
What is so wrong with dating a stripper?

Avatar for Clackport

I've battled with this question for a few years. When I say date, I mean in the traditional sense. Of course I'm talking about attractive young strippers (I am in my mid 20's). I am talking about the kind of strippers that don't do extras, and doesn't have all the issues in the world. This criteria eliminates a lot of strippers, but it should be noted that no matter what you hear most strippers don't do extras.

First of all most of these kind of strippers make good money. In other words she's independent, she doesn't need you to provide everything for her. That is a turn on for me.

Second of all, every guy in the club wants to fuck her, but she's going home to you. I don't know about you guys, but that makes me feel good.

A lot of these strippers are simply stripping to pay for school or to provide for their family or whatever the case may be. That is a turn on for me. Yes they do have self esteem issues and maybe family issues, but have you ever met a girl that didn't have issues? Plus I'm the kind of guy that likes to work with girls on their issues.

To top it off, strippers will mostly likely be good in bed. In some ways dating a stripper can be more satisfying than dating a normal girl.

Am I crazy or do I make some valid points?


last comment
Avatar for bobvz

You make some valid points, but let me tell you, I have been with some strippers that were the worst in bed. Just because they can dance, or look great naked, does not always translates into great sex.

Avatar for Alucard

"Am I crazy or do I make some valid points?"

NO, you are not crazy. Any relationship with another person is going to have challenges & ups & downs. It is the commitment to trying to make it work is a good place to start.

You never know where you will meet that person you have that "Chemistry" with. Maybe it might be with a Dancer.

You going to get a lot of negative comments in this thread for your comments about dating Dancers I believe. Be strong & follow thru with it if that is what you what to do. It is YOUR life, no one else's life!

Avatar for jackslash

Given the situation you describe, I don't see anything wrong with your dating a stripper. You're a young guy and you will have a lot in common with young dancers.

Of course, you want a stripper who doesn't do extras and isn't dependent on drugs or alcohol. That may limit your choices more than you realize. Dancers are skilled at telling men what they want to hear, and if you like a dancer she may lie to make herself seem what you want her to be.

But I would say go for it. Try dating a stripper and see how it turns out. Good luck.

Avatar for canny

Most strippers who stick with it for very long have substance abuse problems. Not all of them, but the majority of them. The better looking strippers tend to not do extras, they earn enough money on their own without doing extras to make it, it's the ones who aren't as pretty who need to do the extras to pay their rent.

A friend of mine who is a stripper has told me that stripping has messed up her sex life. She enjoys sex, but her job is to do foreplay all day long so she doesn't like foreplay. To her foreplay is work. Be prepared, sex with a stripper who you are dating will be different than you expect. It might be better, it might be worse, but it won't be what you expect.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

I've had some conventional dates with dancers. One dancer was in Las Vegas whom I would fly there (from Seattle) to visit about four times a year. I'd typically see her dance at her club (Cheetah's) one night, do an OTC with her in my hotel room another night, and take her out to dinner and a big show on a third night. It wouldn't have happened without my being customer of hers. In Seattle, I've had some individual dates with dancers. They were infrequent, and I wouldn't consider that I was in a dating relationship with them. Some of those have been after they stopped dancing.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Go for it and best of luck. Take it for what it is.

Avatar for deogol

Wait until a year after they are done dancing.

Avatar for deogol

"Plus I'm the kind of guy that likes to work with girls on their issues."

Oh. A "knight in shining armor." Yea, that'll change after the police get involved from club raids, pot busts, expired registration/insurance, and a whole slew of shit strippers seem to think they are above taking care of.

Hopefully shit won't get as crazy as this:


Just don't get caught up in their fuck ups. I have said there are lots of girlfriends of thugs sitting in jail because they got caught up in their boyfriend's dumbassery - the same can be said about guys who get caught up in the dumbassery of their girl friends (only you will be blamed!)

Avatar for shadowcat

Go for it. You can take her home to meet mom and if your mom likes her, you can take your mom to the club to watch her dance.

And your can introduce her to your buddies. "Here is that hot stripper that I was telling you about. I know you want to fuck her but you can only go to the club to see her naked" They will be impressed.

The opportunities are endless.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

I haven't dated enough strippers to have an opinion but I'd appreciate it if you'd report back here in a couple months and let us know how it's going.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

My 2 cents – and these are statements of opinion – not facts.

“I've battled with this question for a few years …”

I’ve been curious in the past also and have Googled this topic – the cons far outweighed the pros from what I saw/read. It seems to “me”, that the only guys that claim to have had successful dating w/ dancers are often guys who are as f****d up a the dancers are, or worst – i.e. look at “most” dancer’s SOs.

“I am talking about the kind of strippers that don't do extras, and doesn't have all the issues in the world”

Dancers w/o issues are like guys with 10+-inch penises – they exist, but it’s rare – IMO. Also, it is their issues that often drive them into stripping – so many of them come into stripping with issues that often become exasperated with the dancer lifestyle.

“First of all most of these kind of strippers make good money …”

It’s not that they can’t make money, it’s that they can’t keep it – easy come easy go. “Most” dancers seem to be very poor money managers and life managers – i.e. how many posts have been posted about dancers only dancing for as much money as they immediately need and then not dance any additional days in a week.

“A lot of these strippers are simply stripping to pay for school”

Again, this is as common as guys with 10+-inch penises – they exist, but this is usually SS.

“Plus I'm the kind of guy that likes to work with girls on their issues.”

In many cases, one can work their ass off and not change a thing – many of these girls have chosen to be the way they are and more often than not only they can change themselves and most are not willing, or deep down inside feel like they can’t, and thus won’t, and don’t.

“In some ways dating a stripper can be more satisfying than dating a normal girl.”

Or can be the biggest nightmare of your life – more often than not one does not know what they may be getting into. Strippers should come with the equivalent of a “Carfax report” in order for one to have a better idea of what they are getting.

“Am I crazy or do I make some valid points?”

You are not crazy – just horny :)

Avatar for Stiletto25

Pick wisely and you should be fine.

Avatar for umissedaspot

All strippers have issues. Heavy heavy issues. Some just don't come up until you've known them for a while.

Avatar for Alucard

Listen to Stiletto 25, you won't be lead astray.

Avatar for ButterMan

"no matter what you hear most strippers don't do extras"

Really! LMFAO! Alucard is the patron saint of strippers everywhere and I doubt he really even believes that shit! The African Love Pimp told you he lost his best weed house over one of these whores! Better listen!

Avatar for gatorfan
  1. STDs

Thats right, our old friend the venereal disease. Do you like to piss fire? Get excited when a white secretion painfully flows out of your cock? Enjoy having a Q-Tip inserted into the head of your penis? If you answered yes to these three questions, then a stripper is the girl for you.

  1. Strippers are for fun, not relationships

You dont take the cow home from the steakhouse, why would you take a bitch home from the strip club? Because I was drunk is the only acceptable answer. Sober up, tell her to take out the garbage, and lock the door behind her.

  1. No one wants other guys touching their boobs

Fucking a stripper is like buying a used condom. It is unhygienic, dirty, and if your friends find out you did it, they will never let you have a sip of their Mountain Dew again. Did I mention its dirty?

  1. Strippers are not responsible

Ever seen a rich stripper? Of course not. Even though they make $1,000+ a night, they always seem to need more money. What happens to all that money, you ask? Like the Tootsie Pop question, the world may never know

However, if you said cocaine that is as good a guess as any.

  1. Your mom will not be proud

No woman wants to see her son dating a whore. Its barely past Mothers Day, you fuckers.

Go tell your mom you love her and you will never date a stripper. Nothing could make her happier.

  1. Issues, issues, issues

Strippers carry more baggage than a 747 headed out of Havana two days before the Marines show up to liberate some commie bastards. You like having three little rugrats running around that arent yours? If you think thats bad, just wait till you meet the five guys who have been pegged as the babys daddies

  1. Jerry Springer

The single worst show in the world. Ever dream of being a contestant on Who slept with my girlfriend this week? Go find yourself a girl who calls herself Delicious and your tickets will be paid for.

  1. Strippers are stupid

Most strippers didnt finish high school, hence the job showing boobies. A lot of girls will try to fool you with the whole Im just working my way through college thing. Dont be fooled. College in stripper terminology means the next 8-ball of cocaine.

  1. It is always nice to be able to say your girl isnt a whore

There are plenty of girls out there who wont show just any random guy their birthday suit for a dollar bill and a smile. Find one of those girls. Save yourself from a life of sharing your woman with every other dude who happens to have a dollar bill.

If you are offended by this remember.... you're on stage next....

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Wow – Gator – this is way beyond your customary one-liners – good stuff though!!

Avatar for Alucard

gatorfan occasionally takes off his mask! So says Alucard or better known as "Saint Vitus". LOL

Avatar for Omega22

I wouldn't mind dating a stripper. It would be the hottest girl I ever went on a date with. I would definitly give the girl a chance.

Avatar for ButterMan

"Ever seen a rich stripper? Of course not. Even though they make $1,000+ a night, they always seem to need more money. What happens to all that money, you ask?"

"Strippers carry more baggage than a 747 headed out of Havana two days before the Marines show up to liberate some commie bastards"

Two good points by gator. I don't feel like writing my own stuff right now so i'm just gonna agree with his!

Avatar for Dougster

"What's wrong with dating a stripper?"

Main problem is they are all crazy. If you think you found one that isn't, you are wrong.

Avatar for motorhead

It's the bottom of the ninth, and the score is

Gatorfan 9

Ranukam 4

The fat lady just left the building

Avatar for Dougster

ranukam does have one legitimate point. They certainly know how to fuck well and seem to be up for most anything.

As for most stripping just to pay for school.... Haha! Thought only mikeya02 would be gullible enough to buy that line.

Avatar for canny

I've been told by a stripper that a couple of the strippers working in her club are working their way through collage. Out of the 50 or 60 "a couple" of them were.

So, yes some strippers are working their way through college but they're rare.

Avatar for randy77

Gatorfan, you nailed it. So true on every point. To not take Gator's advice, one is not only a dreamer, but a PL.

Avatar for steve229

''I'll tell you the best thing about dating a stripper....

Getting to say, 'Hey, I'm dating a stripper.'''

                 — Barney on How I Met Your Mother
Avatar for luckyone

Available, attractive women are usually a little bit crazy! If they weren't, they probably wouldn't be available. I think one of the reason I usually get along pretty well with strippers is that I am already used to dealing with my female friends, who can sometimes make dancers look like church ladies. Sometimes meeting a dancer outside the club can be crazy and sometimes it can be boring. Oh wait...just like women in general. You can't really generalize. Nobody can tell you who you should or shouldn't "date," whatever that means. As with any other situation, use caution and watch out for yourself. It probably won't work out because most relationships don't. That being said, you might have some fun along the way.

Avatar for randy77

@steve229 even Barney couldn't stand the thought of his stripper girlfriend doing LD for other guys.

Hey, Ranukam - How can you be sure this girl doesn't do extras, just because she told you she doesn't or she doesn't do them for you?

Avatar for K9

Hell yeah go for it but make sure she does not have a drug addiction to the needle.. Also don't kid yourself about the extra's... If she is at work it's about making money... You need to accept it if you plan on the dating thing with a stripper...

Avatar for sandman96

Gator nailed it no doubt about it.

I dated a former stripper, didn't know she had been one until we had been dating for a little over a month, she always said she had been a bartender at a regular bar but was going back to school now. She had been in the business for about 10 years, was good at telling you what you wanted to hear. Talk about issues, she was a freaking headcase, she wouldn't know how to tell the truth if it bit her on the ass. But damn she was hot and the sex was the great. In her 10+ years, she said she only knew a couple that didn't do extras and in the strippers I've since met and gotten to know, only a handful aren't willing to do extras. They just can't resist the dollar.

If you do end up dating a stripper, pick wisely and realize it probably won't last and there will be lots of drama.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I used to say I never went on a date with a stripper or dancer. We merely hung out together. We went to eat, drink and do other things. None of us called it a date. That's probably why I used to do that every night for a while after one dancer got off from work. She didn't have a car. I haven't really met that many crazy dancers. Many have issues. I liked to joke about one dancer being crazy because she liked to have sex more than any other dancer I've met. Of course I should point out I've had several dancers call me crazy especially when I was younger.

I didn't think I was and still don't. I did have one guy in the 82nd airborne call me crazy one night. I just looked back and he reassured me that was ok because he was too. I have no idea why he even told me that. One night while hanging out with a dancer and some of her friends, I did get to meet a dead guy. He was officially declared dead in a plane crash. He wasn't too pleased about it though. He said he might not show up for work on time on Monday since he was officially dead.

I tried to not get too close to any dancer. I didn't want them asking for money because that crap almost never works out. Expect any money a stripper borrows to be money you never get back. Expect top notch stories of mayhem if some dancer you don't know very well sees you as a potential money lender. If a dancer says she knows another dancer at the club is going to get the crap kicked out of her because she hasn't got the money to pay off her pimp or drug guy or whatever, just say ok, that's bad but don't loan any money. It's all a story. If it's not, it's just a setup to another story.

Avatar for Clackport

Gatorfan and Papi Chulo are giving me a teaching lesson! Maybe I went a little too far LMAO.

@Dougster, I didn't say most strippers are doing it just to pay for school. I said a lot of them are, which is true. There you go bringing up mikeya again. Are you obsessed with him?

Avatar for jackslash

Another thought. Let's say you find a hot stripper who doesn't do extras and isn't addicted to drugs or alcohol and who isn't crazy. What are the chances that this paragon doesn't already have a boyfriend? How are you going to get this ideal dancer to leave her current boyfriend? Why should she choose you over the 20 other guys who ask her out every night?

The more virtuous and grounded the stripper is, the less chance she'll want to have anything to do with you outside the club.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Oh if you happen to give a ride to a dancer and you're worried about the cops because she could have drugs on her, then you might run the risk of the cops confiscating your car. I never thought about all these things when I was younger. I once knew one dancer who wasn't using any drugs and didn't do extras. She messed her life up thinking her boyfriend wouldn't leave her and then she got pregnant and he left and didn't pay child support. She lied about everything until she got pregnant and he left. Then she confessed to me trying to hook up as a new boyfriend. I was moving away so I didn't have to deal with it.

One dancer who had a husband who cheated on her did go crazy before he got away. Violent strippers are a real possibility. She took a knife and cut up all his clothes. I forget all the other things she told me. I do remember she told me she would demand to have sex before marrying anyone else. I found it odd she was telling me all this after I just met her. Things like this might be why some strippers are called crazy.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Some dancers can get attached just being with them repeatedly away from the clubs.

One dancer that got me to sleep with her, surprised me when she told me she didn't just remember me from 8 years ago, she rememebered the very first time she ever saw me which had to be something like 18 years ago before she was even old enough to dance. Now that story is crazy scary. I can't even remember what room mates looked like in college that long ago.

Makes me wonder if some dancers remember that well, I wonder what the dancer whom I never saw again or called again thought happened to me. I never gave her my phone number. I had hers. I decided to break things off without telling her. It wasn't nice but she ticked me off. I didn't loan her anything so I didn't lose out on anything. I can't even remember why she ticked me off. Maybe it was because I wasn't getting what I wanted out of that relationship.

Avatar for mjx01

"Available, attractive women are usually a little bit crazy! If they weren't, they probably wouldn't be available" - damn straight!

"I am talking about the kind of strippers that ... doesn't have all the issues in the world"


Look man, I agree with you that it's not impossible, but the odds a way way against it. The lifestle that often goes with stripping messes people up even if they start out ok. The longer she works the longer she's exposed to bad influences ITC, other dancers, etc. Even if you were to find someone like you described, odds are things will deteriorate over time becasue of the job.

Avatar for jester214

The first issue is that pool of dancers that I would date (we're setting aside that they're dancers) is already very small. When you add in the complications being a dancers has that small pool is destroyed.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Forgot to mention if you try to keep relationships with dancers secret from coworkers and friends, if dancers got your information, they can always threaten to show up at work or call your friends. I just laughed at one dancer who once threatened to do such a thing. She was hot and not very well known. I wasn't afraid of her showing up at work or telling my friends we had something going on. I just didn't like being talked about. Some people have no lives of their own and I don't like the gossip being about me.

Avatar for Alucard

"if dancers got your information, they can always threaten to show up at work or call your friends. I just laughed at one dancer who once threatened to do such a thing"

In that case you may have made a rather poor choice in who you revealed your personal info to.

"There you go bringing up mikeya again. Are you obsessed with him?"

Ole Dougster is obsessed with many things I think. LMFAO

Avatar for Stiletto25

Alucard always gives good advice. Luckyone also gave really good advice.

For the record, Im a stripper and I'm a pretty balanced and grounded person. Ive never failed at a relationship due to " crazy stripperness". It also hasnt been because of the club or anything that goes on there.

I started dancing after i finished college and had a good job. I worked my regular job during the day and moonlighted as a dancer at night. I played life by the rules and had done everything I was supposed to. I was bored and wanted extra cash to save. Then i realized how good the money was in dancing and i quit my regular job. Ive never regretted it. Ive always been good with my money and I follow strict rules in the club:

#1- Dont fuck around at work- If its not business, its not happening. Meaning I do nothing for free. It blurs the lines.

#2- Dont make friends with the other girls- One or two who share your ideals is fine but thats it. If you make friends with other girls, you will get into tiffs with them and it will affect your work plus they are bad influences.

#3- Dont have sex with strip club workers AND dont make friends with them- I learned the hard way.

#4- Put half your money away in savings

#5- Dont get distracted and keep it moving- If there isnt money, move along. If you want to drag your ass, do it when youre off work.

#6- Dont do anything for free- It blurs the lines!!!

Everything i just listed helps keep a girls head on straight. Thats it. When you start doing stuff inside the club that you would do outside, your two lives blur together and over time, It'll ruin you.

Ranukam- Find someone that cares about her business and is all about it. That may mean she'll blow you off if you try and approach her about dating but its worth a try.

Avatar for Stiletto25

Id also like to add that "most "dancers approach dancing as a black, white, and gray business. They know they shouldnt but the pull is to strong. You have to fight it. Dancing is a black and white business. The gray area will kill you.

Avatar for Dougster

Nope it's black and white thinking that kills you. The technical term for it is "splitting".

Avatar for steve229

"I am talking about the kind of strippers that...doesn't have all the issues in the world."

Now you've eliminated the whole rationale for dating a stripper.

At some point, every guy should date at least one crazy girl that nearly ruins his life. If she happens to be a stripper, more the better.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Assuming that you mean "dating" in the now traditional American sense of the word, i.e. to determine whether or not a greater commitment is desireable, and not just a sex hookup, "what's wrong with dating a stripper?" Nothing. Just be prepared to find out that you don't want to continue dating her.

Just like dating any other person on the planet. It ain't fucking rocket science. Time consuming, yes, but not difficult.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

I had a ATF several years ago I thought was sane. She had throw her roommate out that was also a stripper at the same club. The other girl threw a shoe at her newish tv and broke it when she asked her to leave for bring men/clients to the apartment. She even changed work nights to avoid her. She claimed she was only stripping for the money and she was waiting an her professional license to change jobs. I figures out she was nuts when two weeks later she let the same girl move back in and they were planning a road trip together back to the ATF's home in Roanoake, VA. She did not have enough money to go by herself and between them they did not have enough to come back and her plan was to work at the clubs there for a couple of weeks to get enough money for gas to come back. She also started to fish for travel money. I dodged the issue and never called her after her return. Saw her at the club but did not contiue the relationship.

Avatar for txtittyfan

Marry her. She would probably give a great bachelor party.

Avatar for Dougster

I was about to agree that a guy in his 20s might just be looking for some good sex, wild times, and a little drama and about to say, if so, date the stripper, just keep your expectations real.

But then rankum mentioned the fact that she makes okay money as his number one criteria. Is this rankum guy looking for someone to support him? To be the deadbeat boyfriend/mini-pimp? If so, might be able to work it that way, but I don't guys itching to line tht up would be asking on TUSCL for advice. More likely just another pining PL.

Look rankum, there are easier ways to make money than having a stripper support you. Just hang around here on TUSCL until txtittyfan offers some financial advice, for instance, and then do the opposite. (Cha-ching! Anyone guess I would say that? :-) )

Avatar for ButterMan

Rankum you can take the obvious advice here or you can hear what you want to hear:) You asked for advice on whether you should do this and about 90 percent of the folks on here advised against it and gave reasons why. And of the roughly 10 percent that said you should date her one was a stripper and one was Alucard...LOL! hhhhmmmmmm

Avatar for Alucard

"You asked for advice on whether you should do this and about 90 percent of the folks on here advised against it and gave reasons why. And of the roughly 10 percent that said you should date her one was a stripper and one was Alucard." {Sticks & Stones will...}

And what makes YOU so RIGHT?!? Hmm...

I have NO claims on being the last word on how someone should live their lives. I just offer honest opinions based on my life experience. Those opinions can be accepted or not.

In a comparison of intellect & solid advice, I'll side with Stiletto25 rather than you 100% of the time.

It is in the end, ranukam's life & decision. He can take all the advice offered & sort it out & make a decision that best suits his life & lifestyle.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Maybe dating a stripper will not be a disaster if one follows Warren Buffet’s two rules of investing:

Rule #1: - Don’t lose your money.

Rule #2: - Don’t forget rule #1.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

“Money talks and bullshit walks”.

If one is dating a stripper and one is “helping her out” – one can always expect the periodic phone calls:

Stripper -> “Hey baby, how are you – I miss you – when am I going to see you again – etc.”

If you really want to know if she wants to date you for the same “legitimate” reasons you want to date her – don’t give her any money (except for paying for the dates you go on of course).

If you do this, you can expect:

  1. you found a gem whom really like you for the great guy you are and interested in you and not your $$$

  2. the more likely scenario – she may call you 2, mayyyybe 3 more times, to see if she can get you on her hook, and if not, you won’t hear from her again.

Avatar for jackslash

My girlfriend is a dancer, a titty dancer

When I'm walking in the bar

She's on stage like a porno star.

This bar tender's telling me

That she's giving head frequently.

from "Titty Dancer" by Dan Diamond


Avatar for Clackport

A lot of great insight and responses! I didn't go to the strip club thinking or wanting to date a stripper. With this particular dancer, we hit it off right away. We share a lot of common interests, and she is one of the sweetest, nicest girls I have ever met. I am 99.9% sure she doesn't do extras.

I don't think we should put all strippers in the categories of whores, because all of them are not whores. Before I posted this thread, I was sure I was going forward with trying to date her, now I'm rethinking it. I understand she's a stripper, but I've never met a stripper like her. I guess we'll see.

Avatar for Alucard

Ignore everything negative said here.

Go with your HEART!! You can always stop seeing her.

Avatar for Dougster

Yep take dating advice from alucard who has never dated a real woman in his life and only interacts with strippers. See how far that gets you. Not sure what he thinks he accomplishes by sticking his tongue so far up their asses either.

Avatar for canny

I'd say do it. But, be cautious just in case you're wrong about her. The worst that can happen is you stop seeing her.

Avatar for Alucard

PLEASE Mr Dougster when you make absurd & ignorant statements that use words like "Never", try to make sure that you REALLY know what the FUCK you are actually talking about & have verifiable FACTS! I don't recall you sitting on my shoulder for the last 57 yrs & 360 days. Otherwise what makes you think you actually know anything at all about me & what's happened in my life. If you want to put me down, at least get the FACTS straight Sir!

Avatar for deogol

I wouldn't get to bent out of shape. No one knows who you are. There's stripper shit and then there is tuscler shit. :)

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Alucard, you have to be one of the thinnest skinned motherfuckers I have ever seen posting on the inter tubes. It's almost funny how utterly predictably you will take offense.

Avatar for Dougster

Hey alucard - I thought you had me on ignore. Did you lie? And if so how can anything you say be believed?

Avatar for Alucard

"T...and then there is tuscler shit. :)"

Do you approve of this guy & other guys just making things up about you & publishing them online? Or would you readily approve of such behavior? There are times when I don't think it should go unchallenged. This was 1 of those times to reply, instead of ignoring it. It was predictable that 1 of his "buddies" would join in & help defend him by also putting me down. It is NOT the 1st time gmd has done this. It is verifiable.

The absurd statement did get my dander up a little bit, but I was not "bent out of shape". I easily could have made a stronger & more profane reply that may be properly called "bent out of shape". I thought it was rather polite & nice except for using the word FUCK. lol

I ONLY let a select few members know who I am. The rest can guess at the real details, and will likely guess incorrectly.

This thread has degenerated & I've said my last words in this thread - which will likely PLEASE some members very much.

Avatar for bustanutz

Ill date a stripper hoe as long a she follows my hous rules:

  1. 11am Wake my lazy ass up with a bj. If I cum home late from bangin other hoes don't wake me up til after noon

  2. 11:02 roll my blunt and get the fk outta my face

  3. 11:30 make me a fried boloni sandwich to eat wit a 40

  4. 12 clean the crumbs outta my bed and make it n she better make it like a motel 6 maid bitch

  5. 1 pm go see weed man

  6. 3pm roll me a fat one and get the fk out of my fckg face or I'm gunna knock you out skank bitch

  7. Mow my lawn bitch! And it's push mower to your skank ass tight.

  8. 5pm bring your sweaty ass inside n let me smell that stink. If I'm horny I'm hittin it. Twice. beeatch!

  9. 6pm make me sumthing good to eat. Wit 40.

  10. 7 pm Do the dishes n mop the floor

  11. 8 roll my blunt while I shower n get ready

  12. 9 go out lookin for new skank ass hoes. Home hoe must go to work and make me money $$$

  13. 1:45 am if not banged a hoe yet, go to college bar and find a liquired up bitch before bar closes. Bang her.

  14. 4am go home and if I'm horny still get some home ass

So it doesn't matter if a home hoe is a stripper or not. She's just gotta follow my rules or her skank ass gets kickd to the curb

Avatar for maburton

Everything about dating a stripper is good in theory, and horrible when put into practice.

Avatar for txtittyfan

Your kids will be named Dougster.

Avatar for randy77

@Stilleto25 "Pick wisely and you should be fine."

That's not much of an answer coming from one in the business that would have some inside information to guide this young pup

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