Here is the Lindsey Lohan Playboy spread.

avatar for shadowcat
Love or hate her, you have to like her tits.


last comment
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
Nice link!

Man that Marilyn look is hot!
avatar for JerseyJack
13 years ago
Five years too late.
avatar for dv0564
13 years ago
pretty hot
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Airbrushing can make anyone look hot.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
doesn't look good, pictures are ok at best

plus she looks better with the red hair look, in my opinion
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
nice body, but face isn't what it used to be. Like Jack said, a few years too late. I'll agree with GV as well, I would rather have it more natural looking, red hair, more girl next door vibe.

OT... playboy has gone to 'plastic' the last few years. I like their product a lot more years ago when there was more emphasis of the girl next door type.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
What a waste of a perfectly good redhead.
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
Maybe it's me, but I've never seen it for Lindsay. Her freckly bod' doesn't really get me going and she's not even pretty. Plus, the fake breasts ruin any potential she might've had. It's a free country, so if others want to see her, more power to'em. But I'll just back slowly away from the magazine rack and avert my eyes.
avatar for clamheart
13 years ago
The years have clearly taken their toll. I'm surprised Playboy didn't do more to smooth out the cellulite and other signs of abuse, self or otherwise.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
@clamheart, I think they did all modern technology is capable of lol
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
Rod, those tits are authentic!

Clamheart, Hef actually made them do re-shoots because the first set looked so bad. Like samurai said, they did all they could.

A million dollars aint what it used to be.
avatar for Jackmd
13 years ago
Nice set of milk juggs
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
Agreed !!!
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Hmmm, I do like her tits, notwithstanding her stupidity/
avatar for Otto22
13 years ago
Thanks for the link. Saved me $5.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
No I don't!
avatar for Fenster
13 years ago
She apparently demanded $1 million, and got it, but for that price, more should have been required. Like FULL frontal, maybe more than a single theme, even a guest star for some light girl-girl stuff. (I wonder what her old girlfriend Sam Ronson would do with her for $1million?) Maybe for $2 million, they could have shot some stuff too naughty for Playboy, and Hef could sell it to Larry Flint later to make even more money.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
Didn't raise the flag for me. But thanks SC for posting it. As Otto22 said, saves money and takes care of any curiosity.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
She has nice tits. now if show would grow up
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Playboy does do a lot of airbrushing but I think she looks great. I'm not seeing any cellulite as an earlier poster noted. For the type of abuse she's put her body through, I think she looks good.
avatar for Fenster
13 years ago
Then again, maybe she's being smarter about it than Cindy Crawford was.

You may remember that Cindy did a PG-13 shoot for Hef, then, ten years later, did a PG-(uh,15?) shoot, with just barely featured a profile silhouette of a (use your imagination) landing strip.

What Cindy SHOULD have done was go back to Hef every year-and-a-half or so, and up the ante. She would have made an absolute mint, and maybe even gained co-ownership of the magazine.

First shoot: artsy, obscured boobs. Second shoot: full-on, nekkid boobs. Third shoot: less artsy, more slutty: lingerie, some on, some off. Ten years later, K.D. Lang could fulfill her fantasies, and fuck Cindy with an ice dildo. By the time Cindy’s in Hustler, she’s a billionaire, tag-teaming that year’s Superb Owl Champs. And their wives/girlfriends. (Let’s see the commissioner sue me for that.)

Had she worked it right, this would be The United States of Cindy.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
BTW, Hef is pissed that this got leaked to the internet before Dec 15th.
avatar for Fenster
13 years ago
Yeah - that's what he told me at dinner tonight ....
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
I would have rather seen Lindsey Lohan, not a Marilyn Monroe clone. Girl can't even pose nude without screwing it up these days. Poor thing.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
I dunno...I'm not sure the MM look was the best thing to do here. LL's butt is too small for her to look like a genuine sex symbol...don't get me wrong, I like that cute little butt, but...well, you know.

I don't recall if I had seen her naked boobs before...they are fuller than I thought they would be. I hope we see the puss next time.
avatar for 59
13 years ago
Good boobs but don't care for the MM look.
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
way too much airbrushing, but then who would want to see the real thing. thought she was supposed to show the whole enchilada but guess they felt her taco was too ugly. wouldn't fuck her but she can suck my dick anytime!!!
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Don't get it. Yeah, some nice boobs, but it's just another case of a child star gone bad.

There are millions of hot, unknown women I would rather see than this train-wreck of an individual.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
Never loved or hated her. Having seen the Marilyn Monroe rip-off, I now hate her. Thanks for clearing that up, shadowcat.
avatar for 2ofus
13 years ago
nice ass, considering. Didn't expect that.
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