strung out dancer ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
Go get it or stay away ?


last comment
avatar for TABB
14 years ago
Define strung out?
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I don't care for the "crazy's" no matter the reason.
avatar for JuiceBox69
14 years ago
Lol that good I meant major drug problem tabb! And clubber I like a little "crazy"
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Drug crazies are on my avoid list. Completely uninterested in screwing someone who's essentially unconscious.
avatar for TABB
14 years ago
Stay away, the biggest problem would be getting into the wrong crowd and being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
avatar for JuiceBox69
14 years ago
Ya I completly agree u could get the kool"aids" or the mr. Crabs u know the not so fun stuff like a pimp smacking the shit out of my not so preta face
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
If like getting whipsawed with erratic behavior, lying, and unexplained absences, just hang out with a drug addict. It will change your life.
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
It depends on the circumstances. If it's about deciding to getting a lap dance in a club, probably because some of the best dances I have had have been from drunk or stoned dancers. Some of the worst dances have also occurred with a drunk or stoned dancer. If it's seeing her outside of the club, then no way, never. With the right dancer you can have a good time while she is stable, but it can be a high wire balancing act choosing the right time. Too soon and she isn't feeling happy enough, too late and she is too stoned to be any fun. Eventually they burn out and get fired.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
It depends. Some girls work well high, some do not. I've never been high (yes that is the truth and proud of it) but I've seen girls who are. A little pot, they still give decent dances and stage shows. Heroin, and you have passed out on dressing room floor and a major problem.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
stay away from the drug useing strippers
avatar for carmelcd
14 years ago
To be honest it depends on her. The hotter she is the more drama/crazy I will put up with. I draw the line at super uber crazy like the dancer who told me her neighbor's cat was a witch and was able to control her mind. She was debating whether to kill the cat in her microwave or move. God she was sooo hot but sooooooo crazy.
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
When you specified, I assumed hard drugs. I have known some very sweet strippers who just smoked pot. None of them was strung out.

Another observation: there seems to be a higher incidence of bipolar disorder with strippers. This actually fits, because a stripping job would have the flexible schedule needed to handle those manic phases.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
Stay away man, nothing good can from it but issues and none of them you want to deal with.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
I agree about the distinction between LD and OTC. You don't have to invest much in LDs to see if you like the situation or not. My problem is that the smell of pot is a turn-off.
avatar for Ironcat
14 years ago
Yeah this might explain the behavior of one on my facorite dancers. A couple weeks ago I get several great dances from her after she had been drinking shots throughout her shift. After the dances she wants my cell # so I can text her. I give it to her and she calls my phone so that I now have her number. Two weeks later when I text her to see if she is working this weekend she sends a curt "no" and acts like I'm some kind of stalker. I'm thinking I like her better when she is drunk - not so much when she is sober. Of course I don't want one that is outta control drunk, but a little drunk or high is OK.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
A little toke or drink to relax is fine, getting so wasted you don't rememeber giving me head and offering rim is another thing entirely. The latter is something I do my best to avoid, when I can detect it. I'm not so arrogant as to think I can all the time, though.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I got conned once. I should have known better.She was a stripper at my favorite club and she was staying at the same hotel that I was. So I knew her and it seemed the perfect set up. Wrong! She came to my room for FS. For the first 30 minutes she crawled around on the floor trying to show me the bugs that she said were crawling all along the base boards. I had to work my ass off to get her on the bed and then had a bitch of a time getting rid of her.Having never been a drug user, I have no idea what she was fucked up on.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Strippers dont do drugs, no way
avatar for HonestT
14 years ago
I once had a wasted stripper blow chunks over my shoulder behind the chair. She ran for the bathroom immediately after. The good news was that this was near the end of a 2-4-1 LD, so I didn't have to pay. The bad news was the loss of erection and wet shoulder. Left the club.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
Shadowcat, if I am not mistaken, that is a symptom of heroin detox.
avatar for LeeH
14 years ago
Hell, I even avoid the overly-drunk dancers unless I know them well and know that they can hold their alcohol. C's short-term memory goes to hell when she's drunk, but otherwise she's a lot of fun.

A's an aggressive bitch when she's drunk. Rugby players get treated more gently than her customers.

L passed out on me in VIP. Thankfully, I hadn't paid her already.
avatar for kingcripple
13 years ago
strung out? STAY AWAY!!!! earlier this year a girl came up to me scratching her crotch and was high as a kite
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