
Comments by Bishop4224 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I need your help. Weird discussion for this site Serious replies only please
    "She makes just as much money as I do so financially things will still be the same. After she gets her masters she will be making 4 times as much as me so money really isn't an issue" This raised serious alarm bells...you're talking about a 22 year old who hasn't finished her undergrad who will, "when she gets her masters she will be making 4 times as much as me". Sorry, but many college graduates, both master & undergraduate, don't make shit for a few years if they can even find a job. Plus she says she has a drug habit...I'm not sure what drug is her choice but there aren't a whole lot of people who balance drugs & college studies in there life successfully. Sorry but to be honest, this has "Greek tragedy" written all over it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    People just don't forget a face, is that it?
    A girl in a club I frequent once in awhile remembered me after about 9 months since I last saw her...remembered everything I said about what I do and etc...I'm sure she remembers me from my tipping because she called me very generous. Another remembered my name after over a year since last seeing her...was very impressed
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Have you ever fallen in love with a stripper?
    Nope, never but likely because I don't have an ATF (tho one is approaching that status). I had her number by the second time I visited (she contacted me first) and we've met OTC once tho it was for coffee, several hours of talking & window shopping at the mall and a $200 "loan" (which I already knew would be the equivalent of tossing it out my car window...at least I have a better chance of the wind blowing it back to my doorstep). We text occasionally but mostly it's catching up followed by her saying I should visit her in the club. I have no mistaken beliefs she wants me to visit to catch up nor do I have an issue with that or spending $ on her, but I rarely think of her and actually go because I like some variety (probably why I don't have an ATF). Next time I'll go will likely be a night I know she doesn't work. Regardless, could never see me dating her b/c I can't seem to lie to my parents (still young) about how we met, ha
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How Much do Strippers Make?
    As much as they say certain jobs are recession proof, they're not immune to pullbacks in income. I'm sure the income was great when unemployment was lower & the stock market high. I think, as echoed by others, the girls don't have enough financial literacy, or don't want to be bothered with, their spending & budget. They focus on the gross but not net and many aren't putting some of their excess earnings into savings. I've talked to many about saving & investing but all too often they're just getting by for the month and/or are encumbered with debt (sometimes medical) that keep them in a vicious cycle of trying to make month's end payments.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New to strip clubs - question about protocol
    If you sit near the stage, tip to your hearts content. $1 is the standard rate but if you enjoy her performance, feel free to tip more. I know most don't do it this way, but I tip heavy if there is a girl I'm interested in her company & dances. You could, of course, just ask her to stop by too (or both) when she's offstage. As for the waitress, depends on the drink & price. Tip like you're at a normal bar or tip heavy on your first drink to cover yourself for several drinks (if you wish) or to guarantee prompt service. As for lap dances, people call me a sucker, but I thought it was standard to tip after a private LD. I've come to learn many don't, but I tip usually $5 per song but I only do so because I can afford to. As for sitting & just watching, well you better be drinking and if you're not buying dances, if a girl sits to chat with you and she spends a good chunk of time talking (and you don't intend to buy dances), tip her for her time & offer to buy her drink as well. She's not a pro bono therapist and if she's not earning money because she's sitting with you, you'll likely end up sitting alone on future visits because word has spread amongst the ladies. Just my dos centavos
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cover charges. How much is too much?
    $10 is the most I would pay but I've never paid a cover. My friend used to sell cars to the club owner who gave him (and by friendship, me) free passes. Then my fave gave me about 50 free passes I use there or another club I visit (since they honor competitor passes). I refuse to pay cover on principle.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SC Financial Advice Needed from the Masters
    Papi - As my parents told me, pay yourself first. I'm fairly young (31) but I've determined how much I'm comfortable saving per year, what my bills are, and how much I'm comfortable spending on frivolous activities. While I know you may be gone tomorrow, save what you can now and let it compound so you can retire rich, fat, and comfortable. Contribute yearly to an IRA (if you don't exceed the income limits) and to a 401k (if you have access to one), and keep an emergency fund. Remember, you may help a dancer out financially when they're in a pinch but it most assuredly won't be reciprocated.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What did you wonder about before and during your first strip club visit?
    My first time I was wondering how many track marks and c-section scars I'd see. Between the lighting and makeup, I think I walked away surprised I didn't see any of either. I'm less naive though about how makeup & lighting can cover up stuff...that & beer goggles.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Private Dance Tipping
    @uscue13 - I tip the waitresses/bartenders like I would if I'm at a bar...a larger tip with my first drink to ensure prompt service and a dollar per drink after (I usually go during happy hour and only get bottled beer at $2.75 per). As I'm winding down my drinking, I give them another decent sized tip to ensure my glass is always filled with water before hitting the road. I guess I've learned that I've been doing unnecessary tipping and I vastly over tipped with my one 30 minute VIP experience (gave her a hundo)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Tuscl members inbetween 30 and 70 !
    Really? I've always been under the impression that it's standard to tip after LDs and VIP. Shit! That's alot of money I've wasted on tips!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why did she just suggest we could do something sexual away from the club when I
    If a girl comes up to you, and with no history of her, solicits you for sex, she wants money for it. If she has a spot lined up already, I'd be extremely leery. Plenty of stories out there of guys going to her location and been held up by threat of force by a boyfriend/pimp/associate. If you get to pick the location, still keep your guard up and don't answer the door. If carrying is legal in your state, best to keep some heat on you. If you arrive at the club with alot of cash and leave with her, be sure to stash your excess cash and cards somewhere safe, if possible.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tuscl members under 30
    @qweasdzxc yeah, I don't get the $35/song rate at OTB but seem to get more two way contact there. As I'm sure you're aware, but Silk has the tip walk, just worse at OTB because Silk doesn't let the girls do the tip walk around the tables, just the bar area and OTB is essentially all bar side seating. Went to CH once about a year ago. Very disappointed about the contact as stage tipping isn't the same there as it is at Silk/OTB. Plus it took one full price, 1/2 song air dance from a dancer named Skylar to convince me not to return. Plus I went because of the drink special and free pizza. Pizza turns out to be the cheapest grocery store pizza under a heat lamp and the bartender hadn't a clue about the drink special til I showed him the text I got from CH. Btw, if you're there at Silk before 7, check out Montana...a bit of an Amazonian (in the height department) but is very friendly, personable, and a good dance. She may be taller than you even with her heels on, but don't let it intimidate you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what name do you use up in the club ?
    Real first, never my last. Only gave my number out to one dancer who gave me her real name when she texted me a few days later. I like giving out my real first since its not very common and they all pretend to like it, but generally I don't bother asking for real names because my visits are infrequent and no consistent time and since there is alot of turnover at the club I visit, it's unlikely I'll see 1/2 of them I meet ever again.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Tuscl members inbetween 30 and 70 !
    So I wrote an article that didn't get published but I need advice. For a $20 ld (private) what is considered an average tip? VIP goes for $300 at the club I frequent so what's a good VIP tip (30 minutes)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tuscl members under 30
    Qweasdzxc, what Milwaukee club is your fave? Silk, OTB, CH, other?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tuscl members under 30
    Recently turned 31 in Milwaukee. Most of the time I'm the youngest guy at the club and not to toot my horn, but due to $0 debt, smart investments, and a good paying job, I usually bring quite a bit to the club for hours of fun!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ever been robbed?
    I always leave health insurance, credit and debit cards, personal identification (aside from DL), etc at home. Big bills stay in the wallet in my back pocket and singles and 5s in my hand or front pocket for tipping/drinks. Always a bit hesitant to take my phone and keys out for a LD as a couch cushion almost swallowed my phone. If I'm concerned about over drinking and running out of cash, I keep a credit card (that is active but never used) that has a low credit limit I can use for an emergency cab ride
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    The first club as you enter...
    Adding to my own review. Avoid Manazon...East Bloc (perhaps Russian or Ukrainian) blonde body builder type body. Very pushy and not a great dance. Pretty sure she can beat up any guy in the club.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Good Hustles versus Bad Hustles: Advice for Strippers and Customers
    I completely agree on drinks. I have no problem buying a gal her drink, but only if I'm interested in getting dances from her, and even then, if I feel like she's taking advantage of my goodwill, I'll spend my money on the other girls. Yesterday, a dancer put it to me best, "I approach and sit to talk with those who made the effort to get up and sit at the stage and tip my stage show, because if they're tipping me for my stage show, they're likely interested in a private show". I'm not sure if clubs push their dancers to get guys to buy them drinks, but ladies, I'd rather see my money going into your purse than the owner's ledgers.