
Lack of Eye Contact

Sunday, May 15, 2016 10:29 PM
Lately, I've been hitting the strip clubs more frequently than usual and I've noticed a lot of dancers avoiding eye contact during dances. I can buy them drinks before hand, exchange jokes, gazes, and laughs with them at the table before the lapdance and then suddenly when the dance begins, they get eye-shy. It completely lowers the quality of the dance. After strip clubbing for almost 10 years, I've felt my fair share of tits and ass and now-a-days they all feel the same with some variation here and there. The real x-factor for me, whether or not if there are extras, is if there is eye contact. Eye contact makes the girl and the dance 10 times hotter. Those are the dances that burn into my brain.


  • Stripperheels
    8 years ago
    Well u don't need eye contact during a lap dance ! For instance when I was in the strip club a few days ago this one dancer was just grinding me so hard like their was no tommorrow and her back was facing me and her face was opposite so it's pretty hard to have eye contact in that position . It all depends but eye contact does not mean she isn't into it
  • chukko
    8 years ago
    I do agree that I like a good ass grind, but it still helps set the mood if I at least get a gaze from time to time. I feel more connected that way.
  • Stripperheels
    8 years ago
    I got eye contacts sometimes but the dances I had with this other girl in New York a few days ago were sexy as hell too cause she wouid be grinding me with her face facing mine and she would grab me by the throat and choke me and stick her fingers in my mouth ! It was a very sexy lap dance prob the sexiest I had
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I know what you mean. When a girl doesn't make eye contact during a dance - I think she's just going through the motions. The lack of eye contact makes it seem more mechanical and less intimate. A good grind - with intense eye contact - can be great!
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Eye contact is nice because it adds to the fantasy. Strippers who avoid all eye contact in lap dances aren't really comfortable with the job and often won't last.
  • ididthisonce
    8 years ago
    They are "zoning out" on us and are obviously not interested in the seduction.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    I think that girls avoid eye contact because that may lead to kissing. I think that most clubs have clear rules for the dancers to not kiss the customers. The worst is a girl who has her back to me and while dancing is checking her phone and texting. Now, that is a clear sign she isn't into it.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I don't mind a lack of eye contact if dancers give me dick contact.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Someone posted a link from StripperWeb where all the dancers from that forum basically stated their minds were thinking about anything else except the person they were dancing for. The gist was "zoning out" tactics they use while dancing for pl's. A good reminder to not waste much time with these types of dancers.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @Cashman1234 @JohnSmith69 @ididthisonce @Timex345 @Meat72 You are all right.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    jack for the win - LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    As in any job; a lot of people just go thru the motions - as many people in many jobs, many people don't like their job and just grind thru it for the paycheck/$$$ - most women don't like being felt-up/groped by strangers so it stands to reason many dancers will just go thru the motions to just get thru it. I can understand it being hard for them pretending they are into us week after week custy after custy - I can see that getting old real quick - not to mention the shit many of them probably have to put up with from inconsiderate management and some a-hole custies. I guess eye -contact is nice - but I don't see it as a requirement nor do I expect it.
  • serrano
    8 years ago
    Lacking of eye contact is not good, and it matter very very much that the dancer gift this. The best dancer will look you at the best moments. The most favorite dancers who are very in-tune with needs of customer will look deep your eye when they sense a LDK is imminent, they will keep you company afterward for dancer cuddle, and whisper your ear many playful half-truth & half-lie like it is a special secret between you and her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Unless they are in-love w/ the person most women will not look into the person's eyes when being intimate - often times in porn scenes one will see the guy staring at the female intently and the female will either be looking elsewhere or have her eyes closed.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    @Stripperheels oh great, one of those masochist weirds that likes being in pain to enjoy sexual interaction. Didn't think that was really real. Glad I only met this one online.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    If she's not looking at you while giving you a dance you can gently encourage her by telling her "LOOK AT ME BITCH"
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Without eye contact I stop doing dances and let her go be bored with others.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Eye contact is something I seek out along with dick play and French kissing Once I find this combination I usually go broke
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