

Avatar for joey2002

I was looking at some of the discussion on here and I would like to know is using Escort service good to use? also how do you know if they are legit or not?


last comment
Avatar for JuiceBox69

Strippers.are.better.....if you must do escorts go to terr....stay off backpage and use escort agencies only until you get your pro card at.this

Avatar for joey2002

What is TER because I never heard of that before. Also I put the name in Google search and Im not sure if I got the right one.

Avatar for WOODDR2

The erotic review. Com

Avatar for Alucard

You appear pretty naive joey.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Dude never ever do street walkers

Avatar for londonguy

Juicebox offers sound advice. Also, when looking for escorts on sites such as TER look for girls that have a lot of reviews from guys that have posted several themselves. A new girl with only a handful of reviews from guys that have only reviewed one girl is very suspicious. Stay off backpage. There is a British based site called captain69.co.uk tha is very good and features some U.S. girls.

Avatar for motorhead

"Dude never ever do street walkers"

Now you tell me! I picked up someone last night and it turned out to be s guy. But I'd already paid the forty bucks, so I said, what the hell, why not?

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

I was at Scarlett a while ago and got propositioned in the parking lot on the way to my car by a 20 something. Her "friend was waiting in a car on the other side of the parking lot. I got in my car and left after she chatted me up. Made sure to keep cars between her pimp's car and me.

Avatar for Estafador

man TER is so terrible. Although I never posted a review even though I did have one encounter with an escort and hated it, I tried a couple of the escorts numbers. ALWAYS seemed to be nonworking. TER seems not up to date on anything bro.

Avatar for Estafador

please note, I wound up wasting money and didn't fuck her because not only was she not the girl in the pic, she also smelled like serious fish and I don't approve of that.

Avatar for gsv

TER is not perfect, but it's still one of the better tools out there to see if a girl is legitimate.

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