I have seen plenty of people on TUSCL calling themselves a PL because they go to strip clubs, but I go to them and don't think of myself as a loser. I mean I am happier now a days with strip clubs and escorts as compared to when I had girlfriends. Also I don't want to get married and more and more people aren't getting married at all these days. Also more and more people are going to strip clubs and using escort services. Also when people call people that live our kind of lifestyle losers we shouldn't care what they think. Furthermore when people call me a loser for my lifestyle I just simply tell them I don't care to live my life by the way society wants me to live it and I am much happier now than I ever was.
My overall point is we shouldn't think less of ourselves for living the way we do because society thinks we should live differently. If going to strip clubs and getting escorts makes us happy then so be it.
Meh, I think you may be reading too much into this. I can't speak for our other TUSCL members, but I think many of the people on here call themselves PL's just for fun.
I think "pathetic loser" is directed at the guys who go to clubs because they can't get a girl. They use strippers as substitutes for real relationships, because they're unable to have a real relationship, for whatever reasons. When it comes to women, these guys are losers. And they are pathetic because they fool themselves into believing that the hot strippers really like them.
A good example is an old guy I saw who was in the lap dance area trying to do ballroom dancing with a 24 year old hot stripper, who probably didn't even know what ballroom dancing was. It was pathetic because he was trying to re-live his youth with someone who he had nothing in common with and who had no attraction for him whatsoever. He was pathetic, and he was a loser.
I contrast that with guys who go to clubs because of the fact that all guys on the planet have a basic need to have sex, and all guys want hot girls. Nothing pathetic about that, we're all born that way. Although you can make a case that those guys are losers because they can't find an equivalent hot girl outside the club for a real relationship. In that case, most of us are losers.
Oh, and of course there's the good looking young guys who go to clubs, often with their buddies, just to have fun. They can get hot girls outside the club, but they just go for fun. Those guys are neither pathetic, nor are they losers. Most PL's are jealous of those guys.
I'm just a loser, and not really proud of it. And I'm jealous of good looking young guys who get all the hot chicks. Okay, maybe that's a little pathetic, too.
I was just about to ask you jerikson40 if you saw yourself as a loser. You go to clubs don't you? Why the need to be a club goer? Are you unable to get or maintain a relationship with a HOT woman outside of the club setting and get ALL the Sex you need.
There's also the "Macho, Egotistical, Douchebags" who actually are PL's but refuse to admit it. There are a lot of those. Guys who like to think of themselves as god's gift to women, and like to project that image to everyone else, but in fact are paying some stripper's rent and walking her dogs and babysitting her kids while she's out screwing her boyfriend.
Those are, IMO, a step below the PL, because they are "PL's in Denial".
1. Pathetic loser. All the customers in a strip club except yourself.
2. Pathetic loser. Ironic. What strip club devotees call themselves at times to acknowledge that they can be played by attractive half-naked women. Similar to a woman referring to herself as a bitch.
3. Pathetic loser. Someone who is manipulated by a stripper into spending more than he can afford. For example, you buy a dancer a new car and she drives away in it with her boyfriend.
4. Pathetic loser. A man who sits alone in the strip club nursing a drink but never buys a lap dance because he doesn't have any money.
5. Pathetic loser. Offensive. The name that some strippers apply to all their customers, perhaps to make themselves feel better when they're down on their knees sucking a stranger's dick for $100.
LMFAO @jackslash. That's fucking hilarious bro. I like no. 1 especially. But no. 5 is debatable though justifiable. If you're paying $100 for some head and head alone, then there's a problem there. Even when I have paid for head, my prices never go higher than 25. 40 is a rare exception, but she has to be someone who doesn't do it often and is so fucking fine and goes far beyond your preferences that you just can't pass her up for shit (ran into that one ONE time and still talked her down to 20, so either way I never pay more than 25 lol). Getting a BJ isn't worth that much.
YAY I'm the young guy. I go to see new fine ass without having to do all the talking. Essentially, I'm paying just to skip the tedious parts and get to the fun and then go home to my girlfriend. Props to VH.
@Jerikson I find it hard to believe that story. Ballroom dancing for an old guy? that's highly unlikely. Not to mention he'll be too tired from all the adrenaline from the dance to bother to get up to dance.
If you don't think you're a PL, pretty good evidence that you really are one. Add to that all your rationalizations that it's better than having a gf it being married and that clinches it.
There are only two types of regulars. Those who are aware that they are PLs and those in denial.
"its just self-deprecating fun for most of us. I doubt most use it here seriously, though a few here certainly seem to fit the original meaning."
Between lopaw's statement and Stilletto's comments in another thread - I'm beginning to think what women having been telling men for 40,000 years: females are smarter than males.
My one and only use for strip clubs is to mess around with girls who are significantly younger than I am without having to deal with any entanglements. I have a beautiful family that I am very happy with, but also crave a little side entertainment. What does than make me? Idk, I've never really worried too much about it.
After reading this then ya I'm a professional P.L..... Lol
Rick I feel ya man....I was married and was clubbimg....now happily devorsed and dating a hot stripper and still paying.for.a.side peace of ass........
Opinions are like assholes everyone has one. I think Jack's #3 would be the most apt. We have all been PL's at one time or another whether in a club or out. Going to a club is simpler and many times costs less than dating. It darn well makes for a less complicated life
I admit my biggest pl moments was in real life when I drank and dialed, blabbing my feelings to an ex on her voice mail. I knew I was pathetic the second I hung up.
Looks like there are plenty of different opinions. I think that whether or not we are PL's depends on who you ask. I don't think I am since I just go to have fun and know that the girls don't like me and just want my money. However someone that does think that the girls are into him can be considered a PL. Also it cost money to get girls no matter how you look at it. A dating website cost money, dates cost money, and clubs cost money. Again all of this is just my opinion and I am glad everyone took the time to make theirs. There are plenty of good points in this thread.
omega22: "Also it cost money to get girls no matter how you look at it. A dating website cost money, dates cost money, and clubs cost money"
And once you have resorted to that desperate rationalization and are equating paying strippers with ordinary dating, you know are a completely lost PL.
Pablo, think what you want to about yourself. All I can say is that I am married to an attractive 40 something year old woman that fucks me better than any other that I've had and I top that off by sticking my dick in 20 something year old stripper 50 + times per year to boot. If that qualifies me as a PL then I guess I will just have to accept it. ;)
The fantasy that a stripper actually thinks of you as more than the oyster to be shucked to get at your pearl of a wallet is always tempting. Calling yourself a PL sarcastically is a way to stay in touch with reality.
I don't think anyone really refers to himself as a PL, but it is easy to look at the other customers in any strip club and decide that they are PL's. And who knows what the strippers think of us. I myself don't think of myself as one, but if you think of yourselves as one, go right ahead.
Jackslash and others hit it. Personally, I think it is easier to type PL than the other stuff, especially "customer". I also think there is some self-deprecation, too. There is also that "taking back the power" angle, where a woman can call herself a bitch but will will fight if someone else does, and a black dude can call himself a nigger but only let his friends call him that. I think PL is a mild form of that. There are the other borderline guys who, due to their low self-concept, the tag PL probably does apply. And I think txtittyfag is really Dougster prancing around in his corset again.
last commentI am not a PL and don't label myself as such and REJECT other people's attempt at labeling me as a PL.
A good example is an old guy I saw who was in the lap dance area trying to do ballroom dancing with a 24 year old hot stripper, who probably didn't even know what ballroom dancing was. It was pathetic because he was trying to re-live his youth with someone who he had nothing in common with and who had no attraction for him whatsoever. He was pathetic, and he was a loser.
I contrast that with guys who go to clubs because of the fact that all guys on the planet have a basic need to have sex, and all guys want hot girls. Nothing pathetic about that, we're all born that way. Although you can make a case that those guys are losers because they can't find an equivalent hot girl outside the club for a real relationship. In that case, most of us are losers.
There's also the "Macho, Egotistical, Douchebags" who actually are PL's but refuse to admit it. There are a lot of those. Guys who like to think of themselves as god's gift to women, and like to project that image to everyone else, but in fact are paying some stripper's rent and walking her dogs and babysitting her kids while she's out screwing her boyfriend.
Those are, IMO, a step below the PL, because they are "PL's in Denial".
Do You Consider Yourself a PL?
What acts define a PL?
My comments in the May 2012 discussion:
1. Pathetic loser. All the customers in a strip club except yourself.
2. Pathetic loser. Ironic. What strip club devotees call themselves at times to acknowledge that they can be played by attractive half-naked women. Similar to a woman referring to herself as a bitch.
3. Pathetic loser. Someone who is manipulated by a stripper into spending more than he can afford. For example, you buy a dancer a new car and she drives away in it with her boyfriend.
4. Pathetic loser. A man who sits alone in the strip club nursing a drink but never buys a lap dance because he doesn't have any money.
5. Pathetic loser. Offensive. The name that some strippers apply to all their customers, perhaps to make themselves feel better when they're down on their knees sucking a stranger's dick for $100.
YAY I'm the young guy. I go to see new fine ass without having to do all the talking. Essentially, I'm paying just to skip the tedious parts and get to the fun and then go home to my girlfriend. Props to VH.
@Jerikson I find it hard to believe that story. Ballroom dancing for an old guy? that's highly unlikely. Not to mention he'll be too tired from all the adrenaline from the dance to bother to get up to dance.
There are only two types of regulars. Those who are aware that they are PLs and those in denial.
"its just self-deprecating fun for most of us. I doubt most use it here seriously, though a few here certainly seem to fit the original meaning."
Between lopaw's statement and Stilletto's comments in another thread - I'm beginning to think what women having been telling men for 40,000 years: females are smarter than males.
Rick I feel ya man....I was married and was clubbimg....now happily devorsed and dating a hot stripper and still paying.for.a.side peace of ass........
@ Dougster: Normally I don't agree with Dougster because his character is an obnoxious asshole but his appraisal is spot on.
Stripclubs are for losers because we pay to get what most people get for free. Like gamblers, we enjoy the game but lose money playing.
Don't be delusional, we are actually PL's.
And once you have resorted to that desperate rationalization and are equating paying strippers with ordinary dating, you know are a completely lost PL.
While PL's are Jackslash's #3-5 definitions.