
Comments by Omega22 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What would you have done?
    I would have probably did something similiar. I have never did an OTC so I would be nervous about it. Also I have plenty of money for the clubs but not enough to also do OTC. Maybe when I am making more money and am a little older I will consider OTC but not for now.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    Dougster stop calling them whores. Did you go to college? I did and I went to way too many parties. There were what you call "everyday girls" at the college parties that would give it up to random college guys. As I already mentioned a whore is a girl with the sexual morality of a man. If you want to call them whores then fine. I will disagree. Some strippers are whores and some aren't just like the college girls I partied with. Most men are whores using the definition that society uses towards women. I knew of plenty of people at my college that were addicted to alcohol, and marijuana. Also I have friends that all they do is drink. Also anti-depressants are abused my people in general. Point is many Americans no matter what profession are addicted to some kind of drug. Many people aren't all that close to their parents. I never was. Really parents only play a role to an extent. Environment also plays a role. Also the word crazy is thrown around too much. I can say anyone is crazy. For example, "My friend is crazy since he likes to drive around too much." Or, "My family is crazy since they spend too much money." In other words everyone can be called crazy for any reason. If they have dead beat boyfriends then great. They can give me a shot and I will give them a better life. Point them my way. My overall point is strippers are people. The stereotypes that are pointed to them are true to an extent, and don't apply to a vast majority of them. However most people in our society can also relate to these stereotypes. Dougster do you have a college degree? Do you have an addiction to any drug? Were you close to your parents? Do you sleep around with a lot of women? Don't get offended by my questions. I just think that if you are going to talk down strippers I am going to make you think just how different you really are from them.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    GoVikings: Thanks for the compliment. Compliments are always appreciated. inno123: Do we even want love? Towards the person we love it makes us anxious, possessive, fearful, and can lead to heart break. With the strip clubs I avoid all of that. I don't have to worry about all the drama. I will definitly try to do a better job of keeping my private and public life seperate.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    Dougster: I can bring up valid arguments to defending dancers. For one there are some of them that are in college and are making money to help pay their way through. Also they obtain plenty of spending money and have more money than many of their fellow college students. Secondly, I understand they don't care about me and are after my money. Then again it is their job. With any profession people work to make money and don't necessarily care about the customer. The worker makes the customer happy so they can get cash and that holds true to just about anyone with a job. Third off the main stereotype is that they are all addicted to some kind of drug. Rather it be marijuana, alchohol, or so on. This holds true for many dancers but it also holds true to most people in general. Most people are addicted to some form of drugs in American society. Also just to add on I have noticed many people on here calling dancers whores and sluts. Do you know what a slut is? It is a women with the sexual morality of a man. We live in a traditionally chauvinistic society where men can be whores and be looked up upon but when a woman exhibits this kind of behavior she is a slut.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    hard10: Yes, strip clubbing has taken the place of regular relationships in my life. I had some bad breakups in college and one was fairly traumatizing, and now that I have graduated and am no longer on campus I don't really have much of an opportunity to get a gf. Also I have no desire to have kids or get married. The strippers are more attractive and are more enjoyable to be around than my ex gf's. I have no desire to find love or have someone care about me. I will not go into detail as to why but I have never experienced love and don't think I ever will. In summary I am different than most guys my age because of traumatizing relationships, a fascination to the strip club world, and no desire to seek love seeing how I don't even know what it is like nor care to find out. Stiletto25: I understand that dancers can get negative reputations too. I have heard all the negative stereotypes. I try to defend the dancers and strip clubs the best I can.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    I disagree SuperDude. I wouldn't ever use a corporate credit card since I would get fired in a heart beat. Employers care about college degree and experience more than anything else even if the potential hire is a known regular.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    I don't think I will need to move away. Most of the negativity I was getting was in college and I just graduated recently so most of the people that were putting me down are out of my life now. However it isn't all gone but it isn't as much of a nuisance as it used to be.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    Steve: I was at a club for a bachelor party with some college friends. The strippers knew me since I am a regular and that is pretty much how my secret got out. The guys I was with simply told people at my small college and that is how it started. The people I was with don't care but the religious people at my college that caught wind seemed to care for whatever reason.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    I live in Lexington KY which is in the Bible belt so I am sure that plays a role. I am not religious at all as I am an atheist. Proving religious people wrong about secular living, which includes strip clubbing, has been an objective of mine for years. They say these things about me because of my clubbing and not any other reason. Evidence for this is that people say I won't have a real relationship after finding out I go to strip clubs. Also I am never broke, they say I am ignorant financially since a lot of people think strip clubs are a waste of money, but it isn't to me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    I usuallly pay for talk. If they are sitting at my table I usualy give them a ten or so and another 20 if they stay for a while. Then of course get a lap dance from them and then they go to other customers and I move on to other girls for the time being. I can easily afford the clubs since I get plenty of money from my job and I don't have any dependents. All in all I am there for one thing. I want to have fun and I pay based on time and performance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I am nervous
    I think that religion plays a role and the people in government make strip club laws stricter since it will win them more votes from religious people. Also poloticians tend to be older and from a different generation and don't understand how the younger generation works. What mainly makes me nervous is that if the strip clubs go out of business then I won't be happy anymore. Like I already said strip clubs play a major role in my life and overall happiness.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Horny old bastard.
    Avoiding 2AMs
    I am still young so I go at night. The earliest I arrive is 10:30 to 11:00 P.M. Usually stay until 1:30 to 2:00 A.M. So I am a night owl. I love the night life and hitting up the clubs late. Also Lexington KY is a safe city and all of the clubs are in safe areas.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Creating the best strip club
    Looks like a wide variety of responses. Something similiar to Follies in Atlanta would be ideal though. Seems like they know what they are doing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another level of crazy
    hard 10: In all honesty I would do the same thing if I was in your shoes. After all I am all about variety and that is one of the many reasons why I enjoy the strip club life.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another level of crazy
    So is your ATF also your gf? I don't ever get tied down to just one girl. Then again I am only 23.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A Bias Against New Clubs
    There hasn't been a new club in Lexington for a while. Or for atleast four years when I became interested in this lifestyle. However if a new club appeared I would definitly be one of the first to try it out. I am adventerous and would actually enjoy seeing a new club. I doubt a new club will pop up in Lexington KY since the competition here is too strong. We have Spearmint Rhino and Platinum Plus while Deja Vu caters to the younger crowd so I doubt a new club could survive unless it was extemely good.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I looked at Delaware after clicking on the clubs link and there were a few clubs listed. Also I saw some reviews. One reviewer said that Delaware law states that the girls cannot be fully nude. So I guess the state has really strict SC rules and people travel out of state to go to clubs. Just my theory.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Lap Dance Marketing
    Most girls usually try and have small talk with me before asking for a dance. Sometimes they wont even ask until later. Platinum Plus in Lexington the girls actually sit on your lap and try to get you turned on while they have small talk. Not so often do girls give me a one liner of, "Want a dance?"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Foreign Strippers Ready to go Underground in Canada
    So why exactly does the Canadian Parliament want to cancel work permits for strippers from other countries?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The church and invading the strip clubs
    Pabloantonio I am not a PL. I don't even spend fifty percent of my paycheck and I don't spend all my money on just one dancer. As I mentioned in another thread I go to have a good time and have some female companionship. All in all I am glad to see that pretty much all of you are on my side. I have never liked the church and the church people that come to strip clubs are either looking for an excuse to go into them or are just insane fundamentalist.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    TUSCL slogan: More than a list. It's the evocation of a culture.
    Rickdugan I agree that I probably did overthink this a little. Lol. All in all I agree that this is the strip club culture. Many people would accept strip clubs as taking part in their way of life.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    TUSCL slogan: More than a list. It's the evocation of a culture.
    Papi_Chulo I think you are accurate as it pertains to most religious people. My friends that I have gone with have all claimed a religion. Georgmicrodong I think I may somewhat agree but somewhat disagree. Some parts of society may not admire and respect this way of life but some parts of society admire and respect it. In other words some people are live and let live while others aren't.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What is so wrong with dating a stripper?
    I wouldn't mind dating a stripper. It would be the hottest girl I ever went on a date with. I would definitly give the girl a chance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm crossing this place off my bucket list. :)
    I thought we had moderators that proof read our reviews? Does this website even have moderators?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    TUSCL slogan: More than a list. It's the evocation of a culture.
    We can also look at strip clubs as a part of secular culture. I mean if you think about it I highly doubt anybody that goes to strip clubs is all that religious. I for one am an atheist. In other words strip clubs is just one major factor that makes up secular culture in the United States and many other first world countries as well. My main point is that the slogan can be seen as accurate since we are a part of a growing secular culture in our nation. Whether or not the founder was looking at it this way is beyond me. Also this can be seen as fairly radical since the founder is claiming that this website is like the voice of a culture. Afterall evocation does mean voice of or calling out.