Comments by carmelcd
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11 years ago
Having lived and worked in Chicago, I get the traffic. What I don't get is you being a d-bag. You pay cover, eat, and get one drink. Then you nurse it for an hour and a half and don't tip a single girl. You call it playing good defense to only pay for a drink and cover. I call it being an super cheap asshole.
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11 years ago
Move on. Maybe I am just a cold hearted bastard, but horny is the deepest emotion I feel for dancers. It's their job. It's a game. This is how they make money. Keep your sanity treat them like condoms. Enjoy your time together but form no attachment. Two worlds--real world and clubs. Leave your heart and feelings outside the club or else you will just keep getting hurt.
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11 years ago
Something similar happened to me at a party where I didn't know anyone. This hot girl was grinding all over my thigh. Later this d-bag calls me out for bleeding. I almost got killed by her boyfriend who was all roided up. Oh no wait, that's a scene from Superbad...
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12 years ago
Experience is the best teacher. You will do and say really stupid things. You will make mistakes get mad and swear off ever going back, but you can also have some awesome experiences. My best advice be bold but don't be a dick. Timid doesn't get u shit in the club but remember you still have to live with yourself outside the club. Good luck.
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12 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
If I have to wait several weeks/months, and then it is horrible sex. One and done. Don't play games and don't waste my time. Don't wait and then say, Oral sex is too gross or I only do missionary. Bitch please!!!! STFU.
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12 years ago
Fuck Joe Biden
All nude private dance. Dancer, with her ass in my face bends over, a bloody anus about two inches from my mouth. I pushed her away and told she was bleeding from her ass; she said, her last private had paid extra for backdoor fs.
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12 years ago
From my personal experience day shift at Harem House. An extra $20 goes a long way insuring you get exactly what u want. Silk was a disappointment $100+tip for only stick shifting is very overpriced. Kokomo, one of the daddy bars, is your best bet still there are no sure things around here.
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12 years ago
University of Dayton should come repo her accounting degree. So she made a grand a night and is more than likely not taxed. But now she makes $39,000/year and gives up $10,000 in taxes or 25%. So she makes in a year what she used to make in 30 shifts. Let say she goes back to dancing once a week, she takes 4 weeks worth of vacation. 48k vs 30k. 1day a week vs 5 and you still make 60% more money.
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13 years ago
Being ignored but a very close second is the "want a private/vip" before my ass has even hit the seat. Let me sit down get a beer and see you on stage before you try to bleed me.
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13 years ago
Variety is the spice of life and life can be very bland without it. I worked as a shift mgr. in a very small SC 15 years ago. My first week was the greatest week of my life, but after seeing the same 4-5 girls naked everyday for 8-10 hours every day...Boring. I honestly don't know how some guys can get married and then never want to see another naked woman for the rest of their lives.
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14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
If I am braking balls, I will ask, "if I had $20 million bucks sitting right here and offered it to you for an hour of sex you would say no". If they say they wouldn't do it--then I know they are liars or morons or both. If they say yes for that amount they would do it--now we are in negotiations and simply trying to come to a price agreement.
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14 years ago
Maybe or maybe its the fact I used to live in LV and now live in a cornfield in the middle of BFE and have to drive 30+ minutes to get to any club. Plus that club may only have 2 or 3 grain fed soccer moms working on a Friday night....yeah I'm a little bitter.
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14 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
To be honest it depends on her. The hotter she is the more drama/crazy I will put up with. I draw the line at super uber crazy like the dancer who told me her neighbor's cat was a witch and was able to control her mind. She was debating whether to kill the cat in her microwave or move. God she was sooo hot but sooooooo crazy.
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14 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I don't know if it counts, but I spent $50 on dollar dances and drinks then dropped a hundred to head to the VIP for 20 minutes. Nothing happened in the vip room, the old bait and switch. Upon leaving the dancer roll fell out of her Crown Royal bag. I picked it up and made a hasty exit. I spent $150 but snagged her $600. I actually made $450. Strip Club Karma Gods are real.