
Tuscl members inbetween 30 and 70 !

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Wednesday, February 1, 2012 10:52 AM
Go on ! Take the mike and give those shout outs we got love for ya 2 mo fo's !


  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Seriously? You started a new discussion for this? Do you realize that you're pushing a few good discussions off of the front page by pounding the board with this crap? Idk dude, but some people consider it bad form to clog up the Discussion forums with silly nonsense. Now each man has to decide for himself how he wants to carry it, but I tend to reserve my shots for when I actually have something to say.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Rick and that is y you r so kool man ! I got a lot of love for ya ! But that's what makes juice a real peace of shit ! Sorry bro !
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    C'mon dude. This act was old about a day after you started it. Every once in a while you slip and actually post a partial to almost full sentence with proper grammar and spelling. I'm not sure why this amuses you so much, but there it is. Idk, but you're forcing it and it is painful. Also, if you are not the second (or third, fourth, etc.) character of some other user on here, though I suspect that you are, then you are shooting yourself in the foot on the info. sharing front. For example, the VIP area of one of the clubs that you have reviewed is basically my personal fucking playground when I am in town, but that's not intel I would share with a guy who posts like you do. Like I said, you can decide for yourself how you want to carry it, and if this amuses you then go yee forth, but in my humble opinion you are also limiting this as a fun and useful place for yourself as well as others.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    rick I can tell your a man of deep thought and great success ! And yes I know its your playground rick I'm kool with that. I also can tell you realy don't like me....that's life can't please them all sorry. I personaly love the stuff you post nd to me your reviews damn near a masterpeace....(not kidding I truely enjoy them) Also rick I will never have beef with you ! I'm a man of peace and not war ! And its kool if you never respect the brand "juice" I do respect you tho....I can, have and will still learn a lot from you ! Also once I get my lap top out the pawn shop I will be back on the pink site and sorry all the others ! And no I'm not a recarnation of some other poster ! I'm a whole new kat with new and old flavors ! Also sorry I'm not being fake ! If you meet me inperson I'm the same.... Juice is heir to stay and will only expand myself to other sites.....I love this hobby and plain on making a huge contrubution to it And ya I have a good time and lol way to much and can be full of shit a lot of the times....but I'm a rookie in this review shit and will only get better unlike my spelling ! Lol : I'm glade you have seen juice in his rise maybee one day when I got my own site,clubs and so I can cater to you...... I realy have no hate for you rick nothin but love ! Your good friend in this hobby juice
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Daddys your such a cuty pie : ) love ya girly !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Also rick you thank I'm clogging up the board I can respect that I do from time to time blow this place up lol ! Its a shame you don't post more on tuscl man you have way better thoughts than I do and a lot more clarity ! Also thanx for helping me spread the brand that we all have come to know as "Juice" ! Most people that don't like a brand stop buying...hell they may coplaine a little but normaly people will find what they like and start promoting that brand........ Your a bizzn'as man I can tell and have read rick ! You know all about these thangs more than me....I'm a young buck ! Just comming up k man ! At one point in time their was a little ricky and now look at you ! People just like me make you a role model for our sport ! I actualy look up to you man ! So y hate ? When you was and up an comer was their some older guy fuck with you and your personal style ? If so man I'm sorry ! Let's brake the cycle and learn from each other my man ! Thanks rick for being my furnance ! Since day one you have given me nothin but hell and my ass served to me on a cold plate ! (Well their was one time on the pink site you was nice to me).....thank you rick you will only smooth out my bumps and inperfections and make me a better "juice" for the future ! You can hate on me all you want man ! I'm kool with it ! I will always pay you respect man you have paid your dues ! I'm paying mine right now !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Rick....on the ideas that I make this site painful for others ? I disagree man ! Maybee for you its painful but from young and old members rookies and vetrains both show me love by not ignoring my threads, responding to my posst, pm ing me, proping me, laughing with and at me, by seting up times to club with me, and in other ways show me love....... Hell rick I'm off ignore on some peoples list, some that like you could not stand me now enjoy me......I'm paying my dues the hard way and am taking no short cutes.....my clubbing scars r real and growing.....and so is my respect with other members........I'm earning my respect one at a time man ! That fuckin old school ! Maybee one day we can squash this beef and hang in your playground and laughing all about this.....but if not beef in hip hop sales more records ! So either way we will both prosper from this ! May the gods of all of us bless the both of us ! I love you rick ! Its called unconditional 2 ! No conditionsa I just love you ! Your one of my mentors I will never forget you and when your long and gone and I'm the vet its threw guys like me that will pass on your style,info,memories, to the next generation of clubbers !
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    1. I concur with rickdugan. 2. I've said this before: Juicy is the youngest 27 year-old I've ever known.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Rick lol.....good one : ) Club goer.....thanx for the love : )
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Hey Hey Hey - c`mon now. We all have different takes and different ways of expressing ourselves. I think Juice is part of the newer hip-hop school and will probably express himself a bit differently than some of us older pre-hip-hop school folks. I do agree than NO ONE should pound the board with threads to fill most of the 1st discussion page - but this goes for anyone not just the Juice Man!
  • Bishop4224
    12 years ago
    So I wrote an article that didn't get published but I need advice. For a $20 ld (private) what is considered an average tip? VIP goes for $300 at the club I frequent so what's a good VIP tip (30 minutes)
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Why the fuck would you tip a lap dance? Next time save the tip and buy another fucking dance at least then you can feel good you reduced her itemized deductions
  • Jackmd
    12 years ago
    Gatorfan must be working on his tax return
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Hey Juice, I wouldn't lie to you man. I'm a little bit over 440 years old. I just look young for my age, even the dancers say that in the clubs. I figure one of these days a spaceship will appear and they'll ask me what am I doing hanging out with all these crazy aliens here on this backwards planet. I've already thought of an answer. I'm gathering evidence. The female of the species has a lot of nice curves and I believe this warrants further study.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    In the Tau Ceti star system, they have a saying, it goes "take me to Daddy's Girl". Just kidding, lol. Sometimes I act way too serious like an Alpha Centaurian. I wouldn't want Daddy's Girl getting the wrong impression of me. I have met some blond dancers that made me wonder if they could be aliens. Hot, sexy blond aliens.
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    Bishop if you're spending 20 on 1 ld consider the tip taken care of. If you're spending 300 for only ld's in the vip consider the tip taken care of. Juice is alright by me. I find his use of 3rd person comical, it reminds me of The Rock. "The Juice says" should be your new quote juice.
  • Bishop4224
    12 years ago
    Really? I've always been under the impression that it's standard to tip after LDs and VIP. Shit! That's alot of money I've wasted on tips!
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