
Casual sex

Older than dirt
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 2:20 AM
I’m 75 years old so there’s really no such thing as casual sex. However, I’ve not been able to go to a strip club in a year, have finally broken the tie that bound me to my ATF, and have only ventured beyond the grocery store for dire emergencies. But I’ve now been fully immunized for a month and started feeling as if I might enjoy some female company.
I carefully reviewed each web site claiming to have beautiful young women eager to jump on the bones of an old man, and took the time for some critical reading. My first observation: a lot of these “escorts” had put on the proverbial “pandemic 20” lbs. (or more). Lots of big girls and that’s never been an attribute of my choosing. So I began a process of elimination. It wasn’t too long until I found the perfect candidate - 26 year old blond - 5’6” tall, 120 lbs., a photo of a very attractive woman wearing a thong and nothing else. She had placed her right arm strategically across her chest, implying a level of modesty missing from many others.
So after narrowing my list with her at the top I called the number printed in the ad. She answered and I first asked if I’d reached the woman on the web site I’d chosen? Yes, it was her. Yes she was willing to come to my house. Yes she was available for the time I chose. “ I charge $200 an hour. How much time do you want?” I asked her to plan on 90 minutes with me - $300. That’s fine she said but “I do require 50% to be paid up front”. I ran through my list of reasons why I don’t like paying before the act and she, very logically described men who get cold feet, college boys who giggle, and police who ensnare. I agreed, sent her $150 via a popular money transfer. She called, confirmed that she received it and then said, “Now I need $100 for condoms, lube, and massage oil.” No I said. I have all of those things and if it’s your intention to rip me off, I’ll just end it now and write the $150 off to experience. “She pleaded, please; the service I work for insists..... Forget it I said and hung up. That was 5 days ago. Today I got a text message from her : “Still interested?” I wrote back and she’s agreed to play by my rules (as far as payment goes). Now we’ll see how the rest of it goes.
It’s been over a decade since I hired as escort. For almost 10 years I had a job where I traveled and I would usually check into a hotel, pull out the copy of that city’s yellow pages and turn to the section after engineering - escorts. I’m looking forward to seeing how today’s professionals stack up.


  • shailynn
    3 years ago

    You know COVID sucks when The Godfather of TUSCL is having trouble finding love one hour at a time.
  • Electronman
    3 years ago
    75 and still at it? Nothing like a healthy sex drive to give you a reason to get up in the morning. May you life long(er) and prosper.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’m not sure if congrats are appropriate or not - on you finally moving on from your atf. It definitely seemed like a draining relationship (and not in a good way). Enjoy your new escort beauty. She sounds great!
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    First of all when cjkunt sees that Gawker posted he's going to cream his tutu moreso than he would looking at his dick pics.

    Gawker good to see you still have the itch. Similar to you I haven't seen an escort in close to 8 years and my escort escapades were basically limited to a burst of 1-1.5 years then I moved on from them although I still read the escort discussions on another forum.

    Rule #1, never ever send them money in advance. Sounds like her escorting is limited to squeezing marks for whatever she can get then moving on to the next. Could be quite a lucrative business for her without actually having to meet anyone.

    If she actually hooks up with you, great, but learn from your experience and don't repeat it.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    It's good to know that desertscrup is at least an equal opportunity asshole.

    @gawker, Hope it works out.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Gawker, it's good to read another of your stories. I'm glad you've stayed safe during Covid and are now fully vaccinated.

    While reading about your process of eliminating candidates and then finding a perfect one, I thought that the selected escort would turn out to be your ATF. That would be a real O. Henry ending.
  • gawker
    3 years ago
    The last time I heard her voice she was asking me to accept the charges for a call from the jail where she was staying. I did not. I did let her most recent BF know she was incarcerated and he knew. He said she was being held on a misdemeanor trespass charge and needed $500 bail. I feel badly, but I’ve still got turd dropping from my shoulders from her shitting on me. Ye reap what you sow.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I get the idea your atf has burned most of the bridges that she’s crossed.

    I doubt there are many folks from her past willing to help her anymore.

    Enjoy the new hottie you’ve found.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Oh here we go again lol

    It's about time your back in the saddle though Gawker, we need you out here.
  • Shin
    3 years ago

    I’ve got no place to offer advice, your 75 years of living and experience likely far outweighs my experience with this subject.

    If I may- the games changed since you’ve last engaged in this endeavor.

    A few tips, if you don’t mind:

    1. Websites are the way, sounds like you’ve already got that dialed in.

    2. Never EVER discus the price over the phone. This is to protect you from law enforcement. Always say let’s talk about that when you get here or, IF IT MUST BE TALKED ABOUT- call it a donation for her time. Say something like- “is the donation for your time still the price listed on (insert website here)?”
    If she presses you for details of the interaction walk. If she explicitly talks about what you will be doing walk. If she says anything other than yes walk.

    3. You already know about never paying up front.

    4. There’s plenty of websites with verified reviews on workers in this industry. You’ll want to pick someone with a lot of reviews. Some websites even have a space with negative reviews for your partner of choice. If there’s even a single negative review walk.

    5. You’ve always got amazing stories Gawk, looking forward to seeing more.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    I wondered about the (unsaveable) ATF. Glorious, but sad, stories there.

    Good luck on some less drama fun.
  • gawker
    3 years ago
    As Paul Harvey used to say, “Here’s the REST of the story”. I’ve actually already had contact with this very attractive woman and she’s as good looking in person as she is in her pictures.
    She’s peripherally involved with some type of fraud and she tempted me with being a party to her attempts to get money not earned. I think with all of the Stimulus money out there, anyone with fraudulent intention is either collecting unemployment or developing a shell company to get Payroll Protection money or 20 schemes I never would think of.
    Payment “for her time” is being paid in Bitcoin. Last time I checked a Bitcoin was over $50k. My new friend says she’s convinced it’s on its way to $100k. Given the accuracy of hindsight, it would have been a great investment 10 years ago. She showed me an online company acting as a brokerage house for more than 50 virtual currencies.
    She’s very clear that escorting is disgusting and she’s attempting to establish another source of income. So I was surprised ( and very pleased) that she saw fit to contact me again.
    I used to take pause when my age was double my partner’s. Now I’m looking at triple.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I’d be very afraid of anyone like that, just because you’re lonely doesn’t mean you shiver yourself wrapped up with a broad like this.
    A smart man would cut bait now.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Sounds like your new friend has a vested interest in Get Rich Quick schemes fornthe 21st century. What was that old In Living Color skit? How to Get Mo' Money, without Using Yo' Money. I guess Onlyfans and webcamming would be too much work for her.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    @gawker, I'm only 60, but I've had six or seven "I'm thrice your age" situations, and a few more where it would be true if I was only a couple of years older. I seem to have hit the age where "creepy old man" is attractive to a certain subset of the younger crowd.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    The money schemes remind me of this dancer I used to meet for OTC frequently a couple of years back. She seemed to have street smarts, she was friendly and relatable, and she looked presentable. But, rather than saving her earnings, she kept trying those get rich quick schemes. The schemes were basically all dead ends - and she would lose all the money she put in. I kept thinking - if she had saved her earnings over the years - she would have amassed a good nest egg. If that nest egg earned a small amount of interest - with compounding - she wouldn’t need to strip and fuck old guys like me.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    "She’s peripherally involved with some type of fraud and she tempted me with being a party to her attempts to get money not earned."

    Sounds like you found someone that makes the former ATF heroin addict seem like a catch. This has Gawker as a victim written all over it. I would personally would cease all contact at this point. But, as always, you make an entertaining read.
  • rockie
    3 years ago
    Gawker: I beg to differ! 63 went into 21 multiple times back when time “originally” stood still!
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    After 60 it's gradual sex. 😁
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    Totally agree with the advice from Shin earlier in this thread. There are a lot of scams and ROBs, even on seemingly legit sites. I like preferred411.com because the girls have to pay to be on the site, so they are more business-like than most. The subscription fee is a small price to pay to avoid the chances you take otherwise. I’ve only paid anything upfront once, but she had solid reviews and it worked out OK. Good luck gawker, enjoy checking out the garden!
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Something says law enforcement to me about this one. Not sure why exactly. I would be wary.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    This girl is involved in some odd side hustles - I agree.

    If things take a turn for the worse in her other businesses - it’s best she doesn’t have your bank account or credit card information. She knows where you live - and she likely has assumed you own your place - so she knows you have at least your home as collateral.

    Hopefully she won’t have a need for a large amount of cash anytime soon.
  • latinalover69
    3 years ago
    desert scrub I know I give you shit all the time but that was the second best comment I ever read on TUSCL.
  • latinalover69
    3 years ago
    Gawker your first problem was getting vaxxed. I know you think you are safe bit you just injected big pharma untested un-trialed gene therapy in to your bloodstream, not a vax. Hope you survive.
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    Sex with older men is the BEST, pretty much what I live for!
  • Player11
    3 years ago
    SA - Seeking Arrangement works well. Pop 100 - 200 but there can be ROB wanting the 5k mo allowance thing.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Seriously, what most people ver 40 infer to be "casual sex" disappeared in the late 80s, early 90s. I remember reading about "terror sex" shortly after 2001, but that didn't last long either.
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