intend to get a COVID vaccine?
    I’m in the group right after front line workers 75 or older + 2 or more co-morbidities. I’ll be there early the day I’m told to come.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL lost a member today
    Just like the obituaries, I had to read it to make sure it wasn’t me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    TUSCL isn't the same without SJG and Nicole
    I haven’t “gone away” but without any strip clubs open in my area, there’s not too much to talk about. My ATF returned and moved in with me. That’s been a shit show and now she’s very sick and will need weeks of treatment and support. I’ll be 75 in a couple of weeks when we both celebrate our birthdays ( her 35th). But on an immediate basis I’ve got to rise to the occasion and provide her with what appears to be sepsis. This potentially fatal condition should be treated on an in-patient basis but she’s fighting it. Taking care of her (in so many ways) is a full time job.
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    4 years ago
    Generational question
    I hitchhiked quite a bit in the 60’s. Never a bad experience and one very good one where an “older woman” picked me up. We ended up parking and making outand I may have brushed my hand over a boob, but that was a thrill in the I’d 60’s. Another time when I was 21 I lost my license -cardboard - no picture. A few months later I got a $5 ticket in the mail for hitchhiking on the Connecticut Turnpike. I hadn’t been in Connecticut in years. I ended up paying $5 and never found out who’d taken my license
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A Drug Deal Gone Good
    Misterorange -> this is the fifth article regarding my adventures (and misadventures) with this woman. In November 2013 my first regarding her, the article was titled “ Don’t Fall in Lovel with a Stripper”. Unfortunately I’m incapable of following my own advice.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    When You're Getting A (Legit) Massage
    A couple of years ago my ATF was living with me and said that she knew a customer from her club who would massage the feet of all the tired dancers, that he was a licensed masseuse and did home visits. She called him and he said he’d come right over and give her a full massage for $75. He arrived and was a little bit surprised but set up his table, she entered wearing a robe and I stepped into the next room. I could hear them talking softly and she called out for me to join them. She was face down on the table with a thong on. All 3 of us talked and he finished her back and had her move to be on her back. Yes, they’ve been surgically enhanced but she truly has beautiful breasts. He looked at me, raised one eyebrow in a questioning way. I looked at her and she grinned and I nodded and he massaged her shoulders, her arms, her breasts and then her thighs. His hands moved high on the inside of her naked legs in a swirling manner. I could see the cameltoe and he turned to me again. I looked at her and she didn’t make eye contact, so I shook my head “no” and he finished with massaging her lady parts. He the asked if I’d like one, so I got nude and he showed her how to give a good massage. One of them stroked my junk and my face was buried and I couldn’t tell which one and she still won’t tell me. Maybe in bed tonight ....