Comments by Estafador (page 202)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    refusing a LP
    and what's an LP
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    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    refusing a LP
    didn't we already have this conversation before?
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sugar mommas
    Lopaw...your a girl? Man, I want to find me a wealthy cougar/sugar mama. Man I'd have a fine female, money AND sex. What else could a man want (besides art)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Teeth or Tits
    why a nose job? -_- Teeth. There's no point in working if your mouth gets infected because you don't take care of your teeth. Then you ultimately look gross even with big boobs
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Smoking in Michigan Clubs
    Sounds pretty legit Superdude. That's a serious waste if you take your job as a PO seriously. I never found anyone smoking in the club, but if they did and they were near me, I would simply move away from them. If a majority of people are smoking, welp fucking this club, I don't want second hand smoke thank you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So Why Do We Keep Calling Ourselves PL's?
    LMFAO @jackslash. That's fucking hilarious bro. I like no. 1 especially. But no. 5 is debatable though justifiable. If you're paying $100 for some head and head alone, then there's a problem there. Even when I have paid for head, my prices never go higher than 25. 40 is a rare exception, but she has to be someone who doesn't do it often and is so fucking fine and goes far beyond your preferences that you just can't pass her up for shit (ran into that one ONE time and still talked her down to 20, so either way I never pay more than 25 lol). Getting a BJ isn't worth that much. YAY I'm the young guy. I go to see new fine ass without having to do all the talking. Essentially, I'm paying just to skip the tedious parts and get to the fun and then go home to my girlfriend. Props to VH. @Jerikson I find it hard to believe that story. Ballroom dancing for an old guy? that's highly unlikely. Not to mention he'll be too tired from all the adrenaline from the dance to bother to get up to dance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    Maybe because like we've been saying for a thousand times already, they overlook the beauty of the "fugly" guy (no man is ugly, everyone just has different taste in beauty. someone thinks your attractive bucko) and see him for what he is on the inside...of his wallet. Come on now, that's the point of sugar daddies. They give the girl money, she gives him comfort at night and lets her do her during the day, no doubt they already know that woman is fucking some other dude sometime during their relationship....makes you wanna have a sugar mama. too bad those don't exist *sobsob*
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    You can use credit cards at the strip club? Holy shit....Nahum I'm too paranoid for that
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    @stiletto of course I'm gonna use everything I learn from this site in real life because I'm short fat and have freckles and glasses (OK only the glasses part is true) and am socially inept. Some things said her CAN relate to girls outside the club I'm not dumb enough to use all of it. I did learn life experiences from my previous misadventures good golly give me SOME credit....Alucard. Is it weird that as ayoung 21 year old I have a serious attraction to women 10 years (around there give or take) older than me (not to mention all I've ever dated were older women) and prefers them over younger girls at the club?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    Wow, seems like the strip club truly brings the views of women to light. Apparently, you don't have to look good for a girl to like you. You have to just have a big bank account and spend it all on her. The girls turn to mush in your hand. Thanks stiletto for showing us that girls truly are shallow and care nothing for a man. So the real question is, what if your a hot young guy AND have a stacks on stacks on stacks AND your willing to spend it on the girl (just because i have lots of money doesnt mean im not stingy and a penny pincher), does that eventually get me free sex (and a somewhat dsyfuncional meaningful relationship) in the future?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    GF might strip
    phew what a great slew of responses. My man, as a man who respects the line of boyfriend/girlfriend, I'd say go there at the end of her shift, support her all the way and just be a good boyfriend. If you really like her and trust her, then you shouldn't worry about what dark deeds people may want her to do as a stripper especially if she's hot enough. that doesn't mean to be cautious. This is the perfect excuse to sniff through all her dirty laundry. This means check her cell when she's not around, take a good whiff of her clothes (and her body) when she just gets off duty and ALWAYS pick her up (or have a reliable second person do it), just so you know that she gets home safe (and to you). You're not paranoid bro, you just love her.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    please note, I wound up wasting money and didn't fuck her because not only was she not the girl in the pic, she also smelled like serious fish and I don't approve of that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    man TER is so terrible. Although I never posted a review even though I did have one encounter with an escort and hated it, I tried a couple of the escorts numbers. ALWAYS seemed to be nonworking. TER seems not up to date on anything bro.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The clubs that file patrons' personal information (in the DMV)
    i have witnessed a scanning of my id once at Private Eyes. I thought it was just to verify that my card wasn't a fake (kind of annoys me since its; a) do I look like I'm under 21 (could have sworn everyone said I look like I'm 30) and b)because their russian bouncers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Rude Customers
    and I've talked with many a young people (I'm young what do you expect) and not everyone even bothers to go to strip clubs because they can get beyond better service at a regular club for free just by talking and socializing with other regular people who are there to dance. Haven't met a single person of my age who has a strong desire and like for the strip club. They don't hate them, just don't have a desire to blow their cash there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Rude Customers
    alright, now that we've all had our daily dose of stupid out, mind if I interject. Its terrible how you guys always pin the blame on the young folk. How many times do you see bar fights, drunks and straight up perverts in the club? many times. And absolutely ALL of them are by the older men. Motorhead, I completey disagree with you and alucard, I believe you're being situational. First to address the young guy in the club. I've been to quite a few clubs now, and usually I am the only young guy there. Very rarely is there anyone my age there at all. The girls that strike up the usual friendlly convo before lap dance usually are genuinely suprised I'm 21 (I been told many times I look like I'm 28 due to height and faical hair) and they barely ever see anyone my age there. And given all the fool hardy time wasters there, I'm pretty sure to assume they're all middle aged or older. When I saw (they looked to be young) a bachelor party happen, i saw no rudeness, just smiles from the cusstomers, tips flying everywhere and boys paying for the bachelor of the night. The dancers didn't seem to mind them. I remember seeing one middle aged drunkard who sat right next to me and was outright haggling a dancer to stay even though he was wasted and didn't seem to have any money at the time. I've also seen some younger guys just sit at the stage and tip all day. Sure they're not paying for dances, but they're not causing no distress to the club. I never seen young people hit on strippers but i am sure it happens. Why not, they're paying for dances, they're good looking, why not try to get more bang (for free) for your buck. If we can get that chick to come home with us for free or at least get her on a date, then why shouldn't we give it a try. Everyone wants to date a stripper after all. Still that's something I never seen happen in front of me (since I don't really too many youngsters in the club to begin with). Even using me as a prime example, I may act a fool here, but like many young men around me, know just how to act to get a lady. We wouldn't have girlfriends if we were dicks 24/7. Alucard, you complain about us young guy's attitudes on here, but how many older people that you know are just whiny little bitches worse than what you make of a young guy. No names need be given because we already know many already. I'm pretty sure if I acted all nice respectful and cute, some of these older members would try to run right over me, and we young people today are best known not to take shit from anyone. If you really wanna place blame, blame the parents who thought they were good parents or lack of. Motorhead, I can't help but say you gotta be a little more descriptive of the particular groups of young guys you refer to. Too many genres of young guys out there to generalize all of us into one lump sum. I won't debate with any of you because too many of you people are conceited set in your beliefs where you'd prefer to scream until i say you win.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    yes. Especially when they're making BLACK 7" plastic johnsons for purchase, that's definetely a threat to my manhood. She don't want me no more *sob sob sob*
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    Nobody comes to NY. Yet we got all your up close and personal needs. Whazzup wid dat?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't piss on my shoes!
    I like VH's style. Shall I start bringing my sawed off shot gun every time I use the bathroom?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I also agree with jerikson. I paid to bounce that ass on my dick, not to please yourself. I wanna be pleased too
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    whoa. Shadowcat, I didn't think you take it in the butt. Anyway, i think toys are lame. I would kind of get turned off from that. toys are definetely NOT my thing and kind of gross. Beyond degrading don't you think?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do so many PL's think the world should revolve around them in a strip club?
    oh no jerikson, you are DEFINETELY not the only one. TTF and dougster among others have done the same thing as well. *builds his defenses* I'm ready for the offensive remarks
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Running game
    goes to PMing juicy B
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    ATF ?