Forbes has an article on how much strippers make.…This subject is always interesting to me, since we sometimes hear about the fabulous incomes earned by strippers.
The writer mentions one dancer who made between $2200 and $3000 a month, which isn't exactly a lot of money. I know, you say they don't pay income taxes or payroll taxes, but the strippers also don't receive health insurance and are not earning social security credits for their old age.
It seems very difficult to get any accurate data about stripper income. Dancers have a lot of reasons to lie about their earning--they may want to brag about their success or play poor to get customer sympathy or avoid the scrutiny of the tax man. They may have only a vague idea of what they make themselves, since they are often in an alcohol or drug induced haze.
last commentI imagine ONLY those entities that TAX are truly interested. LMAO
Almost every dancer that I've known well enough to be familiar with personal financial circumstances have been on Medicaid - at least for their kids. And that despite earning in excess of $60K (off the books).
We all have our opinions & perspectives. :) I NEVER expect every single opinion that I express to be agreed with. It would be pretty darn boring if that was the situation. LOL
Thanks for pointing that out Mr. Romney...
What kills most of them is they just don't work enough. They have a good week and then don't work for a week. Or they work the minimum to stay at a club.
And that's the thing. There are just too many variables involved. Every club is different and has different dancers.
Keep in mind that everything a dancer tells you should be taken with a grain of salt, but my CF claims she pays more in car insurance in just 2 months than I do in an entire year. It seems like a lot, but with two DUI's, a poor driving record, and being in her 20's, it could be true. She needs to dance.
I think, as echoed by others, the girls don't have enough financial literacy, or don't want to be bothered with, their spending & budget. They focus on the gross but not net and many aren't putting some of their excess earnings into savings. I've talked to many about saving & investing but all too often they're just getting by for the month and/or are encumbered with debt (sometimes medical) that keep them in a vicious cycle of trying to make month's end payments.
The next thing I know she switched the conversation to how far away I lived and mentioned the possibility of staying with me to cut down on her expenses. uhhh, I wasn't expecting that. She made me believe she really was worried about not having a place to stay because she wasn't making enough. Jumping straight to the possibility of moving in without ever doing anything with her was a far out suggestion I thought. She quickly jumped to what she would like to do with me if we got alone. If she had been more my type...