Tuscl members under 30

avatar for Clackport
I love tuscl, but it feels like it's dominated by geezers no offense lol. I'm 23, and I want to read more discussions and articles by people who are not that far away from me in age because I feel I can relate to them better, although I do love reading the older guys stories. This is for the dancers and customers under 30. We need to make a bigger presence on tuscl. If you're under 30, say how old you are and what city you're representing.
I'm 23, and I'm representing Portland, Oregon.


last comment
23 year olds shouldn't be wasting their time and money in strip clubs.

Plenty of time for that later. Don't rush it. :)
Probably due the fact that: a) most younger guys don't need strip clubs to be in the company of young women, b) most younger guys don't yet have the income to be much of a factor in a strip club, c) no nagging wife to be sick of.
Ran.....I'm. Almost 30 and I rep the dirty south biiiiiitch ! But I disagree with you bro ! Kids are age r still learning the game and may give a lot of shit advice that we thank is gold but given time and age comes wisdom ! So we should respect and learn from these seasoned men on tuscl that visit the promise land every day and can help lead us out of the desert and into the land flowing with milk and honey homey !
@sinclair and motorhead, I agree, I'm too young to be wasting my money in strip clubs, but something about a room full of half naked women really interests me :)
@juice, I agree with you, the older strip club veterans deserve much respect, they pave the way for us younger guys, but I just want the younger guys to have more of a presence. I know there's some young guys on tuscl like you, myself, GoVikings, TABB, Staxwell, Rell just to name a few.
Ran I do feel ya my man ! The stories and views of our generation is fun to read and to enjoy....we just have a lot of learning to do.......good thread by the way ! I'm suprised it didn't blow up....maybee by tomorrow it will : )
Ran.....also let's face it most younger guys are on pick up artist forums and get a lot of pussy by investing to themselves (cloths,books,props and so on) just to fuck pretty girls and from time to time I see these guys in the club trying to get that ass for free.....know I've trained deep in this shit and used and kinda still use some of the methods combined with the hobbiest mind set ( witch is an older mans came money money )......know for me I've made some investments early in life and have some money to play with.....and I do enjoy the hobbiest mind set way more....but if your looking for stories and ideas from our age then go look at some pick up artist trainning and forums.......but say with the hobby man its been good to me and its only getting better as I get older......pick up trainning has help me a lot in the hobby but most of these guys will bash you for it saying their is no game in this hobby and it is true in extra clubs.....but for non extra clubs it will take a lot more game and or money and if your short on the green then the game is what gets the pussy....but the game is our generational ideas the older tuscle members have a whole dif mind set....but thaats just a generational thang like sewrering in front of girls the older guys can't stand it and us younger guys just don't give a fuck.......pm me some times man I would love to share ideas of experimentation !
Ran....also keep in mind every generation knows about the hustler ! Some hate them and our generation praises them just like pimps,players,ballers and shot callers !.....me I love the husstle.....some times I could have $500 on me and I'm just trying to see how cheap can I get the hottest thang in her for......remember if you can't live without her she will take all your doe and if you could do without her you win and get that pussy for cheap ! And yes some times I lose and win its what makes the hustle so fun.....its like going to a fleamarket and negotating a good deal just for a good resale the next day.....for me its the whole club and girl experiance that pulls me in...not just one part its all of it........I hate to say it but I realy could see myself owning some clubs one day when I'm much older of course.....pm man and good luck from your friend in the hobby juice !
There is no barrier to younger guys posting on TUSCL or voting in elections. Some callow youth prefer to whine and not take action.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"but something about a room full of half naked women really interests me :)"

I think that interests many men regardless of age.

Also perhaps men of your age group might learn about Club decorum from your Elders. I've seen TOO many young twenty somethings behaving BADLY in Clubs. (57 yrs old - NW Ohio)
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
25, Richmond Virginia where the clubs suck. :(
Govikings don't feel to bad homy my clubs in north carolina r ok : (.......plus I plan on visiting some of those clubs just to see how pissy lol....pm me the best clubs ya got man.....I haven't dun home work on your areas yet....to bizzy studying south carolina lol and others
What motor said. Also, young guys don't usually have the money to be serious players in SCs anyway, so they have very little to contribute to the data base.
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
22, Phoenix Arizona. The club scene isn't that bad in the valley but at the same time it isn't great. I been noticing lately that I only go to club when i want to relaxing or not get that drunk and wake up the next morning with a fucked up stomach. I used to have the ability to go strip clubbing once a week early last year but since I got a 7200 pay cut! my finances only allow me to once every two weeks. I still make a good amount of money for my age anyways. I get from allot of dancer that I'm to young to be in the club, to cute to be in the club by yourself, where's you GF at and one dancer said you shouldn't even be here. The only thing I could say is that I'm enjoying and having fun in SC.
avatar for qweasdzxc
13 years ago
25 Milwaukee WI, might be young to most but cant help seeing naked ladies. Its a hobby I enjoy doing and its fun reading what the vets have to say. Its very informative and has taught me a lot.
Being 50, I'd also like to express my desire to see more younger folks on here. Hot, naked female younger folks.
@GoVikings, I believe Daddy's Girl said she'll back working in Richmond pretty soon, so maybe she'll liven up the Richmond clubs :)
@juice, you a cool dude
@TABB, I'm in the same boat as you, I make good money for someone my age. The girls tell me I'm too young and too cute to be in a strip club. The problem is I don't like nightclubs, because I don't like to dance. Bars are just boring to me, so that leaves me with strip clubs.
avatar for Moose42
13 years ago
I'm 26 and in Baltimore, where the clubs are awesome. I'm really not into the bar or club thing and a SC gives me what I want -- relatively cheep beer, good people to bullshit with, good looking naked chicks, and relatively good music. As far as the money thing goes, I may not be rolling in cash like my elders, but I've never met a stripper that will ask me to stop spending $200 a trip a few times a month.
Che is right mouse I've had a blast 4 hours in the club on $150
Also an unbeilevable 1hour for $60.....it can be done
motorhead: "23 year olds shouldn't be wasting their time and money in strip clubs."

What do you mean "wasting"? Time and money spent in strip clubs is never a waste. I was a serious and sober straight arrow when I was young, and now I don't know why I was so good. I have to hit the clubs 2 or 3 times a week to make up for lost time.
good fuckin point jack
avatar for Moose42
13 years ago
I wasn't trying to come across as a player by saying I drop a few bills when I go to the club; I responding more to the comments that young guys can't have a (monetary) factor in clubs. Money is money, whether is $1200 or $200. Yeah, I'm sure I could learn some things so I won't get sucked in to stripper bullshit. But I have rarely walked out of a club regretting my spend, whatever it may be.
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
@runukam- I get what your saying about the bar/club scene about not liking it. I was like that at first but recently it's gotten allot better and it all depends who you hangout with. If you go by yourself it does suck but if you go with your friends it is better not unless if your friends don't like that scene. The good thing about us young guys is 5 years from now we will still very younger then half of the patrons and in 10 years we will be 1/3 younger lol.
Sinclair described my situation.
a) In my 20s - I was busy chasing girls (back then I thought I could catch them - now I find it a lot easier when they come to me in a SC) and also hanging out with my multitude of friends - now most of my friends are married and we all have separate and busy lives.

b) In my 20s I was busy in school purusing a graduate degree and trying to get my feet under me - I was pretty focused and did not have the time and definitely not the $$$ - and oh yeah I was always "trying to do the right thing!"

avatar for Bishop4224
13 years ago
Recently turned 31 in Milwaukee. Most of the time I'm the youngest guy at the club and not to toot my horn, but due to $0 debt, smart investments, and a good paying job, I usually bring quite a bit to the club for hours of fun!
What do you mean "wasting"? Time and money spent in strip clubs is never a waste. I was a serious and sober straight arrow when I was young, and now I don't know why I was so good. I have to hit the clubs 2 or 3 times a week to make up for lost time.

I'm with you man. I was also a straight arrow in my 20s - started clubbing in my eary 30s - and didn't know what I was missing b/c I do love the SCs so much - they are the best antideppresant!
@sinclar: a + b + c are all correct

@juice: I'm not one of the elder statesmen on here, but you are absolutely correct that younger guys can learn from the masters.
avatar for Bishop4224
13 years ago
Qweasdzxc, what Milwaukee club is your fave? Silk, OTB, CH, other?
FWIW I was under 30 when I started it
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
60, Kansas City.

I went to my first club when I was 30 because before 1980 most clubs were dives. The girls were mostly fuglies and they would do anything for money. They usually didn't shave *down there*.

Just to be clear, 1980 was before the under-30 guys today were born.

Slowly, the clubs evolved into clean, well-lit, dens of visual pleasure. Today, the girls are usually not fuglies and they will do almost anything for more money than they used to want for the same thing.

I get the feeling that the younger guys today use strip clubs as a dating opportunity. I guess that's OK as long as you grow up at some point and find a mate who will be unconditionally at your side...then you can go back out a have a stripper on the side, lol.

Wise words from a geezer: strippers are not normal girls. Normal girls don't sell their bodies to the general public; they only sell it to you.
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
I'm with you ranu, 23 enjoying the same club as the legend himself. I split time between the strippers and civies, just enjoying all the lovin' I can while I'm single. I almost took the road taken, but I dodged that bullet. Judging by the way some of the guys here talk about marriage, I say it's a good thing I did.

I've learned plenty from the old heads here, and with a year of clubbing under my belt I've noticed a big difference in how I talk to women. The confidence boost I get from the SC carries over, and the crazy thing is I was already hella confident before I started clubbing, so now I feel like a rockstar when I approach girls.

I am taking a break from the scene until spring/summer to focus on other things though.
avatar for qweasdzxc
13 years ago
@bishop4224 my fav is probably Silk prbably bc ive gone there more than any other clubs and the dancers are fun to talk with. OTB is pretty good but havent gone there enough, and dont really like the tip walk and dances are little more expensive. CH use to be good but seems to be getting worse, not as buisy and girls dont look as good.
Stax you r so fuckin correct about strip clubs rolling over on civis ! I feel more like a gansta tho lol !
avatar for Bishop4224
13 years ago
@qweasdzxc yeah, I don't get the $35/song rate at OTB but seem to get more two way contact there. As I'm sure you're aware, but Silk has the tip walk, just worse at OTB because Silk doesn't let the girls do the tip walk around the tables, just the bar area and OTB is essentially all bar side seating.

Went to CH once about a year ago. Very disappointed about the contact as stage tipping isn't the same there as it is at Silk/OTB. Plus it took one full price, 1/2 song air dance from a dancer named Skylar to convince me not to return. Plus I went because of the drink special and free pizza. Pizza turns out to be the cheapest grocery store pizza under a heat lamp and the bartender hadn't a clue about the drink special til I showed him the text I got from CH.

Btw, if you're there at Silk before 7, check out Montana...a bit of an Amazonian (in the height department) but is very friendly, personable, and a good dance. She may be taller than you even with her heels on, but don't let it intimidate you.
Thanks for all the great feedback
Following on Founder's note, I was 17 when I started. I've been clubbing most of my life, and I started at a younger age than most here probably did. I won't claim to have doing it longer than others, but the age range over which I've done it seems likely to exceed most.
avatar for hotrod23
13 years ago
28, Seattle WA, clubs used to be better here...not so great now.
avatar for SnakePlissken
13 years ago
I'm 25, representing the US Navy, originally from the DC area. I don't go to clubs nearly as much as most of these older guys, but they're definitely a favorite pastime of mine.

I have to say, I like the old guys on here. When I first found this site I was working in private engineering whilst my application for the Navy was being processed, and I was surrounded by boring, suburban family men. The prospect of ending up like them scared the Hell out of me. Stuck with a fat wife you wouldn't even want to have sex with, even if she wanted to have sex more than once every Presidential term. Being subtly or not so subtly led by the leash of wife's nagging. Doing nothing but hanging out with other guys in the exact same position.

I knew that wasn't the life for me, which is why I liked this site and I thought it was so refreshing to find a group of men who had refused to go down the boring path of so many of their peers, and instead found a way to maintain a life of adventure and excitement with sexy, young women.

So for that, thank you to all the older guys here, and congratulations on the path you've chosen. At least one young guy thinks you all have done all right for yourselves.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I know of one wife who nags her husband to death or works him to death keeping him busy like crazy after he gets home from a demanding job. He has to ask for approval to spend $25. I'm thinking holy cow, he actually checks with his wife first before even spending only 25 bucks?

Then I know of another husband not so happily married who's wife has driven him to bankruptcy and runs up the doctors bills, credit card bills and drives around like crazy every day even though she has never worked hardly a day in her life. She's too lazy to even cook.

After seeing that, it looks pretty good to be single. Both guys probably make more money than me, I know the older one makes almost twice as much, yet they have far more money problems. Meanwhile I can go to strip clubs and blow a couple hundred if I want to and forget about it. Except for nice memories. :)
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