
Comments by chukko (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Need Advice on Getting Strippers to Approach Me More Often
    Also, I'm family cheap. I've only ever spent over $200 in a strip club on one occasion in my 10 years of SCing. Much thanks goes out to tuscl.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Need Advice on Getting Strippers to Approach Me More Often
    At the Harem. All dance prices in the normal lapdance area are negotiable by the girls. $200 can get you a long way. Typical lapdance prices are between 2 for 25 and 2 for 30. I had a dancer try to shark me for 2 for 40 and I laughed and said I want 2 for 20 (which I have gotten before). She rolled her eyes and walked off. Haha. The best that I've had at the Harem was 8 for $50 from a hottie. I use the approach that I talked about on several occasionions and with much less money than him and had dancers sitting with me and on me. I don't even think I come off as an "Alpha" as some call it. I just have a fun and light attitude. That usually gets me the most mileage. Girls in any environment like a low tension guy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: Should he bang her?
    Thanks for the advice. I'll pass on the wisdom.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Need Advice on Getting Strippers to Approach Me More Often
    Ultimately, I recommend that you go during the day. The Harem opens up at a 11am every day of the week except Sundays where they open up at 4pm.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Need Advice on Getting Strippers to Approach Me More Often
    Based on the fact that your last review was on May 29th and was about the Harem in Dayton, let's start there. The Harem in Dayton will get overcrowded at night with customers and will especially get overcrowded on weekends. If you are just waiting to be approach then that is the worst approach. For starts, make sure you stage tip girls you are interested in and preferably multiple times in the stage routine. If you want her to approach you after her stage show then don't just stand there as she dances in front of you on stage. Introduce yourself, tell her you find her attractive and ask her if you can buy her a drink. These are standard approach methods, but they play an important role. Tipping on stage makes you stand out in the sausage fest of guys and at least shows the girls that you have money and are not just there to sit around for a free show. Offering to buy her a drink is a positive offer for a dancer who has had a busy night. The last time I was at the Harem, dancer drinks didn't cost more than normal drinks. This will give the girl a chance to take a break and relax over a drink. It will also give you a chance to stand out at the bar and will show girls even more that you are paying customer and at a minimum will show that you are a prospect for drinks and possible relaxation. At the Harem, the best place to sit if you want to snag a dancer that you're interested in are the seats a long the back wall near the lapdance room. If you take the dancer that you bought the drink for back to the tables closest to the lapdance room then as dancers walk in and out, you can casual smile and make eye contact for a few seconds at them as they walk by and look away and back at the dancer that you are with. After, the girl is done drinking then head back for a couple lapdances. While you are getting lapdances from the dancer you are with, occasionally look around in a non creepy way and smile and make eye contact for a few seconds at some of the dancers as they wrap up their dances with their customers or when they are facing you while they are dancing with their customers, but make sure that you give your current dancer noticeable attention too. After your dance is done with the girl you are with then you should have a better image as a spender. Most girls who have regulars will stay close to their regulars, because they don't want to risk losing that regular to another dancer, but they'll also keep their options open to customers with potential to make them money. Also, a lot of regulars and their dancers have a mutual understanding that the girl has to circulate to make money. Dress for success. On a crowded weekend night at the Harem, it is all about building up a positive image and working the room at least initially and in much in the same, but opposite way that dancers do to customers. Joke, laugh, rinse and repeat.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Need Advice on Getting Strippers to Approach Me More Often
    Since someone is going to ask, I might as well be the one. Have you heard about "The System?"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stage show on skates.
    Oh how I wish!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: Should he bang her?
    No it's not me. Just an old buddy of mine.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Dress Sweatpants: Better than Liquid Lapdance / Alt to CIP...Best LDK
    I'd shell out for a pair of those. I'm a devote LDK practitioner.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Tuscl Mascot
    There would be no need for wording relating the shirt to the site, but the members would know what was up. The number on the back of the jersey could be 69.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lack of Eye Contact
    I do agree that I like a good ass grind, but it still helps set the mood if I at least get a gaze from time to time. I feel more connected that way.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How to get more millage
    If by mileage you mean extras then you should just outright ask before you go back with girl for dances. If by mileage you mean more 2-way contact then again just outright ask what she is cool with before you go back. Negotiate if you might want more than what was proposed.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Extras clubs
    Plausible deniability.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Ducking vs. Fucking / iPhones
    It's because Apple is full of a bunch of elitist, self-righteous, pricks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Shadowcat update
    I'm a little late too the party, but good luck on your recovery. I never met you, but you are without a doubt a legend and so I wish you well.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Gammanu95, Jacklash,juicebox69,shailynn
    Haha!!! Ok.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dancer beaten by cops while hand-cuffed.
    Strippers Lives Matter
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Playboy Mag
    Yeah. It was surreal to see Playboy mag at the checkout line.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where do strippers meet their wonderful boy friends?
    In line at the BMV.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The fleshlight , pussy toys for men
    I don't have flashlight, but another brand. It is feels great. Don't buy cheap and get one with a good texture and preferably suction action and it can be pretty amazing. Mine cost $20.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Science answers one of life's most important questions
    ^^^ To add on to londonguy's point. This is already understood and has been joked about and explained by comedians probably since the invention of the urinal. We don't need mathematicians wasting there time, effort, and years of education on this subject especially since more and more restrooms are adding dividers between urinals making the issue of privacy pointless. In short... who cares. Now if you want to know some really impressive math check out the below scene from Silicon Valley. https://youtu.be/a4pO1-R7tU8
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My ignore list.
    I've used it for the first time recently and now I'm addicted.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Set up Revenge Thread Pimp Prostitute PL Any other ideas on what this thread is about?...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Member Rankings
    Lol. I see now. These are hilarious.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    LDK and DS made the Glossary
    LDK has been in for several months.